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Genome instability and DNA repair in brain, ageing and neurological disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bohr VA  Ottersen OP  Tønjum T 《Neuroscience》2007,145(4):1183-1186

A balanced deoxyribonucleotide (dNTP) supply is essential for DNA repair. Here, we found that ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) subunits RRM1 and RRM2 accumulated very rapidly at damage sites. RRM1 bound physically to Tip60. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses of cells with an I-SceI cassette revealed that RRM1 bound to a damage site in a Tip60-dependent manner. Active RRM1 mutants lacking Tip60 binding failed to rescue an impaired DNA repair in RRM1-depleted G1-phase cells. Inhibition of RNR recruitment by an RRM1 C-terminal fragment sensitized cells to DNA damage. We propose that Tip60-dependent recruitment of RNR plays an essential role in dNTP supply for DNA repair.  相似文献   

The establishment of the epigenetic mark H4K20me1 (monomethylation of H4K20) by PR-Set7 during G2/M directly impacts S-phase progression and genome stability. However, the mechanisms involved in the regulation of this event are not well understood. Here we show that SirT2 regulates H4K20me1 deposition through the deacetylation of H4K16Ac (acetylation of H4K16) and determines the levels of H4K20me2/3 throughout the cell cycle. SirT2 binds and deacetylates PR-Set7 at K90, modulating its chromatin localization. Consistently, SirT2 depletion significantly reduces PR-Set7 chromatin levels, alters the size and number of PR-Set7 foci, and decreases the overall mitotic deposition of H4K20me1. Upon stress, the interaction between SirT2 and PR-Set7 increases along with the H4K20me1 levels, suggesting a novel mitotic checkpoint mechanism. SirT2 loss in mice induces significant defects associated with defective H4K20me1–3 levels. Accordingly, SirT2-deficient animals exhibit genomic instability and chromosomal aberrations and are prone to tumorigenesis. Our studies suggest that the dynamic cross-talk between the environment and the genome during mitosis determines the fate of the subsequent cell cycle.  相似文献   

In the absence of nucleotide excision repair, the additional deficiency of the DNA alkyltransferase (ATase) encoded by the constitutive ogt gene of Escherichia coli caused a marked increment in mutation induction by N-propyl-N-nitrosourea (PNU). Irrespective of the presence or the absence of the Ogt ATase, little mutagenic response was detected in Uvr+ bacteria in the concentration range 0–8 mM PNU, indicating that most premutagenic DNA lesions induced at these concentrations are efficiently recognized and repaired by the nucleotide excision repair system. Some increased susceptibility to mutagenesis by PNU was detected in Uvr Ogt+ bacteria, but the Uvr Ogt double mutant exhibited much higher sensitivity. These data suggest that the Ogt ATase can replace to a great extent the repair capacity of the (A)BC excinuclease. Forward mutations induced by 6 mM PNU within the initial part of the IacI gene were recovered from Uvr+ Ogt, Uvr Ogt+, and Uvr Ogt bacteria. A total of 439 independent mutations were characterized by DNA sequence analysis. The PNU-induced spectra were dominated by G:C→A:T transitions, consistent with the major role of the O6-alkylguanine miscoding lesion in mutagenesis by alkylating agents. Specific sites for G:C→A:T transitions were recovered more or less frequently in one genetic background versus the others, giving statistically significant differences among the spectra (P < 10−6). We examined the influence of DNA repair by (A)BC excinuclease and Ogt ATase on the 5′-flanking base and DNA-strand associated with the PNU-induced G:C→A:T transitions. Preferences different from those previously reported for the ethylating (ENU) and methylating (MNU) analogs were detected. We indicate that these differences might be caused by the PNU possibility of giving iso-propyl adducts, in addition to the expected n-propyl adducts, and by possible preferences in the initial distribution of these lesions as well as in their repair by the (A)BC excinuclease and the Ogt ATase of E. coli. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 31:82–91, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) repair occurs in all eukaryotic organisms and is essential for the maintenance of mitochondrial function. Evidence from both humans and yeast suggests that mismatch repair is one of the pathways that functions in overall mtDNA stability. In the mitochondria of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the presence of a homologue to the bacterial MutS mismatch repair protein, MSH1, has long been known to be essential for mitochondrial function. The mechanisms for which it is essential are unclear, however. Here, we analyze the effects of two point mutations, msh1-F105A and msh1-G776D, both predicted to be defective in mismatch repair; and we show that they are both able to maintain partial mitochondrial function. Moreover, there are significant differences in the severity of mitochondrial disruption between the two mutants that suggest multiple roles for Msh1p in addition to mismatch repair. Our overall findings suggest that these additional predicted functions of Msh1p, including recombination surveillance and heteroduplex rejection, may be primarily responsible for its essential role in mtDNA stability.  相似文献   

Environmental exposures and genome maintenance mechanisms that respond to environmentally-induced genotoxicity have a profound impact on human health. Eight review articles in this Special Issue (SI) titled “Environmental Health and Genome Integrity” describe emerging new mechanisms by which distinct forms of environmentally-induced DNA damage are remediated, and explain how DNA repair pathway choices impact genome integrity and disease propensity. Here, we provide an introduction to reviews from this SI. Our expanding knowledge of how genotoxic exposures impact the genome will allow us to better predict, prevent and treat environmentally-induced human diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Genome instability is a hallmark of most human cancers and is exacerbated following replication stress. However, the effects that drugs/xenobiotics have in promoting genome instability including chromosomal structural rearrangements in normal cells are not currently assessed in the genetic toxicology battery. Here, we show that drug-induced replication stress leads to increased genome instability in vitro using proliferating primary human cells as well as in vivo in rat bone marrow (BM) and duodenum (DD). p53-binding protein 1 (53BP1, biomarker of DNA damage repair) nuclear bodies were increased in a dose-dependent manner in normal proliferating human mammary epithelial fibroblasts following treatment with compounds traditionally classified as either genotoxic (hydralazine) and nongenotoxic (low-dose aphidicolin, duvelisib, idelalisib, and amiodarone). Comparatively, no increases in 53BP1 nuclear bodies were observed in nonproliferating cells. Negative control compounds (mannitol, alosteron, diclofenac, and zonisamide) not associated with cancer risk did not induce 53BP1 nuclear bodies in any cell type. Finally, we studied the in vivo genomic consequences of drug-induced replication stress in rats treated with 10 mg/kg of cyclophosphamide for up to 14 days followed by polymerase chain reaction-free whole genome sequencing (30X coverage) of BM and DD cells. Cyclophosphamide induced chromosomal structural rearrangements at an average of 90 genes, including 40 interchromosomal/intrachromosomal translocations, within 2 days of treatment. Collectively, these data demonstrate that this drug-induced genome instability test (DiGIT) can reveal potential adverse effects of drugs not otherwise informed by standard genetic toxicology testing batteries. These efforts are aligned with the food and drug administration's (FDA's) predictive toxicology roadmap initiative.  相似文献   

Microsatellites are short tandem repeat sequences that are highly prone to expansion/contraction due to their propensity to form non-B-form DNA structures, which hinder DNA polymerases and provoke template slippage. Although error correction by mismatch repair plays a key role in preventing microsatellite instability (MSI), which is a hallmark of Lynch syndrome, activities must also exist that unwind secondary structures to facilitate replication fidelity. Here, we report that Fancj helicase-deficient mice, while phenotypically resembling Fanconi anemia (FA), are also hypersensitive to replication inhibitors and predisposed to lymphoma. Whereas metabolism of G4-DNA structures is largely unaffected in Fancj−/− mice, high levels of spontaneous MSI occur, which is exacerbated by replication inhibition. In contrast, MSI is not observed in Fancd2−/− mice but is prevalent in human FA-J patients. Together, these data implicate FANCJ as a key factor required to counteract MSI, which is functionally distinct from its role in the FA pathway.  相似文献   

H4K20 methylation is a broad chromatin modification that has been linked with diverse epigenetic functions. Several enzymes target H4K20 methylation, consistent with distinct mono-, di-, and trimethylation states controlling different biological outputs. To analyze the roles of H4K20 methylation states, we generated conditional null alleles for the two Suv4-20h histone methyltransferase (HMTase) genes in the mouse. Suv4-20h-double-null (dn) mice are perinatally lethal and have lost nearly all H4K20me3 and H4K20me2 states. The genome-wide transition to an H4K20me1 state results in increased sensitivity to damaging stress, since Suv4-20h-dn chromatin is less efficient for DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and prone to chromosomal aberrations. Notably, Suv4-20h-dn B cells are defective in immunoglobulin class-switch recombination, and Suv4-20h-dn deficiency impairs the stem cell pool of lymphoid progenitors. Thus, conversion to an H4K20me1 state results in compromised chromatin that is insufficient to protect genome integrity and to process a DNA-rearranging differentiation program in the mouse.  相似文献   

Since the development of monoclonal antibodies against the MSH2 protein by Leach et al. in 1996, a series of investigations has been undertaken to determine the utility of immunohistochemical detection of DNA mismatch repair (MMR) gene proteins in the identification of hereditary or sporadic colorectal tumors with microsatellite instability. These studies, however, have been performed with different aims and on different patient populations. Interpretation of these immunohistochemical data relies on a thorough understanding of the biological and technical factors that affect the detection of MMR proteins. In this review, we analyze the data from the published research studies, pointing out the various factors affecting immunohistochemical detection of MMR proteins and projecting the utility of immunohistochemistry in different clinical settings.  相似文献   

Roles of DNA repair methyltransferase in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Alkylation of DNA at theO 6-position of guanine is one of the most critical events leading to induction of mutation as well as cancer. An enzyme,O 6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, is present in various organisms, from bacteria to human cells, and appears to be responsible for preventing the occurrence of such mutations. The enzyme transfers methyl groups fromO 6-methylguanine and other methylated moieties of the DNA to its own molecule, thereby repairing DNA lesions in a single-step reaction. To elucidate the role of methyltransferase in preventing cancer, animal models with altered levels of enzyme activity were generated. Transgenic mice carrying extra copies of the foreign methyltransferase gene showed a decreased susceptibility to alkylating carcinogens, with regard to tumor formation. By means of gene targeting, mouse lines defective in both alleles of the methyltransferase gene were established. Administration of methylnitrosourea to these gene-targeted mice led to early death while normal mice treated in the same manner showed no untoward effects. Numerous tumors were formed in the gene-defective mice exposed to a low dose of methylnitrosourea, while none or only few tumors were induced in the methyltransferase-proficient mice. It seems apparent that the DNA repair methyltransferase plays an important role in lowering a risk of occurrence of cancer in organisms.  相似文献   

目的 在江苏淮阴一母系遗传非综合征型耳聋大家系中,寻找线粒体基因组上可能影响1555(A→G)突变表型的其他位点突变。方法 采用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性分析(PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism,PCR-RFLP)和测序技术。检测了核心分支家系中27名母系成员的线粒体DNA上1555位点和7445位点的碱基变化,进而对该家系2名母系成员的线粒体全基因组和其他25名母系成员线粒体12S rRNA基因MTRNR1和tRNA-Ser^(UCN)基因MTTS1进行了全长测序。结果 再次证明了1555(A→G)突变是该家系成员致聋的分子生物学基础之一;并发现该家系27名母系成员的线粒体基因组中除1555(A→G)突变外,还同时存在有955-960(insC)同质型突变,两突变共分离。另外,新发现一个线粒体DNA突变——7449(insG),但该突变仅在2名母系成员中存在。结论 推测955-960(insC)突变可能通过改变12S rRNA基因的高级结构,并与1555(A→G)突变协同作用,提高了突变携带者对氨基糖甙类药物的敏感性;同时该突变可能也会导致线粒体蛋白质的合成缺陷。从而提高1555(A→G)突变致聋的外显率。  相似文献   

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has an ominous prognosis and there are only few treatment options. It is therefore crucial to investigate possible predictive markers that may improve the treatment of this disease. Mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency (d-MMR), meaning MMR protein loss (l-MMR) and/or microsatellite instability (MSI), is predictive of response to immunotherapy, but its frequency has to our knowledge not been elucidated in Scandinavian PDACs. Our aims were to examine the frequency of d-MMR in a Danish cohort of PDACs. We constructed multi-punch tissue microarrays (TMAs) using primary tumor tissue. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for the DNA MMR proteins MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 was performed, and their expression was evaluated using a scoring system from 0 to 4. If the overall score was between 0–2 or if IHC was inconclusive for technical reasons, IHC on whole-tissue sections and MSI using PCR was performed. A final score of 0, 1–2 or 3–4 defined the tumor as l-MMR, MMR reduced (r-MMR) or MMR proficient. In total, 4/164 (2.4 %), 2/164 (1.2 %) and 3/164 (1.8 %) were l-MMR, r-MMR, or inconclusive based on IHC. MSI testing of these specimens showed that two of the four l-MMR tumors were MSI-high, while the remaining cases were microsatellite stable (MSS). In conclusion, in this study of Danish PDACss, d-MMR was found in a small proportion of the tumors. For these patients, individualized treatment using immunotherapy could be considered.  相似文献   

目的:探讨散发性大肠癌中表现微卫星不稳定性(microsatellite instability,MSI)大肠癌的临床病理和分子生物学特征。方法:79例未接受术前抗肿瘤治疗的大肠癌根治的大肠癌根治术组织收入研究,分析14个微卫星位点,K-ras基因和TGFβ-RⅡ基因异常。结果:30/79例(38%)大肠癌显示不同程度MSI。11/79(14%)显示高度MSI(≥3个位点),其中9例(81%)显示  相似文献   

Summary Sequence analysis was used to define the repeat unit that constitutes the mitochondrial genome of a petite (rho ) mutant of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This mutant has retained and amplified in tandem a 2,547 by segment encompassing the second exon of the oxi3 gene excised from wild-type mtDNA between two direct repeats of 11 nucleotides. The identity of the mtDNA segment retained in this petite has recently been questioned (van der Veen et al., 1988). The results presented here confirm the identity of this mtDNA segment to be that determined previously by restriction mapping (Carignani et al., 1983).  相似文献   

Poulogiannis G, Frayling I M & Arends M J
(2010) Histopathology 56, 167–179 DNA mismatch repair deficiency in sporadic colorectal cancer and Lynch syndrome DNA mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency is one of the best understood forms of genetic instability in colorectal cancer (CRC), and is characterized by the loss of function of the MMR pathway. Failure to repair replication‐associated errors due to a defective MMR system allows persistence of mismatch mutations all over the genome, but especially in regions of repetitive DNA known as microsatellites, giving rise to the phenomenon of microsatellite instability (MSI). A high frequency of instability at microsatellites (MSI‐H) is the hallmark of the most common form of hereditary susceptibility to CRC, known as Lynch syndrome (LS) (previously known as hereditary non‐polyposis colorectal cancer syndrome), but is also observed in ~15–20% of sporadic colonic cancers (and rarely in rectal cancers). Tumour analysis by both MMR protein immunohistochemistry and DNA testing for MSI is necessary to provide a comprehensive picture of molecular abnormality, for use in conjunction with family history data and other clinicopathological features, in order to distinguish LS from sporadic MMR‐deficient CRC. Identification of the gene targets that become mutated in MMR‐deficient tumours may explain, at least in part, some of the clinical, pathological and biological features of MSI‐H CRCs and holds promise for developing novel therapeutics.  相似文献   

Mutational specificity of alkylating agents and the influence of DNA repair   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Alkylating treatments predominantly induce G: C = greater than A:T transitions, consistent with the predicted significance of the miscoding potential of the O6-alG lesion. However, the frequency and distribution of these events induced by any one compound may be diagnostic. SN1 agents that act via an alkyldiazonium cation, such as the N-nitroso compounds, preferentially generate G: C = greater than A:T transitions at 5'-RG-3' sites, while the more SN2 alkylsulfates and alkylalkane-sulfonates do not. The precise nature of this site bias and the possibility of strand bias are target dependent. The extent of this site bias and the contribution of other base substitutions are substituent size dependent. A similar 5'-RT-3' effect is seen for A:T = greater than G:C transitions, presumably directed by O4-alT lesions. The 5'-RG-3' effect, at least, likely reflects a deposition specificity arising from some aspect of helix geometry, although it may be further exaggerated by alkylation-specific repair. Excision repair appears to preferentially reduce the occurrence of ethylation-induced G:C = greater than A:T and A:T = greater than G:C transitions at sites flanked by A:T base pairs. This may be due to an enhancement of the helical distortion imposed by damage at such positions. A similar effect is not seen for methylation-induced mutations and in the case of propyl adducts, the influence of excision repair on the ultimate distribution of mutation cannot be as easily defined with respect to neighbouring sequence.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infection is an important factor for the development of atrophic gastritis and gastric carcinogenesis. However, the mechanisms explaining the effects of H. pylori infection are not fully elucidated. H. pylori infection is known to induce genetic instability in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of gastric epithelial cells. The mutagenic effect of H. pylori infection on nuclear DNA is known to be a consequence, in part, of a down-regulation of expression and activity of major DNA repair pathways. In this study, we demonstrate that H. pylori infection of gastric adenocarcinoma cells causes mtDNA mutations and a decrease of mtDNA content. Consequently, we show a decrease of respiration coupled ATP turnover and respiratory capacity and accordingly a lower level and activity of complex I of the electron transport chain. We wanted to investigate if the increased mutational load in the mitochondrial genome was caused by down-regulation of mitochondrial DNA repair pathways. We lowered the expression of APE-1 and YB-1, which are believed to be involved in mitochondrial base excision repair and mismatch repair. Our results suggest that both APE-1 and YB-1 are involved in mtDNA repair during H. pylori infection, furthermore, the results demonstrate that multiple DNA repair activities are involved in protecting mtDNA during infection.  相似文献   

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