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‘Highlights’ presents summaries of sports medicine-related articles culled from more than 30 medical journals. Experts comment on what the new findings add to current medical thinking and on the implications for practice.  相似文献   

Traditional gender roles and differences in absolute strength have resulted in misconceived approaches to strength training for women. Male physiology, more than hormones, explains men's superior absolute strength. When other measures of strength are used, such as strength relative to cross-sectional area of muscle, the strength of men and women is nearly equal. Women who practice the same well-designed strength training programs as men benefit from bone and soft-tissue modeling, increased lean body mass, decreased fat, and enhanced self-confidence.  相似文献   

Recent research shows that increased strength leads to improved balance and functional mobility among older people. Nearly every senior patient can benefit from a basic resistance-training program. By dispelling myths about the inability of older people to increase their strength, physicians can motivate patients to take on this fitness challenge.  相似文献   

Calcific tendinitis of the shoulder causes pain that is not activity dependent and often severe. Because its cause is uncertain and because calcium deposits can also be asymptomatic, diagnosis is made primarily by history and physical examination in conjunction with radiographs. Tenderness over the greater tuberosity generally differentiates calcific tendinitis from other conditions. For both the subacute and acute forms, needling, or using a hypodermic needle to disrupt the deposits, followed by corticosteroid injection into the subacromial space, can be diagnostic and therapeutic. If limitation of motion and weakness persist after this treatment, impingement syndrome or adhesive capsulitis may be the cause.  相似文献   

In brief: Cross-country skiing is an attractive winter alternative to walking or jogging, but persons with coronary artery disease must be aware of its high energy costs and make appropriate adjustments. Oxygen costs can be affected by variations in efficiency, arm work, snow, cold temperatures, inclines, altitude, and skier misperceptions. The authors give safety recommendations to reduce the hazards and enable cross-country skiers to enjoy their winter sport.  相似文献   

For a long time physicians and physiologists were convinced that weight training did not produce significant strength gains in prepubescents. But recent studies have suggested otherwise, and some sports medicine groups now support supervised strength-training programs for this age-group.  相似文献   

An exercise program for cardiac transplant patients in England has convinced at least one researcher that exercise for these patients is both feasible and beneficial.  相似文献   

In brief: Fifty-three male high school students aged 13 to 18 participated in a leg strength study to determine whether variable resistance (isotonic) or accommodative resistance (isokinetic) training was superior in developing leg muscle strength, endurance, and performance. Subjects were randomly assigned to three experimental groups: one that trained on isotonic equipment, one on modified isokinetic equipment, and a control group. The results suggest that training equipment can be used to increase strength, muscular endurance, and performance. However, there appears to be no clear superiority of one type of equipment over another when using the same training method.  相似文献   

Musculocutaneous nerve palsy resulting from strenuous weight training is a rare condition characterized by biceps atrophy or weakness. It usually affects the dominant side, but the authors describe an 18-year-old football player who developed the condition bilaterally after weight lifting—a presentation not found in the literature. Clinicians should keep the diagnosis in mind for active patients who perform repetitive biceps curls. When other neurologic conditions have been clinically ruled out, electrodiagnostic testing can confirm the diagnosis. Musculocutaneous nerve palsy typically resolves when weight training routines are modified to reduce intensity and biceps curls are eliminated for at least 3 months.  相似文献   

In patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (NICM), risk stratification for sudden cardiac death (SCD) and selection of patients who would benefit from prophylactic implantable cardioverter-defibrillators remains challenging. We aim to discuss the evidence of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)-derived myocardial scar for the prediction of adverse cardiovascular outcomes in NICM. From the 15 studies analyzed, with a total of 2747 patients, the average prevalence of myocardial scar was 41%. In patients with myocardial scar, the risk for adverse cardiac events was more than 3-fold higher, and risk for arrhythmic events 5-fold higher, as compared to patients without scar. Based on the available observational, single center studies, CMR scar assessment may be a promising new tool for SCD risk stratification, which merits further investigation.  相似文献   

目的:在全国赛前10周,对优秀男子曲棍球运动员进行为期6周的赛前综合强化力量训练,并观察其训练效果,为我国优秀男子曲棍球运动员赛前的强化力量训练提供实证参考。方法:对19名广东省男子曲棍球运动员实施每周3次、每次120分钟、为期6周的赛前综合强化力量训练方案,在训练前后测量力量素质、爆发力及速度耐力;在训练前、中(第3周训练后)、后,测定基础状态下的血红蛋白(HB)、血清肌酸激酶(CK)、血尿素(BU)、睾酮(T)和皮质醇(C);同时随机抽取部分运动员,以递增负荷跑台方式测量最大摄氧量(VO2max)来评价有氧代谢能力,Wingate测试评价无氧代谢能力。结果:与训练前相比,训练后卧推、深蹲、背肌提拉、收腹举腿、纵跳高度均非常显著提高(P<0.001),立定跳远、30 m跑、腹肌显著提高(P<0.01),背肌耐力和5×25m折返跑略有提高;基础状态下的T/C值有提升趋势(P=0.054),其它血液指标变化不大;最大摄氧量无显著变化,但是3000m跑成绩有提升,最高功率、平均功率无显著变化。结论:1、赛前综合强化力量训练有效提升优秀曲棍球运动员的上肢力量、下肢力量、腰腹部的核心力量以及爆发力。2、合理的赛前综合强化力量训练不会导致运动员机能状态下降,同时运动员的有氧代谢能力和无氧代谢能力可以保持。  相似文献   

Athletes often overemphasize strength and ignore speed, timing, balance, and other skills that would improve performance. The author recommends specificity of training and activities that build rotational strength.  相似文献   

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