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Mental disorders make up close to one-third of the global burden of disease experienced during adolescence. Schools can play an important role in the promotion of positive mental health as well as an integral role in the pathways into mental health care for adolescents. In order for schools to effectively address the mental health problems of their students, educators must improve their mental health literacy. The current study examines the impact of an educator training programme designed to support educators in the delivery of a high school mental health curriculum within their classrooms, such as health class. Specifically, a paired-samples t test was used to examine the change in educators' knowledge and attitudes regarding mental health following their participation in this educator training. Eighty-three educators participated in the training, and survey data from 79 were included in the final analysis. Structured feedback on the training was obtained. Significant increases in both knowledge and attitudes scores were demonstrated. The training sessions were highly rated. Findings from this report demonstrate the potential value of mental health literacy training to improve the mental health knowledge and attitudes of educators. Improved educator knowledge and attitudes may be necessary in order for schools to provide effective mental health promotion and prevention programming.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, French public mental health services are organised in “sectors”, each sector catering for a mean population of 54,000 inhabitants. Although this organisation was aimed at insuring equal access to care whatever the place of residence, there are still huge disparities in number of staff and bed resources from one sector to another. The reduction in the number of hospital beds started later in France than in most other European countries, and was really effective in the 1990s. In 2000, there were 9.4 beds for 10,000 inhabitants aged over 20 years. Hospital-based care has still an overwhelming importance, and is associated with a marked under-development of community services and lack of sheltered housing for the most disabled patients. With more than 13,000 registered psychiatrists in France, the density of psychiatrists is one of the highest in the world. However, French psychiatry has currently to face a structural crisis due to the reduction in public health budgets, as well as to the reduction of 30% in the number of French psychiatrists over the next two decades. The numerous national programmes aimed at renovating French mental health services, published over the last decade, have not yet kept their promises.  相似文献   

By means of a computerised psychiatric case register, the effects on a defined population with 71,371 inhabitants were studied when the mainly hospital-based psychiatric services in the area were changed to community mental health units with substantial outpatient resources. Diagnostic, social and demographic variables and care utilisation rates were compared. A 29% increase in patients under the new system was observed. Most of the newcomers had acute crisis reactions, were younger, on average, than previous patients and registered alcohol abuse and somatic diseases. Outpatient utilisation increased (170%) and hospital admissions decreased (22%). Compulsory admissions increased (43%), as did sick-leave registrations (21%). These trends are discussed in light of the new organization.  相似文献   

The concept of “race” and consequently of racism is not a recent phenomenon, although it had profound effects on the lives of populations over the last several hundred years. Using slaves and indentured labor from racial groups designated to be “the others,” who was seen as inferior and thus did not deserve privileges, and who were often deprived of the right to life and basic needs as well as freedoms. Thus, creation of “the other” on the basis of physical characteristics and dehumanizing them became more prominent. Racism is significantly related to poor health, including mental health. The impact of racism in psychiatric research and clinical practice is not sufficiently investigated. Findings clearly show that the concept of “race” is genetically incorrect. Therefore, the implicit racism that underlies many established “scientific” paradigms need be changed. Furthermore, to overcome the internalized, interpersonal, and institutional racism, the impact of racism on health and on mental health must be an integral part of educational curricula, from undergraduate levels through continuing professional development, clinical work, and research. In awareness of the consequences of racism at all levels (micro, meso, and macro), recommendations for clinicians, policymakers, and researchers are worked out.  相似文献   

Abstract Background There is intense political interest in retaining older workers in the workforce, to fund lengthening retirements. While health is important in early exit from work, the health of early retirees has been little studied. Objective The aim of this study was to compare the health status of economically active 50- to 64-year-olds with economically inactive former workers (termed early retirees). Methods A total of 1,875 respondents to the 2000 Psychiatric Morbidity Survey of Great Britain were included in the analysis. Current common mental (neurotic) disorder presence was based on the revised Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS-R). Results Results In all, 71.2% of men and 66.4% of women early retirees reported having a long-standing illness. Of early retired men, 22.2% have a common mental disorder compared to 8.2% of those still in work (p value of difference <0.001). In contrast, the respective figures for women were 18.2% and 16.9%. In fully adjusted regression models for men, early retirees were more likely to have generalised anxiety disorders (OR 3.1: 95% CI: 1.2–7.8) and depressive disorders (OR 4.3: 95% CI: 1.7–11.0). Conclusion There is a substantial burden of specific mental health disorders in early retiree men. Understanding the mechanisms of this excess of mental disorders in early retiree men may be a prerequisite to increasing the numbers seeking or staying in work up to age 65.  相似文献   

Research evidence suggests that the prevalence of mental health conditions in Canada has increased while a considerable percentage of people with a mental health issue do not seek professional mental health services. Weighted logistic regression models were used to determine whether age, sex, income, and education predict the self-reported mental health status of Canadians and their odds of utilizing mental health services. This study found clear disparities in reporting mental health and utilization of mental health services. Young adults (aged 25 to 44) have 1.4 times (95% CI: 1.3 to 1.6 times) higher odds of reporting poorer mental health status than seniors (aged 65 or older). Females are 2.7 times (95% CI: 2.3 to 3.1 times) more likely to utilize mental services than males. The lowest income group (<$15,000) has 2.2 times (95% CI: 1.9 to 2.4 times) higher odds of rating poorer mental health status than the highest income group (>$80,000). The least educated group (<high school education) has 1.5 times (95% CI: 1.3 to 1.6 times) higher odds of reporting poorer mental health status than the highest educated group (post-secondary education). However, the highest educated group is 1.6 times (95% CI: 1.3 to 2.0 times) more likely to utilize mental health services than the least educated group. Even in a country that has a universal health insurance system such as Canada, disparities and inequities associated with mental health burden and health care utilization persist, specifically among groups with lower education, lower income, and males.  相似文献   

Objective The objectives of the study are (1) to assess the mental health literacy of mental health professionals, (2) to determine whether there is agreement between different professional groups with respect to different psychopathological conditions and (3) to compare the professionals' knowledge with that of the general population. Methods Two representative samples of mental health professionals and laypersons were presented with a vignette depicting either a person with schizophrenia, major depression or without any psychiatric symptoms (‘non-case’). Out of 18 treatment proposals, the respondents were asked to indicate the proposals regarded as helpful and those considered as being harmful, respectively, for the person depicted. Results Mental health professionals view their profession and less often their treatment methods as helpful. Dealing with the situation alone, electroconvulsive therapy, hypnotics and sedatives are consistently regarded as harmful. For the individual with schizophrenia, mental health professionals agree about helpful treatments. Regarding depression, a lack of consensus is found about treatment proposals such as psychiatric hospitalisation, antidepressants and complementary and alternative medicine. An important part of mental health professionals suggests medical help (psychologists and general practitioners) for the non-case vignette. Fewer nurses, social workers, vocational workers and occupational therapists (‘other therapists’) as compared to psychiatrists and psychologists recommend standard treatment methods. Professionals and the general population significantly differ in their attitudes towards the treatment suggestions, especially regarding medication and alternative medicine. Conclusions To improve the treatment of mental disorders, various strategies must be considered. These include permanent education of all mental health professionals, especially nurses and other therapists. A special focus must be given to affective disorders and a potential (over-) treatment of normal behaviour.  相似文献   

Many key organizations have called attention to the importance of addressing workplace mental health. In this Open Forum piece, two academic psychiatrists present recommendations from their experiences providing psychiatric care in a corporate setting. A literature review using the PubMed database was performed. The search found no peer review articles that discuss the topic of employer-sponsored mental health services outside of traditional employee assistant programs. Based on first-hand experience, the authors of this forum describe key issues and best practices to ensure employer-sponsored mental health services are a successful treatment for patients and mental health providers alike.  相似文献   

After legislative changes in 1978, Italian psychiatry underwent a thorough overhaul, with the gradual closure of all Mental Hospitals. A nation-wide network of Departments of Mental Health now deliver outpatient and inpatient care, but also run semi-residential and residential facilities (the latter with 2.9 beds per 10,000 inhabitants). Hospital care is delivered through small psychiatric units (with no more than 15 beds). There are also many private inpatient facilities operating in Italy, and the number of private inpatient beds per 10,000 inhabitants exceeds the number of public beds; overall there are 1.7 acute beds per 10,000 inhabitants—one of Europe’s currently lowest numbers. There is marked quanti- and qualitative variation in the provision of out- and inpatient care throughout the country, and service utilization patterns are similarly uneven. Studies examining quality of life report a fairly high degree of patient satisfaction, whereas patients’ families frequently bear a heavy burden. In conclusion, the Italian reform law led to the establishment of a broad network of facilities to meet diverse care needs. Further efforts are required to improve quality of care and to develop a more effectively integrated system. Greater attention must be paid to topics such as quality of care and outcomes, public and private sector balance, and the coordination of various resources and agencies.  相似文献   

Objectives. To examine, using the published literature and local service experience, the contributions that carers can make to the development and evaluation of specialist mental health services for the elderly. Methods. MEDLINE search for relevant papers about carers and the elderly, especially with mental disorders; review of recent experience of service planning, implementation and evaluation in the Cambridge area. Results. Increased emphasis on the role of carers in recent literature, extending into acknowledgement of the carer perspective in official publications; few papers on the role of carers specifically in evaluating services, with only one study looking solely at an old age psychiatry service. Conclusions. There is considerable scope for involving carers in the development and evaluation of services, though there are also some potential concerns, not least that carers and users may have different perspectives. These issues are discussed, along with possible future developments, such as the need for a standardized assessment of carer satisfaction. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Health promotion programmes for patients with severe mental illness (HPP) are not uniformly evaluated. We discuss the evaluation of HPP in theory and practice, as a prerequisite for future uniform evaluation. We explored the expected outcome and mechanism of HPP in the current literature. Based on this theoretical exploration we selected measures assessing the expected outcome and mechanism in current practice. The individual properties of these measures were described. Based on our theoretical exploration the outcome of HPP can be expressed in several aspects of health. Health can be improved through several mechanisms. In the current evaluation of HPP only some of the expected outcomes were evaluated. The measures used for evaluation were not all representative for the constructs they should assess. Important aspects of HPP are currently not evaluated, based on a comparison between our theoretical exploration of expected outcome and mechanism and current practice. Additionally, not all measures in use are suitable for evaluation of HPP. Therefore, development and identification of suitable measures is necessary. Our framework offers valuable directions for the development of such measures and the future evaluation of HPP. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


With the concept of resilience increasingly deployed across a range of issues in development studies—from conflict resilience to climate resilience—this paper considers the relevance of resilience concepts to current issues and concerns in global mental health. Resilience discourses can be seen as one response to the need for more holistic accounts of mental health that focus, not only on stressors and risk factors for mental ill health, but also recognize the sometimes overlooked capacities of people and communities to manage and coproduce their own mental wellbeing. For example, migration forms the backdrop to global mental health for a significant proportion of the world’s populace. And yet, thus far, most literature on migrant mental health has tended to focus on risk factors and stressors with comparatively little consideration given to potential sources or resources for positive mental health and coping with adversity. Nevertheless, while concepts of “resilience” are increasingly advocated in development studies and global mental health contexts, such concepts also have their critics. For example, resilience rhetorics can “depoliticize” by appearing to normalize otherwise unacceptable circumstances which might—from post-development and other alternative critical perspectives—be viewed as politically constituted through-and-through.  相似文献   

Background In the aftermath of apartheid, South Africa has inherited a fragmented, under-resourced and inequitable public sector mental health service. Attempts are being made to reform mental health services, in keeping with new health policy, which proposes the downscaling of psychiatric institutions and the development of community-based services. This study set out to develop a set of service norms for the care of people with severe psychiatric conditions (SPC) in South Africa, to assist the implementation of the new policy. Methods A national situation analysis of current public sector mental health services was conducted. A model was developed for estimating the mental health service resource needs of people with SPC. Following consultation with provincial stakeholders, a set of service norms were developed taking into account national indicators from the situation analysis (as a baseline level) and proposals of the model (as a target level). Results The study recommends an increase in the number of acute psychiatric beds in general hospitals; development of community-based residential care; redistribution of staff from hospital to community services, particularly in rural areas; and the development of information systems to monitor the transitions to community-based care. Conclusions The norms proposals presented in this study express mental health service needs in terms of quantifiable service resource and utilisation levels. In doing so, the study attempts to make explicit the assumptions and values on which planning is based.  相似文献   

Quinn N, Shulman A, Knifton L, Byrne P. The impact of a national mental health arts and film festival on stigma and recovery. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the impact of a national mental health arts festival for the general public, encompassing a wide variety of art forms and themes. Method: An evaluation was undertaken with 415 attendees from 20 different events, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Results: The findings demonstrate positive impact on the relationship between arts and mental health. Events increased positive attitudes, including positive representations of people’s contributions, capabilities and potential to recover. They did not decrease negative attitudes. Intended behaviour change was modest and one film event increased audience perceptions of dangerousness. Conclusion: The paper argues that the arts can change stigma by constructing shared meanings and engaging audiences on an emotional level. Carefully programmed, collaborative, community‐based arts festivals should form an integral part of national programmes to address stigma and to promote mental health and wellbeing, alongside traditional social marketing and public education approaches.  相似文献   


Supporting students’ mental health needs is critical in high-poverty urban school districts where many students are at risk for mental health problems. Although teacher–student relationships are at the core of student mental health promotion in the classroom, many teacher preparation programmes do not adequately prepare pre-service teachers entering into urban teaching for the realities of urban teaching. Miami University’s Urban Teaching Cohort (UTC) is an innovative, community-based approach to preparing pre-service teachers for work in the field of urban teacher preparation. In this paper, we review research on the challenges impacting the mental health of urban youth, describe how these challenges connect to the work of urban teachers and discuss how urban teacher preparation can help teachers better support students’ mental health. We discuss the elements of the UTC programme and how this preparation approach can help teachers build relationships with urban students and their families, as well as understand their communities from an asset perspective, to create a positive classroom community that supports the mental health of all students. Preliminary qualitative data indicate student and community support for the programme and support the impact of the programme on relationships and teaching practices.  相似文献   

The aim was to examine the relationship between mental health and use of different kinds of drugs. The study was a cross-sectional survey of a total population aged 45–69 years, conducted in 2 municipalities in southwestern Finland. Altogether 1821 people (80% of those invited), 815 men and 1006 women, took part in the screening. The subjects were examined by a questionnaire mailed beforehand and checked in a personal interview. The questionnaire contained questions about the currently used drugs and Goldberg's questionnaire on mental health. Half of the people examined used prescribed drugs currently, more women used drugs than men, and the use of drugs increased with age. Mental symptoms measured with the Goldberg Index appeared in one fifth of the subjects, showing a slight increase with age. Men with mental symptoms showed a fourfold psychotropic drug use compared with the men without mental symptoms. The women with mental symptoms showed a threefold use of psychotropic drugs compared with the women without mental symptoms. Similar differences were found also in other drug groups, for example cardiac glycosides, other cardiovascular drugs, analgesics and drugs for respiratory and digestive organs. Persons with mental disorders showed a high tendency to drug use, also when those drugs had no direct attachment to the mental problem. Men seemed more liable to somatization of mental problems than women.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the historical aspects of expatriate mental health, and comments on the paucity of literature in the medical and psychiatric journals. Data obtained from 397 expatriate probands examined during overseas service are described. It was noted that there was a high incidence of affective and adjustment disorders. The results showed six areas significantly related to those with affective disorders at interview, namely a history of consultation for psychological problems in out-patient departments or with the patient's own doctor, a history of depressed mood, and a family history of suicide, psychosis or personality disorder. Subjects with adjustment disorders at interview showed a significant positive correlation with four stressors (occupational anxiety, home country anxieties, acculturation and physical ill-health), but showed a negative association with a past personal history of consultation for psychological problems at out-patient departments or with their own doctors. These findings are discussed and practical applications suggested for improving expatriate mental health.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate rendered mental health services for children and adolescents through the investigation of those factors which are related to non-compliance with therapy and which affect treatment outcome. Data were collected from the files of all new cases who applied to a Community Mental Health Centre in Athens during 2000–2002 (N = 363). For each case, the following factors were examined: age, sex, family situation, parents’ educational level, referral source, child’s psychiatric and psychosocial diagnoses, type of proposed therapy, phase at which termination of therapy occurred and outcome. Around 45.7% of the sample did not complete therapy. The probability of treatment compliance increased when the patient was male, with a diagnosis of a specific developmental disorder, treated in a well-structured therapy programme, was from a healthy family environment and his mother was better educated. On the contrary, an adverse family situation (one-parent family, inadequate parental supervision) and the female sex had a negative association with treatment compliance. Most of the cases discontinued their treatment upon completion of the diagnostic procedure. Referral source did not influence treatment compliance. Evaluation of our service has shown that more attention should be paid to less-educated families and those in adverse situations, particularly when the patient is female.  相似文献   

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