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We present five patients with fracture of the bronchus, in whom the diagnois of bronchial rupture was first suggested because of persistent leakage of air, atelectasis of a segment of the lung or of the entire lung, mediastinal and deep cervical emphysema. In all patients the bronchoscopy was essential to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the full extent of injury.  相似文献   

A rare case of splenic abscess occurring after blunt abdominal trauma in a previously healthy boy is reported. The diagnosis was made by ultrasonography. The patient recovered after splenectomy and drainage of subphrenic and intraperitoneal pus.  相似文献   

While trauma is still the leading cause of death in the pediatric age range, it is surprising how little the CT appearances of pediatric chest injury have been investigated in the literature. We have reviewed the CT findings of blunt chest trauma in 44 children for whom chest CT examinations were requested to investigate the extent of intrathoracic injury. We noted a propensity for pulmonary contusions to be located posteriorly or posteromedially, and for them to be anatomically nonsegmental and crescentic in shape. This is possibly attributable to the relatively compliant anterior chest wall in children. The CT appearances of other major thoracic injuries are described, including pulmonary lacerations, pneumothoraces, malpositioned chest tubes, mediastinal hematomas, aortic injury, tracheobronchial injury, hemopericardium, and spinal injuries with paraspinal fluid collections. Children demonstrating findings incidental to the actual injury yet important to the subsequent therapy are also presented. We conclude that, in the event of clinically significant blunt chest trauma, the single supine chest examination in the trauma room is insufficient to adequately identify the extent of intrathoracic injury. With the exception of concern for aortic injury for which aortography is indicated, a dynamically enhanced CT scan of the thorax should be performed as clinically significant findings may result in altered therapy.  相似文献   

Blunt trauma to the abdomen accounts for the majority of abdominal injuries in children. Pancreatic injury is the fourth most common solid organ injury, following injuries to the spleen, liver and kidneys. The most common complications are the formation of pancreatic fistulae, pancreatitis and the development of pancreatic pseudocysts, which usually present several weeks after injury. The nonoperative management of minor pancreatic injury is well accepted; however, the treatment of more serious pancreatic injuries with capsular, ductal or parenchymal disruption in pediatric patients remains controversial. Based on the data presented in this literature review, although children with pancreatic injuries (without ductal disruption) do not appear to suffer increased morbidity following conservative management, patients with ductal disruption may benefit from operative intervention.  相似文献   

Summary A nine-year old boy successfully treated for an acute diaphragmatic hernia resulting from blunt trauma is presented. The clinical features, diagnosis and management of this rare condition are briefly reviewed. From the Main Hospital, Steel Plant, Bhilai (M.P.)  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童重度闭合性肾挫裂伤的处理.方法 回顾性总结分析2000至2008年临床诊治小儿闭合性肾损伤33例,重点是其中的15例重度肾挫裂伤(3例系肾积水合并肾挫裂伤的特殊病例)的资料.结果 全组无死亡,无早期肾切除病例,18例轻度肾损伤经保守治疗愈合.15例重度闭合性肾挫裂伤患儿中,其中8例采用保守治疗成功,1例肾蒂血管损伤早期急诊行肾静脉修补术,3例行选择性肾动脉栓塞治疗,3例肾积水外伤后肾破裂.3例肾积水肾破裂中,2例行早期肾盂成形肾周引流术,1例因合并肾功能不全,对侧肾萎缩,早期作肾造瘘,延期肾盂成形术,重度肾损伤病例随访5~28个月(平均18个月).4例继发尿性囊肿,1例早期行肾盂输尿管吻合,3例延期做尿性囊肿剥离切除;1例6个月后出现高血压、受损肾萎缩行肾切除.结论 轻度的肾损伤采用保守治疗易于治愈,重度的肾损伤因应病情选用相宜的方法 处理,绝大多数不需早期手术探查,以减少肾切除,选择性肾动脉栓塞微创止血效果好,重度肾挫裂伤需要密切随访,以处理相续可能发生的尿性囊肿和高血压等并发症.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiological and therapeutic management of blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) in children, with retrospective data. POPULATION AND METHODS: During 6 years (Nov 1995-Oct 2001), 92 children were hospitalised for BAT (mean age 9.5 years; 61.9% boys). Falls (45.6%) and motor vehicle accidents (43.5%) were the most frequent causes. The initial management included abdominal plain film X-ray and ultrasonography, and sometimes computed tomography (CT). The non-operative treatment was used, unless the patient was hemodynamically unstable or had hollow visceral injury, diaphragmatic rupture or renal artery rupture. RESULTS: Among 92 BAT, 52 were minor traumas and 40 were associated with one or several abdominal injuries. The sensitivity of ultrasonography to find hemoperitoneum and/or abdominal injuries was 80.3%, but the initial diagnosis of such lesions was accurate in 21 cases (52.5%) and delayed in 19 cases (47.5%), ranging from 1 to 7 days. In the delayed cases, the diagnosis was possible in nine cases with ultrasonography, in five cases with CT, but also with transaminase, amylase or lipase assays in two cases, and surgery in three cases. Twenty-nine children had a non-operative treatment and stayed in hospital about 12 days on average. Three children had surgery in emergency (two bowel perforations and one splenic rupture) and eight with delay (four renal ruptures, one associated splenic nodes, one pancreatic pseudocyst and one duodenal perforation). Only seven children (17.5%) required blood transfusion and no death occurred. CONCLUSION: In a trauma centre, the management of abdominal injuries is possible with ultrasonography and its sensitivity is correct without increasing of morbidity and mortality. But, if in doubt, a CT must be performed because its sensitivity is better. Most of the time, the children can benefit from non-operative treatment.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old boy sustained a crush injury to the upper chest that resulted in a linear laceration of the membranous part of the lower trachea and right main stem bronchus. He presented with extensive subcutaneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum, and pneumoperitoneum. The diagnosis was indicated by a CT scan of the chest and confirmed by bronchoscopy. The trachea was intubated in the operating room after rigid bronchoscopy. Intraoperative leakage of gas from the tracheobronchial laceration was minimized by single left-lung manual ventilation and application of moist packs to the site of tracheal injury. Surgical repair was achieved with interrupted sutures of non-absorbable material; a pedicle pleural flap was used to buttress the suture line. The patient was discharged in good condition after 1 week. Complete healing of the anastomosis was attested at bronchoscopy 2 months postoperatively. The rarity of tracheobronchial lacerations in childhood is noted on review of the literature. Emphasis is placed on early recognition and expeditious management of tracheobronchial lacerations. Rarely, these lacerations have been reported to heal spontaneously.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluates the safety and role of laparoscopy in the diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children. Laparoscopy was performed in five patients aged 3 to 13 years because of persistent abdominal pain after blunt trauma. A laparotomy was not indicated from the physical examination, laboratory data, or radiologic findings. With the patient under general anesthesia, a 10-mm trocar was inserted through the umbilical fossa and the intra-abdominal organs were observed for 10–60 min under an insufflation pressure of 10–12 mmHg. The patients remained hemodynamically stable without pneumothorax development. Three patients underwent laparatomies: one, who had blood in the omental sac, had a duodenal injury with hemorrhagic necrosis and underwent a resection; one with ascites and high amylase levels had an injury of the main pancreatic duct and underwent resection of the pancreatic tail; and one who had fresh blood in the upper abdomen and Douglas' pouch had a splenic hemorrhage and underwent hemostasis. The other two had serous or serosanguinous ascites and recovered without surgery. In patient 1, the same amount of information might have been obtained from a barium study. In patient 2, the pancreatic transection might have been diagnosed from ascites shown on serial computed tomograms. Patient 3 might also have been treated successfully non-surgically. It hus appears that laparoscopy may be a safe diagnostic method for blunt abdominal trauma in children, however, this small series has yielded insufficient information to assess its usefulness in making the diagnosis and the decision for laparotomy. Further studies are required to ascertain whether it will make any significant difference in the form of management.  相似文献   



Blunt trauma accounts for the majority of pediatric renal injuries. Most injuries are often minor and can be managed without surgical intervention. We have retrospectively reviewed our series of children with severe (grade IV/V) renal injuries, their management and outcome.  相似文献   

We report here on a case of avulsion of the ureteropelvic junction in a 7-year-old boy who was injured in a car accident. Severe brain trauma took precedence over signs and symptoms of blunt abdominal trauma, but 24 hours after the accident, progressive distension of the abdomen required further evaluation. Ultrasound examination and a computed tomography scan revealed disruption of the ureteropelvic junction. Simple primary anastomosis was performed. We discuss the characteristics of this unusual injury and include a review of the literature.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the importance of pleuro-pulmonary involvement in paediatric patients with blunt splenic trauma. METHOD: A retrospective chart review of 27 patients, aged 2-16 years, treated for blunt splenic injury between 1992 and 1999 was performed. RESULTS: All patients except one were treated conservatively. In 12 patients (44.4%) left-sided pleuro-pulmonary involvement was diagnosed as primary traumatic injury or as a late complication. While Grade I and II splenic injuries were prevalent, pleuro-pulmonary involvement patients had a more severe degree of splenic injury. Chest pain, dyspnoea and diminished respiratory sounds were present on primary examination in patients with chest trauma. Body temperature during the first 5 post-trauma days was significantly higher among pleuro-pulmonary involvement patients. Specific pleuro-pulmonary involvement diagnoses on admission in six children with primary chest trauma were: lung contusion, pleural thickness, or haemo-pneumothorax. Three of them developed delayed pleural effusion. In the other six children with pleuro-pulmonary involvement, late complications appeared during 2-5 days post-trauma. CONCLUSIONS: Pleuro-pulmonary involvement was observed in almost half of patients with blunt splenic trauma. Pleuro-pulmonary involvement occurred either early as a result of direct chest trauma or was delayed. High suspicion, careful monitoring of body temperature and repeated chest X-ray studies are recommended for early diagnosis and treatment of delayed pleuro-pulmonary involvement.  相似文献   

Lung contusion-lacerations after blunt thoracic trauma in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chest trauma in children is an indicator of injury severity and is associated with a high mortality rate. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of pulmonary contusion-laceration on short and long-term outcome of pediatric patients after blunt thoracic trauma. A retrospective analysis of records of 41 children aged 10 months to 17 years who were treated for pulmonary and associated injuries between 1986 and 2000 was done concerning mode of injury, types of injuries, management and outcome. In addition, a follow-up investigation was performed 4.5±1 years after injury. Of the patients 27 were involved in motor vehicle accidents (MVA group) and 14 patients suffered other types of accidents (others group). The mean injury severity score (ISS) was 30±2 (range 9–75) with no significant difference between the groups. Patients from the MVA group suffered more frequently bilateral pulmonary lesions and needed more often chest tube placement (p<0.05), 5 patients died (12%) all from the MVA group. The follow-up investigation of 34 patients showed unremarkable chest x-rays and normal lung function in all but 1 patient with bronchial asthma. In conclusion, children who recover after a pulmonary contusion-laceration trauma do not suffer from significant late respiratory problems.  相似文献   



Testicular rupture is a very rare entity in children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of surgical repair after testicular rupture in children.  相似文献   

We present a case series of pediatric blunt cardiac trauma with a variety of cardiac abnormalities, occurring immediately and after the initial insult. The range of complications and importance of serial evaluations are emphasized.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is incomplete knowledge regarding the outcome of children who suffer a cardiac arrest after blunt trauma. We sought to determine mechanisms of injury, mortality, and rate of organ donation in this population of children. METHODS: Since 1984, all traumatically injured children in San Diego County, California, have been treated at San Diego Children's Hospital. This review encompasses 10,979 pediatric trauma patients evaluated from August 1, 1984 through September 30, 1996. All patients who did not meet the following two criteria were eliminated from the review: 1) a mechanism of blunt trauma, and 2) cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed by a trained medical provider prior to arriving or on arrival to the hospital. A chart review of this set of patients was undertaken to determine mechanism of injury, severity of injury, mortality, and rate of organ donation. RESULTS: In this large metropolitan county, 65 children suffered cardiac arrest following blunt trauma. Accidents involving motor vehicles were the mechanisms responsible for 80% of these injuries. The average Injury Severity Score was 50.3. Mortality was largely related to severe head injury as manifested by a mean Abbreviated Injury Score for head and neck equal to 5.9. All but one of these patients died despite resuscitation. Ninety-four percent of these children died within the first 24 hours of injury. The single survivor was discharged in a vegetative state. Solid organs were obtained from 9% of the patients. CONCLUSION: The outcome from blunt cardiac arrest in children is rapidly and nearly uniformly fatal despite resuscitation. Because severe head injuries resulting in brain death are the leading cause of mortality, a significant percentage of organ donations are obtained from these patients.  相似文献   

Two illustrative cases with different features of cardiac injury caused by blunt chest trauma are described. The first patient had mild and obscure symptoms, detected on physical examination, and required observation only. The second patient had acute pericardial tamponade, necessitating surgical treatment. We present the different medical procedures that should be taken into consideration in management of such cases, although continuous monitoring, repeated physical examination, electrocardiograms, chest x-rays, and echocardiography proved sufficient in managing our two children. It is important that physicians who provide care to children suffering from blunt chest trauma have increased awareness of possible cardiac injuries.  相似文献   

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