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The contribution of the hyperpolarization-activated cation current (I(h)) to input resistance (R(N)) and resting potential (RP) was investigated during whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in CA1 pyramidal cells of rat hippocampal slices. In current-clamp mode, R(N) was determined at different membrane potentials. R(N) decreased with increasing hyperpolarization, from about 260 Momega to 140 Momega at potentials of about -60 mV and -110 mV, respectively. Both the potential of half-maximal reduction of R(N) and the potential of half-maximal I(h) activation (determined in voltage-clamp mode) were approximately -90 mV. The analysis of the voltage sag indicative of I(h) activation revealed a preferential activity of I(h) channels in a voltage range between -70 and -95 mV. ZD7288 (50 microM), a specific I(h) blocker, led to a hyperpolarization by about 4.8 mV, increased R(N) by approximately 45% within a potential range between -65 and -80 mV, and abolished the voltage dependence of R(N). Gabapentin (GBP, 100 microM), an I(h) channel agonist, led to a depolarization by about 2.4 mV and reduced R(N) by about 20% within a potential range between -65 and -80 mV. In conclusion, our data show that R(N) is voltage dependent due to I(h) channel activation and that I(h) channels are preferentially active at voltages between -70 and -95 mV. Furthermore, we demonstrated that R(N) can be modulated by antiepileptic drugs such as GBP, which may partly explain its antiepileptic effect as due to decreasing the sensitivity to excitatory input.  相似文献   

Enkephalin-induced excitation in the hippocampus has been attributed to the attenuation of inhibitory input as well as to augmentation of excitatory input to pyramidal neurons. We have further examined these possible mechanisms of enkephalin action, as well as the possibility that enkephalins may be affecting intrinsic membrane properties, by recording intracellularly from CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells in the guinea pig hippocampal brain slice preparation. It was observed that the inhibitory synaptic potential was significantly decreased in the presence of leucine enkephalin and D-alanine, D-leucine-enkephalin (DADL), whereas the excitatory synaptic potential, revealed by block of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) by bicuculline, was unaltered. In addition, the response of pyramidal cells to pressure-applied GABA was unaffected by enkephalin, as were the voltage-dependent membrane conductances. The increase in excitability which was observed in both field potential and intracellular recordings to drop application of DADL must, then, be due to a purely presynaptic block of inhibitory interneurons in both the CA1 and CA3 areas of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents (ICas) in neurons can be classified into T-, N- and L-types. In the CA1 pyramidal neurons freshly isolated from rat hippocampus we found an additional tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive Ca2+ current (termed 'TTX-ICa') which passed through the Na+ channel. The TTX-ICa showed a heterogeneous distribution in the dorsal site of Ca1 region.  相似文献   

Wu Y  Wang ZF  Shi YL 《Brain research》2002,940(1-2):21-26
Effect of β-agkistrodotoxin (β-AgTx), a presynaptic neurotoxin purified from snake venom, on large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels (BKCa) was studied in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using inside-out configuration of patch-clamp technique. The results showed that in equimolar K+ (150 mM) and 1 μM intracellular Ca2+ conditions, internal application of β-AgTx inhibited the activity of BKCa by reducing open probability (Po) of the channels in a concentration-dependent manner. High concentration (74 nM) of β-AgTx completely eliminated opening of the channels. However, 37 nM β-AgTx (at −40 mV) decreased Po from 0.49±0.07 to 0.03±0.03, switched two open time constants (0.51±0.32 and 8.77±1.63 ms) to be a single time constant of 0.46±0.40 ms. The results indicate that inhibition of BKCa by β-AgTx may account for the facilitatory phase of the toxin on acetylcholine release from nerve terminals.  相似文献   

The C1 cells, located in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), are activated by pain, hypoxia, hypoglycemia, infection, and hypotension and elicit cardiorespiratory stimulation, adrenaline and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release, and arousal. The orexin neurons contribute to the autonomic responses to acute psychological stress. Here, using an anatomical approach, we consider whether the orexin neurons could also be contributing to the autonomic effects elicited by C1 neuron activation. Phenylethanolamine N‐methyl transferase‐immunoreactive (PNMT‐ir) axons were detected among orexin‐ir somata, and close appositions between PNMT‐ir axonal varicosities and orexin‐ir profiles were observed. The existence of synapses between PNMT‐ir boutons labeled with diaminobenzidine and orexinergic neurons labeled with immunogold was confirmed by electron microscopy. We labeled RVLM neurons with a lentiviral vector that expresses the fusion protein ChR2‐mCherry under the control of the catecholaminergic neuron‐selective promoter PRSx8 and obtained light and ultrastructural evidence that these neurons innervate the orexin cells. By using a Cre‐dependent adeno‐associated vector and TH‐Cre rats, we confirmed that the projection from RVLM catecholaminergic neurons to the orexinergic neurons originates predominantly from PNMT‐ir catecholaminergic (i.e., C1 cells). The C1 neurons were found to establish predominantly asymmetric synapses with orexin‐ir cell bodies or dendrites. These synapses were packed with small clear vesicles and also contained dense‐core vesicles. In summary, the orexin neurons are among the hypothalamic neurons contacted and presumably excited by the C1 cells. The C1–orexin neuronal connection is probably one of several suprabulbar pathways through which the C1 neurons activate breathing and the circulation, raise blood glucose, and facilitate arousal from sleep. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:3834–3846, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of darkness on quantitative spatial firing characteristics of 235 hippocampal CA1 “complex spike” (CS) cells were studied in young and old Fischer-344 rats during food-motivated performance of a randomized, forced-choice task on an eight-arm radial maze. The room lights were turned on or off on alternate blocks of all eight arms. In the dark, a lower proportion of CS cells had “place fields,” and the fields were less specific and less reliable than in the light. A small number of cells had place fields unique to the dark condition. Like CS cells, Theta cells showed a reduction in spatially related firing in the dark. The specificity and reliability of the place fields under both light and dark conditions were similar for both age groups. Increasing the salience of the environment, by increasing the light level and the number of visual cues in the light condition, did not affect the specificity or reliability of the place fields. Even though all rats had substantial prior experience with the environment, and were placed on the maze center under normal illumination before the first dark trial, the correlation between the firing pattern in the light and dark increased after the rat first traversed the maze in the light. Thus, even after considerable experience with the environment over days, experiencing the illuminated environment from different locations on a given day was a significant factor affecting subsequent location and reliability of place fields in darkness. While the task was simple and errors rare, rats that made fewer errors (i.e., re-entries into the previously visited arm) also had more reliable place cells, but no such correlation was found with place cell specificity. Thus, the reliability of spatial firing in the hippocampus may be more important for spatial navigation than the size of the place fields per se. Alternatively, both spatial memory and place field reliability may be modulated by a common variable, such as attention. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Effects of nilvadipine on the low- and high-voltage activated Ca2+ currents (LVA and HVA ICa, respectively) were compared with other organic Ca2+ antagonists in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. The inhibitory effects of nilvadipine, amlodipine and flunarizine on LVA ICa were concentration- and use-dependent. The apparent half-maximum inhibitory concentrations (IC50s) at every 1- and 30-s stimulation were 6.3×10−7 M and 1.8×10−6 M for flunarizine, 1.9×10−6 M and 7.6×10−6 M for nilvadipine, and 4.0×10−6 M and 8.0×10−6 M for amlodipine, respectively. Thus, the strength of the use-dependence was in the sequence of nilvadipine>flunarizine>amlodipine. Nilvadipine also inhibited the HVA ICa in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 of 1.5×10−7 M. The hippocampal CA1 neurons were observed to have five pharmacologically distinct HVA Ca2+ channel subtypes consisting of L-, N-, P-, Q- and R-types. Nilvadipine selectively inhibited the L-type Ca2+ channel current which comprised 34% of the total HVA ICa. On the other hand, amlodipine non-selectively inhibited the HVA Ca2+ channel subtypes. These results suggest that the inhibitory effect of nilvadipine on the neuronal Ca2+ influx through both LVA and HVA L-type Ca2+ channels, in combination with the cerebral vasodilatory action, may prevent neuronal damage during ischemia.  相似文献   

Afferent neurotransmission to hippocampal pyramidal cells can lead to long‐term changes to their intrinsic membrane properties and affect many ion currents. One of the most plastic neuronal currents is the hyperpolarization‐activated cationic current (Ih), which changes in CA1 pyramidal cells in response to many types of physiological and pathological processes, including auditory stimulation. Recently, we demonstrated that long‐term potentiation (LTP) in rat hippocampal Schaffer‐CA1 synapses is depressed by high‐intensity sound stimulation. Here, we investigated whether a long‐term high‐intensity sound stimulation could affect intrinsic membrane properties of rat CA1 pyramidal neurons. Our results showed that Ih is depressed by long‐term high‐intensity sound exposure (1 min of 110 dB sound, applied two times per day for 10 days). This resulted in a decreased resting membrane potential, increased membrane input resistance and time constant, and decreased action potential threshold. In addition, CA1 pyramidal neurons from sound‐exposed animals fired more action potentials than neurons from control animals; however, this effect was not caused by a decreased Ih. On the other hand, a single episode (1 min) of 110 dB sound stimulation which also inhibits hippocampal LTP did not affect Ih and firing in pyramidal neurons, suggesting that effects on Ih are long‐term responses to high‐intensity sound exposure. Our results show that prolonged exposure to high‐intensity sound affects intrinsic membrane properties of hippocampal pyramidal neurons, mainly by decreasing the amplitude of Ih.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Gabapentin (GBP) is a commonly used drug in the treatment of partial seizures, but its mode of action is still unclear. The genesis of seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy is thought to be crucially influenced by intrinsic membrane properties. Because the Ih substantially contributes to the intrinsic membrane properties of neurons, the effects of GBP on the Ih were investigated in CA1 pyramidal cells of rat hippocampus. METHODS: CA1 pyramidal cells in hippocampal slices were examined by using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. RESULTS: GBP increased the Ih amplitude in a concentration-dependent manner mainly by increasing the conductance, without significant changes in the activation properties or in the time course of Ih. The effects ranged from approximately 20% at 50 microM, approximately 25% at 75 microM, to approximately 35% at 100 microM GBP (at -110 mV). In the presence of intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), the effects of GBP on Ih were similar to those obtained in the absence of cAMP. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that GBP increases the Ih through a cAMP-independent mechanism. Because the applied GBP concentrations were in a clinically relevant range, the observed effect may contribute to the anticonvulsant action of GBP in partial seizures and may represent a new concept of how this anticonvulsant drug works.  相似文献   

30-Day-old male Wistar rats were tested for acquisition and retention of operant conditioned behavior after bilateral subicular lesions made either electrolytically or chemically (ibotenic acid). The acquisition of operant learning was carried out in lesioned rats by assessing the number of sessions required to learn the operant task, whereas the retention test was performed after lesions by assessing performance on a previously learnt operant task. The acquisition of pedal press operant learning was significantly delayed in both types of lesioned rats, without any impairment in the retention of the previously learned task after lesioning. In these animals the cell densities were quantified in cresyl violet-stained sections in different subfields of hippocampus. Following the lesion of subiculum, selective degeneration of CA1 cells without the involvement of other hippocampal subfields was observed. This might be due to the loss of target area (subiculum) through which hippocampus is connected with neocortical and subcortical structures. This, in turn, might have resulted in behavioral deficits. The data suggest that the subiculum might be involved in the acquisition of new information rather than in retention.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Cholinergic-dependent plateau potentials (PPs) are intrinsically generated conductances that can elicit ictal-type seizure activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the actions of topiramate (TPM) on the generation of PPs. METHODS: We used whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from CA1 pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampal slices to examine the effects of TPM on the PPs. RESULTS: In current-clamp mode, action potentials evoked PPs after cholinergic receptor stimulation. Therapeutically relevant concentrations of TPM (50 microM) depressed the PPs evoked by action potentials. Surprisingly, in voltage-clamp mode, we discovered that the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) current that underlies PP generation (denoted as I(tail)) was not depressed. However, significantly longer depolarizing voltage steps were required to elicit I(tail). This suggested that the calcium entry trigger for evoking PPs was depressed by TPM and not I(tail) itself. TPM had no effect on calcium spikes in control conditions; however, TPM did reduce calcium spikes after cholinergic-receptor stimulation. We recently found that R-type calcium spikes are enhanced by cholinergic-receptor stimulation. Therefore we isolated R-type calcium spikes with a cocktail containing tetrodotoxin, omega-conotoxin MVIIC, omega-conotoxin-GVIA, omega-agatoxin IVA, and nifedipine. R-type calcium spikes were significantly depressed by TPM. We also examined the effects of TPM on recombinant Ca(V)2.3 calcium channels expressed in tsA-201 cells. TPM depressed currents mediated by Ca(V)2.3 subunits by a hyperpolarizing shift in steady-state inactivation. CONCLUSIONS: We have found that TPM reduces ictal-like activity in CA1 hippocampal neurons through a novel inhibitory action of R-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

During a period of acute ischemia in vivo or oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) in vitro, CA1 neurons depolarize, swell and become overloaded with calcium. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that the initial responses to OGD are at least partly due to transient receptor potential (TRP) channel activation. As some TRP channels are temperature-sensitive, we also compared the effects of pharmacological blockade of the channels with the effects of reducing temperature. Acute hippocampal slices (350 mum) obtained from Wistar rats were submerged in ACSF at 36 degrees C. CA1 neurons were monitored electrophysiologically using extracellular, intracellular or whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. Cell swelling was assessed by recording changes in relative tissue resistance, and changes in intracellular calcium were measured after loading neurons with fura-2 dextran. Blockers of TRP channels (ruthenium red, La3+, Gd3+, 2-APB) or lowering temperature by 3 degrees C reduced responses to OGD. This included: (a) an increased delay to negative shifts of extracellular DC potential; (b) reduction in rate of the initial slow membrane depolarization, slower development of OGD-induced increase in cell input resistance and slower development of whole-cell inward current; (c) reduced tissue swelling; and (d) a smaller rise in intracellular calcium. Mild hypothermia (33 degrees C) and La3+ or Gd3+ (100 microM) showed an occlusion effect when delay to extracellular DC shifts was measured. Expression of TRPM2/TRPM7 (oxidative stress-sensitive) and TRPV3/TRPV4 (temperature-sensitive) channels was demonstrated in the CA1 subfield with RT-PCR. These results indicate that TRP or TRP-like channels are activated by cellular stress and contribute to ischemia-induced membrane depolarization, intracellular calcium accumulation and cell swelling. We also hypothesize that closing of some TRP channels (TRPV3 and/or TRPV4) by lowering temperature may be partly responsible for the neuroprotective effect of hypothermia.  相似文献   

Melatonin administered at the beginning of cerebral reperfusion protected CA1 neurons against 10, 20 and 30 min of transient forebrain ischemia. Intraperitoneal injections of saline or melatonin (10 mg/kg) were given after 0, 2 and 6 h, or 1, 2 and 6 h of cerebral reperfusion, or 30 min prior to ischemia. One week later, quantitative histological analysis demonstrated that CA1 neuronal density was significantly increased in the melatonin groups that were treated at 0, 2, 6 h compared to the saline-treated controls. Ischemic protection of CA1 was lost in the animals in which the melatonin treatment was delayed by 1 h, or given 30 min prior to the ischemia.  相似文献   

The role of calcium-activated potassium channels in the regulation of neuronal hyperexcitability, as in epilepsy, is unclear. To examine this issue, we have used the acute hippocampal slice model of epileptiform activity to investigate the effects of an enhancer of SK channel activity, 1-ethyl-benzimidazolinone (EBIO). That EBIO is an SK channel modulator was confirmed by its potentiation of hSK1, hSK2, hSK3 and hIK currents (EC(50) values in the range of 130-870 microM) and its apamin (1 microM) sensitive reduction of the number of action potentials fired in CA3 pyramidal neurons in response to a depolarizing current step. In addition, while EBIO did not significantly affect electrically evoked glutamatergic synaptic transmission, it did inhibit epileptiform activity (IC(50) values in the range of 150-325 microM) induced by (1) modifying the extracellular ionic environment by removing extracellular Mg(2+) or elevating extracellular K(+) from 3.0 to 8.5 mM and (2) disinhibiting the slice using 3 mM pentylenetetrazol or combined application of 10 microM gabazine and 10 microM CGP55845. Furthermore, its inhibitory effect in the full disinhibition model of epileptiform activity (10 microM gabazine + 10 microM CGP55845) was occluded by the SK channel blocker apamin (300 nM-1 microM) which in its own right increased the duration and reduced the frequency of individual epileptiform bursts. In conclusion, compounds that enhance the activation of small conductance Ca(2+) -activated K(+) channels are effective inhibitors of epileptiform activity in vitro.  相似文献   

Three excitatory synaptic inputs to hippocampal CA3 neurons--the mossy fibers, Schaffer collateral/commissural fibers, and fimbrial fibers--were determined to be separate and independent in the pharmacologically disinhibited in vitro slice. Long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP) was induced in one of these three synaptic inputs, and subsequent synaptic efficacy changes in the other two nontetanized inputs were characterized using current and voltage clamp techniques. LTP in the mossy fiber input was accompanied by potentiation of Schaffer and fimbrial responses, whereas the induction of LTP in the Schaffer pathway was associated with the potentiation of fimbria responses and a depression of mossy fiber responses. LTP induced in the fimbrial response was confined to that input alone.  相似文献   

H Liu  L K Friedman  J Kaur 《Seizure》2006,15(1):1-16
Neonatal seizures may increase neuronal vulnerability later in life. Therefore, status epilepticus was induced with kainate (KA) during the first and second postnatal (P) weeks to determine whether early seizures shift the window of neuronal vulnerability to a younger age. KA was injected (i.p.) once (1x KA) on P13, P20 or P30 or three times (3 x KA), once on P6 and P9, and then either on P13, P20 or P30. After 1x KA, onset to behavioral seizures increased with age. Electroencephalography (EEG) showed interictal events appeared with maturation. After 3 x KA, spike number, frequency, spike amplitude, and high-frequency synchronous events and duration were increased at P13 when compared to age-matched controls. In contrast, P20 and P30 rats had decreases in EEG parameters relative to P20 and P30 rats with 1x KA despite that these animals had the same history of perinatal seizures on P6 and P9. In P13 rats with 1x KA, silver impregnation, hematoxylin/eosin and TUNEL methods showed no significant hippocampal injury and damage was minimal with 3 x KA. In contrast, P20 and P30 rats with 1x KA had robust eosinophilic or TUNEL positive labeling and preferential accumulation of silver ions within inner layer CA1 neurons. After 3 x KA, the CA1 but not CA3 of P20 and P30 rats was preferentially protected following 3 or 6 days. Although paradoxical changes occur in the EEG with maturation, the results indicate that early perinatal seizures do not significantly shift the window of hippocampal vulnerability to an earlier age but induce a tolerance that leads to long-term neuroprotection that differentially affects endogenous properties of CA1 versus CA3 neurons.  相似文献   

In a previous study it was found that there are significant differences in the numbers of granule cells in the dentate gyrus of adult Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats and also that the continued postnatal addition of new cells to the dentate gyrus has quite different consequences in the two strains. We have now extended these observations to the two major cytoarchitectonic fields of the hippocampus (the regio superior or field CA1; and the regio inferior or field CA3). The mean number of pyramidal neurons in field CA1 of 1-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats is 420,000 (+/- 60,000 S.E.), while Wistar rats at the same age have 320,000 (+/- 20,000). The numbers of neurons in field CA3 in the two strains are: 330,000 (+/- 30,000) and 210,000 (+/- 20,000), respectively. Whether these strain differences reflect specific differences in the neural organization of the hippocampal formation in the two strains, or are related to more general differences in total body weight or brain weight, is unknown. Since during the first two days postnatally we estimate that there are between 358,000 and 491,000 cells in field CA1 of Sprague-Dawley rats, it would seem that there is no significant naturally-occurring neuronal death in this hippocampal field. This may be due to the extensive collateral projections of the hippocampal pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

Nestor MW  Hoffman DA 《Hippocampus》2012,22(5):969-980
The heterogeneous expression of voltage-gated channels in dendrites suggests that neurons perform local microdomain computations at different regions. It has been shown that A-type K(+) channels have a nonuniform distribution along the primary apical dendrite in CA1 pyramidal neurons, increasing with distance from the soma. Kv4.2 channels, which are responsible for the somatodendritic A-type K(+) current in CA1 pyramidal neurons, shape local synaptic input, and regulate the back-propagation of APs into dendrites. Experiments were performed to test the hypothesis that Kv4.2 channels are differentially trafficked at different regions along the apical dendrite during basal activity and upon stimulation in CA1 neurons. Proximal (50-150 μm from the soma, primary and oblique) and distal (>200 μm) apical dendrites were selected. The fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) technique was used to measure basal cycling rates of EGFP-tagged Kv4.2 (Kv4.2g). We found that the cycling rate of Kv4.2 channels was one order of magnitude slower at both primary and oblique dendrites between 50 and 150 μm from the soma. Kv4.2 channel cycling increased significantly at 200 to 250 μm from the soma. Expression of a Kv4.2 mutant lacking a phosphorylation site for protein kinase-A (Kv4.2gS552A) abolished this distance-dependent change in channel cycling; demonstrating that phosphorylation by PKA underlies the increased mobility in distal dendrites. Neuronal stimulation by α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA) treatment increased cycling of Kv4.2 channels significantly at distal sites only. This activity-dependent increase in Kv4.2 cycling at distal dendrites was blocked by expression of Kv4.2gS552A. These results indicate that distance-dependent Kv4.2 mobility is regulated by activity-dependent phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by PKA.  相似文献   

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