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Zusammenfassung Bei 726 konservativ behandelten Claviculafrakturen (1971–1983) beträgt die Pseudarthrosenrate 0,69%. Gefahren bestehen in sekundärer Kompression der Gefäße und Nerven bei überschießender Callusbildung (n= 8). Fehler sind falsche Indikation zur Operation und inadäquate Osteosynthesen. Die Indikation zur Operation wurde nur gestellt bei II.- und III.° offenen Frakturen und/oder begleitender Gefäß-Nerven-Läsion (2,06%), bei peripherer Luxationsfraktur mit Instabilitat des AC-Gelenkes (1,6%) und schmerzhafter Pseudarthrose (n=46). Das Implantat der Wahl ist die 3,5er DCP, wobei in jedem Hauptfragment 6 Cortices gefaßt werden müssen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung An Hand von Nachuntersuchungen an 33 Patienten wird unter Hinweis auf ätiologische und pathogenetische Faktoren die Bedeutung der AO-Behandlung von Navicularepseudarthrosen diskutiert. Es kann gezeigt werden, daß in einem hohen Prozentsatz auch bei lange bestehenden Pseudarthrosen Heilungen zu erwarten sind. Dabei ergeben sich keine Korrelationen zwischen Konsolidierungsquote bzw. -dauer und Bestehensdauer bzw. Lokalisation und Typ der Pseudarthrosen.
Treatment of non union of the navicular bone of the hand with the navicular screw (AO)
Summary By means of investigations in 33 cases of scaphoid bone pseudarthrosis the signification of AO-treatment, referring to etiological and pathogenetic factors, is discussed. It was demonstrated, that even in long-enduring pseudarthroses remedial success can be expected in a high percentage. Concerning to quote resp. duration of consolidation, in reference to localization and type of pseudarthrosis, no correlations could be found.

Zusammenfassung Zwei wichtige Faktoren bestimmen die Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen. Einerseits gilt es eine knöcherne Ausheilung der Pseudarthrose zu erreichen und andererseits soll eine möglichst volle Funktion der verletzten Extremität wiederhergestellt bzw. erhalten werden.Durch die Methoden der funktionsstabilen Osteosynthese lassen sich die Ausheilung der Pseudarthrose und die Wiedererlangung einer vollen Funktion in sinnvoller Weise vereinigen. Als stabile Osteosyntheseverfahren gelten die Marknagelung nach Küntscher mit Aufweitung der Markhöhle und die Druckosteosynthese mit einer Kompressionsplatte oder andere druckerzeugende Methoden. Bei areaktiven, atrophischen Pseudarthrosen mit zusätzlicher autologer Spongiosaplastik wird kurzfristig ruhiggestellt, um nach Eintreten einer Verbindung zwischen Spongiosa und Pseudarthrosenstelle mit der funktionellen Weiterbehandlung fortzufahren. Für Infektpseudarthrosen müssen im Einzelfall die therapeutischen Maßnahmen gesondert festgelegt werden. Auch hier bringt die stabile Osteosynthese für das Abklingen des örtlichen Infektes und die knöcherne Ausheilung der Pseudarthrose entscheidende Vorteile. An Hand von Beispielen aus dem Gebiet der experimentellen und klinischen Pseudarthrosenbehandlung wird die Bedeutung einer stabilen Osteosynthese demonstriert.
Summary Two important factors determine the mode of treatment of pseudoarthrosis. On the one hand, bony healing of the pseudo-arthrosis must be achieved and, on the other hand, the most complete functional capacity possible has to be restored respectively maintained.Using methods of function-stable osteosynthesis, we can combine in a worthwhile manner the healing of the pseudo-arthrosis and the complete restoration of function. Two methods, which are regarded as stable osteosynthesic processes, are medullary nailing after Küntscher with widening of the medullary canal, and pressure-osteosynthesis with a pressure-plate or other means of creating pressure. In areactive, atrophic pseudo-arthrosis, accompanied by autologous spongiosa-formation, the limb is immobilised for a short period, so that further, functional therapy may be continued after the spongiosa and the site of the pseudo-arthrosis have joined up. For cases of infectious pseudo- arthrosis, specific therapeutic measures have to be determined to suit each separate occasion. In this instance also, stable osteosynthesis proves advantageous for the subsidence of the local infection and an osseous healing of the pseudo-arthrosis. By way of examples from the sphere of experimental and clinical treatment of pseudo-arthrosis, the significance of a stable osteosynthesis is demonstrated.

Nonunions of the femoral shaft result from traumatic damage to the bone, periosteum and soft tissue, or from inadequate treatment. Aseptic nonunions are diveded into hypertrophic, atrophic and defective nonunions. Operation treatment and alternative treatment methods are presented, with special reference to our own methods of treatment, and the preparation of expert appraisals is explained.  相似文献   

Complex injuries constitute a great challenge to logistics, attending physicians, and management. Despite immense advances in these areas, the complex pelvic injury (fractures of the pelvic ring or rarely of the acetabulum with soft tissue involvement) remains associated with a high mortality rate, mostly as a result of hemorrhages or sepsis. The poor prognosis of these injuries can be improved, however, by adhering to standardized procedures (algorithms). Since the underlying causes are predominantly considerable energy effects, medical history taking is an important element for treatment. The clinical examination is followed by ultrasound scan, which indicates whether the next step should be emergency surgery or further diagnostic testing, radiological basic diagnostics, and spiral CT. After provision of acute care, time management of medical care is decisive: after primary extensive débridement and lavage, repeated revisions to reduce necrotic tissue and thus to avoid sepsis are often necessary.  相似文献   

《Der Unfallchirurg》2013,116(11):968-969

Rompe  J.-D.  Sch&#;llner  C.  Heine  J. 《Trauma und Berufskrankheit》2004,6(3):S357-S367
This review article summarizes our present knowledge on the physiological and on impaired processes in bone healing. All the clinical procedures applied are based on empirical clinical data and do not qualify as evidence-based medicine. Against this backdrop, high-energy shockwave treatment may well be a treatment alternative in selected patients who have already undergone surgery but are still suffering from a pseudarthrosis. For the time being, however, this form of therapy should be used only in clinical studies.  相似文献   

The resection of primary malignancies in the pelvis is technically demanding as organs and structures are to be preserved and reconstruction of the defect as well as the postoperative function and rehabilitation are dependent on an optimal prosthesis. We present two patients with a sarcoma of the pelvis where for the first time a structured concept of technology integration led to a press-fit implantation of a hemipelvic prosthesis. This concept includes the design and production of a "custom-made" prosthesis as a hemipelvic substitute and the coating of this prosthesis with Bonit, a second-generation calcium phosphate, and gentamycin in watery solution. The tumor resection was done with computer-assisted surgery based on computed tomographies (CT) of the pelvis model done by rapid prototyping rather than on the CT of the patients' pelvis. With this procedure the presurgically simulated resection could be executed precisely with complete resection of the tumors and an accuracy which allowed an exact implantation of the prosthesis. The course was uneventful with primary healing and no sign of an infection or loosening after 6 months.  相似文献   

Die Unfallchirurgie - Pseudarthrosen stellen ein sehr heterogenes, seltenes und mitunter sehr komplexes Krankheitsbild dar. Die Ursachen, die Lokalisation und der Grad der Ausprägung zeigen...  相似文献   

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is defined by the European Association of Urology guidelines as a non-malignant pain perceived in structures related to the pelvis of either women or men for at least 6 months without proven infection or other obvious pathology. It affects the quality of life of millions of people worldwide and has an impact similar to that reported for other chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, Crohn??s disease and congestive heart failure. The treatment of CPPS remains a challenge despite several established first line therapies because many patients are therapy refractory. Unconventional treatments, such as neurostimulation, neuromodulation and acupuncture may be highly successful for treating CPPS and have a favorable adverse event profile. Thus, these promising therapeutic alternatives should be considered more often in daily clinical practice.  相似文献   

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