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The effects of body position and anaesthesia with mechanical ventilation on thoracic dimensions and atelectasis formation were studied by means of computerized tomography in 14 patients. Induction of anaesthesia in the supine position reduced the cross-sectional area for both lungs and caused atelectasis formation in dependent lung regions in 4/5 patients. Conventional ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) increased thoracic dimensions and reduced, but did not eliminate, the atelectatic areas. The vertical diameters of both lungs were smaller in the lateral position as compared to the supine position (16.7 vs 10.4 cm in the left lung and 17.3 vs 12.8 cm in the right lung). The lateral positioning also caused a large reduction of the atelectatic area in the non-dependent lung. Differential ventilation with selective PEEP to the dependent lung eliminated (3/8 patients) or reduced (5/8 patients) dependent lung atelectasis. It can be concluded that lung geometry is altered in the lateral position: the shape of the lung makes the vertical diameter of each lung less in the lateral position, compared to the supine position. The atelectatic areas are mainly located in the dependent lung in the lateral position, and these atelectatic areas could be further reduced by selective PEEP to this lung.  相似文献   

Pulmonary gas exchange and the development of atelectasis were studied in eight essentially lung-healthy patients, awake and during halothane anaesthesia with mechanical ventilation. Gas exchange was evaluated by a multiple inert-gas elimination technique and conventional blood-gas analysis, and atelectasis was studied by computerized tomography (CT). Ventilation and lung perfusion were well matched in the majority of the patients when awake. In two patients there was low perfusion of poorly ventilated regions (low VA/Q). One patient had a shunt corresponding to 4% of cardiac output. None of the patients showed signs of atelectasis on the CT scans. After 15 min of anaesthesia, shunt had appeared in all patients, ranging from 1% in two patients (unchanged from the awake state) to 17%. The major VA/Q mode was widened and ventilation of poorly perfused regions (high VA/Q) was noted in seven patients. Densities in dependent lung regions (interpreted as atelectasis) were seen on the CT scans in six patients. The extent of atelectasis was significantly correlated both to the magnitude of shunt (r = 0.93, P less than 0.01) and to the impairment of arterial oxygenation (r = 0.99, P less than 0.001). The findings indicate that atelectasis in dependent lung regions during halothane anaesthesia creates shunting of blood flow and that atelectasis is the major or sole cause of impaired gas exchange in the lung-healthy, anaesthetized subject.  相似文献   

Pulmonary atelectasis, as found during general anaesthesia, may be reexpanded by hyper-inflation of the lungs. The purpose of this study was to determine whether such a recruitment is maintained and whether this is accompanied by an improved gas exchange. We studied a consecutive sample of twelve lung healthy adults, scheduled for elective surgery. After induction of intravenous anaesthesia, the lungs were hyperinflated manually. The ventilationperfusion relationship (Va/Q) was estimated with the multiple inert gas method, and in six patients atelectasis was assessed by computed x-ray tomography. The mean pulmonary shunt was 7.5% of cardiac output after induction of anaesthesia and this decreased to 1.0% and 2.8% at 20 and 40 min after the recruitment manoeuvre. Perfusion of poorly ventilated lung regions (low Va/Q), however, increased from 3.7% to 10.6% and 7.8% at 20 and 40 min after the recruitment, respectively. The mean alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference (PA-ao2) was 14.3 kPa after induction of anaesthesia and 11.1 kPa immediately after recruitment. Forty minutes later PA-ao2 was still 2.0 kPa lower than after induction of anaesthesia (95% conficence interval [CI] 0.3 to 3.8 kPa). PA-ao2 decreased more in obese patients. The mean area of atelectasis decreased from 9.0 cm2 after induction of anaesthesia to 0.1 cm2 immediately after recruitment, and there was a slow increase to 1.9 cm2 (95% CI 0.0 to 3.9 cm2) 40 min later. During general anaesthesia in lung healthy patients, most of the reexpanded atelectatic lung tissue remains inflated for at least 40 min. The recruitment manoeuvre decreases pulmonary shunt, but increases low Va/Q. The net effect on gas exchange is a small reduction of PA-ao2.  相似文献   

In previous studied with computed tomography (CT) prior to and during general anaesthesia, we found that densities developed in dependent parts of the lungs immediately after induction of anaesthesia in all examined patients. It was suggested that the densities were atelectases created by compression of lung tissue but an alternative explanation could be accumulation of extravascular fluid in the lung tissue and/or in the pleural space. In the present study the nature of the densities was analysed in further detail. Injections of contrast medium into the pleural space revealed that the densities were located in the lung tissue and not in the pleural space. By injecting contrast medium intravenously and repeating the CT scanning over a 2-min period the passage of contrast through the major vessels and the lung densities could be studied. The transit time of the contrast medium was of the same magnitude in the densities and the major lung vessels. This indicates that there were no regions with an increased amount of extravascular fluid to delay the contrast passage. These findings oppose the idea of fluid accumulation as the cause of the densities, while atelectasis remains the most plausible explanation.  相似文献   

The case series consisted of ten children, ranged in age from one to three years (median 1.8 yrs), and in body weight from 10.2 to 13.5 kg (median 11.7 kg), in ASA class 1 or 2, all without lung disease. Having undergone general anaesthesia for cranial or abdominal CT scans, the patients were studied for pulmonary morphology. The first pulmonary CT scan was taken five min after induction of general inhalational anaesthesia; preoxygenation was avoided and an intraoperative FiO2相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In obese patients, arterial oxygenation can be greatly impaired during general anesthesia. Both avoidance of denitrogenation and application of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) during mechanical ventilation may be effective in preventing such impairment of arterial oxygenation. METHODS: We studied 28 obese/overweight and seven non-obese (BMI < 25 kg x m-2) patients who underwent laparotomies with general anesthesia (i.e. isoflurane with or without nitrous oxide). During anesthesia, their lungs were mechanically ventilated at a rate of 10 breaths x min-1 with a constant flow, inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio 1 : 2, and tidal volume approximately 10 ml x kg-1. The obese/overweight patients were allocated to four different groups in terms of denitrogenation and application of PEEP (7 cm H2O) during the ventilation (n = 7 each). In the non-obese patients, their denitrogenated lungs were ventilated without application of PEEP. Arterial gas analyses were performed before induction of anesthesia, and 30, 90, 150 and 210 min after tracheal intubation. The ratio of PaO2 to FiO2 was calculated as an index of arterial oxygenation. RESULTS: No significant changes in the PaO2/FiO2 ratio were observed throughout the study in the non-obese patients and in the obese/overweight patients whose non-denitrogenated lungs were ventilated with PEEP. In the obese/overweight patients whose lungs were ventilated after denitrogenation or without application of PEEP, significant decreases in the PaO2/FiO2 ratio were observed 30 and 90 min after tracheal intubation. CONCLUSIONS: In obese or overweight patients under general anesthesia, it may be advisable to avoid denitrogenation and apply PEEP during mechanical ventilation in order to minimize the impairment of arterial oxygenation.  相似文献   

Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) applied during induction of anaesthesia may prevent atelectasis formation in the lungs. This may increase the duration of non-hypoxic apnoea by increasing the functional residual capacity. We studied the benefit of PEEP applied during the induction of anaesthesia on the duration of apnoea until the SpO2 reached 90%. Forty ASA I-II patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups. In the PEEP group (n = 20) patients were pre-oxygenated using 100% O2 administered using a CPAP device (6 cmH2O) for 5 min. Following induction of anaesthesia, patients were mechanically ventilated (PEEP 6 cm H2O) for a further 5 min. In the ZEEP group (n = 20), no CPAP or PEEP was used. The duration of apnoea until SpO2 reached 90% was measured. Non-hypoxic apnoea duration was longer in the PEEP group compared to ZEEP group (599 +/- 135 s vs. 470 +/- 150 s, p = 0.007). We conclude that the application of positive airway pressure during induction of anaesthesia in adults prolongs the non-hypoxic apnoea duration by > 2 min.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that a release of alpha-artrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is depressed resulting in the reduction of urinary output in patients receiving controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Five normovolemic patients with no apparent cardiac, renal, endocrine, or pulmonary dysfunctions were included in this study. After the patients were mechanically ventilated using a volumecycled ventilator with zero cmH2O PEEP for one hour, hemodynamic variables were measured. Urine and blood samples were collected after the measurements. Plasma alpha-ANP levels were determined on blood samples taken from radial artery using specific radioimmunoassay. Then PEEP levels were changed to 5, 10, 15 and, finally, 0cmH2O in four consecutive one-hour periods. At the end of each period, the measurements and collection of the samples were repeated. With increasing levels of PEEP, central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP), and heart rate were pressure-dependently increased. On the other hand, cardiac output and urinary output were decreased. Plasma levels of alpha-ANP were also increased by the institution of PEEP. These changes occurred in a pressure-dependent fashion. Urinary sodium excretion, potassium excretion, fractional excretion of sodium and free water clearance remained unchanged. It is concluded that a release of alpha-ANP was augmented rather than depressed with PEEP. This suggests that a decrease in urinary excretion in patients with PEEP may not be due to a reduced release of alpha-ANP.(Sata T, Yoshitake J: Increased release of alpha-atrial natriuretic peptide during controlled mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure in humans. J Anesth 2: 119–123, 1988)  相似文献   

目的 探讨间歇正压通气(IPPV)和呼气末正压通气(PEEP)对犬眼内压(10P)的影响.方法 实验犬8只,麻醉后分别监测基础条件下和各种机械通气条件下的IOP、CVP、MAP.结果 实施20 ml/kg和30 ml/kg两种不同潮气量的IPPV时IOP差异无统计学意义.实施10、15、20cm H20三种不同压力值的PEEP时IOP均显著升高(P<0.01).结论 IPPV对IOP影响不大,PEEP可使IOP显著升高.  相似文献   

目的研究双水平气道正压(BiPAP)通气在老年患者全麻恢复期呼吸支持的可行性。方法30例择期手术的老年患者随机分为BiPAP组与对照组,每组15例。在术前、拔管后、吸氧或无创通气1h后三个时点比较血液动力学、动脉血气分析参数和呼吸动力学指标。结果两组患者血液动力学的各项指标在各时点差异无显著意义;BiPAP组无创通气1h后PaCO2较拔管后降低,与对照组吸氧1h后比PaCO2低;拔管后两组患者PaO2较术前降低,BiPAP组吸氧1h可提高PaO2。BiPAP无创通气1h后,VTi、VE、Cdyn升高,RAWm降低;而对照组吸氧1h后较拔管后无明显改善。结论老年患者短期BiPAP面罩支持无创通气耐受性好,对血液动力学无明显影响,可以改善通气和氧合,降低气道阻力,提高肺顺应性。  相似文献   

Pulmonary structure was analysed by means of computed tomography (CT) in 20 lung-healthy patients, relating tissue density to the attenuation value (AV) of a picture element. Regional density of pulmonary tissue (rlung) was determined using mean lung density in five regions of interest (ROI1–5) (sector method). Vertical and horizontal distributions of x-ray attenuation were analysed by density profiles, relating AV values to evenly distributed and normalised length scales. In group I (n= 12), CT-densitometry was obtained in awake, supine patients and after induction of general anaesthesia. In group II (n = 8), the effect of mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP, 1.0 kPa [10 cmH2O]) was studied. In the awake state, a vertical tissue density difference between the top and the bottom of the lung was found in all patients, accounting for a mean of 0.235 g'cm-3 (right lung) and 0.199 g'cm-3 (left lung). Only minor changes were seen in the horizontal lung density profiles. After induction of anaesthesia, x-ray attenuation of ROI1–4 showed no significant differences when compared with the awake state. The basal lung areas (ROI5) revealed a significantly increased tissue density (P ≤ 0.01), reaching mean values of 0.94 g cm-3 (right lung) and 0.814 g-cm-3 (left lung). Similarly, vertical density profiles showed a markedly enhanced rlung of the bottom of the lung in all patients, interpreted as atelectasis. The amount of atelectasis accounted for 4.8 ± 2.6% (right lung) and 4.7 ± 2.1% (left lung) of the intrapulmonary area. There was no evidence of “non-gravitational” inhomogeneity of density distribution seen in the horizontal density profiles. After application of PEEP, basal lung densities decreased significantly, although small basal densities remained in most patients (2.27 ± 2.57% of right intrapulmonary area [P ≤ 0.01], 2.2 ± 2.37% left intrapulmonary area [P ≤ 0.01]). Calculated alveolar recruitment was 7.7 cm2 and 8.4 cm2, whereas expansion of both lungs was smaller (4.3 cm2 and 4.4 cm2 [right and left lung]). Mean density of aerated tissue had decreased by 25%, and both horizontal and vertical attenuation profiles revealed an even distribution of rlung. Analysis of rlung provides useful information about regional pulmonary morphology during anaesthesia and may be related to lung function.  相似文献   

Background: Gas exchange is regularly impaired during general anaesthesia with mechanical ventilation. A major cause of this disorder appears to be atelectasis and consequently pulmonary shunt. After re-expansion, atelectasis reappears very slowly if 30% oxygen in nitrogen is used, but much faster if 100% oxygen is used. The aim of the present study-was to evaluate if early formation of atelectasis and pulmonary shunt may be avoided if the lungs are ventilated with 30% oxygen in nitrogen instead of 100% oxygen during the induction of general anaesthesia.
Methods: Twenty-four adult patients with healthy lungs scheduled for elective surgery were investigated. During induction of anaesthesia, the lungs were manually ventilated via a face mask, using either 30% oxygen in nitrogen (group 1, n=12) or 100% oxygen (group 2, n=12). Atelectasis was estimated by computed x-ray tomography and ventilation-per-fusion distribution with the multiple inert gas elimination technique, both awake and during general anaesthesia with mechanical ventilation.
Results: No atelectasis was present in the awake subjects. After induction of anaesthesia, the mean amount of atelectasis was minor (0.2±0.4 cm2) in group 1 and considerably greater (8.0±8.2 cm2) in group 2 ( P <0.001). The pulmonary shunt was 0.3±0.7% of cardiac output in the awake subjects. This value increased to 2.1±3.8% in group 1 and to 6.5±5.2% in group 2 ( P <0.05). The indices of VA/Q mismatch showed no difference between the two groups.
Conclusion: During induction of general intravenous anaesthesia in patients with healthy lungs, gas composition plays an important role for atelectasis formation and the establishment of pulmonary shunt. By using a mixture containing 30% oxygen in nitrogen, the early formation of atelectasis and pulmonary shunt may, at least in part, be avoided.  相似文献   

The effects of alpha receptor blockade on cardiac output distribution in pigs were studied. Recordings were made during spontaneous breathing (SB), during ventilator treatment with 8 Pa positive end-expiratory pressure (8 PEEP), after alpha blockade during SB (SB-alpha) and at 8 PEEP (8 PEEP-alpha). The microsphere method was used for blood flow determinations. The animals received either 5 ml.kg-1.h-1 (Group A) or 10 ml.kg-1.h-1 (Group B) of fluids. In Group A on SB-alpha, CO was maintained due to tachycardia but mean arterial pressure (MAP) decreased, renal blood flow and urine production decreased. At 8 PEEP-alpha, CO decreased despite increased heart rate (HR), MAP decreased alarmingly, renal blood flow decreased, urine production ceased and cerebral blood flow decreased, reflecting failing autoregulation. In Group B, CO increased during SB-alpha, SVR decreased, myocardial blood flow increased and organ blood flows were otherwise unchanged. At 8 PEEP-alpha, MAP, SVR, renal, pancreatic and splenic blood flows decreased in Group B. Gastric, intestinal and muscular blood flows were unchanged at 8 PEEP-alpha in Group B which is interpreted as an effect of the alpha blockade. In both groups peripheral arterio-venous shunting increased after alpha blockade.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pressure-volume relationships (PV curves) are the only available method for bedside monitoring of respiratory mechanics. Alveolar recruitment modifies the results obtained from the PV curves. We hypothesized that method-related differences may influence PV-curve guided ventilatory management. METHODS: Twelve acute lung injury (ALI) patients [PaO2/FiO2 13.0 +/- 1.5 kPa (97.6 +/- 11.3 mmHg), bilateral pulmonary infiltrates] were studied. Two PV curves [one at variable, and another at constant level of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)] were obtained from each patient using constant inspiratory flow and end-inspiratory and -expiratory occlusions. Upper and lower inflection points (UIP, LIP) were estimated. Recruitment due to PEEP and during inflation was assessed by respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP). RESULTS: (1) Pressure-volume curves at constant PEEP tended to provide higher LIP values compared with curves at variable PEEP (mean difference +/- SEM 5.1 +/- 1.9 cmH2O); and (2) recruitment occurred throughout the PV curve with no relationship with LIP or UIP. CONCLUSION: Pressure-volume curves obtained using variable PEEP translate a different physiological reality and seem to be clinically more relevant than curves constructed at constant PEEP. If curves constructed at constant PEEP are used to set the ventilator, unnecessarily high PEEP levels may be used. Respiratory inductive plethysmography technology may be used for monitoring of recruitment at the bedside.  相似文献   

We studied the combined effects of inhaled nitric oxide (INO) and positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) during mechanical ventilation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Eleven patients received 0 and 4 parts per million of INO in random order for 30 min at PEEP levels of 0, 5, and 10 cm H2O. Respiratory and cardiovascular parameters were measured. The addition of INO and PEEP significantly improved arterial oxygenation (p < 0.005 and p < 0.0001, respectively). The combined effect of INO and PEEP on arterial oxygenation was remarkable during 10 cm H2O PEEP. There was synergistic effect on arterial oxygenation by combining INO and 10 cm H2O PEEP. The present study showed that the combination of INO and 10 cm H2O PEEP enhanced arterial oxygenation in patients with ARDS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Partial liquid ventilation, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and inhaled nitric oxide (NO) can improve ventilation/perfusion mismatch in acute lung injury (ALI). The aim of the present study was to compare gas exchange and hemodynamics in experimental ALI during gaseous and partial liquid ventilation at two different levels of PEEP, with and without the inhalation of nitric oxide. METHODS: Seven pigs (24+/-2 kg BW) were surfactant-depleted by repeated lung lavage with saline. Gas exchange and hemodynamic parameters were assessed in all animals during gaseous and subsequent partial liquid ventilation at two levels of PEEP (5 and 15 cmH2O) and intermittent inhalation of 10 ppm NO. RESULTS: Arterial oxygenation increased significantly with a simultaneous decrease in cardiac output when PEEP 15 cmH2O was applied during gaseous and partial liquid ventilation. All other hemodynamic parameters revealed no relevant changes. Inhalation of NO and instillation of perfluorocarbon had no additive effects on pulmonary gas exchange when compared to PEEP 15 cmH2O alone. CONCLUSION: In experimental lung injury, improvements in gas exchange are most distinct during mechanical ventilation with PEEP 15 cmH2O without significantly impairing hemodynamics. Partial liquid ventilation and inhaled NO did not cause an additive increase of PaO2.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Morbidly obese patients have an increased risk for peri-operative lung complications and develop a decrease in functional residual capacity (FRC). Electric impedance tomography (EIT) can be used for continuous, fast-response measurement of lung volume changes. This method was used to optimize positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to maintain FRC. METHODS: Fifteen patients with a body mass index of 49 +/- 8 kg/m(2) were studied during anaesthesia for laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. Before induction, 16 electrodes were placed around the thorax to monitor ventilation-induced impedance changes. Calibration of the electric impedance tomograph against lung volume changes was made by increasing the tidal volume in steps of 200 ml. PEEP was titrated stepwise to maintain a horizontal baseline of the EIT curve, corresponding to a stable FRC. Absolute FRC was measured with a nitrogen wash-out/wash-in technique. Cardiac output was measured with an oesophageal Doppler method. Volume expanders, 1 +/- 0.5 l, were given to prevent PEEP-induced haemodynamic impairment. RESULTS: Impedance changes closely followed tidal volume changes (R(2) > 0.95). The optimal PEEP level was 15 +/- 1 cmH(2)O, and FRC at this PEEP level was 1706 +/- 447 ml before and 2210 +/- 540 ml after surgery (P < 0.01). The cardiac index increased significantly from 2.6 +/- 0.5 before to 3.1 +/- 0.8 l/min/m(2) after surgery, and the alveolar dead space decreased. P(a)O2/F(i)O2, shunt and compliance remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: EIT enables rapid assessment of lung volume changes in morbidly obese patients, and optimization of PEEP. High PEEP levels need to be used to maintain a normal FRC and to minimize shunt. Volume loading prevents circulatory depression in spite of a high PEEP level.  相似文献   

We compared the intracuff pressure (ICP) of a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) in the lateral and prone positions with that in the supine position. One hundred and eight patients, weighing 50-70 kg, scheduled for elective orthopedic and plastic surgery, were assigned to three groups, based on their body position during surgery. General anesthesia was induced and then a size 4 deflated LMA was inserted in each patient in the supine (group 1; n = 42), lateral (group 2; n = 45), or prone position (group 3; n = 21). The LMA cuff was inflated with 15 ml of air. Anesthesia was maintained without nitrous oxide, and the ICP was measured until LMA removal in the supine position. ICP in groups 2 and 3 was significantly lower than that in group 1 from immediately after insertion to the end of surgery. After surgery, turning from the lateral (group 2) or prone (group 3) position to the supine position significantly raised the ICP. Because the ICP is related to the seal pressure of the LMA and postoperative pharyngolaryngeal morbidity, we recommend evaluating and adjusting the ICP appropriately in each body position.  相似文献   

In the healthy and surfactant-depleted lungs of five pigs the influence of different forms of high frequency ventilation superimposed on conventional mechanical ventilation during the expiratory phase of the ventilatory cycle (SHFVE) on gas exchange and cardiocirculatory parameters was investigated. Subsequently the effects of end-expiratory flushing (EF), i.e. cleaning the large airways and connecting tubes from the ventilator free from end-expiratory CO2, with a volume greater than the dead space of the large airways and connecting tubes was investigated. SHFVE and EF resulted in a significant improvement in CO2 elimination in both healthy and surfactant-depleted lungs. Furthermore, in stiff lungs, at a certain level of oxygenation and CO2 elimination, SHFVE produced the lowest peak and mean airway pressure without any additional depression of cardiocirculatory parameters.  相似文献   

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