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BACKGROUND: Metal fume fever (MFF) is a well-known complication of zinc oxide fume inhalation. Prompt recognition of this condition is essential for the proper medical management of this self-limited disease. AIM: To present a unique and unusual case of MFF. RESULTS: Our patient is a 25-year-old male welder who had MFF and presented with aseptic meningitis with pericarditis, pleuritis and pneumonitis. To our knowledge, this is the first case of MMF presenting with these signs and symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: MFF can present with a systemic inflammatory response causing a multi-organ serositis. Our case highlights the utmost importance of obtaining an occupational history on all our patients, even if they are critically ill.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is considerable uncertainty about work-relatedness and musculoskeletal disorders in general, and it is also not clear how physicians decide whether work has caused a disorder in an individual patient. AIMS: To investigate physicians' beliefs about assessment of occupational attribution for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was sent to 526 occupational physicians and 248 rheumatologists on: characteristics of cases seen, assessment of work attribution, definition of work-relatedness and threshold for case reporting. Continuous variables were analysed by mean, standard deviation, an independent two-sample t-test and the Mann-Whitney test. Mean and median values were calculated and Spearman's rank test was applied to ranked data. RESULTS: Questionnaires were completed by 68% occupational physicians and 64% rheumatologists. Both groups of physicians believed that 'history of onset in relation to workplace changes' and 'symptoms consistent with work exposure' were the most important factors suggesting work attribution. They considered that the most important objective of a reporting scheme was detection of trends in disease incidence and that the most suitable criteria for defining work-relatedness was the probability that exposure at work 'more likely than not' caused the condition (mean 0.73; SD=0.17), in a perceived likelihood scale (0-1). CONCLUSION: There was a strong agreement between occupational physicians and rheumatologists on questions about work-relatedness and musculoskeletal disorders. The level of probability for concluding work-relatedness has been quantified.  相似文献   

We report a case of recurrent headaches in a woman with a workplace exposure to airborne (misted) lubricating fluid containing Stoddard solvent. For 2 months, the employee was seen by her family physician, a neurologist and an ophthalmologist. All attempted to diagnose the cause of and treat her headaches. Despite extensive testing, no etiology was discovered. Her headaches continued despite the use of medications. The employee, suspecting an occupational connection, changed the lubricating fluid at her workstation to a non-Stoddard solvent. Within 2 days she reported the complete resolution of her headaches with no further recurrences. A thorough occupational history and literature review supported exposure to Stoddard solvent as the probable source of her headaches.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Molybdenum is an essential trace element and a component of xanthine oxidase, which catalyses the formation of urate. The toxicity of molybdenum in humans is considered to be low, but hyperuricaemia and gout-like symptoms have been observed sporadically. METHODS: A case of hyperuricaemia and gouty arthritis in a young man with occupational exposure to molybdenum is described. Improvement during an exposure-free period was followed by a relapse after a reconstruction designed to quantify his molybdenum exposure. CONCLUSION: This case seems to represent the first observation of gout associated with occupational molybdenum exposure, but the association might also be entirely circumstantial.  相似文献   

We report a case of occupational asthma and rhinitis causedby inhalation of 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one, an additive usedas a microbicidal in detergent production, in a 26-year-oldman employed in a chemical factory producing detergents. Thesubject's task consisted of pouring raw materials into the recipientof a machine which mixed the substances. Two months after thebeginning of this job the patient complained of rhinitis andasthma at the workplace. The specific challenge test with 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one,one of the raw materials to which the subject was exposed, provokedan immediate prolonged asthmatic response and nasal symptoms,whereas exposure to other agents (e.g., -amylase, alcalase orbezalkonium chloride) to which the patient was also exposedat work did not. To our knowledge this is the first case ofoccupational asthma and rhinitis caused by this compound.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report a case of occupational asthma and urticaria due to the queen scallop (Chlamys opercularis) and king scallop (Pectin maximus). BACKGROUND: A 40-year-old female worked in a shellfish-processing plant, handling king and queen scallops for 5 years. At the time of investigation, she described a 2-year history of work-related respiratory symptoms. METHODS: Serial peak expiratory flow rate readings were recorded and an OASYS study completed. A workplace visit was undertaken and specific immunoglobulin (IgE) radioallergosorbent (RAST) testing of scallop extracts was performed. RESULTS: The OASYS study was consistent with occupational asthma. RAST testing demonstrated evidence of specific sensitization (IgE) to queen and king scallop. There was also some cross-reactivity observed with other shellfish (prawns and crabs). CONCLUSION: Workers exposed to aerosols from scallop species are at risk of occupational asthma and require effective respiratory health surveillance.  相似文献   

This study explores the amount of occupational ophthalmology that it is possible to encounter within an existing teaching hospital system, as this offers the primary training facilities for resident doctors who expect to specialize in occupational medicine. The study was based on an analysis of ophthalmology patient records available at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, which is Nigeria's largest teaching hospital. One thousand, three hundred and thirty-four patients with eye disease were seen during the 1-year study. Of these, 1052 (78.9%) did not have their occupations recorded. Accidents were the only occupational diagnoses recorded, and this occurred in 75 (5.6%) of cases. The findings indicate that doctors who train in this specialty should gain experience in industries that have sizeable occupational health services, in addition to their formal ophthalmology training, in order to acquire experience in primary and occupational eye care. It is suggested that greater emphasis be placed on occupational ophthalmology in teaching hospitals and that there is a general improvement in completing patients' records: in particular, a patient's occupation should be recorded.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is difficulty in defining occupational health services among stakeholders of the service. Concurrently, there are concerns about the state of occupational health provision in the UK. AIMS: To determine stakeholders' perception of the services that occupational health encompasses and the level as well as the rationale behind the provision of these services. METHODS: The research was undertaken as a postal questionnaire survey of the FTSE 350 companies and selected public sector organizations in the UK. This was followed up by telephone calls to a random selection of non-respondents to obtain non-respondent data. RESULTS: There is a difference in opinion among managers and occupational health professionals about the services provided by occupational health. Taking into account non-respondent data to partially adjust for overestimation biases, the level of provision of occupational health services among the FTSE 350 companies is 69% and in public sector organizations is 95%, giving an average provision of 72%. Sixteen per cent of respondents thought there was a trend towards outsourcing of services. The most frequently cited reason for provision of an occupational health service was that it was for the benefit of employees. CONCLUSIONS: There remains room for improvement in the level of occupational health services provision in large UK private sector organizations. By bridging the gap between the different stakeholders' perceptions of the remit and benefits of the service, a higher level of provision in the private sector similar to that of public sector organizations can be achieved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: 'NHSPlus' was conceived as a national agency that would provide occupational health services to organizations, for a fee, without imposing any financial burden on the taxpayer. This self-funding requirement brings into focus the resource implications for such a service and the determination of the charges to be made to external clients. AIM: The existing provision of occupational health services to >100000 National Health Service (NHS) staff by 13 NHS occupational health services of various sizes was analysed, with the objective of determining an appropriate charge-out rate to third parties. METHOD: Two focus groups were questioned on their work external to the NHS. Data collected on the allocation of doctors and nurses to occupational health services in relation to the number of NHS clients serviced were used to investigate the nature of the resourcing relationship using regression analysis. RESULTS: The relationship was found to be stable enough to provide a good estimate of staff requirements (the key resource requirement). Combining this with costing information allowed inferences to be drawn concerning the economic cost and hence the break-even rate of charge for the service. This was then compared with the employer charge rates in the NHSPlus published case studies. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the per capita charges to external clients are lower than the per capita cost of internal occupational health provision within the NHS, raising questions about the viability of the service.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An international comparison study of women's occupational health issues was carried out in 2000 for the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore. The study was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency's Southeast Asia Gender Equity Program. AIM: The objective was to compare the issues, risk factors, social determinants, and challenges in women's occupational health, according to the status of economic development as defined by the World Bank. METHOD: Data were collected through 27 key informant interviews of high-ranking government officials and senior researchers, self-administered questionnaires on country or regional statistics and 16 courtesy calls. RESULTS: Results indicated that women's occupational health problems common in these countries or regions included women's long hours of work (double workday), shift work and a caring role for family and friends. Problems reported in developing countries but not developed countries included poor access to training and protective equipment, and insufficient legislation to protect women's rights. Problems reported in developed countries but not in developing countries included obesity, smoking and not including women in health research. CONCLUSION: This paper provides insights into the changing environment in the workplace, such as increasing participation of women in the paid workforce and changes in gender differences due to the changing country economy, for improving women's occupational health.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Occupational voice health is becoming more important as more people rely on their voices for their work. A number of studies have identified certain occupational groups at increased risk of developing occupational voice disorders, namely teachers, singers and aerobics instructors. Aim The paper aims to review the literature on occupational groups at risk of voice disorders and identify areas for future research. METHOD: A literature review of key databases using key words such as 'occupational', 'voice health', 'voice loss', 'dysphonia' and 'work related' was undertaken. RESULTS: The review identified case reports, studies of attendees at hospital voice clinics and a few cross-sectional studies of occupational groups in the workplace. There were no longitudinal studies found or intervention studies looking at reduction of risk. CONCLUSION: Further research on occupational voice disorders needs to be based in the workplace, and to look at the risk factors for the development of voice problems and for the efficacy of controls.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A small minority of the UK workforce currently has access to an occupational physician. Reduction in the size of enterprises, the emergence of atypical work patterns and problems recruiting and training occupational health specialists risk making this minority even smaller. AIM: This paper considers the challenges currently facing occupational medicine and how we can improve access to occupational health services (OHS). It aims to highlight some of the diverse internal and external factors that restrict the UK's ability to provide all workers access to OHS. METHOD: A literature review was carried out and combined with awareness of current trends in business and new legislation together with provision of occupational medicine in other countries. RESULTS: Potentially controversial solutions that might help to make OHS more widely accessible were identified and are discussed. It is hoped that these will provoke further debate. CONCLUSION: Individually and organizationally, we must examine and improve capabilities if we are to improve worker access to OHS and deliver targets to reduce occupational ill-health. It is suggested that this requires a strategic shift to apply resources differently. There is need to explore delegation of tasks traditionally performed by doctors to nurses and other staff together with the outsourcing of non-core work. The increased use of telemedicine and the enhanced use of information technology for training, risk assessments, wellness programmes and questionnaire-based health assessments are other developments that should be explored.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Occupational musculoskeletal disorders are frequently seen by occupational physicians and rheumatologists, and there are well-established UK-based schemes set-up for reporting these conditions. An apparent fall in case reporting for work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Great Britain to The Health and Occupation Reporting network (THOR) was observed from 2002 to 2003. AIMS: To investigate changes in case reporting for musculoskeletal disorders sent by occupational physicians to Occupational Physicians Reporting Activity (OPRA) and by rheumatologists to Musculoskeletal Occupational Surveillance Scheme (MOSS) between 2002 and 2003. METHODS: Musculoskeletal cases returned by more than 800 physicians from Great Britain reporting to OPRA and MOSS in 2002-2003 were analysed. Changes in reporting are described at individual physician and group levels in: numbers of participants, levels of response, and numbers of case reports by disease category and major occupational and industrial groups. RESULTS: In 2002-2003, musculoskeletal disease was the most frequently reported major disease category in OPRA. Between 2002 and 2003, the proportion of musculoskeletal case reporting fell by 37% in OPRA, and 7% in MOSS. This fall was seen in many disease categories, across a wide range of occupations and industries. In OPRA, the greatest fall in reporting (74%) was for the category Raynaud's/Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome/Vibration White Finger. CONCLUSIONS: The fall in occupational musculoskeletal case reporting between 2002 and 2003 cannot be explained by internal factors within the reporting system. This observation highlights the need for systematic investigation of trends in case reporting for work-related ill-health.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Infectious diseases remain an important cause of self-reported work-related illness, with socio-economic consequences, including sickness absence. Reporting of infectious disease by occupational and specialist physicians is an important tool in the investigation of occupationally related infections and is relevant in their management. AIMS: To examine the reporting of cases of infectious disease by occupational and specialist physicians to schemes collecting data on occupational ill-health. METHODS: Cases of infectious disease reported by occupational and specialist physicians to the UK based schemes, Occupational Disease Intelligence Network (ODIN) and The Health and Occupation Reporting network (THOR), from 2000 to 2003 were analysed by reporting patterns, diagnosis, single case or outbreak reporting and industry. RESULTS: The total number of estimated cases of infectious disease reported to ODIN and THOR from 2000 to 2003 was 5606; 74.9% cases were diarrhoeal disease, and 11.1% scabies. The majority (81.4%) of cases were reported in SIDAW, where the participation rate for reporters was 55%. Reporting rates were much higher in OPRA, SWORD and EPIDERM (ranging from 86 to 96%). The most frequently reported industrial sectors were social care (39.5%) and health (29.4%); while the manufacture of chemical products contributed 4.3% overall, but 33.8% to estimated cases in OPRA. CONCLUSIONS: Despite limitations related to under reporting, the occupational and specialist physician schemes in ODIN and THOR provide data that may be used to look at patterns of case reporting for occupational ill-health, including infectious disease. The reporting schemes also provide an important means of alerting peers about potential novel causes, precipitating factors, or industrial sectors associated with occupational disease.  相似文献   

There are established reporting schemes for some occupational and work-related illnesses but these schemes may underestimate the true incidence of such diseases. Not all cases may be referred to a participating physician and access to adequate diagnostic facilities are not always available. Collecting data directly from occupational health departments may overcome some problems related to under-reporting as they have good access to the entire working population within their company. The aim of this paper is to report the results from such a reporting scheme operated by a large multi-national engineering company during the period 1993-96. All UK sites of Lucas Industries (later LucasVarity) participated. A report form was completed by the occupational health department of each participating site each month. The report form gave abbreviated details of each case of occupational and work-related disease occurring at that site during the previous month. Forms were posted to a central office where the data was collated and analyzed. The incidence of respiratory diseases was broadly similar or slightly higher to that reported from other schemes. Musculoskeletal diseases were by far the most common category of disease reported. During a four year period of reporting the incidence of occupational and work-related diseases decreased overall by approximately 75%. As the reported incidence of respiratory disease was comparable with or slightly higher than that from other schemes, it appears that reporting schemes such as this can provide useful and accurate data. Musculoskeletal diseases are the most common type of disease attributed to work and should probably receive greater attention. The decrease in incidence seen in LucasVarity over time may reflect increased emphasis given to health and safety issues within the company during the reporting period.  相似文献   

Objective Dental erosion is characterized as a disorder witha multifactorial aetiology including environmental acid exposure.The purpose of this article was to summarize and discuss theavailable information concerning occupational dental erosion. Methods Information from original scientific papers, case reportsand reviews with additional case reports listed in PubMed, Medlineor EMBASE [search term: (dental OR enamel OR dentin) AND (erosionOR tooth wear) AND (occupational OR worker)] were included inthe review. References from the identified publications weremanually searched to identify additional relevant articles. Results The systematic search resulted in 59 papers, of which42 were suitable for the present review. Seventeen papers demonstratedevidence that battery, galvanizing and associated workers exposedto sulphuric or hydrochloric acid were at higher risk of dentalerosion. For other industrial workers, wine tasters and competitiveswimmers, only a few clinical studies exist and these do notallow the drawing of definitive conclusions. Conclusion Occupational acid exposure might increase the riskof dental erosion. Evidence for occupational dental erosionis limited to battery and galvanizing workers, while data forother occupational groups need to be confirmed by further studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A 43-year-old man presented with wheeze and shortness of breath. He had an occupational history of working in a limestone quarry. Pulmonary function testing revealed a mixed obstructive/restrictive defect. Chest X-ray revealed nodular shadowing throughout both lung fields. METHODS: Subsequent thoracoscopic lung biopsy was performed and histology of the nodules revealed a foreign body granulomatous reaction with numerous fluorescent particles seen under polarized light. There was no evidence of interstitial fibrosis. RESULTS: Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) scanning confirmed that these particles contained calcium, aluminium and silicon and had a composition consistent with limestone. CONCLUSIONS: This case demonstrates a possible unusual reaction to inorganic dust particles without resultant fibrosis.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the need for quality improvement of diagnosing and reporting of noise-induced occupational hearing loss and occupational adjustment disorder. METHODS: Performance indicators and criteria for the quality of diagnosing and reporting were developed. Self-assessment questionnaires were sent to all occupational physicians recorded on the Netherlands Centre for Occupational Diseases database. The performance of responding occupational physicians was then assessed by separate scores per performance indicator and by a total quality score. RESULTS: Twenty-three questionnaires on noise-induced occupational hearing loss and 125 questionnaires on occupational adjustment disorder were available for analysis. The mean quality score for diagnosing and reporting was 6.0 (SD: 1.4) for noise-induced occupational hearing loss and 7.9 (SD: 1.5) for occupational adjustment disorder on a scale of 0-10. For noise-induced occupational hearing loss, there was a need for quality improvement of the aspects of medical history, audiometric measurement, clinical diagnosis of the disease and reporting. For occupational adjustment disorder, the assessment of other non-occupational causes needed improvement. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of diagnosing and reporting could be improved for noise-induced occupational hearing loss and occupational adjustment disorders. Information, education and practical tools are proposed for quality improvements.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: While treating an unusual amputation caused by a meat band saw in a 35-year-old butcher, we sought information from the medical literature that would be useful to other physicians who might encounter similar occupational injuries. METHODS: Using the Medline database and relevant search terms, we reviewed the literature concerning occupational saw blade injuries and porcine microbiology as they related to this injury. RESULTS: Among meat workers using powered cutting equipment, hand injuries and distal fingertip amputations appear to be common. The greatest risk for a wound infection after open exposure to raw pork meat appears primarily related to environmental flora rather than enteric-borne porcine pathogens. CONCLUSIONS: Decision-making strategy when formulating a treatment plan for debridement or reconstruction of saw blade amputations should rely on a detailed understanding of the injury and occupational environment to achieve an optimal patient outcome. When considering operative and antibiotic treatment for porcine meat-related amputation injury, surgeons should adhere to open fracture-related guidelines, since porcine-borne illnesses are most often caused by ingestion rather than transcutaneous inoculation.  相似文献   

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