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关于高校科技管理中知识产权保护的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对我国高校科技及管理人员的知识产权保护意识与水平不相适应,高校科学技术成果、论文与专利的比例不平衡,普通高校知识产权保护制度的建立基本上处于初级阶段等现象,指出我国加入WTO后面对日益激烈的科技、经济形势,必须加强科技管理中的知识产权保护,并提出若干对策建议。  相似文献   

高校科技档案管理中知识产权保护现状及措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前在科技档案管理中主要存在知识产权意识淡薄和管理措施不健全等问题,提出要加强知识产权管理,并分别在完善保护制度、普及法律法规、成果开发利用、与单位实际情况和教学工作相结合等方面进行了探讨,强调档案管理工作者对于知识产权保护有着义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

应进一步完善专有技术成果的保护叶玲钱正松胡雯改革开放以来,随着科技事业的蓬勃发展和经济建设的需要,我国在引进国外技术的同时,国内技术出口成交量逐年增加,知识产权贸易在国际贸易中所占的比重也越来越大,知识产权保护问题也就日益突出,为此,我国已加快了科技...  相似文献   

知识产权是当代社会国际关注的焦点问题之一 ,保护知识产权逐渐成为国际社会的共同要求。但是 ,知识产权保护不是绝对的。随着社会的变化及科技的发展 ,特别是在某些特定的社会条件下 (重大疾病爆发流行、国家安全受到严重威胁 )、在某些特定的领域中 (遗传学、基因治疗研究 ) ,知识产权保护是有条件的。一、知识产权保护及其意义知识产权也一直是我国加入世界贸易组织的焦点问题。我国政府近年积极参加与知识产权保护有关的国际组织的活动 ,已几乎是所有与知识产权有关的国际公约和条约的成员国。随着加入世贸组织的成功 ,我国还将在知识产…  相似文献   

陕西省医药知识产权保护的政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对陕西省39家医药企业的知识产权保护情况进行调查分析,对陕西省医药知识产权保护现状进行阐述,提出目前陕西省医药知识产权保护工作中存在问题为:知识产权保护措施不利,对知识产权制度了解不足,运用知识产权知识能力较低,企业知识产权培训缺乏,知识产权信息沟通较少,企业普遍规模较小,科研投入不足,专利申请量少等。  相似文献   

现行知识产权制度对保护现代知识颇为见效,但对传统知识保护不力。作为传统知识的中医药知识产权的利益遭受严重侵害,急需救济和保护。作者论证了中医药知识产权保护法理上的正当性以及经济上的必要性,将中医药知识产权利益划分为3种类型,并结合现实情况,对中医药知识产权保护的方略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

浅谈加强科研院所知识产权的保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加强科研院所知识产权的保护,不仅是科研机构的重要课题,对医院管理者也是必须重视的问题。作者阐述了知识产权保护的意义及目前我国存在的问题,提出加强知识产权保护的措施,一是增强知识产权的保护意识,二是注重职务发明与非职务发明的产权界定;三是将知识产权保护制度化、程度化;四是设立专款、归口管理。  相似文献   

医院作为医疗、科研、教学一体化的综合性机构,其知识产权管理和保护工作也是全社会知识产权保护的重要工作,是保障知识产权法律贯彻实施的微观基础。医院对知识产权的保护意识十分淡薄、知识产权保护的管理机构不健全、管理措施不到位。文章就医院知识产权的保护措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

科技管理体系与成果转化链   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对国家中长期科技发展规划纲要的阶段目标、战略目标与我国科技现状的对比分析,指出要提高科技创新能力的关键是促进科技成果转化与实施知识产权战略。依据科技计划管理新理念,文章以知识产权为核心,以成果转化链为主干,提出了“科技管理体系与成果转化链框架图”,并由此提出对科研课题实施知识产权全过程跟踪管理的8个重要环节。  相似文献   

我国医药领域知识产权发展战略的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
几十年来中国的制药业都以仿制别国药品为主 ,虽有创新 ,但由于知识产权观念淡薄 ,知识产权保护体制不完善 ,为我国的医药产业带来了极大的损失。入世后 ,传统的仿制生产模式将无法继续生存 ,为了适应WTO对知识产权的要求和日新月异的生物制药发展速度 ,我们要树立知识产权保护意识 ,完善各种机制 ,走科技创新为主、仿创结合的道路 ;同时应从研发战略、经营策略的高度上重视和看待中药知识产权保护问题 ,走中药现代化发展道路  相似文献   

重视医院知识产权保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简述了医院知识产权保护的范围及其重要性,提出医院知识产权保护现状不容乐观,强调必须尽快加强医院知识产权管理,重点一是要强化知识产权意识,建立相应的机构与制度;二是要对科研项目和商业技术秘密等实行全程知识产权跟踪管理;三是要专设科研项目知识产权协调管理员;四是要为知识产权保护提供相应的配套服务,并制定激励政策.  相似文献   

介绍了公共卫生和知识产权的概念,提出了公共卫生领域知识产权保护的理念。通过我国与美国、德国、欧洲专利局、日本等国家和地区对公共卫生领域知识产权保护的比较,得出我国的专利法对于卫生知识产权的保护已经和发达国家基本看齐的结论。然而,我国公共卫生领域知识产权在国内专利申请上所占数量小,外国公司依据已获得的中国专利对国内医药企业提出专利侵权诉讼的出现和增长,使得公共卫生领域知识产权的发展不容乐观。同时提出在取得进步时,也应该防止公共卫生领域知识产权的滥用。  相似文献   

The stated purpose of intellectual property protection is to stimulate innovation. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) requires all Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to enact national laws conferring minimum standards of intellectual property protection by certain deadlines. Critics of the Agreement fear that such action is inconsistent with ensuring access to medicines in the developing world. A WHO convened meeting on intellectual property rights and vaccines in developing countries, on which this paper is based, found no evidence that TRIPS has stimulated innovation in developing market vaccine development (where markets are weak) or that protection of intellectual property rights has had a negative effect on access to vaccines. However, access to future vaccines in the developing world could be threatened by compliance with TRIPS. The management of such threats requires adherence of all countries to the Doha Declaration on TRIPS, and the protections guaranteed by the Agreement itself, vigilance on TRIPS-plus elements of free trade agreements, developing frameworks for licensing and technology transfer, and promoting innovative vaccine development in developing countries. The role of international organizations in defining best practices, dissemination of information, and monitoring TRIPS impact will be crucial to ensuring optimal access to priority new vaccines for the developing world.  相似文献   

知识产权权利体系及其保障机制是医院知识产权领域重要而基础性的问题,但学界研究甚少.作者对各类医院知识产权的内涵进行了界定,对知识产权内部结构进行了探讨和归总.在客观分析当下我国医院知识产权流失主要途径的基础上,提出了保障我国医院知识产权的流失防范、侵权救济、开发利用三大机制,从而较为完整地构建了医院知识产权权利体系及其保障机制.  相似文献   

The recent public backlash against proposed federal anti-piracy legislation provides important lessons regarding promoting public policy for public health and patient safety online. Anti-piracy legislation contained many novel regulatory strategies that may have had an impact on combating counterfeit medicines sold by online pharmacies, but was derailed due to non-health related considerations and concerns about intellectual property rights protection. Instead, effective policy to regulate online pharmacies needs to focus on health and patient safety issues separate from intellectual property considerations to combat this online crime.  相似文献   

米岚  朱晓卓  田侃 《卫生软科学》2011,25(7):510-512
中药专利保护与中药品种保护并存是我国中药知识产权保护的特色,这两种保护有利有弊,前者的一些不足恰好是后者的优势,而后者的某些劣势又恰好是前者的长处。双重保护并存在实践中也存在一些不协调的问题,如何解决这一系列不协调问题,从根本上使两者更好的促进中医药发展是关键所在。  相似文献   

本文探讨了转化医学科研项目管理的几个重要方面:科学规划、研究平台建设、攻关团队组建、项目过程管理、成果推广运用、知识产权保护及科研伦理监督、单位内部的转化医学项目资助体系的探索.  相似文献   

The TRIPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) mandated the introduction of protection of intellectual property rights, notably patents, for pharmaceutical products. While the implications for the access to medicines contained in the terms of this Agreement raised significant concerns, a recent new wave of free trade agreements, negotiated outside the WTO, requires even higher levels of intellectual property protection for medicines than those mandated by that Agreement. The measures involved include the extension of the patent term beyond 20 years; prohibition of use of test data on drug efficacy and safety for certain periods for the approval of generic products; the linkage between drug registration and patent protection; in some cases, limitations to the grounds for granting compulsory licences. This article reviews some of these measures that further limit the competition of generic products and discusses their possible implication for access to medicines.  相似文献   

This article discusses the evolution of the international intellectual property rights system in three phases and the implications for public health, especially for the implementation of policies for access to medicines. During the first phase, characterized by the Paris and Berne Convention, signatory countries defined which technological fields should be protected (or not). Under the second phase, with the enforcement of the WTO TRIPS Agreement, countries are obliged to grant patent protection for all technological fields, including for the pharmaceutical industry. Within their national legislations, countries also have the opportunity to implement access to TRIPS flexibilities for medicines. With the third phase, characterized by the negotiation and signing of bilateral and regional free trade agreements, countries will have to implement TRIPS-plus provisions which may have negative implications for the TRIPS flexibilities as well as for policies for access to medicines. The authors conclude that the currently proposed international intellectual property rights system favors patent-holder rights and that a balance is needed between patent holders' and health rights.  相似文献   

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