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医学科研计划管理与循证医学 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
科技的迅猛发展,为现代医学拓展出更为广阔的空间。在医疗市场竞争日益激烈的氛围中,遵循科研创新客观规律,坚持科技兴院,科技兴医,已越来越被医院领导和广大医务工作者所共识。作为科研管理工作者,除作好日常管理工作外,作好科研计划管理则显得致关重要,它标志着一个单位可持续发展的实力和水平。本文将结合循证医学知识,简述在医院里如何作好科研计划管理的中心内容——项目管 相似文献
从循证医学的发展看临床科研管理的改革 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
本文从医学信息学的角度介绍了循证医学的发展情况,并从选题和立项,查证和评价,管理和质控,后效评价和管理效流,管理理念及管理程序等浅议了循证医学对临床科研管理工作的启示。作者还结合所在医院引入循证医学,开展循证医学研究取得初步成效的实例来说明临床科研管理应重视循证医学研究。 相似文献
本文概述了循证医学的产生、发展及其对临床医学科研及其医学科研管理的指导作用.认为面对循证医学在中国的发展既是挑战也是机遇,提出了我国临床医学科研如何抓住机遇迎接挑战的策略.突出其在临床科研上的地位和作用,我国的临床科研水平一定可以迎着赶上,达到国际先进水平. 相似文献
关于临床科研管理引入循证医学思维的探讨 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
现代医学科技的突飞猛进,对医学科研管理工作提出了新的要求。加强医学科研管理,一方面要继承并严格执行长期以来行之有效的规章制度和管理规范,另一方面还应积极借鉴世界各国在科研管理方面的先进思想和先进方法,如风险管理、全面质量管理、经济效益分析等等。循证医学作为临床医学研究新的方法论,越来越受到医院科技工作者和管理者的重视。 相似文献
循证医学在医院管理中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
循证医学(EBM)反映了世界医学的发展趋势,代表着现代医学的方向,为越来越多的医学界人士关注和接受。EBM对合理利用卫生资源、提高医疗质量、增强临床科学研究水平、降低医疗成本、提高医疗卫生政策水准等方面,都具有非常重要意义。 相似文献
遵循循证医学理念提高医院管理绩效 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
循证医学的兴起,为医院管理者提供了新的思路。文章探讨了循证医学与医院管理的关系:二者相辅相成;二者的契合点在于以人为本;可持续发展是二者的最终目的。阐述了在医院管理中如何遵循循证医学的基本理念,并提出4点措施:积极开展系列培训,使医务工作者对循证医学有充分的认识和理解;加强医院基础建设,为实施循证医学创造条件;以人为本,构建学习型医院;开展临床科研,循求医学证据。 相似文献
医院传统科研管理范式表现出鲜明的经验主义特征,需要寻找到新的解决之道.通过提出根本问题,搜寻最佳证据,评估证据价值效用,并结合个案特点,分析调整解决方案,将医院科研管理共同体有机、和谐、互动地纳入到科研管理体系之中.研究表明,科研管理应从经验主义范式向循证实践范式转型. 相似文献
科研管理促进转化医学的发展 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
转化医学是近年来国际医学健康领域新出现的一个分支,目的是将基础研究成果迅速转向临床应用。如今医学基础研究与临床实际结合不够紧密已经成为当前医学研究和医学教育亟待解决的重要问题。为解决这一根本矛盾,转化医学应运而生。因此,本文对转化医学本质及现状进行分析,并立足医学科研管理的自身特点,提出加快转化医学发展的对策。 相似文献
何均萍 《公共卫生与预防医学》2007,18(3):98-99
1 循证医学的概念和基本思想 循证医学是20世纪90年代引入临床医学领域的新概念,是近几年迅速兴起的一门新学科.它的出现使临床医学发生了巨大变化,逐步成为治疗疾病和医疗决策的最新思维方法和模式.不仅如此,循证医学在医疗卫生决策、医疗卫生管理等方面也得以广泛应用.循证医学的含义是指慎重、准确和明智地应用当前所能获得最好的研究依据,同时结合医生的个人专业技能和多年临床经验,考虑病人价值和愿望,将三者完美结合制定出病人治疗措施[1].循证医学要求在医疗实践中有证可循,循即是遵循、循例,证即是证据、证明;证据及其质量是循证医学的关键. 相似文献
Evidence-based medicine 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Scalise D 《Hospitals & health networks / AHA》2004,78(12):32-7, 2
It's been a catchphrase in health care for three decades; now evidence-based medicine is becoming an imperative for hospitals thanks to increasing pressure from regulators and payers. But uncertainty surrounds the concept. What specifically constitutes EBM? Whose definition prevails? And how do you decide where in your hospital it should be a priority? 相似文献
Most available medical management techniques compare the practice patterns of providers with other providers but overlook the inherent value of interventional medical therapies to patients and society. The authors present a methodology for objectively evaluating the quality and cost-effectiveness of medical interventional therapies, and comparing them to each other using the common denominator of cost per quality-adjusted life-year ($/QALY). Advantages of this methodology include the fact that it: (1) compares the cost-effectiveness of different treatment regimens, (2) incorporates patient preferences, (3) employs evidenced-based medical data, information that is most reliable and reproducible, (4) factors in the effect of treatment on the quality of life and length of life, (5) offers an evaluation of the clinical efficacy of a treatment, (6) identifies both superior and marginal treatments, (7) maximizes the effective use of scarce resources, and (8) simplifies the understanding of health care procedures for consumers, payers, and providers. 相似文献
Horváth AR 《Orvosi hetilap》2003,144(18):869-876
Patients and society expect physicians to base their approach to any type of clinical problem on informed diagnostic reasoning. Informed diagnostics means that clinicians understand and readily apply the principles of diagnostic decision making, which include an estimate of the pre-test probability (prevalence) of diseases and information about the characteristics and discriminatory power of the applied investigations. Despite the crucial importance of the appropriate use of diagnostic tools in clinical decision-making, many diagnostic tests have not been subjected to rigorous evaluation to establish the diagnostic accuracy and clinical utility of laboratory investigations using modern standards of clinical epidemiology. The lack of good quality research in the field not only contributes to inappropriate utilization of laboratory services but also to wasting significant resources. Evidence-based laboratory medicine tries to combat this problem by combining methods from epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical and social sciences with basic sciences to evaluate the role of investigations in clinical decision making and outcomes for patients. Evidence-based laboratory medicine aims to advance clinical diagnosis and management of diseases through systematic researching and disseminating generalisable new knowledge which meets the standards of critical review on clinically effective practice of laboratory investigations. The main phases of practicing evidence-based laboratory medicine are 1. question formulation, 2. systematic literature search, 3. critical appraisal of literature, 4. implementation of evidence into practice, and 5. evaluation of impact in a clinical audit cycle. The use of evidence in laboratory medicine requires systematically compiled databases of standardised and critically appraised information on the test characteristics and diagnostic accuracy of laboratory investigations. Such an approach is the Bayes Library that provides information on the global and specific measures of test performance in different patient groups and settings, in addition to prevalence data of common diseases. The Bayes Library will support informed diagnostic decisions and improve patient outcome by integrating evidence-based medicine into the diagnostic service, education and training of laboratories. The process of constant questioning and reviewing the evidence for rational diagnosis of diseases provides a practical tool to identify gaps in our knowledge and thus it generates new research ideas in laboratory medicine. 相似文献