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目的为进一步提高临床罕见的肿瘤样钙质沉着症的诊断正确率,探讨肿瘤样钙质沉着症的影像学表现和鉴别诊断。方法选取并分析7例术前经X线摄影、CT平扫、MRI+增强检查后,且经穿刺和/或外科手术后病理证实为肿瘤样钙质沉着症的临床资料及影像学表现。结果 7例均有慢性尿毒症、长期血液透析的病史,X线摄影及CT平扫表现为关节周围软组织内多发结节状、团块状高密度影,边界清晰,部分融合; MRI平扫显示为结节状、团块状长T_1低信号影,T_2WI表现混杂T_2信号影,病灶内部及边缘可见条索状高信号影; MRI增强扫描表现为条索状、网格状的轻-中度不均匀强化。结论肿瘤样钙质沉着症好发于慢性尿毒症、长期血液透析的患者,其影像学表现有一定特点,结合临床病史,有助于本病的诊断和鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

赵国庆 《西南军医》2011,13(2):225-227
目的探讨多层螺旋CT(multi-slice spiral CT,MSCT)重组技术在肿瘤样钙质沉着症诊断中的应用价值。方法经手术病理证实的肿瘤样钙质沉着症7例,男性3例,女性4例,年龄20~54岁,平均30.5岁7,例行X线,6例行轴位CT检查并全部行图像后处理,3例行MRI检查。分析肿瘤样钙质沉着症的各种影像学表现,并与病理对照。结果 7例肿瘤样钙质沉着症均表现为软组织内不规则致密钙化斑。7例中X线平片明确诊断4例(57.14%),CT横轴位图像结合后处理图像明确诊断7例(100.00%),MRI均未作出明确诊断(0.00%)。结论 MSCT重组技术对钙质沉着症的定位、定性具有重要的临床诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的:认识肿瘤样钙质沉着症X线及CT特征表现,提高影像诊断正确率。方法回顾分析1例双下肢肿瘤样钙质沉着症患者的X线、CT影像表现及临床资料,并复习相关文献。结果患者双髋关节、双膝关节周围及大腿肌群软组织内见“卵石样”、“桑葚状”大小不一分叶状、团块状钙化灶,病灶未累及相邻骨质及关节。结论肿瘤样钙质沉着症具有影像学特征表现,结合临床表现可对其作出准确的诊断。  相似文献   

目的 探讨滑膜肉瘤的影像学特征.方法 搜集经病理证实的滑膜肉瘤22例,所有病例均行X线检查,其中同时行CT检查者18例,行MR检查者20例,3种检查都进行者15例.分析其X线、CT及MRI表现,总结影像学特征.结果 22例滑膜肉瘤均临近关节,16例位置深在.X线及CT表现为略高密度软组织肿块,5例肿块内有钙化,7例邻近有骨质破坏.MRI T1WI呈略低信号,T2WI呈高信号,13例肿块内有坏死、囊变区,9例肿瘤内可见条形低信号间隔,增强后肿瘤10/13例呈显著且不均匀强化.结论 滑膜肉瘤具有一定的影像学特征,MRI是诊断滑膜肉瘤的首选方法.  相似文献   

骨恶性淋巴瘤的影像学诊断   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨骨恶性淋巴瘤影像学表现及诊断价值.方法:回顾性分析29例经手术病理证实的骨恶性淋巴瘤的临床和影像学资料,29例患者均行相应部位X线及CT检查,17例行MRI检查.结果:X线、CT表现为骨质破坏溶骨型6例,浸润型12例,骨质硬化型3例,混合型8例,包绕病骨生长并超越骨病变范围的软组织肿块14例,CT增强扫描呈中等均匀或不均匀强化;MRI表现为T2WI呈等或稍高信号12例,呈明显均匀或不均匀强化.结论:X线对骨恶性淋巴瘤的检查有重要作用,其象牙椎、椎体多骨多灶性破坏、长骨溶骨性破坏等对本病有重要诊断价值.CT对本病的骨质破坏、硬化反应、骨膜反应、软组织侵犯等观察优于X线.MRI相对特征影像学特点为骨膜反应轻、T2WI稍高信号、软组织肿块较大、增强扫描不均匀强化.MRI对淋巴瘤浸犯性破坏所致的早期骨质改变,以及发现骨髓的早期侵犯优于X线和CT.  相似文献   

目的 分析腱鞘巨细胞瘤(giant cell tumor of tendon sheath,GCTTS)的影像学表现以增加对该病的影像学认识,提高影像诊断的准确率.方法 收集2009年9月~2012年11月14例经手术病理组织证实的GCTTS患者X线、CT、MRI影像进行回顾性分析.其中14例行X线平片检查,6例行CT平扫检查,8例行MRI平扫及增强扫描.结果 X线平片显示局部稍高密度软组织肿块影,邻近骨质未见明显异常或轻度侵蚀破坏;CT表现为关节周围肌间隙内局限性软组织肿块,部分呈分叶状,明显跨关节生长,无明显钙化征象及骨膜反应;MRI表现为病灶在T1WI多呈较低信号,内可见条片状更低信号影,T2WI呈高低混杂信号,增强后强化明显,病灶与邻近肌腱关系密切,局部骨皮质可受侵.结论 腱鞘巨细胞瘤的影像学表现具有一定的特征性.  相似文献   

目的:探讨软骨肉瘤的影像学表现,提高对本病诊断的准确性.方法:回顾性分析25例经手术病理证实的 软骨肉瘤的X线、CT和MRI资料.结果:25例软骨肉瘤中原发23例,其中普通型20例,去分化型、黏液型及透明细胞型 各1例;继发2例.X线及CT表现:原发的23例中溶骨性骨破坏5例,混合性骨破坏18例,形成软组织肿块20例.其中 表现为低密度19例,等密度1例.20例普通型及1例黏液型见散在钙化.MRI表现:普通型软骨肉瘤T1 WI呈等或稍低 信号,T2WI呈等或稍高信号;黏液型T1WI呈等、低混杂信号,T2WI呈稍高、低的混杂信号,钙化T2WI呈低信号;透明细 胞型病例T2WI及T2WI呈近乎等信号;去分化型T1WI呈等低混杂信号,T2WI呈不均匀高信号.6例普通型及1例继 发型出现环形、间隔样中等一明显强化,黏液型及去分化型呈不均匀中等一明显强化.结论:普通X线及CT是软骨肉瘤影 像诊断及鉴别诊断的主要手段,MRI显示软骨信号为重要提示.MRI显示病变范围更为清楚、准确.为临床治疗提供可 靠依据.  相似文献   

目的:探讨颞下颌关节滑膜软骨瘤病的X线、C T、M RI征象,提高对本病的认识。方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的8例颞下颌关节滑膜软骨瘤病的X线、CT、MRI表现,8例患者均行普通X线和CT平扫检查,6例同时行MRI平扫检查,2例加做M RI增强扫描。结果8例均单侧发病,右侧6例、左侧2例。X线示颞下颌关节间隙增宽,关节周围多发结节状钙化影。C T平扫示关节周围软组织密度肿块伴多发钙化游离体。MRI平扫示关节腔内多发结节状长 T1、短T2信号,滑膜增厚并呈等 T1、等及稍长T 2信号,关节腔内积液。M RI增强示滑膜组织明显均匀强化,游离体呈边缘强化。结论颞下颌关节滑膜软骨瘤病有典型的影像学表现,总结其X线、C T、M RI表现可以为临床诊断及治疗提供一定帮助。  相似文献   

目的 探讨原始神经外胚层肿瘤 (PNET)的CT、MRI特征,提高对本病的认识.方法 回顾性分析经病理证实的17例PNET的CT、MRI表现.结果①中枢性PNET 4例,影像学上共同表现为幕上较大肿块,边界不清楚,内见囊变坏死区,密度或信号不均匀,囊变多位于周边部,未见钙化,瘤周水肿不明显.增强扫描实质部分不均匀强化.②外周性PNET 13例,软组织pPNET 11例,其中10例表现为较大软组织肿块,边界不清,密度不均匀,内可见囊变坏死区,未见钙化,增强扫描肿瘤实质不均匀强化;MRI T1WI为等、低混杂信号,T2WI为等、高混杂信号.10例中2例病变邻近骨见骨质破坏.椎管内软组织pNET 1例表现为椎管内髓外硬膜下肿块,T1WI为等信号,T2WI为高信号,增强扫描均匀强化,椎体及附件无骨质破坏.原发骨的pNET 2例,CT表现为明显骨质破坏和软组织肿块,未见骨膜反应、肿瘤骨和钙化;MRI T1WI为等信号,T2WI为高信号,增强扫描明显强化.所有病例免疫组化至少有一种神经元标记物阳性表达.结论 PNET缺乏典型的特异性影像学表现,但具有一定的影像学特点.CT和MR扫描能较好显示肿瘤的内部结构、明确肿瘤的范围,有助于本病的鉴别诊断以及手术评估.  相似文献   

目的 探讨膝关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎(PVNS)的影像学表现特征.方法 结合文献复习回顾性分析5例经手术(或关节镜)及病理证实的膝关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎的X线平片、CT及MRI等影像学表现.结果 X线平片仅能显示关节囊的肿胀,关节面下的骨侵蚀或骨缺损及其周围硬化;CT可以显示关节囊突向关节腔的软组织结节.MRI对显示关节滑膜增厚和关节积液尤其敏感,滑膜增厚及软组织结节在T1W1呈等低信号,T2W1等信号1例,低信号或稍高信号4例,4例在增厚的滑膜内见多发散在含铁血黄素沉着的长T1、短T2低信号影,增强后结节明显强化.结论 MRI明显优于X线平片及CT,有助于本病的诊断和鉴别诊断.  相似文献   

Tumoral calcinosis: radiologic-pathologic correlation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective Tumoral calcinosis is a frequently misdiagnosed disorder. This study details the radiologic and pathologic characteristics of tumoral calcinosis that distinguish it from most other entities.Design Radiologic and pathologic findings, and medical records of 12 patients with tumoral calcinosis were reviewed and compared with equivalent information about 5 patients with other calcified lesions.Patients The 12 patients ranged in age from 15 months to 62 years. Six had idiopathic tumoral calcinosis and 6 had secondary tumoral calcinosis.Results and conclusions A consistent radiologic finding for tumoral calcinosis was a dense calcified mass that was homogeneous except for a chicken wire pattern of lucencies, which correlated histologically with thin fibrous septae. Other characteristics of tumoral calcinosis included fluid-calcium levels, demonstrated in four patients, and smooth osseous erosions adjacent to the mass, demonstrated in three patients. Five cases of tumoral calcinosis were originally confused with other calcified lesions; however, the radiologic findings were characteristic of tumoral calcinosis in retrospect.  相似文献   

Two cases of idiopathic tumoral calcinosis presenting as an extradural mass are reported. There are few reports in the literature of this pathological process presenting as extradural masses, so both cases represent very unusual locations for tumoral calcinosis. Magnetic resonance imaging features and pathological correlation of these two cases are presented. Tumoral calcinosis might be considered as a rare but possible cause of extradural mass.  相似文献   

Massive tumoral calcinosis developed in a 29-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes and failed pancreas and kidney transplant on peritoneal dialysis. The patient had a symptomatic calcified, fluid-filled posterior thigh mass. After percutaneous drainage of 260 mL of milky fluid, she had rapid recurrence of the collection. She underwent catheter-based sclerotherapy first with 110 mL of povidone-iodine followed 2 days later by 40 mL of 3% sodium tetradecyl sulfate foam. At 5.5 months after the procedure, the patient remained asymptomatic, and computed tomography imaging showed complete resolution of the collection.  相似文献   

A 63-year-old female with biopsy proven tumoral calcinosis presented with progressive and recurrent swelling and tenderness of the right hip, thigh, elbow, and wrist. Both gallium and bone imaging demonstrated intense, congruent uptake in these areas. This is the third case of tumoral calcinosis with sarcoidosis documented in the literature. However, these are the first published bone and gallium scans in a patient with a history of sarcoidosis and tumoral calcinosis.  相似文献   

Imaging of tumoral calcinosis: new observations   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Martinez  S; Vogler  JB  d; Harrelson  JM; Lyles  KW 《Radiology》1990,174(1):215-222
Five patients with tumoral calcinosis were evaluated with radiography, bone scintigraphy, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The arthropathy of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease was seen in two of the patients and pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like syndrome in three. Identification of calcific particular masses on radiographs is characteristic of tumoral calcinosis. Marrow lesions could be identified as patchy areas of calcification (calcific myelitis) in long bones and the calvarium. Bone scintigraphy appears to be the best modality for detection of the masses and marrow lesions and for monitoring therapy. At CT the masses demonstrated a varied appearance, from small and solid to large and cystic. The marrow abnormality appears as an area of increased attenuation and spotty calcification that in the skull may be associated with dural and vascular calcifications. MR imaging of the particular masses was remarkable in that the masses displayed high signal intensity on T2-weighted images despite a large calcific component. Marrow lesions also showed increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images. When calcified particular masses are present the diagnosis is rarely in question. The diagnosis may be overlooked, however, when calcific myelitis is the only manifestation.  相似文献   

Two siblings with histologically and radiologically proven tumoral calcinosis presented with cerebral and peripheral aneurysms. The brother died of a ruptured subclavian artery aneurysm after surgical repair of brachial, iliofemoral and coeliac axis aneurysms. Magnetic resonance and catheter angiography in the sister demonstrated marked carotid dysplasia and a left ophthalmic segment aneurysm, not amenable to treatment. We believe this is the first reported case of familial aneurysms in association with tumoral calcinosis. Received: 19 April 1998 Accepted: 6 October 1998  相似文献   

Tumoral calcinosis is an uncommon disorder and characterized by development of calcified masses within the soft tissues near the large joints. We present a recurrent tumoral calcinosis case with radiographic and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings.  相似文献   

We present a case of extensive tumoral calcinosis in a 42-year-old female with end-stage renal disease and secondary hyperparathyroidism on peritoneal dialysis. Periarticular calcified masses demonstrating fluid-calcium levels on computed tomography and containing chalky amorphous calcified material in the absence of neoplastic cells are the salient features of tumoral calcinosis. Although renal failure is the most common cause of secondary tumoral calcinosis, there are few reported cases of this condition occurring in patients on peritoneal dialysis. This case is also unusual due to the widespread and bulky nature of the disease with involvement of the neck and its quick onset and progression.  相似文献   

原发性肝癌肝动脉化疗碘油栓塞后的MRI诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究MRI检查技术,尤其是FSET2WI和多时相快速动态增强扫描评价原发性肝癌动脉化疗碘油栓塞后(TACE)的影像学表现,探讨其临床应用价值。方法收集2000年9月至2004年7月肝癌病例30例(共37个病灶),于TACE后2~6个月行GE1.5TMRI检查,并于MRI检查后2~6d行DSA检查。研究肝癌TACE后肿瘤的坏死或存活的MRI信号特点,以及MRI和DSA在显示肿瘤存活结果的符合情况。结果37个肝癌TACE术后病灶中,MRI明确判断21个病灶有肿瘤残存,16个病灶凝固坏死明显。MRI判断病灶残存的敏感性为91.3%,特异性100%,准确性94.6%。与DSA相比无明显统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论FSET2WI和多时相快速动态增强扫描序列相结合,同时观察病灶周围的完整与否,可以准确地判断肝癌TACE后肿瘤的坏死或残存。作为一种无创伤性检查。可以作为评价肝癌TACE术后疗效的首选检查。  相似文献   

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