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Catheter ablation by radiofrequency energy was carried out in 10 patients with one type of recurrent monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia resistant to medical antiarrhythmic management. Electrophysiological studies before ablation included activation and pace-mapping. In all patients, the origin of the tachycardia was localized in the left ventricle: in the septum in six, at the posterolateral wall in three and anterobasal in one. The earliest onset of endocardial activation preceding the QRS complex during ventricular tachycardia ranged between -45 and -90 ms. Transcatheter ablation was performed with a bipolar or quadripolar catheter using a radiofrequency generator (HAT 100, Osypka). No complications occurred during the ablation procedure. Thereafter, in all patients, the clinical tachycardia was no longer inducible by programmed stimulation. During a follow-up period of 22 to 32 months including eight patients, the tachycardia recurred in two; one of these patients subsequently died suddenly. A third patient had one episode of a new type of sustained ventricular tachycardia some hours after catheter ablation. In the remaining patients, there was no recurrence of symptomatic tachycardia under maintenance of the antiarrhythmic management which, prior to ablation had been ineffective. Thus, our preliminary results suggest that radiofrequency catheter ablation might be beneficial for these high risk patients.  相似文献   

目的对经射频消融术证实的特发性室性心动过速的病例进行总结分析,探讨室性心动过速的发病状况、心电图特点、消融靶点的确定及消融结果。方法对32例特发性室性心动过速的起源部位和体表心电图进行分析,所有患者在诱发出室性心动过速后进行射频消融治疗,观察特发性室性心动过速的射频消融成功率和复发率,以及它们和消融靶点的关系。结果右室特发性室性心动过速心电图表现为左束支传导阻滞,左室特发性室性心动过速心电图则多表现为右束支传导阻滞。消融靶点的确定右室特发性室性心动过速主要采用起搏标测法,左室特发性室性心动过速主要采用激动顺序标测法。右室流出道室速组在起搏标测起搏ECG和VT时ECG的12导联QRS波完全相同处消融成功率较高。结论室性心动过速发作时的体表心电图可初步估计特发性室性心动过速的起源部位,射频消融术治疗特发性室性心动过速成功率高、并发症少。  相似文献   

AIMS: Ventricular tachycardia (VT) frequently has an anatomical substrate. Identification of areas prone to arrhythmogenicity facilitates radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA). Furthermore, direct monitoring of complications potentially increases safety of RFCA. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of guiding RFCA of VT with intracardiac echocardiography (ICE), in order to improve outcome and procedural safety. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eleven patients (age 59 +/- 15 years) with drug-refractory VT of various etiologies were studied. VT mapping and ablation were performed using standard techniques. ICE was performed with a multifrequency (5-10 MHz) phased-array transducer positioned in the right ventricle. Twenty different VTs were treated (CL 352 +/- 120 ms, 2.0 +/- 0.9 VT per patient). LV a- or dyskinesia was identified in all post-infarct patients. In patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, right ventricular aneurysms and dyskinesia could be identified. In all patients catheter position and tip-tissue contact could easily be monitored with ICE. Procedural success (non-inducibility of hemodynamically stable VT) was achieved in all patients. Complications did not occur. CONCLUSION: ICE is feasible in guiding RFCA of VT of different etiologies. The use of ICE in adjunction with fluoroscopy and mapping procedures will facilitate treatment of VT and may contribute to the safety of the procedure.  相似文献   

目的 特发性室性心动过速(IVT)的射频消融(RFCA)研究。方法共收集20例临床诊断IVT患者,男性14例。女性6例,年龄40.5±12.5(21~66)岁,病史7.8±8.8(1~22)年,心动过速时R—R间期为:309±69(240~430)ms。心动过速时心电图呈右束支传导阻滞(RBBB)型8例。左束支传导阻滞(LBBB)型,且Ⅱ、Ⅲ、avF主波向上12例。对20例患者进行心电生理检查及射频消融治疗。结果 20例均获成功,术后1例起源左心室后间隔,1例起源于右心室流出道之室性心动过速分别于术后第3、7天复发,余无室性心动过速复发,亦无并发症。结论RF—CA治疗IVT成功率高,RFCA关键在于靶点标测和标测方法的选择。  相似文献   

目的对18例反复单形室性心动过速的消融情况进行分析,并对消融同形室性早搏根治反复单形室性心动过速的可行性、安全性及有效性进行分析.方法18例患者,男性4例,女性14例,年龄19~45岁.心电图及动态心电图均有频发室性早搏和非持续性室性心动过速.征得患者的知情同意书后,电生理检查和消融一次进行,标测和消融同形的室性早搏,采用起搏标测和激动标测相结合的方法,确定室性心动过速的起源处(消融靶点).靶点定位后进行射频消融,温度50~60度,能量30~40W.即刻成功标准为放电后10 s内同形室性早搏和非持续性室性心动过速消失,且静脉滴注异丙肾上腺素不能诱发,观察30 min窦性心律稳定.随访成功标准为术后动态心电图24h室性早搏少于100个,无室性心动过速发作.结果18例患者起源于右心室流出道17例,其中1例存在2种形态的室性心动过速,分别于肺动脉瓣上及瓣下消融成功.起源于左心室流出道1例,于主动脉瓣上左Valsalva窦内消融成功.即刻成功17例.随访平均(23±14)个月,无心动过速复发16例,复发2例,1例于术后3个月复发,再次消融成功,另1例于术后6个月复发,未接受第2次消融.1例术后出现少量心包积液,经放置引流管后好转,无其他并发症.结论消融同形室性早搏是根治反复单形室性心动过速安全和有效的方法.  相似文献   

Catheter ablation by radiofrequency energy was carried out in10 patients with one type of recurrent monomorphic sustainedventricular tachycardia resistant to medical antiarrhythrnicmanagement. Electrophysiological studies before ablation includedactivation and pace-mapping. In all patients, the origin ofthe tachycardia was localized in the left ventricle; in theseptum in six, at the posterolateral wall in three and anterobasalin one. The earliest onset of endocardial activation precedingthe QRS complex during ventricular tachycardia ranged between-45 and -90 ms. Transcatheter ablation was performed with abipolar or quadripolar catheter using a radiofrequency generator(HAT 100, Osypka). No complications occurred during the ablationprocedure. Thereafter, in all patients, the clinical tachycardiawas no longer inducible by programmed stimulation. During afollow-up period of 22 to 32 months including eight patients,the tachycardia recurred in two; one of these patients subsequentlydied suddenly. A third patient had one episode of a new typeof sustained ventricular tachycardia some hours after catheterablation. In the remaining patients, there was no recurrenceof symptctnatic tachycardia under maintainance of the antiarrhythmicmanagement which, prior to ablation had been ineffective. Thus, our preliminary results suggest that radiofrequency catheterablation might be beneficial for these high risk patients.  相似文献   

Catheter ablation by radiofrequency energy was carried out in10 patients with one type of recurrent monomorphic sustainedventricular tachycardia resistant to medical antiarrhythrnicmanagement. Electrophysiological studies before ablation includedactivation and pace-mapping. In all patients, the origin ofthe tachycardia was localized in the left ventricle; in theseptum in six, at the posterolateral wall in three and anterobasalin one. The earliest onset of endocardial activation precedingthe QRS complex during ventricular tachycardia ranged between-45 and -90 ms. Transcatheter ablation was performed with abipolar or quadripolar catheter using a radiofrequency generator(HAT 100, Osypka). No complications occurred during the ablationprocedure. Thereafter, in all patients, the clinical tachycardiawas no longer inducible by programmed stimulation. During afollow-up period of 22 to 32 months including eight patients,the tachycardia recurred in two; one of these patients subsequentlydied suddenly. A third patient had one episode of a new typeof sustained ventricular tachycardia some hours after catheterablation. In the remaining patients, there was no recurrenceof symptctnatic tachycardia under maintainance of the antiarrhythmicmanagement which, prior to ablation had been ineffective. Thus, our preliminary results suggest that radiofrequency catheterablation might be beneficial for these high risk patients.  相似文献   

目的探讨射频消融治疗在室性早搏(室早)触发特发性室性心动过速/心室颤动(室速/室颤)中的作用。方法总结3例由室早触发室速/室颤的治疗经验,1例对室早进行射频消融(RF—CA)并植入心律转复除颤器(ICD),另1例经射频消融未完全消除室早而选择植入ICD,第3例经射频消融成功消除室早,未再发室颤。结果随访2年,3例患者均存活,ICD未再记录到室速/室颤。结论在室早触发室速/室颤病例中,应分析室早与室速/室颤的相关性,给予个体化治疗,射频消融室早可以消除/减少晕厥和室颤的发作。  相似文献   

This study reports new electrocardiographic (ECG) predictors of radiofrequency catheter ablation failure and recurrence in idiopathic right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) ventricular tachycardia (VT) or ectopy based on 91 consecutive patients. Procedural success and failure rates were 85% (77/91) and 15% (14/91), respectively. Twenty three percent (18/77) had recurrence during the follow-up period of 1 to 120 months (mean 56 +/- 31 months). Baseline RVOT VT/ectopy on 12-lead ECG taken prior to ablation from 91 patients were retrospectively analyzed. Ablation performed with RVOT ectopy (isolated ectopies, bigeminy, trigeminy, or couplets) as template arrhythmia was more likely to fail (30% vs. 8%, P =.02) as opposed to RVOT VT (sustained or nonsustained). VT/ectopy-QRS morphology variation was more observed in failed ablations (36% vs. 7%, P =.001). Significantly wider mean VT/ectopy QRS in leads I, II, AVR, V2, V3, V5, and V6 were noted in failed ablation group. Mean R wave amplitude reached statistical significance only in lead II (22.0 +/- 5.1 mV for failed vs. 17.8 +/- 5.2 mV for successful outcomes; P =.009). QRS morphologic variation (47% vs. 16%; P =.009) was the only statistically significant ECG to be more common in patients with arrhythmia recurrence. In conclusion, ablation with ectopy over VT as template arrhythmia, presence of QRS morphologic variation, wider mean QRS width, and taller mean R-wave amplitude in lead II were identified ECG predictors of failed RVOT VT/Ectopy ablation. The only ECG predictor of recurrence was the presence of RVOT VT or ectopy QRS morphologic variation.  相似文献   

特发性室性心动过速的射频消融   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对经射频消融术证实的特发性室性心动过速的病例进行总结分析,探讨室性心动过速的发病状况、心电图特点、消融靶点的确定及消融结果。方法:对68 例特发性室性心动过速的起源部位和体表心电图进行分析,所有患者在诱发出室性心动过速后进行射频消融治疗,观察特发性室性心动过速的射频消融成功率和复发率以及它们和消融靶点的关系。结果:本组特发性室性心动过速患者中右室室性心动过速较左室室性心动过速多见。右室特发性室性心动过速心电图表现为左束支传导阻滞,左室特发性室性心动过速心电图则多表现为右束支传导阻滞。消融靶点的确定右室特发性室性心动过速主要采用起搏标测法,左室特发性室性心动过速主要采用激动顺序标测法。右室流出道室速组在起搏标测时起搏ECG和VT时ECG的12导联QRS波完全相同处消融成功率较高。结论:室性心动过速发作时的体表心电图可初步估计特发性室性心动过速的起源部位,射频消融术治疗特发性室性心动过速成功率高,并发症少。  相似文献   

目的 探讨心室反应 (VR)在射频消融IVT的作用。方法 应用体表心电图、心内膜激动标测及VR相结合的方法射频消融 13例IVT病人。以激动标测初选靶点 ,射频消融试放电产生的VR确定靶点 ,采用VR与VT发作相一致处为靶点消融。结果  13例IVT即刻消融成功率 13/ 13。VR表现 :(1)窦性心律下消融时出现与VT发作相一致的VR。随后室性心动过速 (VT)中间断出现窦性心律、双发或联律室性早搏 ,最终完全恢复成窦性心律。 (2 )出现与VT发作不一致的VR。结论 以VR与VT发作相一致处作靶点 ,产生与VT发作相一致的VR可被视为有效消融的指标。  相似文献   

Idiopathic left ventricular aneurysm and diverticulum is known to be an arrhythmogenic substrate associated to ventricular tachyarrhythmias, generally based on a reentry mechanism. A case of a young woman affected by a monomorphic ventricular tachycardia, refractory to medical treatment, originating from an aneurysm of the membranous interventricular septum is reported. The left ventricular aneurysm was well characterized by multislice computed tomography and left ventricular angiography. Because of the nonsustained and poorly tolerated nature of the target arrhythmia, a noncontact mapping system was used to guide radiofrequency catheter ablation, allowing the elaboration of a three-dimensional activation map of the left ventricle on the basis of a ventricular tachycardia single beat. The procedure was acutely successful, and the patient remained free of ventricular tachycardia recurrences without antiarrhythmic drugs during a subsequent 6-month follow-up period. This is the first report of a successful radiofrequency catheter ablation guided by noncontact mapping system of a ventricular tachycardia originating from an idiopathic left ventricular aneurysm. This nonfluoroscopic mapping method allows a reliable reconstruction of the spatial relationships between the left ventricular main cavity and the aneurysm and can be safely and effectively used to map the ventricular tachycardia and guide the ablation procedure, particularly when conventional mapping is not indicated or not effective because of nonsustained or not-tolerated characters of ventricular tachycardia.  相似文献   

Late Potentials Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation . Rationale: To evaluate the efficacy of radiofrequency ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation targeting complete late potential (LP) activity. Methods and Results: Sixty‐four consecutive patients (pts) with recurrent VTs and coronary artery disease or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy were evaluated. Fifty patients (47 male; 66.2 ± 10.1 years) had LPs at electroanatomical mapping; 35 patients had at least 1 VT inducible at basal programmed stimulation. After substrate mapping, radiofrequency ablation was performed with the endpoint of all LPs abolition. LPs could not be abolished in 5 patients despite extensive ablation, in 1 patient because of localization near an apical thrombus, and in 2 patients because of possible phrenic nerve injury. At the end of procedure, prevention of VT inducibility was achieved in 25 of 35 patients (71.4%) with previously inducible VT; VT was still inducible in 5 of 8 patients with incomplete LP abolition; and in 5 of 42 patients (16.1%) with complete LP abolition (P < 0.01). After a follow‐up of 13.4 ± 4.0 months, 10 patients (20.0%) had VT recurrences and one of them died after surgical VT ablation; VT recurrence was 9.5% in patients with LPs abolition (4/42 pts) and 75.0% (6/8 pts) in those with incomplete abolition [positive predictive value (PPV): 75%, negative predictive value (NPV): 90.4%, sensibility: 60.0%, and specificity: 95.0%, P < 0.0001); although it was 12.5% (5/40 pts) in patients without inducibility VT after the ablation, and 50% (5/10 pts) in those with inducible VT (PPV: 50%, NPV: 87.5%, sensitivity: 50.0%, and specificity: 87.5%, P = 0.008). Conclusions: LP abolition is an effective endpoint of VT ablation and its prognostic value compares favorably to that achieved by programmed electrical stimulation. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 23, pp. 621–627, June 2012)  相似文献   

Background: Radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation is a safe and effective cure for many forms of supraventricular tachycardia. Its efficacy in the cure of right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia, and some forms of left ventricular tachycardia in patients with left ventricular dysfunction, has also been shown. In contrast limited data are available to assess the role of RF catheter ablation in treating idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (ILVT), an unusual form of tachycardia occurring in patients without demonstrable heart disease.
Aim: To examine the efficacy and safety of RF catheter ablation in patients with ILVT.
Methods: Three patients without structural heart disease and with recurrent drug-refractory ILVT (right bundle branch block and left axis morphology) underwent electrophysiologic study (EPS) to initiate and localise the site of origin of their VT. RF catheter ablation of the VT focus was performed, with success being defined as failure to reinduce VT during incremental infusion of isoprenaline.
Results: In all three patients VT was inducible by rapid right atrial pacing and/or programmed ventricular stimulation, and could be terminated by intravenous verapamil. RF catheter ablation was successful in all patients. The site of successful ablation was common to each patient and was localised to the infero-apical aspect of the left ventricular septum. It was characterised by the recording of the earliest presystolic 'P' potential during both sinus rhythm and induced ILVT. No complications occurred during the procedure. During follow-up periods ranging from six to 12 months there were no symptomatic or documented episodes of recurrent ILVT.
Conclusions: We conclude that ILVT can be safely and effectively cured by RF catheter ablation.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in whom ventricular tachycardia (VT) was ablated by isolating a relatively large area of the critical site using catheter ablation. Endocardial mapping showed abnormal fragmented electrograms with delayed potential (DP) from an entire area of the aneurysm. Pace mappings from the aneurysm produced a QRS morphology identical to that of clinical VT. After catheter ablation was performed at the exit site of the VT critical area, programmed stimulation inside the aneurysm captured the DP but not the QRS complexes. These data suggest that VT can be ablated successfully by isolation of the critical area.  相似文献   

We report on the entrapment of an ablation catheter by chordae tendineae in the mitral valve during radiofrequency (RF) ablation of ventricular tachycardia. The entrapped tip had to be removed via open surgery. Great care must be taken when performing radiofrequency ablation around the mitral valve apparatus.  相似文献   

Optimum strategy for radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT) after inferior wall myocardial infarction (MI) that originates from the posteroseptal process of the left ventricle is not known. We describe a case report of a 57-year-old man who developed recurrent post-MI VT with ECG morphology consistent with this type of VT (i.e., left bundle branch block pattern with predominant R waves from V2 to V6 and left-axis deviation). Endocardial mapping and entrainment during VT demonstrated a critical isthmus of the reentrant circuit in the proximal coronary sinus. RF application terminated VT and rendered it noninducible.  相似文献   

目的介绍致心律失常性右心室心肌病(ARVC)室性心动过速(室速)的三维标测方法及其消融策略。方法21例ARVC室速患者,因1—4种抗心律失常药物治疗无效,临床上呈反复发作、无休止发作或植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)植入后频繁放电治疗,接受导管消融治疗。其中,男性19例,女性2例,平均年龄(32±12)岁。9例患者接受电解剖(Carto)标测,12例患者接受非接触标测(EnSite—Array)。在首先明确病变基质的基础上,通过激动标测、拖带标测及起搏标测,分析心动过速的起源、可能的传导径路及其出口以及它们与病变基质的关系。通常于心动过速的出口处及其周边行局灶消融,术中病变基质周边的延迟激动电位应一并消融。结果21例患者,2例呈无休止发作,1例患者表现为频繁室性早搏及加速性室性自主心律,余18例患者消融中共诱发出34种心动过速。所有心动过速均呈左束支阻滞形,平均心动过速周长为(289±68)ms。16例患者(28种室速)消融治疗即刻成功,3例患者(7种室速)部分成功,2例患者(2种室速)消融失败,即刻消融成功率76.2%。所有患者消融术后继续服用抗心律失常药物。平均随访6~30(1d±7)个月,成功患者中2例复发,其中1例再次消融成功;未达即刻成功的5例患者,经抗心律失常药物治疗后,均无室性心律失常事件发生,其中包括1例消融后植入ICD者。结论三维标测系统可首先明确ARVC患者的病变基质,在此基础上结合激动标测和心内各种电刺激技术,可直观显示心动过速的起源、缓慢传导区出口及折返环路,以此制定消融策略可成功治疗ARVC室速。心动过速起源于心肌深部或ARVC病变进展,是消融失败和复发的常见原因。  相似文献   

非接触式标测指导特发性左心室室性心动过速的射频消融   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
目的 虽然采用传统标测技术指导特发性左心室室性心动过速 (idiopathicleftventriculartachycardia ,ILVT)射频消融的效果较满意 ,但临床上仍存在一些疑难或复发病例。为此 ,我们使用非接触式标测技术指导ILVT的射频消融。方法 共 13例患者 ,均为男性 ,平均年龄 (31 0± 14 3)岁 ,其中8例既往共接受 15次射频消融术。将EnSite电极导管置于左心室心尖部以获取心内膜等电位图 ,并使用其导航功能指导消融。结果  13例患者均诱发并标测到ILVT ,其中 5例起源于室间隔中下部 ;3例起源于心尖部 ;3例起源于室间隔中上部 ,2例起源于主动脉根部。全部ILVT均在EnSite标测到的最早激动处消融成功 ,其中 ,有 9例ILVT在EnSite滤波设置为 8Hz时 ,在心内膜等电位图上最早激动部位可见峡部状狭窄区 ,此处消融均一次成功。仅 3例VT于消融靶点处有浦肯野电位。平均X线暴露时间 (2 6± 12 )min。随访 (13 0± 6 2 )个月 ,1例患者有VT复发 ,但心电图和EnSite标测显示为另一起源 ,再次消融成功。结论 心内非接触式标测技术有望提高ILVT尤其是复杂和疑难病例导管消融治疗的成功率。建议使用 8Hz做为目前版本下ILVT标测的标准滤波参数。  相似文献   

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