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冲突广泛存在于现代社会之中 ,在功能上社会冲突并非只是消极的 ,它也能对社会的发展与进步起到积极的推动作用。妥协是解决冲突的基本手段之一 ,妥协对社会政治的正常运行也能产生重要的作用。冲突与妥协是现代社会运行的常态 ,以一种不带偏见的平常心来认识冲突与妥协 ,是现代社会的客观要求。传统的对冲突与妥协的简单化、歧视性评判是不利于社会转型与发展的  相似文献   

目的 探讨军人企业员工的成人依恋对人际冲突处理策略的影响.方法 采用随机整群抽样的方法,对辽宁、北京等地的企业共478人,在某野战部队和某部队汽车培训基地抽取官兵658人为调查对象,采用人际冲突处理策略量表(ROCI-II)、亲密关系经历量表(ECR)、关系问卷(RQ)进行了调查.结果 军人和企业员工样本的依恋类型分布差异显著,军人样本中安全型比例偏低,而轻视型比例偏高;在人际冲突处理策略上,军人和企业员工在统合、回避、竞争、顺从指标上没有显著性差异,但在妥协策略中军人得分[(30.54±8.23)分]显著低于企业员工[(31.36±5.84)分,t_((1120))=1.97,P<0.05];四种依恋类型的被试在统合策略上差异显著(F_((3,1009))=10.18,P<0.01);依恋回避与人际冲突解决策略中的统合、顺从、妥协存在显著的负相关(r=-0.31,-0.11,-0.13),而依恋焦虑则与退避、竞争、顺从、妥协都存在中等程度且显著的正相关(r=0.16,0.35,0.35,0.39,0.30).结论 成人依恋与人际冲突处理策略之间存在着一定的关系,且军人和企业员工也存在妥协指标上存在显著差异.  相似文献   

研究中国近代资产阶级是研究中国近代政治经济史、中国革命史一个不可回避的重要课题.随着社会主义现代化建设的不断推进,以及“一国两制”伟大设想的实现,研究中国近代资产阶级,正确认识和理解资产阶级在中国历史上的地位和作用,已经成为近年来史学界引起争论的一个热点问题.在中国近代史中,资产阶级起到了不可替代的历史作用.毛泽东在领导中国革命的实践中多次从理论上论述了中国资产阶级问题,明确地把中国资产阶级划分为官僚买办资产阶级和民族资产阶级两个部分.并多次强调我们党  相似文献   

新华社保定27日电中共中央宣传部副部长张际春24日在保定全国中医中药工作会议上就中医中药工作问题讲话。他指出,卫生工作中同样存在着无产阶级和资产阶级之间的两条道路的斗争,要不要团结中西医、继承发扬祖国医学遗产,是这个斗争的重要内容之一。在这个问题上,我们同资产阶级的医药专家长期有分歧,今后更广泛更深入地开展中医中药工作,必须加强党的领导,深入地批判资产阶级思想,继续大张旗鼓地宣传党的中医政策,普遍展开中医中药的群众运动,更好地发挥中医中药为生产服务的作用  相似文献   

扶正祛邪治则是中医治法中的一个特点。这种治则是建立在整体观念和辨证求本的基础之上的。祖国医学把疾病的发生和发展过程,看作是正气与邪气双方斗争的过程。既看到导致疾病的外在因素——邪气实,又看到导致疾病的内在因素——正气虛。而治疗的目的,就是改变邪正双方力量的对比,扶助正气,调动机体的免疫功能,祛除病邪,消除外来的致病因素,使疾病向痊愈方面转化。扶正,就是使用扶助正气的药物,如益气、养血、滋阴、壮阳等方法,来增强体  相似文献   

人类疾病与影响人类社区生活的经济体制之间存在着密切而重要的联系。目前有一种理论认为,人类的许多疾病都可归因于两大生态系统之间的冲突:即人群生态系统和受微观自然现象主宰的病原动物生态系统。根据这一论点,造成这种冲突的起因是,为确保个体和群体的生存,冲突双方有必要获得安全食品。  相似文献   

一、最近在全国范围内展开了对于胡适、俞平伯、胡风思想的批判,这是一场严重的、激烈的思想斗争。这个斗争的目的,是要从思想战线上用马克思主义的辩证唯物主义的武器,批判和肃清资产阶级唯心主义的思想,以捍卫和发展马克思主义思想,巩固和扩大社会主义在思想战线上的阵地,保证我们在进行社会主义革命事业的斗争中,能够迅速  相似文献   

无产阶级文化大革命的经验,正在深入发展的批林批孔运动的斗争实践,使我们进一步认识到加强马克思主义理论队伍的重要性。批林批孔是上层建筑领域里马克思主义战胜修正主义、无产阶级战胜资产阶级的政治斗争和思想斗争。在这个斗争中,要把林彪反革命的修正主义路线批深批透,把孔孟之道批深批透,用马克思主义占领哲学、历史、教育、文学、艺术、法律等在内的整个上  相似文献   

毛主席指出:“列宁为什么说对资产阶级专政,这个问题要搞清楚。这个问题不搞清楚,就会变修正主义。”我们联系卫生革命实践,深刻体会到在卫生战线上开展两条路线的斗争,归根到底,就是要在医药卫生领域里对资产阶级实行无产阶级专政。  相似文献   

刘伟 《新疆医学》2010,40(8):124-124
医疗纠纷关系到医患双方,很多时候都是有观念、理解、看法、角度、态度不同而引发的冲突,如果医患双方都能够用下面这些新思维和观念来指导自己的青行,许多纠纷都不会萌芽。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战对美国高等医学教育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从1910年Flexnet报告发表以后,现代医学教育模式在美国逐渐确立起来,医学教育在第二次世界大战以前已经有了迅速的发展。第二次世界大战的爆发成为历史上影响医学教育发展的一个重要因素。对第二次世界大战给予美国医学教育的影响进行着重分析,并对第二次世界大战前后医学教育发展概况进行分析和总结,目的是为我国医学教育改革发展提供一些借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

20世纪后半叶美国高等医学教育改革历程   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
美国现代高等医学教育模式的确立是以20世纪初Flexner报告发表为开端的。第二次世界大战前,现代高等医学教育体系已基本完善,并经历了二战的考验。二战后,随着社会和医学发展,美国高等医学教育一直在进行着改革。按照时间顺序在50年代、60年代以及70、80年代进行了改革。分析历次改革的背景、主要内容及改革的特点特别对指导20世纪80年代后医学教育改革的纲领性文件——GPEP报告进行详细阐述,包括GPEP报告的内容、作用以及与Flexner报告的对比分析。通过回顾与分析,对美国医学教育改革历程中的成功经验和不足之处进行梳理,为我国正在进行的高等医学教育改革提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

We surveyed faculty and residents from seven hospitals affiliated with three academic internal medicine training programs about their perceptions of the informational and service benefits vs the risks of ethical compromise involved in interactions with pharmaceutical sales representatives. Questionnaires were returned by 467 (81%) of 575 physicians surveyed. Residents and faculty generally had somewhat negative attitudes toward the educational and informational value of detailing activities at their institutions but indicated that representatives supported important conferences and speakers. Residents were more likely than faculty to perceive contacts with sales representatives as potentially influencing physician decision making. Sixty-seven percent of faculty and 77% of residents indicated that physicians could be compromised by accepting gifts. More than half of the physicians who suggested that such compromise was possible indicated that acceptance of gifts worth more than +100 from drug companies would be likely to compromise a physician's independence and objectivity. A majority of both faculty and house staff favored eliminating presentations by pharmaceutical representatives at their hospitals. Only 10% thought they had had sufficient training during medical school and residency regarding professional interaction with sales representatives.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two proposals to the US President's Council on Bioethics that try to overcome the issue of killing embryos in embryonic stem (ES) cell research and argues that neither of them can hold good as a compromise solution. The author argues that (1) the groups of people for which the compromises are intended neither need nor want the two compromises, (2) the US government and other governments of countries with restrictive regulation on ES cell research have not provided a clear and sound justification to take into account minority views on the protection of human life to such a considerable extent as to constrain the freedom of research in the area of stem cell research, and (3) the best way to deal with these issues is to accept that many people and most governments adopt a gradualist and variable viewpoint on the human embryo which implies that embryos can be sacrificed for good reasons and to try to find other, less constraining, ways to take into account minority views on the embryo. Finally, another more efficient and time and money sparing compromise will be proposed for those who accept IVF, a majority in most societies.  相似文献   

Prevalence and spectrum of asthma in childhood   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
All the 7 year old schoolchildren in North Tyneside were screened for wheeze with a questionnaire followed by selective clinical assessment: 9.3% of the children had had episodic wheeze within the past year and all those followed up subsequently responded to one or more of the drugs used for asthma. A further 1.8% had had similar symptoms since starting school, though they had not wheezed in the past year. Frequently of symptoms in the 11% of children with features of asthma varied widely and correlated with bronchial reactivity on histamine challenge, but it was not possible to separate children with frequent wheeze from asymptomatic controls by their response to histamine. It was concluded that all these wheezy children had symptoms of a common basic disorder and that they should all be treated as asthmatic.  相似文献   

Girdwood, president of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, recounts his experience in assessing and treating newly released Allied prisoners in the Far East during World War II. Although he had been posted to various locales and had interviewed many prison camp survivors, he had not heard direct accounts of germ warfare experiments allegedly performed by the Japanese on American, British, and Australian prisoners until they were reported on a British television program, Unit 731, on 13 August 1985. While poor medical care, abuse, and malnutrition were known, information about biological warfare disclosed on the television program was evidently not known to British, Indian, or Australian authorities until the war's end.  相似文献   

R J Lifton 《JAMA》1985,254(5):631-632

由《寻乐堂日录》、《甲初日记》、《康复日记》、《李文清公日记》等几种日记可知,清代身处不同地域的士人由于医疗资源的差异而有着不同的“就医行为”。经济发达的城市中从医人员数量多,医疗资源易于获取,所以病患倾向于有病即刻求医,甚至频繁更换医者,期望获得最佳诊疗效果,医患双方的关系也相对简单。县域中由于医者数量较少,医疗资源获取不易,所以病患就医往往费时费事,有可能迁延很久,因而不得不自我诊疗,而一旦选定医生,医患双方会维持着相对稳定的密切联系。由于整体医疗水平的限制,不同地域的不同士人在无助时也往往寻求于外在的神秘力量。  相似文献   

Various shoulder injuries can give rise to axillary artery complications. Two such cases were admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital late last year. Both were young adult males, who had developed axillary artery thrombosis secondary to shoulder injuries. The following is a short discussion on the common types of shoulder injuries, how they result in axillary artery compromise and a short section on their management and treatment.  相似文献   

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