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壮医瘴病探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瘴病自古即为壮乡的地方病,瘴气孳生可由岚雾、蛇虺毒雾所致,亦可因蚊蚋叮咬而生,瘴邪阻滞内脏,导致阴阳失调,或阴阳相移,天地人三气不能同步,则可发生瘴病。瘴病归属疟疾及伤寒热病范畴,治疗原则为“冷瘴以疟治,热瘴以伤寒治,哑瘴以失音伤寒治”。预防瘴气主要有佩挂药物、内服药物、隔离更衣等方法。  相似文献   

卢银兰  郑洪 《河南中医》2014,(3):401-403
《瘴疟指南》是明代郑全望撰写的专门论述辨治“瘴疟”疾病的著作,他以李待制《瘴疟卫生方》为基础,结合自己的经历见识,阐述了对该病的辨证施治观点,选用方药85条,在临床治疗上有较强的操作性。  相似文献   

温病是临床常见之病,痎疟是古今医家忽略的古病名,通过文献研究可发现,痎疟不应与疟疾、伤寒少阳证相混淆,古痎疟与明清温病有相互交叉之处。《黄帝内经》中"伏邪"原是用于解释春之温疟、秋之痎疟的机理,二者的症状描述亦与后世的春温、伏暑一致,伏气温病应包含在痎疟之中。明末瘟疫的病因、病位、症状、治法、方药都与瘴疟吻合,可证实明末瘟疫是瘴疟。因古今医家不识得痎疟,故而另立温病一派之门户。必正痎疟之名,温病学的源流才能澄清;发掘古痎疟理法方药,能印证并重释温病学相关理论,为临床实践带来新的启示。  相似文献   

<正>《伤寒杂病论》为东汉张仲景所著,是治疗外感病及内科杂病的一部著作,以六经、脏腑辨证为诊疗手段治疗疾病。但笔者经过多年研究认为学习《伤寒杂病论》六经、脏腑辨证对治疗皮肤科疾病也有重要指导作用。皮肤疾病的发生有内因、外因之别。中医认为外因多由风邪入中所引发,大多数皮肤科疾病都具有瘙痒症状,故有"无凤不作痒"之说。皮肤为外邪侵入人体之门户,外邪入中,  相似文献   

正藿香正气散历史悠久,源自宋朝《太平惠民和剂局方》,"治伤寒头疼,憎寒壮热,上喘咳嗽,五劳七伤,八般风痰,五般膈气……气泻霍乱,脏腑虚鸣,山岚瘴疟",简而言之,方中诸药共奏解表祛湿、理气和中之功效。然现今临床上多拘泥于暑湿外感  相似文献   

吴洁 《中华中医药杂志》2012,(10):2509-2511
基于周仲瑛教授提出"瘀热"学说,认为瘀热是多种外感及内伤疾病发生发展过程中所产生的病理因素,是疾病某一阶段的主要病机。探讨《伤寒杂病论》中瘀热酿脓、瘀热发黄、瘀热发斑、瘀热蓄血等瘀热相搏证的临证表现及选方用药特点。  相似文献   

《伤寒杂病论》作为方书之祖,对后世的中医学发展起到了巨大的推动作用。该书历经散佚而后经众多医家重新编撰,因此对于书中"伤寒"其病的原义,只能从后世的诸多版本中管中窥豹,因此亦形成了广义"伤寒"学派与狭义"伤寒"学派。广义"伤寒"学派认为伤寒指一切外感疾病的总称,在临床指导上具有普适性。狭义"伤寒"学派认为仲景时代的伤寒病更倾向于某类具体的疾病,有医家通过临床实践及文献研究发现,克罗米亚-刚果出血热与流行性出血热从症状、病机、以及病程发展上均与仲景时期的伤寒病十分类似。本文试对"伤寒"其病进行考证,以期进一步了解《伤寒论》的原貌。  相似文献   

寒热并用治法起源于《黄帝内经》,方剂寒热并用配伍首见于《伤寒杂病论》,金元四大家及明清时期的温病学派对此又有许多充实和创新. 1 春秋时期 寒热并用法起源于《索问·至真要大论》,《内经》云:"寒者热之,热者寒之"、"治热以寒、治寒以热",然而病情的复杂性,又常使单用寒热不能完全满足寒热错杂之病的需要,《索问·至真要大论》曰:"风淫于内,治以辛凉,佐以苦(甘),以甘缓之,以辛散之";"阳明之夏,治以辛温,佐以苦甘,以苦泄之,以苦下之."这是依据天地之气淫胜的不同、六气胜复的区别,提出了具体的治疗方法.又曰:"所谓寒热温凉,反从其病也."  相似文献   

通过对宋金代表性伤寒著作的分析,认为此时期医家多从广义伤寒来认识《伤寒论》六经病证,主张六经皆为热病,三阴病亦属热证,病在里而当以下法为主治疗。分析其原因在于宋金医家研究伤寒以外感热病为主,方法以文献汇集补亡为主,未能突破“热论”及“伤寒例”之范围。随着明清时期对《伤寒论》研究的深入,医家主张的三阴多虚多寒、治宜温补等问题才得到厘清,使得六经学说得到新的突破与发扬。  相似文献   

<正>所谓"治未病",就是预防疾病的发生、发展,防患于未然。"治未病"理论首见于《黄帝内经》,再由汉代张仲景的《伤寒杂病论》阐发。《素问·四气调神大论》曰:"是故圣人不治已病治未病,不治已乱治未乱,此之谓也。夫病已成而后药之,乱已成而后治之,譬犹渴而穿井,斗而铸锥,不亦晚乎",强调了未病先防,让疾病扼杀在萌芽状态的重要性。《素问·刺热篇》"病虽未  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Nepal is a hotspot for cultural and biological diversities. The tremendous diversity of ecosystems and climates and the blend of medicinal practices inherited from Ayurvedic and Traditional Tibetan Medicine are well suited to a study aimed at discovering information about medicinal plants to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD). In addition, this study across Nepal’s altitudinal range is relevant to understanding how cultural and ecological environments influence local traditional medicines. The aim of the study is to document the uses of medicinal plants in three different eco-geographical areas of Nepal (Chitwan–Panchase–Mustang) to treat symptoms related to PD. A second goal is to analyze the impact of culture and environment on the evolution of traditional medicine.

Materials and methods

The study was conducted in five communities located in three different eco-geographical environments and at altitudes ranging from 300 m to 3700 m. We interviewed a total of 56 participants (local people, folk, Ayurvedic and Amchi healers) across the three research areas. We conducted open-ended interviews to document the uses of medicinal plants to treat PD-related symptoms. Information provided by the interviewees suggested that the medicinal plants are also used to treat symptoms related to other disorders. We determined the informant consensus factor as well as the importance of specific plant species to (i) identify plants that are the best candidates to be analyzed experimentally for their potential to treat PD and (ii) perform a cross-cultural comparison of the three areas of study.


This study reports the local uses of 35 different plant species along the Chitwan–Panchase–Mustang altitudinal range. We identify a total of eight plant species that were used in all three research areas, and more specifically one species used to treat PD-like symptoms. We identify a potential dual protective activity of medicinal plants used to treat PD-related symptoms as recent literature suggests that these plants also have anti-cancer properties. In addition, we document that the presence of Ayurvedic healers could influence local practices and that local practices could influence local Ayurvedic practices.


This study documents the uses of medicinal plants to treat symptoms related to PD and other disorders across the Chitwan–Panchase–Mustang altitudinal range. PD is a neurodegenerative disease affecting a growing number of people worldwide. No cures are available to slow the death of the neurons, and there is a critical need to work towards innovative therapeutic strategies. We identify medicinal plants based on traditional practices to help develop a cure for PD. The three areas of study were chosen for their ecological and cultural diversities, and two of these are included in conservation programs (Panchase Protected Forest and Annapurna Conservation Area). The documentation of community–natural resource relationships is another step in the preservation of traditional practices and local biodiversity and a reflection of communities’ rights in the design of conservation programs.  相似文献   

外用溃疡散是蒙医传统外用药。笔者以不同的检索词,从2009年10月起追溯至无文献报道为止,客观、公正、全面地综述了外用溃疡散局部治疗妇科阴道疾病的研究概况,以求指导临床用药,推进蒙药外用溃疡散的广泛应用。  相似文献   

外用溃疡散是蒙医传统外用药。笔者以不同的检索词,从2009年10月起追溯至无文献报道为止,客观、公正、全面地综述了外用溃疡散局部治疗肛肠科疾病的研究概况,以求指导临床用药,推进蒙药外用溃疡散的广泛应用。  相似文献   

AIM OF THE STUDY: This study was conducted to document the ethnoveterinary medicinal (EVM) practices for the treatment of different parasitic diseases of livestock in Cholistan desert, Pakistan. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An initial reconnaissance survey (rapid rural appraisal) among the local shepherds was conducted to identify the traditional healers. Information was collected from the traditional healers using a well-structured questionnaire through open-ended interviews and guided dialogue technique. RESULTS: The parasitic diseases reported in livestock were: tick and lice infestation, mange, myiasis and helminthiasis. A total of 77 ethnoveterinary practices comprising of 49 based on plant usage and 28 based on dairy products, chemicals and other organic matter were documented. A total of 18 plant species representing 14 families were documented to treat the parasitic diseases. The plants included: Aerva javanica (Amaranthaceae), Aizoon carariense (Aizoaceae), Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae), Brassica campestris (Cruciferae), Capparis decidua (Capparaceae), Capsicum annuum (Solanaceae), Citrullus colocynthis (Cucurbitaceae), Cyperus rotundus (Cyperaceae), Calligonum polygonoides (Polygonaceae), Eruca sativa (Cruciferae), Ferula assafoetida (Umbelliferae), Haloxylon salicornicum (Chenopodiaceae), Mallotus philippinensis (Euphorbiaceae), Nicotiana tabacum (Solanaceae), Pinus roxburghii (Pinaceae), Salsola baryosma (Chenopodiaceae), Solanum surratens (Solanaceae) and Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae). CONCLUSION: The EVM practices documented in this study need to be validated using standard parasitological procedures. Issues that should be addressed are efficacy (vis-à-vis claims made by the respondents), quality, safety and standardization of doses.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

This study has identified not only the wild plants collected for medical purposes by local people of Solhan District in the Eastern Anatolia Region, but also the uses and local names of these plants. It tried to provide a source for researchers studying in ethnobotany, pharmacology and chemistry by comparing the information obtained from traditionally used herbs with previous laboratory studies.

Aim of the study

This study aims to identify wild plants collected for medical purposes by the local people of Solhan District located in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey and to determine the uses and local names of these plants.

Materials and methods

A field study had been carried out for a period of approximately 2 years (2011–2012). During this period, 214 vascular plant specimens were collected. Demographic characteristics of participants, names of the local plants, their utilized parts and preparation methods were investigated and recorded. The plant species were collected within the scope of the study; herbarium materials were prepared; and the specimens were entitled. In addition, the relative importance value of the species was determined and informant consensus factor (FIC) was calculated for the medicinal plants included in the study. Our research area also includes people with Kurdish and Zaza ethnic origins.


82 plants were found to be used for medical purposes before in the literature analysis of the plants used in our study, while 9 plants were found to have no literature records. The most common families are Asteraceae (12 plants), Rosaceae (10 plants), and Lamiaceae (9 plants). The medicinal uses of Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm., Arum elongnatum Steven, Astragalus lamarckii Boiss., Chaerophyllum bulbosum L., Crataegus atrosanguinea Pojark., Hordeum bulbosum L., Pastinaca armena Fisch. & Mey., Prunus kurdica Fenzl ex Fritsch, Sium sisarum L. var. lancifolium (M. Bieb.) Thell. that we found were used in our study area and recorded for the first time. No information could be obtained regarding the names of two wild plants that are being used in Solhan. In Turkey, local plant names display differences especially due to local dialects. The plants used in Solhan are known by the same or different local names in various parts of Anatolia.


In the research area, local people were found to use 82 plants from 31 families for curative purposes. The respondents of the questionnaire are Turkish citizens, with various ethnic backgrounds. Mean age of the respondents was 55 years. These plants are used in the treatment of many diseases. Comparison of the data obtained in this study with the experimental data obtained in the previous laboratory studies derived from the plants growing in Solhan proved ethnobotanical usages to a great extent. Literature review indicated that the curative plants that grow in Solhan are used in different parts of the world for the treatment of similar diseases. These plants, used for the treatment of various diseases, are abundantly found in this region. Drying of the medicinal plants enabled the local people to use them in every season of the year.  相似文献   

月经周期节律正常的关键为阴阳消长顺利转化,月经病的调治需根据月经周期的不同阶段而选用不同方药,经后期阴精渐长,重用滋阴养血之品,佐以温肾助阳药,充养阴精以达经间期的重阴状态;经间期重阴转阳,重补肾活血,方能顺利转化,产生氤氲时机;经前期为阳长时期,当补肾助阳,佐以滋阴之品,使阳气有所依附;行经期肾气充沛,为重阳必阴之时...  相似文献   

This study compared the efficacy and tolerability of an optimized botanical combination containing policosanol, tomato extract, orally bioavailable grape procyanidins and Oenothera biennis oil against placebo in the management of patients with primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia. Such a combination is endowed with biological properties targeted to cholesterol control and vasoprotection. This randomized, double‐blind, parallel‐group trial consisted of a 6 week treatment period following 4 week baseline period, and a 2 week post‐treatment follow‐up. At baseline, both the groups were comparable to each other. Both the active treatment and the placebo group included 30 patients (active treatment: mean age 46.80 ± 7.43 years, nine males; placebo: mean age 45.50 ± 6.76 years, eight males). Significant reductions in the LDL‐cholesterol (LDL‐C; ?17.33% from baseline, p < 0.001) and total cholesterol (TC; ?13.38% from baseline, p < 0.0001) values over the treatment period were observed with the tested product. The treatment also resulted in reductions in C‐reactive protein (CRP), malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) values, which are indices of oxidative stress. This rational combination of different compounds is effective and safe in lowering the elevated LDL‐C and TC values. It is also effective in the modulation of the oxidation indices values; however, a further long term study in a larger population would be needed in order to confirm these preliminary findings. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中医肺系病证研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜良铎 《环球中医药》2009,2(3):164-172
近年来肺系病证发病逐年升高,中医在肺系病证病名、分类、治疗、实验研究等方面均取得了进展。病名及分类方面的进展集中在咳嗽、哮喘和肺纤维化上。病因病机方面,时行感冒强调毒邪致病;咳嗽提倡夹杂致病;喘证新有五脏致喘之说;哮病拓展了伏邪的范围;肺胀分急性期、缓解期阐明各自病因病机;肺痹、肺痿深入探讨了虚实的来源、部位及转归;肺癌研究集中在正气虚损、邪毒内积的部位及性质;继续深入探讨呼吸衰竭的病位、病性、疾病转归及传化。感冒、咳嗽的辨治及治疗方法强调针对个体及时令的个性化治疗;喘证及肺间质纤维化主分虚实;哮病及肺胀分为缓解期及发作期进行辨证治疗治疗;肺癌治疗主张采用包括中医药疗法多学科综合治疗。在中药内服的基础上,运用如拔罐、贴敷等外治的综合疗法,治疗咳嗽、哮喘、肺胀、呼吸衰竭等肺系疾病均取得了一定疗效。对于肺系疾病的现代医学实验研究集中在自拟方剂、古方、中成药的应用研究上,在中医病因学方面的研究亦有进展。但在动物模型、证候学研究等方面仍有不足。  相似文献   

叶俏波 《辽宁中医杂志》2012,(12):2385-2386
以"治未病"理论为指导思想,从未病先防、既病防变、疗后防复三个方面来讨论防治儿童变态反应性疾病的思路,指出过敏性体质儿童多属脾阴不足,不宜滥用清热泻火;应多用益气养阴,健脾除湿的药物改善体质;变态反应性疾病急性期重在祛邪,迁延期正邪兼顾,恢复期重在扶正;愈后当视患儿肺、脾、肾三脏虚损之不同,运用中成药、穴位敷贴、膏方等方法,达到扶正固本的目的。强调防治核心在于积极主动地改善过敏性体质,截断变态反应性疾病的进展,促进患儿的康复。  相似文献   

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