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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of the particle repositioning manoeuvre (PRM) in the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). DESIGN: A randomized prospective study of patients with BPPV. METHODS: Seventy-one patients were randomized to one of three groups at their first clinic visit. These groups included the PRM, a sham PRM, and a control group. Patients were followed up in clinic at 2 weeks and 3 months. The mean long-term follow-up was 12 months. A telephone questionnaire was also conducted. RESULTS: At 2-week follow-up, 81.8% of patients in the PRM group had a resolution of symptoms and a negative Dix-Hallpike test compared with 15.3% in the sham PRM group and 60% in the control group. This difference was statistically significant between the treatment (PRM) and sham PRM groups and between the sham and control groups. It nearly reached significance between the treatment and control groups (p = .06). The sham treatment group had by far the worst outcome at the 2-week interval. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups after 2 weeks. CONCLUSION: The PRM is side specific. It may help induce remission of the vertiginous symptoms of BPPV in the short term. This cannot be attributable to a placebo effect. The PRM does not seem to affect the natural history of the disorder in the long term. The sham treatment causes a delay in spontaneous recovery, possibly by preventing the particles from falling into the utricle. This study has not compared the frequency or severity of symptoms.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A single blinded prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted in 40 patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) to determine the efficacy of particle repositioning maneuver (PRM). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Out of 40 patients, 20 underwent PRM with the rest receiving a placebo treatment. Postprocedural instructions were given to all the patients who underwent PRM. Follow-up was for 1 year at regular intervals. Analysis was based on the symptomatic status and the Hallpike maneuver at each visit. RESULTS: After the initial week, 95% showed complete resolution of symptoms with none reporting a recurrence after PRM. On the contrary, only 15% of the controls had complete resolution with 14 out of 20 reporting a recurrence of BPPV. Results remained more or less the same at the end of 4 weeks. Six months after PRM, 19 of 20 patients had no vertigo with a meager 5% showing recurrence versus 75% of controls reporting a recurrence with only 3 of 20 reporting a favorable symptom status. At the end of 1 year, 18 of 20 patients had complete relief from symptoms with only 10% showing Hallpike maneuver positive in the study group compared with 3 of 20 reporting a relief from symptoms with 90% turning out to be Hallpike maneuver positive in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: This study establishes the efficacy of PRM in short- and long-term management of BPPV; the procedure is easy and simple.  相似文献   

颗粒复位法治疗后半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
目的 评价颗粒复位法治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕的效果。方法 对1996年7月-1998年6月间治疗的31一半规管性良性性位置性眩晕患者进行回顾分析。地规管耳右症假说,患者接受1次颗粒复位法治疗。治疗结束2周后复查并评价疗效。结果 21例患者的眩晕和眼一立刻或在1-2周内逐渐消失。6例改善,4例无效。总有效率87.1%。结论 颗粒复位法对大多数良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者有效,推荐作为治疗该的首选方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A prospective study to determine the safety of the particle repositioning manoeuvre (PRM) by analyzing the various complications of the procedure. SETTINGS: Outpatient Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nehru Hospital, Chandigarh, India. METHODS: Thirty patients with the classic findings of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) were included in the study. Clinical symptoms prior to the procedure were noted. Twenty-nine of them were subjected to PRM, and postprocedural instructions were given to all patients. Various side effects during and following the procedure were recorded. They were classified into early and late based on the period and into major and minor based on severity. All patients were reviewed after 3 days, 7 days, and 1 month. RESULTS: Of the 29 patients, 19 patients (65.52%) had heaviness in the head, with 11 each (37.93%) reporting nausea and imbalance and 9 (31.03%) reporting instability during the procedure. A major complication, asystole, was noted in one patient. The percentage of side effects remained more or less the same in the early phase following the procedure. Only 5 of 29 patients were entirely asymptomatic. Ninety percent were relieved of symptoms by the end of 7 days, with no major complication recorded. CONCLUSIONS: PRM is an easy, effective, and relatively safe procedure. The risk of major complications with PRM, such as arrhythmias and asystole, highlights the need to consider other management modalities for BPPV in certain medically unfit patients.  相似文献   

目的:探讨电离辐射对内耳前庭的影响。方法:报道鼻咽癌(NPC)放疗致发作性位置性眩晕(BPPV)伴听力减退患者3例。采用耳石微粒复位法(PRM)治疗BPPV,针对听力减退给予丹参治疗。结果:3例BPPV,2例痊愈,1例显效,听力下降的4耳语音频率平均提高10dB。结论:BPPV可能与辐射所致的前庭损害有关,PRM是治疗BPPV是一种有效方法。  相似文献   

A consecutive series of 51 patients (34 females and 17 males) with posterior semicircular canal benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV) were treated with the modified Epley particle positioning manoeuvre (PRM). Follow-up data were available on all 51 patients. After one manoeuvre, 42 patients had a negative Dix-Hallpike test, and after a second manoeuvre, 8 of the remaining 9 patients had a negative Dix-Hallpike test (testing was conducted 1 to 2 weeks after the PRM was performed). Therefore, the overall short-term success rate after two manoeuvres was 50 of 51 patients (98%), which is similar to other series. A follow-up questionnaire to determine the incidence of recurrence of symptoms was administered after a minimum period of 30 weeks. Twenty-three patients reported a recurrence (or, in the case of the one treatment failure, persistence) of their symptoms (45%). Therefore, although virtually all patients can be treated successfully with the PRM, almost half of these patients can be expected to experience a further recurrence of symptoms. This long-term recurrence rate is higher than has previously been reported and is a significant factor clinicians must be aware of in their treatment of this condition. In particular, this finding emphasizes the need for patient counselling with regard to the likelihood of recurrence and access to follow-up treatment if recurrence occurs.  相似文献   

A prospective cohort study was designed to evaluate the long-term outcome and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (PC-BPPV) treated by the particle repositioning maneuver (PRM) in the outpatient clinic of a general community hospital. Fifty individuals with PC-BPPV were included, and 45 (90%) completed the study. The diagnosis was based on the history of short episodes of vertigo and a positional nystagmus during the Dix-Hallpike test (DHT). All patients were treated by a single PRM, and relapses were evaluated by DHT at 30, 180 and 360 days post-treatment; a new PRM was performed if the DHT was positive. The main outcome measures were: percentage of patients with a negative DHT after treatment, scores obtained on the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory Short Form (DHI-S) before and 30, 180 and 360 days post-treatment. The DHT was found negative in 80% (40/50) of individuals at 30 days. Ten, seven and five patients presented a positive DHT at 30, 180 and 360 days, respectively. Persistent BPPV was observed in 5% (2/50) of patients at 360 days, despite repeated PRM. Relapses (DH+ after successful PRM) were observed in 7.5% (3/50) at 180 days and 360 days. Both questionnaires showed a reliability Cronbachs alpha >0.7. The average standardized score for each SF-36 scale was compared with the reference population normative data, showing differences with norms for all scales except for vitality. After PRM, patients improved their scores with both instruments, indicating a restoration of HRQoL at 30 days. Physical dimension scores of the SF-36 improved from day 30 to 360. DHI-S scores were statistically better after PRM (P<0.001). Our results show that the effectiveness of PRM is 88% after 1 year of follow-up. Patients with BPPV experienced a decrease in HRQoL, which was restored after PRM. Although relapses were observed in 7.5% of individuals, they did not affect HRQoL.This study was presented at the Research Forum of the AAO-HNSF and the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Annual Meeting held in Orlando, FL, on September, 23, 2003  相似文献   

目的:探讨特发性良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)患者双温试验以及双温试验异常的可能机制。方法:2005—2008年诊断明确的96例特发性BPPV患者,随机分为2组:第1组52例,在诊断明确后复位治疗前进行双温试验;第2组44例,在复位治疗后变位试验阴性后进行双温试验。以半规管轻瘫指数作为比较参数,χ^2检验比较2组半规管轻瘫异常的比例。结果:2组患者比较,除第1组年龄较第2组低,性别比例、受累半规管比例、侧别、病程、是否反复发作各个因素之间没有明显差别。双温试验的比较以半规管轻瘫作为比较参数,2组患者温度试验半规管轻瘫异常的比例进行χ^1检验(t=0.654,P〈0.05),2组半规管轻瘫出现的比例相似,管石复位前后温度试验异常出现的比例差别没有统计学意义。结论:双温试验异常的原因可能是因为前庭系统存在广泛病变,飘动的耳石对内淋巴液的流动影响不大。  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析继发于突发性聋的良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)患者的临床表现,并探讨其可能的发病机制,探索合适的诊断与治疗方案。方法 观察218例突发性聋患者中BPPV的发病情况和临床治疗效果,另有37例同期原发性BPPV作为对照组。所有患者均经Dix-Hallpike实验和Barbecue滚转检查确定诊断,继发性BPPV患者的原发病(突发性聋)符合中华医学会耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学分会制定的诊断标准。按照BPPV类型,进行Epley手法复位或Barbecue翻滚手法治疗,并评价治疗效果。结果 218例突发性聋患者中有9l例出现BPPV,发生率41.7%,均为同侧患耳。BPPV经耳石复位,其中1次治愈62例(68.1%),2次治愈16例(17.6%),3次治愈13例(14.3%)。随访6~22个月,高频听力改善均不及低频,外半规管型BPPV复发2例,后半规管型复发5例,经过再次复位后治愈。继发性BPPV与原发性BPPV均经手法复位治愈,疗效相似。结论 BPPV可继发于突发性聋,且突发性聋继发BPPV可达41.7%,其中以后半规管BPPV常见,耳石复位治疗是最为有效的治疗方法,治愈率与原发性BPPV相似。  相似文献   

突发性聋继发良性阵发性位置性眩晕的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解继发于突发性聋的良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)的发病情况并探讨其治疗策略。方法观察眩晕门诊及耳内科病房中心2004年1月-2010年1月收治的210例突发性聋患者(包括伴有眩晕的突发性聋)合并BPPV的发病情况,并与同期183例原发性BPPV相比较。结果本组突发性聋病例并发BPPV为19.0%(40/210);40例患者均为高频感音神经性聋或平坦型感音神经性聋。本文40例继发于突发性聋的BPPV,出现时间均在突发性聋发病后t周内。继发性BPPV的手法复位效果与原发性BPPV相似,大多数都于1~2次就诊后治愈。结论突发性聋继发的BPPV是临床常见的现象;继发于突聋的BPPV与原发性BPPV都是以后半规管BPPV多见,并与原发性BPPV手法复位的疗效相似。  相似文献   

Background: The pathogenesis of recurrence of traumatic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is poorly understood by far.

Objectives: To evaluate the value of secondary otolith dysfunction using vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) test in the pathogenesis of recurrence of BPPV after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI).

Material and methods: We reviewed 42 patients with BPPV after mTBI. According to recurrence, patients were divided into two groups. Both cervical VEMP (cVEMP) and ocular VEMP (oVEMP) tests were performed on all of them.

Results: We detected abnormal cVEMP responses in four (26.7%) patients in the recurrent BPPV group after mTBI and five (18.5%) patients in the non-recurrent BPPV group after mTBI, and there was no significant difference between both groups. We detected abnormal oVMEP responses in nine (60.0%) patients in the recurrent BPPV group after mTBI and six (22.2%) patients in the non-recurrent BPPV group after mTBI, and there was a significant difference between both groups.

Conclusions and significance: Our study shows that oVEMP abnormalities in recurrent BPPV group after mTBI are significantly higher than those in non-recurrent BPPV group after mTBI. Therefore, we can conclude that secondary utricular dysfunction may be a potential pathogenesis of recurrence of traumatic BPPV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and compare the efficacy of the Semont liberatory maneuver on "objective" benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) defined as vertigo with geotropic nystagmus in Dix-Hallpike positioning versus "subjective" BPPV defined as vertigo without nystagmus in Dix-Hallpike positioning. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective chart review. METHODS: One hundred sixty-two patients with positional vertigo during Dix- Hallpike positioning were identified. Patients were evaluated for the presence or absence of nystagmus. All patients underwent the Semont liberatory maneuver. The patient's condition at follow-up was documented at 3 weeks as complete, partial, or failure. Repeated procedures were performed if necessary. RESULTS: There were 127 cases of objective BPPV and 35 cases of subjective BPPV. Overall, 90% of all patients tested had significant improvement of their vertigo after 1.49 maneuvers on average. Improvement was seen in 91% of patients with objective BPPV after 1.59 maneuvers on average, compared with 86% in subjective BPPV after 1.13 maneuvers on average (chi2 test, not significant [P = .5]). Patients with a history of traumatic origin or cause had an overall success rate of 81% compared with 92% for nontraumatic causes or origins (chi2 test, not significant [P = .1]). Recurrences were seen in 29% of patients after a successful initial maneuver; however, 96% of these patients responded to further maneuvers. Four patients with persistent symptoms after conservative management underwent posterior semicircular canal occlusion with resolution of symptoms. CONCLUSION: The Semont liberatory maneuver provides relief of vertigo in patients with positional vertigo, even in patients without objective nystagmus.  相似文献   

目的 探讨突发性聋伴发良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)的临床特点,观察其疗效。方法 观察2012年10月~2014年6月耳 鼻咽喉科收治的36例突发性聋伴发BPPV发病情况,并与同期原发性BPPV患者40例及突发性聋不伴眩晕患者40例进行疗效比较。结果 伴发BPPV的36例突发性聋患者,受累半规管均与突发性聋发病侧一致,其中水平半规管BPPV 6例,占16.7%(6/36);后半规管BPPV 27例,占75.0%(27/36);混合管BPPV 3例,占8.3%(3/36)。36例患者出现BPPV的时间均在突发性聋发病后数小时至数天(<10天)发生。突发性聋伴发BPPV组1次治愈率明显低于原发性BPPV组,但两种治疗方法的总治愈率均为100%。不伴眩晕突发性聋组的痊愈率、显效率及有效率均高于伴发BPPV组。结论 伴发于突发性聋的BPPV以后半规管多见,与原发性BPPV经耳石复位治疗后均可取得较好疗效。而不伴眩晕的突发性聋其疗效优于伴发BPPV的突发性聋。  相似文献   

目的 分析后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,PC-BPPV)患者复位中的眼震,探讨BPPV可能的发病机制.方法 2007年12月至2008年4月眩晕门诊就诊的66例PC-BPPV患者,详细记录病史、体位试验及复位中不同位置眼震的情况,对PC-BPPV患者可能发病机制进行探讨.结果 变位试验完伞符合贵阳会议诊断标准的66例PC-BPPV患者,采用改良Epley复位,视频眼震记录技术记录复位中四个位置的眼震方向及强度,24例患者复位中出现的眼震均为垂直扭转向上眼震;21例除第一个位置出现上向扭转眼震,其余三个位置眼震阴性;7例变位试验初诊PC-BPPV的患者在第二次复位中出现强烈水平眼震;14例患者复位的第二或第三个位置出现下向垂直眼震.由复位中不同位置出现的眼震分析,66例确诊为PC-BPPV的患者,52例复位中的表现符合管石及嵴顶耳石症理论,占78.8%.结论 除了目前公认的管石症及嵴顶耳石症理论外,推测部分PC-BPPV可能与耳石器官及球囊椭圆囊神经病变有关.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to report some clinical cases suggesting a possible correlation between benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and intense physical activity. Out of 430 BPPV cases referred to our out-patients clinic, 9 patients, showing symptoms of BPPV arising after an intense period of physical activity, were selected for this study. The posterior semicircular canal was affected in all the nine patients. The canalith repositioning procedure was successful and eliminated vertigo and nystagmus in all patients. During the follow-up period (12 months) all patients continued with the usual physical activity; four of the nine patients showed a recurrence of the BPPV symptoms after a new intense period of exercises: all were successfully treated by a new single Epley repositioning procedure. BPPV due to intense physical activity is a rare condition (9/430) and it may be caused by repeated vibratory vertical accelerations of a minor degree associated with metabolic variations during strenuous exercise.  相似文献   

Background: Particle repositioning procedures give consistent results for the treatment of benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV). However, little consideration has been given to the possibilities of bilateral disease. Objective/Hypothesis: To report contralateral symptoms and signs suggestive of revealed or incipient BPPV as a complication of Epley maneuver. Study Design: A prospective cohort of 198 cases over a period of 11 years. Results: Ten (5.0%) developed contralateral symptoms and signs suggestive of revealed or incipient posterior canal BPPV within 2 weeks of treatment. Conclusion: This novel observation has not been previously described and may influence the strategy for future management of patients with BPPV. Particle repositioning maneuvers for the previously asymptomatic contralateral ear may need to be considered in a subset of patients with posterior canal BPPV who suffer contralateral symptoms after undergoing treatment for the original ear.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to present the demographic, pathogenetic and clinical features of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) secondary to vestibular neuritis (VN). The medical records of 22 patients, who presented with BPPV within 12 weeks after the onset of VN, were reviewed. Data of a complete otolaryngological, audiological, neurotologic and imaging evaluation were available for all patients. Two hundred and eighty-four patients with idiopathic BPPV were used as a control group. The patients with BPPV secondary to VN presented the following features, in which they differed from the patients with idiopathic BPPV: (1) a lower mean age; (2) involvement of the posterior semicircular canal; (3) presence of canal weakness; (4) more therapeutic sessions needed for cure and a higher rate of recurrence. It may be, thus, concluded that BPPV associated with VN differs from idiopathic BPPV in regard to several epidemiological and clinical features, it responds less effectively to treatment and may follow a protracted course, having a tendency for recurrence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bilateral benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (bBPPV) is rather rare, accounting for up to 10% in the reported benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV) series. Inappropriate head positioning during testing in unilateral BPPV causes the otolith debris in the uppermost ear to move toward the cupula, resulting in an inhibitory nystagmus and mimicking bBPPV. PURPOSE: We analyzed the clinical data of patients with bilaterally positive Dix-Hallpike maneuver and compared them with the characteristics of patients with unilateral BPPV. We further tried to propose a simple schematic approach to the treatment of patients with bilaterally positive Dix-Hallpike maneuver. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Medical records of 232 patients treated for BPPV at our dizziness clinic during 1999 to 2003 were reviewed. An algorithm used for the treatment of patients with bilaterally positive BPPV is discussed. RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients with bilaterally positive Dix-Hallpike test were found. Sixteen were diagnosed with bBPPV, and 12 were diagnosed with unilateral mimicking bBPPV. Thirty patients with unilateral posterior canal BPPV served as control subjects. No difference in age, sex distribution, duration of symptoms, number of treatments per ear, and recurrence was found between bBPPV and unilateral BPPV. The female sex appeared to be predisposed for more treatments. The total duration of BPPV symptoms obtained by history was found to correlate with the number of recurrences after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that bBPPV can be readily distinguished from unilateral mimicking bBPPV. Patients with bBPPV do not differ from patients with unilateral BPPV in clinical characteristics. The mechanism of otolith debris dislodgment appears to be the main cause of bilaterality, trauma being a more common trigger than other known causes of BPPV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the long-term efficacy of canalith repositioning procedure (CRP) in the treatment of patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BACKGROUND: Alternative theories for the pathophysiology of BPPV have been redefined in the past few years. CRP is considered to be the standard technique for its management. However, long-term follow-up results have been minimally reported in the literature. PATIENTS/METHODS: Five hundred ninety-two patients, 290 (49%) men and 302 (51%) women, were enrolled in this prospective study; their ages ranged from 18 to 84 (mean 59) years. At the time of their first examination, patients reported the duration of symptoms varied from 1 day to 18 months. Inclusion criteria were patient history compatible with BPPV and positive provocative maneuver (either Dix-Hallpike or Roll test). A variant of Epley and Barbeque maneuver was used. The Epley maneuver was used for posterior and anterior canal involvement, and "Barbeque roll" was used for horizontal canal involvement. Short-term follow-up was obtained 48 hours and 7 days after initial treatment, whereas long-term follow-up was obtained at repeated 6 month intervals. RESULTS: The posterior semicircular canal was involved in 521 (88%) patients treated, whereas the horizontal and anterior semicircular canals were involved in 59 (10%) and 12 (2%) patients, respectively. Symptoms subsided immediately in 497 (84%) patients. In 77 (13%) patients, the Dix-Hallpike maneuver remained positive after 48 hours, and CRP was performed again. Patients' mean follow-up was 46 months; 544 (92%) of 592 patients treated reported no symptoms of vertigo. CONCLUSION: Our data, based on long-term follow-up, suggest that CRP remains an efficient and long-lasting noninvasive treatment for BPPV.  相似文献   

The recent demonstration of free-floating particles in the endolymph of the posterior semicircular canal in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)1 has renewed interest in the physiology and treatment of this entity. The particle repositioning maneuver (PRM) relocates the free-floating particles from the posterior semicircular canal back into the utricle, relieving the patient of bothersome, often long-standing vertigo. This report represents a prospective study of 27 consecutive patients seen with a diagnosis of BPPV. Eighty-four percent of the patients treated with the particle repositioning maneuver who had no other associated pathology were cured or significantly improved with this new technique. Two patients who failed conservative management went on to surgical intervention with the posterior semicircular canal occlusion. The authors find the particle repositioning maneuver effective for many patients with benign positional vertigo and recommend it as the first-line treatment modality for BPPV.  相似文献   

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