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北京市三级甲等综合医院护士工作满意度影响因素的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
目的了解北京市三级甲等综合医院护士工作满意度的影响因素,为提高我国护士工作满意度,稳定护理队伍提供科学的依据和建议。方法随机抽取北京市4家三级甲等综合医院的1400名护士作为测量对象,工作满意度现状采用MMSS量表进行调查,影响因素采用工作诊断调查表、护理工作相关环境调查表、自行设计的一般资料调查表和医院组织因素调查表分别进行测量。以护士工作满意度平均得分为因变量,工作特征、工作环境、个体差异和病区组织各因素为自变量,建立多元回归模型。结果工作特征因素包括工作自主性和他人反馈;工作相关环境因素包括护士参与医院事务、护理管理者的能力和对护理工作的支持、充足的人力和物力、医护合作;组织因素包括病区转入患者数与床位数比值、床位使用率;一般资料中包括有无子女、班次、学历、科室和人格与工作的匹配13个变量进入回归模型,解释护士工作满意度总变异的56.2%。结论工作自主性、他人反馈、护士参与医院事务、护理管理者的能力和对护理工作的支持、充足的人力和物力、医护合作、病区转入患者数、床位使用率、有无子女、班次、学历、科室和人格与工作的匹配是护士工作满意度的影响因素。  相似文献   

GURKOVÁ E., ?ÁP J., ?IAKOVÁ K. & ?URI?KOVÁ M. (2011) Job satisfaction and emotional subjective well‐being among Slovak nurses. International Nursing Review 59 , 94–100 Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate job satisfaction and emotional subjective well‐being and the correlations between these two constructs among Slovak nurses. Design: A cross‐sectional survey was used to investigate this relationship among nurses (n = 104) working in seven public hospitals in Slovakia. Methods: Data were collected using a set of questionnaires that included the questionnaire to measure job satisfaction, the Positive Affect Scale, the Negative Affect Scale and a demographics form. Findings: Findings of this study confirmed some general satisfying and dissatisfying elements for the nursing profession across different clinical specialties and different cultures. The results also indicate that there is a positive correlation between positive emotions and job satisfaction of Slovak nurses. Conclusion: The paper has drawn attention to the job satisfaction and emotional well‐being among nurses. Further studies in this field, extended to different countries, work settings and nursing specialties, may help to improve subjective well‐being of nurses. Study limitations: Participants came from a limited number of hospitals in Slovakia. A larger sample from different hospitals in Slovakia could have enhanced the generalizability of the results and increased the power of the study to detect significant differences and associations.  相似文献   



The present study seeks to answer the following two questions: Are nurse educators satisfied with their job? What are the factors affecting job satisfaction in nurse educators?


Nurse educators' job satisfaction has a significant role in the efficiency and performance of nursing schools. Identifying the factors affecting job satisfaction in nurse educators is essential to improving their quality of work and ultimately training efficient students and nurses.


The present systematic review searched databases including PubMed, Medline, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, ProQuest, Google Scholar and SID for articles published up to April 24, 2018, using keywords including Nurse Teachers, Nurse Faculty, Academic Nurses, Nurse Educators, Dis/Satisfaction, Work, Career, Professional, Practice and Job. Of the total of 971 articles extracted, only 74 remained for the final analysis after the qualitative assessment.

Key issue

The articles included in the analysis investigated the relationship between job satisfaction and its contributing factors rather than providing an accurate report on job satisfaction. Nonetheless, a number of the articles had reported fairly to very favorable levels of job satisfaction. The factors affecting nurse educators' job satisfaction were categorized into six levels, including personal, organizational, managerial, academic, professional and economic levels.


Although job satisfaction was reported relatively well in the nurse educators, this condition depends on several indices. The lack of positive steps toward job satisfaction in nurse educators leads to destructive behaviors and turnover intentions; meanwhile, it is satisfied educators who can train competent nurses.  相似文献   

Job satisfaction among nurses: a literature review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The current nursing shortage and high turnover is of great concern in many countries because of its impact upon the efficiency and effectiveness of any health-care delivery system. Recruitment and retention of nurses are persistent problems associated with job satisfaction. This paper analyses the growing literature relating to job satisfaction among nurses and concludes that more research is required to understand the relative importance of the many identified factors to job satisfaction. It is argued that the absence of a robust causal model incorporating organizational, professional and personal variables is undermining the development of interventions to improve nurse retention.  相似文献   

Purpose: Of western states, Nevada has experienced the greatest population growth and healthcare provider shortage, yet regulations remain restrictive and there are scarce published research data for nurse practitioner (NP) characteristics and none for job satisfaction. We viewed job satisfaction as reflective of professional self-care based on Herzberg's job satisfaction theory and Orem's self-care nursing theory.
Data sources: Surveys were mailed to 512 advanced practice nurses; only NPs were asked to respond.
Conclusions: The eligible NP sample was 315, or 61.5% of the total advanced nursing population. The sample was racially diverse, with a high male population. Job satisfaction was just over midway between "minimally satisfied" to "satisfied," with the highest satisfaction in "challenge/autonomy" and the lowest in "professional growth." Income was positively correlated with satisfaction for northern NPs earning less income and working fewer hours; bonuses were positively correlated for all. Those interested in higher education (e.g., doctorate) were younger, less experienced, part-time, professional members, and urban (south).
Implications for practice: Findings provide insight for maximizing professional self-care, particularly in areas of professional growth. Job satisfaction data assist leaders in maximizing the role for improving patient access to care, particularly in states with restrictive regulations.  相似文献   

天津市某三级综合医院护士工作满意度调查影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查护士工作满意度的现状,并分析其影响因素,从而为临床护士工作满意度的改进措施提供参考依据。方法:以现况研究的方法,使用卡劳斯克与米勒满意度量表(MMSS)为研究工具,对天津市某三级综合医院306名护士进行调查。结果:共回收有效问卷294份,有效回收率为96.08%。护士工作满意度总体平均得分为(3.41±0.88),八个维度工作满意度从高到低依次为同事间关系(4.13±0.755)、工作中被称赞或认可(3.75±0.733)、工作自主性与责任性的平衡(3.49±0.696)、排班(3.41±0.881)、专业发展机会(3.37±0.780)、社会或专业交流机会(3.22±0.824)、工作与家庭的平衡(2.94±0.960)、外部回报(2.79±0.929)。其中不同科室、职务、层级护士工作满意度比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:临床护士工作满意度处于中等水平,科室、职务和层级是护士工作满意度的影响因素。可通过优化层级化管理、调整临床护士薪酬、为临床护士提供专业发展的机会与平台、注重提高低职务临床护士的工作满意度等方式改善临床护士工作满意度,提高临床护理质量。  相似文献   

目的调查泉州市ICU护士工作满意度现状及其影响因素。方法对泉州市12所医院的168名ICU护士进行了问卷调查。结果工作满意度总分(66.17±8.63)分,不同职称、月夜班次数及年龄的护士工作满意度比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论护士的工作满意度有待于进一步提高,医院管理者应在改善护士的工作环境、发展机会、薪酬及对护士政策落实的执行力上不断加强。  相似文献   

目的 探讨手术室护士间团结度对其工作满意度的影响。 方法 采用便利抽样法抽取温州市3所三级甲等医院的手术室护士268名进行问卷调查,了解手术室护士间团结度和工作满意度的现状,并探讨两者之间的关系。 结果 手术室护士工作满意度总分为(56.0±14.0)分,手术室护士间团结度与其工作满意度呈正相关,回归分析显示,控制人口学变量之后,情感团结、学术团结共可以解释工作满意度的30.1%。 结论 临床管理者应根据手术室护士团结度中的不足之处,制订针对性的干预措施,增进手术室护士的工作满意度。  相似文献   

兰美娟  赵锐祎  杨颖 《护士进修杂志》2007,22(24):2214-2216
目的探讨临床护士不同程度的延时下班对日周性疲劳及工作满意度的影响,为科学合理配置人力提供依据。方法通过整群抽样,调查了浙江省杭州市3所三等甲级医院479名临床护士的延时下班程度、日周性作业疲劳程度、护士工作满意度。结果工作前,各组疲劳度与工作满意度差异均无意义(P>0.05);一个工作日结束时,两两比较得出:按时下班组(编号1组)与延时下班<1 h组(编号2组),疲劳度与工作满意度差异均无意义(P>0.05);延时下班1~2 h组(编号3组)与第1、2组比较,疲劳度与工作满意度差异均有显著性意义(P<0.01);延时下班>2 h组(编号4组)与第1、2组比较,疲劳度与工作满意度差异均有显著性意义(P<0.01),与第3组比较,疲劳度与工作满意度差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论延时下班不足1 h,对护士日周性疲劳度与工作满意度影响不明显;延时下班1 h以上,则显著影响日周性疲劳度与工作满意度。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The widespread nursing shortage is of concern in Mainland China and globally. Factors underpinning the increased mobility of the nursing workforce and their contribution to nurses' turnover thus merit attention. Understanding nurses' job satisfaction is important, as this is a key factor in nurses' turnover. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to explore nurses' views and experience regarding different components of their working lives in Mainland China. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey design was selected and 512 nurses working in the medical and surgical departments in two teaching hospitals in Beijing completed questionnaires yielding a response rate of 81%. RESULTS: More than half of nurses (53.7%; n=275) were satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs and 15% (n=77) felt moderate to extreme occupational stress. The majority of the sample reported a high level of organizational commitment (63.7%; n=326) and professional commitment (85.9%; n=440) and only 5.9% (n=30) and 10.0% (n=51), respectively reported role conflict and role ambiguity often or very often. Nurses with a diploma or associate degree reported greater professional commitment and a lower level of role conflict than those with a bachelor degree (p<0.05), but there were no significant differences in job satisfaction, organizational commitment, occupational stress and role ambiguity by educational programme (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Hospital nurses' positive feelings regarding their working lives may be influenced by developments in the health care system and the nursing profession in Mainland China. Nurses' educational level is an influencing factor on nurses' views and experiences of their working lives with the findings suggesting the need to develop a clinical career ladder for nursing staff in Mainland China.  相似文献   

AL‐DOSSARY R., VAIL J. & MACFARLANE F. (2012) Job satisfaction of nurses in a Saudi Arabian university teaching hospital: a cross‐sectional study. International Nursing Review 59 , 424–430 Background: Saudi Arabia is developing very fast in all disciplines, especially in nursing and health. Only about five studies between 1990 and 2010 have been undertaken in Saudi Arabia concerning factors influencing job satisfaction of nurses, although a body of knowledge exists globally. Aim: The purpose of this research was to measure nurses' job satisfaction in Saudi Arabia in a university teaching hospital and to determine the influencing factors. Methods: A quantitative, cross sectional method, self‐administered questionnaire was used for this study. A systematic sample of N = 189 nurses was used to collect data. The SPSS version 16.0. was used to analyze the data. An independent t‐test and one‐way analysis of variance were used to test hypotheses concerning different groups, and correlation tests (the Pearson's and Spearman's rank tests) were used to examine relationships between variables. Results: Overall, nurses were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their jobs. However, nurses indicated satisfaction with supervision, co‐workers and nature of work. The sources of dissatisfaction were with subscales such as pay, fringe benefits, contingent rewards and operating conditions. Conclusion: These findings indicate that there is a need to increase nurses' salaries and bonuses for extra duties. More training programmes and further education also should be encouraged for all nurses. Therefore, it is imperative that nursing managers and policy makers in Saudi Arabia consider these findings to improve nurses' job satisfaction.  相似文献   

目的 探讨产科护士共情能力对工作满意度的影响.方法 采用方便取样法抽取426名产科护士,应用一般资料问卷、人际反应指针量表(IRI-C)、明尼苏达满意度量表(MSQ)进行调查.结果 产科护士共情能力均分为(54.99±0.42)分,满意度均分为(66.68:±0.52)分;产科护士共情能力与工作满意度存在正相关;共情能力中观点取代对工作满意度的影响最大.结论 产科护士共情能力与工作满意度均处于中等水平;提高产科护士共情能力,能更好地提升其工作满意度.  相似文献   

BATTISTELLI A., PORTOGHESE I., GALLETTA M. & POHL S. (2013) Beyond the tradition: test of an integrative conceptual model on nurse turnover. International Nursing Review 60 , 103–111 Aim: This paper aimed to extend research on nurse turnover by developing and testing a theoretical model of turnover intention that includes two emergent key off‐the‐job constructs, work–family conflict (WFC) and community embeddedness (CE). Background: Nurse turnover is considered one of the most significant issues in health care. There is a considerable body of knowledge that has focused on the study of the on‐the‐job factors of nurse turnover, showing the important role of job attitudes. Recently, WFC and job embeddedness (JE) have been identified as variables that could help explain levels of nurse turnover. Methods: Using structural equation modelling from a cross‐sectional survey, the relationships between the variables were explored in a sample of 440 nurses from an Italian public hospital. The questionnaire measures demographic data and psychosocial factors such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, WFC, CE and turnover intentions. Results: The findings supported the importance of non‐work dimensions in turnover models. Conclusions: The results suggest that when studying turnover phenomena in health organizations, the extra‐work domains (WFC and JE) can contribute to a decrease in the intention to leave, in addition to the more typically emphasized attitude dimension.  相似文献   

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