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Healthy Cities is seen as a vision, project and movement. Itswide appeal leaves it open to losing touch with the core valuesenvisaged by the origtnators of Healthy Cities. This paper considersthe outcomes Healthy Cities should aim for in Australia andthe processes by which they can be achieved It identifies thepolitical ideology underlying the Ottawa Charter as social democraticand collectivist. Economic rationalism, individualism and misplacedprofessionalism are discussed as blocks to achieving HealthyCities. It is suggested that professional workers seeking topromote health should operate within a 'health promotion winners'triangle' as many do currently. The paper concludes by arguingthat Healthy Cities should ensure complacency does not permita taken-for-granted economism, individualism and professionalismto dominate agendas for change and suggests ways in which collaborationswith forces inside and outside bureaucracies may assist theprocesses of achieving healthier cities.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the evaluation of the Healthy Cities (Noarlunga)Project which was one of the three original pilot cities inthe Australian Healthy Cities Project. The evaluation nethodologyused is outlined the project's organization and activities,and the data (from a variety of sources) used to assess itsachievements are discussed. These data were collected from arange of local informants including comnuinity members and froman analysis of the local print media. The implications of theevaluation findings for the development of the Healthy Citiesmovement are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 社会资本是一个多维度多层面的概念,对其进行定量测量是一个非常复杂的程序。本文介绍了社会资本的相关概念及常用测量工具,并讨论了社会资本测量在健康领域的相关实证应用。建议在进行社会资本测量时,应根据调查所在地区的社会人口学特征、经济文化水平等因素,并结合研究目的选择需要测量的社会资本的维度,选用信度和效度量好的测量工具,或采用定性分析和定量测量结合的方法研究社会资本与健康的关联。  相似文献   

社会资本在健康领域的应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉霞  曲江斌  赵娜 《卫生软科学》2006,20(6):562-564,577
在解释收入不平等对健康差异的影响作用时,流行病学家引入了社会资本的概念,尽管社会资本理论自身还存在很多争议,但其与健康关系的研究引起了众多学者的兴趣。本文从各种社会资本的概念,社会资本在健康领域研究中的应用,社会资本影响健康的可能机制,各种测量方法和存在的不足以及在中国目前的应用现状等方面进行了浅析。  相似文献   

The WHO Healthy Cities Project: state of the art and future plans   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper describes the operation of the WHO Healthy Citiesproject during the first phase of implementation, from 1987to 1992. In that period, the project developed into a majorpublic health movement at local level, involving networks ofover 500 cities throughout Europe and another 300 cities inother parts of the world. It is one of WHO's main vehicles forcarrying out the strategy of Health for All, serving as a'fieldlaboratory'for testing that strategy at local level and givingimportant feedback to WHO and member states.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that variation in reported access to health care is positively related to the level of social capital present in a community. DATA SOURCES: The 1996 Household Survey of the Community Tracking Study, drawn from 22 metropolitan statistical areas across the United States (n = 19,672). Additional data for the 22 communities are from a 1996 multicity broadcast media marketing database, including key social capital indicators, the 1997 National Profile of Local Health Departments survey, and Interstudy, American Hospital Association, and American Medical Association sources. STUDY DESIGN: The design is cross-sectional. Self-reported access to care problems is the dependent variable. Independent variables include individual sociodemographic variables, community-level health sector variables, and social capital variables. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: Data are merged from the various sources and weighted to be population representative and are analyzed using hierarchical categorical modeling. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Persons who live in metropolitan statistical areas featuring higher levels of social capital report fewer problems accessing health care. A higher HMO penetration rate in a metropolitan statistical area was also associated with fewer access problems. Other health sector variables were not related to health care access. CONCLUSIONS: The results observed for 22 major U.S. cities are consistent with the hypothesis that community social capital enables better access to care, perhaps through improving community accountability mechanisms.  相似文献   

Population aging portends a crisis of resources and values. Desired solutions could include intergenerational strategies to harness the untapped potential of older adultsto address societal needs and to generate health improvements for older adults. Despite the desire of many older adults to remain socially engaged and productive, the creation of productive roles has lagged. This report describes the conceptual framework and major design features of a new model of health promotion for older adults called Experience Corps®. Experience Corps operates at, and leads to benefits, across multiple levels, including individuals, schools, and the larger community. At the individual level, we propose a model based on Erikson’s concept of generativity to explain bow and why experience Corps works. At the level of schools, we propose a parallel model based on social capital. Experience Corps is a volunteer service program designed to improve the lives of urban childre and to yield health improvement for older persons. It illustrates how population aging creates new opportunities to address difficult social problems. This article explores how the linkage of concepts at multiple levels motivates a potentially cost-effective, feasible, and high-impact program.  相似文献   

In September 1991, we began to evaluate three Healthy Citiesinitiatives in the Montreal area using a holistic approach,based on the theory of negotiated mode of action. We are experimentingwith an interactive evaluation method which aims to involveparticipants in the process and to help them gain a better understandingof their project. Two techniques are being used to concretizethe process: a steering committee who interpret the data collectedthroughout the process and a newsletter that outlines the resultsto participants at all sites. This paper describes how three elements of the Healthy Citiesconcept—sharing of common objectives, intersectoral actionand citizen participation—are being implemented at thethree sites being analyzed. We will show that the three initiativesunderline the negotiation process that must be respected tomaintain the balance between the objectives of intersectoralaction and citizen participation. Preliminary results also showthe importance of the healthy public policies strategy thatshould be analyzed as one part of a three-headed concept withthe two precedent objectives. We will discuss also the requirementsof an interactive evaluation approach, both for the evaluatorsand ‘evaluatees’. Evaluators must be able to communicate,motivate and negotiate and participants must take an interestin the evaluation process and agree to listen to opinions onthe development of their project that may be different fromtheir own views.  相似文献   

Few studies distinguish between the effects of different forms of social capital on health and of those that do none use physical indicators of health as an outcome variable. The objective of this study was to determine whether vertical and horizontal social capital had different associations with dental status of elderly Japanese.  相似文献   

The level (or scale) at which social capital can be conceptualised and measured ranges potentially from the macro‐level (regional or country level), to the meso‐level (neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools), down to the individual level. However, one glaring gap in the conceptualisation of social capital within the empirical literature has been the level of the family. Our aim in this review is to examine the family as the ‘missing level’ in studies on social capital and health. To do so, we conducted a systematic review on the use and measurement of this notion in the health literature, with the final intention of articulating a direction for future research in the field. Our findings are consistent with the notion that family social capital is multidimensional and that its components have distinct effects on health outcomes. Further investigation is needed to understand the mechanisms through which family social capital is related to health, as well as determining the most valid ways to measure family social capital.  相似文献   

Social capital has been controversially linked to public health benefits, particularly as an explanation for the relationship between economic inequalities and health. This paper focuses on social capital in this context, particularly a recent emphasis on social capital in neighbourhoods and growing use of Bourdieu's social theory in empirical investigations. A review of some of this work is used to suggest the need for a more coherent theoretical approach to using Bourdieu and to introduce an ethnographic study of social connections in New Zealand. Forty-six residents of, a rural town, a deprived city suburb, or an affluent suburb, volunteered to be interviewed about their social connections. Their talk was transcribed and analysed in terms of everyday practice. The results of this study suggest that social connections are not necessarily located in neighbourhoods, and that social capital will be better understood in a broader social context which includes competition for resources between deprived and non-deprived groups, and the practices of all citizens across neighbourhoods. When considering social capital, an exclusive focus on deprived neighbourhoods as sites for research and intervention is not helpful.  相似文献   

Loneliness is especially frequent among older people in Southern Europe. Furthermore, promoting social capital to tackle loneliness and its health effects is an understudied intervention strategy. Therefore, a complex intervention was piloted in Spain in a pre–post study with a 2‐year follow‐up. Its aims were to explore the feasibility of the intervention and its short‐ and long‐term effects. It was conducted in one mixed rural–urban and two urban areas of diverse socioeconomic levels from 2011 to 2012. The intervention framework was based on social capital theory applying a behaviour change model and care co‐ordination. The intervention comprised: (i) a co‐ordinated action aimed at building a network between primary healthcare centres and community assets in the neighbourhood and (ii) a group‐based programme, which promoted social capital among lonely older people, especially social support and participation. Older people active in senior centres volunteered as gatekeepers. The main outcome domain was loneliness. Secondary outcome domains were participation, social support, self‐perceived health, quality of life, depressive symptoms and use of health resources. Pre–post changes were assessed with t‐test, Wilcoxon signed‐rank test and McNemar's test. Differences between the three time points were assessed with a one‐way ANOVA with repeated measures. Social workers and nurses were successfully involved as group leaders, 10 volunteers took part and 38 participants were included. After the intervention, loneliness decreased while social participation and support significantly increased. Furthermore, the number of visits to nurses increased. Exactly 65.8% of the participants built social contacts within the group and 47.4% became engaged in new activities. Two years later, social effects were maintained and depressive symptoms had decreased. Exactly 44.7% of the participants continued to be in contact with at least one person from the group and 39.5% continued participating. The intervention contributes a novel and feasible social capital‐based approach for alleviating loneliness among older adults while prompting meaningful changes in their lives.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to examine whether and to what degree the unequal distribution of social capital in the population explains the relationship between socioeconomic position and health in Norway. Theoretical insight and empirical evidence seem to suggest that social capital mediates the effect of socioeconomic position on health outcomes. However, only a few studies have addressed this question and those that have done so have used few and simple indicators of social capital. This study is based on a nationwide cross-sectional survey (N = 3190) commissioned by Statistics Norway. The survey was designed to cover a comprehensive set of variables measuring different aspects of the theoretical construct of social capital. Two health outcomes, self-perceived health and longstanding illness, were analysed. The results showed that the mediating role of social capital between socioeconomic position and health was negligible for both health outcomes. After controlling for socio-demographic variables and socioeconomic position, only neighbourhood satisfaction and generalised trust showed a significant association with self-perceived health, whereas none of the social capital variables had any significant association with longstanding illness. Some theoretical and methodological implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 分析流动儿童社会资本影响生活满意感的内在机制。方法 采用自陈问卷调查1 229名流动儿童,通过bootstrap法考察了社会支持和社会融合在社会资本与生活满意感关系中的中介作用。结果 1)社会支持(effect=0.19,60.55%)、社会融合(effect=0.05,16.51%)分别在社会资本与生活满意感之间起显著的中介作用;2)社会支持和社会融合在社会资本与生活满意感的影响中起链式中介作用。结论 流动儿童社会资本通过社会支持和社会融合的链式中介作用影响生活满意感,社会支持的中介效果比社会融合的中介效果强。  相似文献   

Social capital is defined as the resources available to individuals and groups through membership in social networks. The definition is consistent with either an individualistic approach or a collective approach. Social capital can be further classified according to bonding versus bridging social capital (e.g. relationships between individuals who are homogeneous or heterogeneous with respect to social class, race/ethnicity, or other attributes). We conducted a systematic review via Pubmed, the ISI web of knowledge and OVID of the studies that examined bridging social capital in public health settings. Our results indicate lack of consistency or uniformity in the operationalization of bridging social capital. We identify some promising approaches to measurement that should be further investigated in future studies.  相似文献   

Health professionals managing patients with COVID-19 disease are at high risk of contagion. All medical personnel involved in caring for patients need coordination, knowledge and trust. Empirical work on human resources has tended to focus on the effects of human resource practices on performance, whereas leadership and social interactions have been overlooked. Based upon interviews with medical staff working in specialised medical units, this study uses the social capital theory to examine relationships among shared leadership, social capital, and contagion rates. First, shared leadership was found to positively affect COVID-19 contagion among health professionals. Second, by sharing information and a common language, and showing high levels of trust, namely social capital, medical units seem to reduce contagion rates of COVID-19. In other words, shared leadership plays a fundamental role in improving performance in healthcare by means of social capital.  相似文献   

Far from being an individual concern, vaginas are located within complex socio-cultural settings. The acceptability of policies that focus on health-promoting behavioural change is influenced by values regarding normative gender and sexual roles. In Rwanda, the elongation of the labia minora through manual manipulation is not an individual act but takes place in social groups and thus cannot be fully understood by focusing one's attention solely on the individual-related behavioural components but, rather, on the social environment in which it exists. This paper aims to increase knowledge about labia elongation and assesses whether this vaginal practice produce social capital.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To examine the genealogy of the social capital concept in public health, with attention to the epistemological concerns and academic practices that shaped the way in which this concept was translated into public health. DESIGN: A citation-network path analysis of the public health literature on social capital was used to generate a genealogy of the social capital concept in public health. The analysis identifies the intellectual sources, influential texts, and developments in the conceptualisation of social capital in public health. PARTICIPANTS: The population of 227 texts (articles, books, reports) was selected in two phases. Phase 1 texts were articles in the PubMed database with "social capital" in their title published before 2003 (n = 65). Phase 2 texts are those texts cited more than once by phase 1 articles (n = 165). MAIN RESULTS: The analysis shows how the scholarship of Robert Putnam has been absorbed into public health research, how three seminal texts appearing in 1996 and 1997 helped shape the communitarian form that the social capital concept has assumed in public health, and how both were influenced by the epistemological context of social epidemiology at the time. CONCLUSIONS: Originally viewed in public health research as an ecological level, psychosocial mechanism that might mediate the income inequality-health pathway, the dominance of the communitarian approach to social capital has given disproportionate attention to normative and associational properties of places. Network approaches to social capital were lost in this translation. Recovering them is key to a full translation and conceptualisation of social capital in public health.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To explore the association between maternal social capital and child physical and mental health in Vietnam. DESIGN: Cross sectional survey. Measures of maternal structural social capital comprised group membership, citizenship, and social support. Measures of cognitive social capital comprised trust, social harmony, sense of fairness, and belonging. Child health was measured by anthropometrics and mothers' reports of acute and chronic physical health problems and child mental health. PARTICIPANTS: 2907 mothers and their 1 year old or 8 year old children from five provinces in Vietnam. MAIN RESULTS: The study found low levels of group membership and citizenship and high levels of cognitive social capital and support, and generally higher levels of social capital among the mothers of 8 year old compared with 1 year old children. All but one association was in the hypothesised direction (that is, higher levels of social capital associated with reduced risk of child health problems). There were more statistically significant relations between maternal social capital and the health of 1 year olds compared with 8 year old children, and between measures of social support and cognitive social capital and child health, than with group membership and involvement in citizenship activities. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to explore the association between multiple dimensions of social capital and a range of different child health outcomes in the developing world. These results now need to be tested using longitudinal data.  相似文献   

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