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Cardiovascular reactivity, hostility, and family history of hypertension   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was conducted to evaluate the relations between cardiovascular reactivity and two types of hostility, namely, overt expression of hostility in contrast to the covert experience of hostility. Diastolic blood pressure reactivity was associated with not overtly expressing hostility. For persons with a parental history of hypertension, systolic blood pressure (SBP) reactivity was associated with low scores on the covert hostility measure of irritability, while for persons without a parental history of hypertension, SBP reactivity was associated with high scores for irritability. The results are discussed in light of research in the area of cardiovascular reactivity and stress-related cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess the effects of a real-life stressor (public speaking) upon cardiovascular reactivity (CVR). Changes in blood pressure and heart rate from baseline to task were measured in a sample of 86 men and women. The purpose was to examine the effects of individual differences (Type A personality, hostility and gender) on CVR. Participants gave a 6-min oral presentation during which they were evaluated by their professor and with classmates as the audience. Results indicated that all participants had marked CVR during public speaking. There were differences in reactivity patterns between men and women, but personality did not play a role except for high hostile men. It is suggested that intense stressors may result in high levels of CVR independent of personality variables that moderate reactivity at lower levels of stress.  相似文献   

Workload, stress, and strain among police officers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Data relevant to stress and strain were analyzed separately for police officers with high and low workloads. Although these groups of officers were not found to differ in demographic characteristics or on overall levels of stress and strain, the sources of stress and strain were remarkably different. For the low workload officer, the sources of stress and strain appear to be difficulties in interpersonal relations with peers, community, and especially with supervisors. These difficulties appear to be mediated by effects on self-evaluation. The sources of stress and strain among high workload officers appear to be stress-producing events in their lives in general, as well as in performing the job of patrol officer and in dealing with crime and related matters. The differences between high and low workload officers can be explained by social comparison theory, by identity theory, or by Selye's stress theory.  相似文献   

Anger/hostility and Type A behavior have been implicated in elevated cardiovascular reactivity and disease. In the present experiment systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR) were monitored during conditions of competition alone or in conjunction with goal blocking or harassment. Cardiovascular reactivity was examined as a function of conditions, Type A or B pattern, and various measures of anger/hostility. Harassment elicited significantly elevated SBP and HR changes relative to goal-blocking and control conditions. Type As reliably exceeded Type Bs in magnitude of SBP change during the harassment condition only. However, exploratory analyses correlating anger/hostility measures and cardiovascular reactivity indicated that only subjects scoring high on the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory showed significantly elevated SBP reactivity as a function of Type A behavior pattern, rated hostility during the A-B interview, or outward expression of anger assessed by the Framingham Anger-In vs Anger-Out Scale.This study was supported in part by National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Training Grant HL07426 to the University of Miami. We thank Professor T. Dembroski for his overall consultation during the study and for providing training in the administration and scoring of the Type A structured interview and components.  相似文献   

In this study the relationship was examined between cardiovascular changes and performance efficiency in adult males performing an anagram solution task. Three conditions (n = 20 in each) were used, differing in the percentage of solvable anagrams (100, 50, and 30%). Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR) were measured before, during, and after the task. It was found that subjects who performed better in the 100% condition had an increase in pulse pressure (PP), that is, a greater rise of SBP than of DBP, whereas subjects who performed less in that condition showed a decrease in PP. Conversely, subjects who performed better in the 50 and 30% conditions showed a decrease in PP, whereas subjects who performed less in these conditions showed an increase in PP. With respect to HR changes, no significant correlations with performance were detected. Consistencies with data from endocrinological research were pointed out. Consideration was also given to the possible role of anxiety in mediating the relationship between physiological patterning and task performance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study were 1) to examine the effects of stressful life events on cardiovascular reactivity to acute laboratory stressors in youth and 2) to determine whether these effects varied as a function of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and/or sex. METHODS: Four hundred eighty-three youths (mean age = 16.7 years; 249 Caucasian Americans [126 males, 123 females] and 234 African Americans [109 males, 125 females]) completed the Adolescent Resources Challenge Scale (ARCS), a measure of stressful life events, and underwent two laboratory stressors (a car-driving simulation and the Social Competence Interview) during which blood pressure, heart rate, cardiac output, and total peripheral resistance were assessed. RESULTS: Youths who reported high levels of stressful life events showed smaller increases in blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic) and heart rate to the car-driving simulation but larger increases in cardiac output in response to the Social Competence Interview than did youths who reported low levels of stressful life events. The effect of stressful life events on cardiovascular reactivity was not moderated by sex, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. Higher family socioeconomic status was associated with greater blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output increases in response to the Social Competence Interview. CONCLUSIONS: The attenuating effects of stressful life events on cardiovascular reactivity in response to car-driving simulation in youths are consistent with an inoculation effect, whereas the potentiating impact of stressful life events on reactivity observed during the social stressor interview is compatible with a possible cost of coping effect.  相似文献   

The effects of prior task exposure on cardiovascular reactivity to stress were examined in two experiments by randomly assigning participants to repeated exposure groups that performed mental arithmetic pretest and test tasks versus delayed exposure groups that performed only the test task after prolonged rest. Impedance cardiographic and blood pressure measures were recorded continuously from 60 undergraduate men in Experiment 1 and 112 undergraduate men and women in Experiment 2. Task repetition attenuated cardiovascular reactivity and improved task performance in repeated exposure groups (p < .001), suggesting an integrated process of behavioral adaptation. During the test task, delayed exposure groups showed greater cardiac reactivity (p < .01), but not vascular reactivity, than repeated exposure groups. Thus, cardiac reactivity varied as a specific function of prior task exposure, whereas vascular reactivity varied as a general function of time.  相似文献   

This laboratory study of cardiovascular reactivity was designed to examine how a choice of difficulty element in a mental arithmetic task would affect cardiovascular responses. 20 healthy male subjects were tested on a computer-controlled mental arithmetic task, designed to standardize performance across subjects by keeping constant the proportion of correct responses. This was achieved by automatic adjustment of problem difficulty according to ongoing performance. Subjects were led to believe that they could take either a 'difficult' or an 'easy' version of the mental arithmetic task and were asked to make a choice; in fact, all subjects were given the same task. Subjects who chose the 'difficult' mental arithmetic task (N = 10) showed significantly greater increases in myocardial contractility, cardiac output and systolic blood pressure during task performance than those who chose 'easy' (N = 10). However, subjects who chose 'difficult' were presented with more difficult problems presumably due to their exerting greater levels of effort during the task. The differences in cardiovascular responses associated with choice of difficulty were absent during testing on four subsequent tasks which did not incorporate any choice options (reaction-time, speech, mirror trace, cold pressor). These findings are interpreted as being provocative, rather than in any way conclusive. Nevertheless, they are suggestive of the possibility that choice of difficulty in laboratory tasks may be one strategy for improving the ecological validity of laboratory reactivity assessment procedures.  相似文献   

The majority of studies investigating the relationships between psychological characteristics and cardiovascular reactivity to stress use a research strategy in which discrete traits are evaluated in isolation. The present study examined the effects of additive and/or interactive relationships among traits on cardiac reactivity to a mental arithmetic task. In addition, impedance cardiographic techniques were employed to examine potential relationships between such psychological traits and a specific measure--pre-ejection period (PEP)--of sympathic influence on the heart. Forty-nine undergraduate men performed a mental arithmetic task while continuous measures of PEP and interbeat interval (IBI) were collected. The subjects then completed questionnaires measuring anger expression, hostility, and trait anxiety. Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) showed a significant main effect for anger-out on PEP change from baseline, but not for IBI. Results also showed that anger-in interacted with anger-out and hostility to affect both PEP and IBI changes significantly. Other results indicated that subjects in the high anger-in/low anger-out and high anger-in/low hostility groups did not show significant PEP change, although they nevertheless showed significant IBI change. These results highlight the importance of the consideration of interactions among traits in predicting cardiac reactivity and of the importance of measuring specific indexes of sympathetic arousal.  相似文献   

The experiment was designed to determine the value of measures of physiological activity as predictors of performance in a vigilance task. Subjects, for whom resting (EEG, heart rate, and skin conductance) and response (electrodermal) measures were available, were given an auditory vigilance task. Overall vigilance performance was significantly correlated with one measure of electrodermal habituation, latency of response to the first of a series of stimuli, and total number of responses to stimuli. None of the measures of resting physiological activity were significantly related to vigilance performance. The results are discussed in terms of Mackworth's (1969) theory of vigilance.  相似文献   

An experiment with N=40 university students investigated the impact of social observation on cardiovascular reactivity during performance on a computer-based letter detection task. The study was conducted in a 2 (social observation: no vs. yes)x2 (task difficulty: easy vs. difficult) between-persons design. In accordance with engagement-related predictions about the role of social observation in active coping, the mere presence of an experimenter who observed participants during task performance increased the reactivity of systolic blood pressure when the task was difficult, but not when the task was easy. Without social observation, reactivity was modest in both the easy and the difficult conditions. Reactivity of diastolic blood pressure described the same pattern as systolic blood pressure. Results are interpreted as evidence for an effort-related analysis of cardiovascular reactivity based on the principles of motivational intensity theory.  相似文献   

The present study examined cardiovascular correlates of expression of, and exposure to, naturally occurring behavioral dominance and hostility during dyadic social interaction. Unacquainted men and women undergraduates participated in three mixed-gender interactions with the same partner while their blood pressure and heart rate were assessed. Videotaped records of the interactions were coded for behavioral dominance and hostility. Exposure effects were apparent for women's systolic blood pressure and men's heart rate, with significantly greater reactivity shown by participants whose partners exhibited more dominance or hostility, respectively. Also, women's expression of dominance was positively and significantly associated with their heart rate reactivity. In addition to providing further evidence that emotion-related features of the social environment contribute to cardiovascular reactivity, these results illustrate that dominance merits attention as a correlate of cardiac stress reactivity, independent of hostility.  相似文献   

The forearm blood flow (FABF) and other cardiovascular responses of 20 black men with a parental history of hypertension were compared with the responses of 18 black men without a parental history of hypertension. The results showed that sons of hypertensive parents had higher systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure than sons of normotensive parents during the initial assessment as well as significantly higher self-determined home SBP. Sons of hypertensive parents had higher SBP responses than sons of normotensive parents during mental challenge and the cold pressor, but there were no group differences in DBP, heart rate (HR), (FABF), or forearm vascular resistance (FAVR) responses to the stressors. Significant positive correlations between HR and FABF responses to the stressors were observed for sons of hypertensive parents. Finally, the results showed that the BP and FAVR responses to the cold pressor (a painful task that elicits alpha-adrenergic activity) were significantly higher than responses to mental challenge (a task that elicits beta-adrenergic activity) for both groups. The implications of these results are discussed in light of current research suggesting that blacks may have a greater tendency toward BP responses mediated by alpha-adrenergic increases in vascular resistance.  相似文献   

There has been significant interest in, and controversy about, whether anger and hostility problems are meaningfully related to male-to-female intimate partner violence (IPV). In this meta-analytic review, we empirically evaluated whether the constructs of anger and hostility discriminated between IPV perpetrators and nonviolent comparison males. Thirty-three studies reporting data from 28 independent samples were included for analysis. IPV perpetrators consistently reported moderately higher levels of anger and hostility than nonviolent men across assessment methods (i.e., self-report, observational, and spouse-specific). In prior reviews, relationship distress has been proposed as a moderating variable between relationship distress and IPV. In this review, IPV perpetrators also consistently reported moderately higher levels of anger and hostility than relationship-discordant nonviolent men. Additionally, comparisons of subtypes of IPV perpetrators found that men in moderate-high severity IPV subtypes reported higher levels of anger and hostility than low-moderate IPV subtypes. While the pattern of results in this review suggests that elevated anger and hostility are distinguishing characteristics of IPV perpetrators, empirically based conclusions regarding the functional and contextual relationship between anger, hostility, and IPV remain elusive. The implications and limitations suggested by this review are discussed in the context of emerging models of anger and IPV and treatment programs for abusive men.  相似文献   

The existence of a relationship between cardiovascular reactivity to signalled shock and alcohol consumption can be inferred from studies of males at increased familial risk for alcoholism. The present study examined two groups of nonalcoholic men – those with multigenerational histories (MGH) of alcoholism and family-history negative (FH –) controls – to determine whether reactivity was related to voluntary ethanol consumption in the context of a beverage taste test. High reactors, a significant majority of whom were MGH males, drank significantly more vodka and orange juice, rum and coke, and orange juice when asked to rate the flavor of three alcoholic and two nonalcoholic drinks. High reactors also consumed more alcohol on a weekly basis according to their self-report.  相似文献   

The Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI), the Hostility Toward Women Scale (HTWS), and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Social Desirability and Defensiveness scales were examined in a sample of 239 sexual offenders, 23 of whom had previously been studied. Sexual offenders against adolescents and adults had higher BDHI scores than sexual offenders against children. However, multiple regression equations revealed that the MMPI Defensiveness scale accounted for more of the shared variance in both types of self-reported hostility than did the maturity of the subjects' victims or the level of force used in the commission of the sexual offenses. Social desirability was significantly associated with the HTWS but not with the BDHI.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypotheses that ambulatory heart rate and blood pressure would be higher for individuals high but not low in hostility when they experienced negative affect or social stress and that this interaction would be stronger for Indians compared with other Singapore ethnic groups. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was done on 108 male Singapore patrol officers as they went about their daily duties. After each BP measurement participants completed a computerized questionnaire including items on emotional experience. Individuals high in hostility showed higher systolic blood pressure when reporting negative affect whereas this was not true for those low in hostility. Ethnic differences were obtained such that Indians showed an increase in mean arterial pressure when angered whereas MAP was negatively related to anger for Malays and unrelated for Chinese. Also a three-way interaction between ethnicity, hostility, and social stress indicated that hostility and social stress interacted in their effects on DBP for Indian participants but not for Chinese or Malays. Finally, a three-way interaction was obtained between ethnicity, hostility and negative affect for heart rate in which heart rate increased with increasing levels of negative affect for Chinese high in hostility and Malays low in hostility but decreased with increasing negative affect for all other participants. These data are consistent with higher CHD rates among individuals high in hostility and also provide additional evidence on ethnic differences in cardiovascular reactivity in Singapore.  相似文献   

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