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Isoenzym LDH X im Seminalplasma infertiler Männer
Bei 55 Proben von Patienten mit Azoo-bzw. Oligozoospermie wurde das Isoenzym LDH X im Seminalplasma sowie das Hormonprofil bestimmt.
Die zwischen den LDH X-Werten und den Gonadotropinen gefundene Korrelation kann als Indikator für die Keimzellendifferenzierung benutzt werden. Auffallend hohe LDH X-Werte, die bei Patienten mit hochgradiger Oligozoospermie gefunden wurden, könnten darauf hindeuten, daß diese Patienten eine normale Spermatogenese haben und möglicherweise auf eine Hormontherapie ansprechen.  相似文献   

Calcitonin levels in peripheral plasma (8 cases) and seminal fluid (30 cases) were measured by direct Radioimmunoassay (RIA). Their relationship with seminal characteristics, calcium and swelling test were evaluated. Seminal plasma calcitonin averaged 7530 pg/ml which amounts to 142 times higher than that of serum averaging 53 pg/ml. There was no significant difference in the mean seminal plasma concentration of immunoreactive calcitonin (iCT) among normozoospermic, oligozoospermic and azoo-spermic groups. However, there was a significant difference (p less than 0.05) in the seminal plasma mean concentration between high and low motility groups. A significant correlation was found between iCT seminal plasma concentration and percent of motility (p less than 0.05), yet, no correlation was detected between iCT and other seminal characteristics including swelling test (p greater than 0.05). Seminal plasma calcium averaged 175.3 +/- 29.9 mg/L which was 1.75 times higher than that of the serum averaging 100.32 +/- 5 mg/L. No significant difference (p less than 0.05) was obtained between high and low motility groups as regard their calcium seminal plasma levels. A significant correlation was found between seminal plasma concentration of calcium and calcitonin (p less than 0.05), but not with the percent of motility (p less than 0.05). Calcitonin (CT) was present in seminal plasma in higher concentrations than those of serum, indicating its active secretion within the male accessory sex glands. The role of CT in human reproduction needs further elucidation, especially regarding sperm motility.  相似文献   

Reproduktionsimmunologie: 4. Der Einfluß des Seminalplasmas immunologisch infertiler Männer auf in vitro Lymphozytenkulturen
Das Seminalplasma von 31 Patienten wurde sowohl auf die Anwesenheit von Spermaantikörpern hin untersucht als auch auf inhibitorische Eigenschaften auf die Transformationsrate von in vitro kultivierten Spenderlymphozyten.
Bei 25 (80%) der Männer fand man im Unterschied zu fertilem Samen keine Spermaantikörperaktivität, wohingegen 6 (20%) der Patienten einen hohen Spermagglutinationsantikörpertiter im Seminalplasma und Blutserum aufwiesen.
Im Gefolge der routinemäßigen Spermaanalyse und der Spermaantikörperbestimmung wurde das Seminalplasma in Lymphozytentransformationsstudien benutzt, um den inhibitorischen Einfluß zu untersuchen. Der Einfluß des Seminalplasmas auf die Lymphozyten wurde in Prozent der Hemmung angegeben.
Die Prozentwerte der Hemmung von Männern mit Normozoospermie unterschieden sich signifikant von denen immunologisch infertiler Männer (p < 0,05).
Aus dieser Untersuchung wird die Schlußfolgerung gezogen, daß das inhibitorische Potential des Seminalplasmas immunologisch infertiler Männer mit normaler Spermatozoenzahl erhöht ist gegenüber dem von Männern mit Normozoospermie ohne Spermaantikörper. Auch scheint es so, daß die Spermaantikörper in der Seminalflüssigkeit in der Lage sind, sich mit dem Hemmfaktor zu verbinden und dadurch einen verstärkten Hemmeffekt auf die Lymphozyten zu verursachen.  相似文献   

不育男性精浆总抗氧化能力与精子运动功能的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:研究不育男性精浆总抗氧化能力(TAC)与精子运动能力和方式之间的关系,探讨精浆TAC水平在男性生育中的临床意义。方法:113例精子密度正常的不育男性,28例正常生育男性作为对照组。精液于37℃液化后采用计算机辅助精液分析(CASA)系统进行精液常规分析,采用比色法进行精浆TAC分析。结果:正常生育组精浆TAC为(19.82±6.33)U,不育男性精子密度正常组精浆TAC为(14.37±8.45)U,不育男性精子密度正常组与正常生育组比较存在显著性差异(P<0.01)。精浆TAC与a级精子百分率(r=0.208,P<0.05)和(a+b)级精子百分率(r=0.231,P<0.05)呈显著正相关,精浆TAC与精子运动参数中的前向性(r=0.200,P<0.05)、直线性(r=0.208,P<0.05)、曲线速度(r=0.189,P<0.05)、直线速度(r=0.210,P<0.05)、平均移动速度(r=0.215,P<0.05)及鞭打频率(r=-0.248,P<0.01)之间有显著的相关性,其中前向性、直线性、直线速度、曲线速度、平均移动速度与TAC呈正相关(P<0.05),而鞭打频率与TAC呈负相关(P<0.01)。精浆TAC与摆动性、侧摆幅度、平均移动角度之间无显著相关。结论:精浆中TAC水平与精子运动能力和运动方式密切相关,适宜的精浆TAC为精子运动提供了良好的外部环境,精浆中过低的TAC水平与精子运动能力下降和运动方式改变有关,可能是引起男性不育的病因之一。精浆中TAC分析可为探讨男性不育的发病机制以及临床用药提供依据。  相似文献   

生育与不育男性精浆总抗氧化能力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:分析生育与不育男性精浆中总抗氧化能力(TAC)及其在男性生育中意义。方法:225例男性不育患者分为6组,分别为:梗阻性无精子症组(n=10),非梗阻性无精子症组(n=42),少精子症组(n=20),弱精子症组(n=78),少弱精子症组(n=57),以及正常精子症组(n=18)。28例正常生育男性作为对照(生育组)。分别采用计算机辅助精液分析(CASA)系统进行精液参数分析,采用比色法检测精浆TAC水平。结果:生育组男性精浆TAC为(19.82±6.33)U,梗阻性无精子症组(1.71±1.33)U,非梗阻性无精子症组(12.73±9.44)U,少精子症组(10.85±6.64)U,弱精子症组(13.88±8.24)U,少弱精子症组(11.20±7.02)U,正常精子症组(18.07±8.73)U;与生育组精浆TAC[(19.82±6.33)U]相比,在各不育症组中,除正常精子症组精浆TAC与生育组差异无显著性外,其余各组均显著低于生育组(P<0.01)。精浆TAC与精子密度(r=0.182,P<0.05)和a级精子(r=0.150,P<0.05)呈显著正相关。结论:精浆中TAC水平与男性不育密切相关,精浆中过低的TAC水平可能是引起男性不育的病因之一。  相似文献   

500 infertile patients (250 with and 250 without left side varicocele) and 33 fertile men were evaluated as far as seminal parameters and the hormonal status were concerned. Sperm motility was constantly lower in infertile patients also when infertile group was compared to fertile one with the same sperm density. Serum testosterone levels were lower in infertile groups when compared to fertile men, and this confirms the existence of an androgenic deficit as a common finding in infertility associated or not to varicocele. FSH and LH increased (p less than 0.001) when sperm density dropped to less than 5 X 10(6) spermatozoa/ml. A negative correlation was found between both gonadotropins and sperm count (p less than 0.001), also after exclusion of azoo- and oligozoospermic (less than 5 X 10(6) spermatozoa/ml) patients (p less than 0.01). Gonadotropins were moreover tightly correlated between each other (p less than 0.001). Our data suggest that both gonadotropins are tightly tuned with sperm output and thus with the spermatogenic potential.  相似文献   

目的 :检测生育与不育男性精浆褪黑素 (MLT)浓度并探讨在男性生育中的意义。 方法 :年龄为 2 6~ 36岁的生育男性 (18例 )和年龄为 2 3~ 36岁的不育男性 (99例 ) ,其中 ,后者又分为正常精子症组 (13例 )、少精子症组(2 7例 )、弱精子症组 (31例 )、少弱精子症组 (17例 )和少弱畸精子症组 (11例 )。分别采集静脉血和精液 ,采用酶联免疫吸附实验 (ELISA)检测血清和精浆中MLT浓度。 结果 :血清MLT浓度在生育与不育男性之间无显著性差异 ,各组精浆MLT浓度均低于相应的血清值。生育组精浆MLT浓度与各不育组相比无显著性差异 ,而少弱精子症组和少弱畸精子症组MLT浓度下降较为明显 ,但尚未达到统计学意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。 结论 :本研究结果表明 ,精浆MLT可能对精子功能具有一定作用 ,其具体作用机制尚需进一步深入的研究。  相似文献   

目的:比较冷冻保护剂与精浆的不同比例对人类精子冷冻复苏后活动力的影响。方法:将57例志愿者的精液标本分别采用冷冻保护剂∶精液=1∶1和冷冻保护剂∶精液=1∶3的体积比进行冷冻,比较精子复苏后的前向活动率和总活动率。结果:冷冻前的前向运动精子百分率和总活动率分别为(58.60±5.57)%和(66.17±5.24)%。采用冷冻保护剂∶精液=1∶1比例进行冷冻复苏后的前向运动精子百分率和总活动率分别为(40.53±8.97)%和(51.23±9.30)%;采用冷冻保护剂∶精液=1∶3比例进行冷冻复苏后的前向运动精子百分率和总活动率分别为(44.70±8.67)%和(51.50±7.40)%。冷冻前后精子的前向运动百分率和总活动率差异有显著性(P<0.05)。两种不同比例的保护剂相比冷冻后前向运动精子百分率差异有显著性(P<0.05),而总活动率差异没有统计学意义。结论:冷冻对精子活动力损伤明显,冷冻保护剂∶精液=1∶3比例较冷冻保护剂∶精液=1∶1比例可提高冷冻后前向运动精子百分率。  相似文献   

目的:了解男性不育患者生殖道溶脲脲原体感染情况,探讨男性不育患者生殖道溶脲脲原体感染对精液质量、附属性腺功能的影响及可能机制。方法:本研究对202例确诊的男性不育患者的精液标本进行溶脲脲原体培养,对精液参数及精浆α-葡萄糖苷酶、酸性磷酸酶和果糖进行检测,分析生殖道溶脲脲原体感染对精液参数及精浆生化指标的影响。结果:男性不育患者生殖道溶脲脲原体感染率为33.7%;生殖道溶脲脲原体感染阳性组和阴性组间精液量相差不显著[(2.93±1.32)mlvs(2.86±1.52)ml,P=0.774];阳性组精子密度较阴性组患者明显偏低[(84.37±52.92)×106/mlvs(101.90±43.90)×106/ml,P=0.025];阳性组精子活率较阴性组患者明显偏低[(44.62±22.13)%vs(51.83±19.88)%,P=0.036];阳性组患者精子活力明显低于阴性患者[(38.40±15.61)%vs(44.45±15.47)%,P=0.020];两组精液pH值均在正常值范围内,但阳性组明显高于阴性组(7.32±0.10vs7.19±0.29,P=0.003);阳性组与阴性组除侧摆幅度、向前运动、直线运动和摆动性等4项指标相差不显著外,对曲线运动性、直线速度、平均路径速度、平均移动角度)和鞭打频率等5项指标均有影响;阳性组精浆α-葡萄糖苷酶较阴性组明显降低[(40.0±18.7)U/mlvs(47.9±21.0)U/ml,P=0.026],Uu感染阳性组α-葡萄糖苷酶降低的相对危险性是阴性组的2.12倍;两组间精浆酸性磷酸酶和果糖水平无统计学差异(P均>0.05)。结论:在男性不育患者中,生殖道溶脲脲原体感染是精液质量下降的重要危险因素;生殖道溶脲脲原体感染可导致附睾分泌α-葡萄糖苷酶下降,但对前列腺酸性磷酸酶及果糖无明显影响,而这种感染对前列腺和精囊危害相对有限。  相似文献   

Boar seminal plasma can enhance the progressive motility for washed boar spermatozoa. This effect is dose dependent and the full effect is obtained at 10% of the original seminal plasma concentration. This motility restoration (enhancement) stems not from a change of viscosity in the suspending medium. The component(s) in the seminal plasma responsible for such a restoration is non-nutrient in nature and was found to be heat labile but resistant to storage for two months at -20°C.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess seminal plasma fibronectin in fertile and infertile males. Ninety infertile males were investigated; asthenozoospermia (n = 27), asthenoteratozoospermia (n = 30), oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (n = 33) compared with 20 healthy fertile controls. They were subjected to semen analysis, seminal plasma fibronectin estimation by radial immune diffusion, serum testosterone (T) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) estimation by ELISA. There was significant increase of seminal plasma fibronectin among different infertile groups compared with the controls. Significant negative correlation was elicited between seminal fibronectin and sperm count, sperm motility grades A, B, A + B, sperm velocity, linear velocity, linearity index, sperm normal forms and serum T. Seminal fibronectin showed significant positive correlation with grade D sperm motility and serum FSH. ROC curve analysis discriminating controls and other infertile groups demonstrated criteria value of < 674 mg l(-1) (sensitivity 100% and specificity 96.4%). It is concluded that increased seminal fibronectin is associated with decreased sperm count and sperm motility.  相似文献   

K.P. SKANDHAN 《Andrologia》1981,13(4):346-351
Normal human seminal plasma (n = 9) was analysed for zinc by employing the method of instrumental neutron activation analysis. The range of concentration of zinc was from 2.5 to 25.7 mg%. The author is of the opinion that the zinc in seminal plasma functions in two ways.
  • 1.

     1. The essential role it has inside the spermatozoa for its motility and

  • 2.

     2. to provide a favourable medium for the activity of the spermatozoa.

a) die essentielle Rolle für die Motilität der Spermatozoen und b) die Ausstattung eines günstigen Mediums für die Aktivität der Spermatozoen (diese Funktion kann auch von anderen Ionen übernommen werden).
The second function can be replaced by other ions.
Zink im normalen menschlichen Spermaplasma


Bei 9 gesunden, fertilen Männern wurde der Zinkgehalt im Spermaplasma mittels der instrumentellen Neuronen-Aktivations-Analyse bestimmt. Es ergab sich eine Konzentration von 2,5 – 25,7 mg%. Es wird die Auffassung vertreten, daß Zink zweierlei Funktionen im menschlichen Sperma besitzt  相似文献   

男性不育患者精浆尿酸的检测及临床意义初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 :检测男性不育患者精浆尿酸的含量 ,并探讨其与不育的关系。 方法 :2 0 0 3年 2~ 8月就诊的男性不育患者 1 6 3例 ,分为 4组 :梗阻性无精子症组 ,1 5例 ;非梗阻性无精子症组 ,36例 ;少精子症组 ,4 3例 ;弱精子症组 ,6 9例。 2 0例正常生育男性为正常对照组。上述各组均作精液参数分析及精浆尿酸含量的测定。 结果 :正常对照组精浆尿酸含量为 (396 .9± 5 3.1 ) μmol/L ,显著高于梗阻性无精子症组 [(79.5± 1 8.1 ) μmol/L]、非梗阻性无精子症组[(2 4 5 .8± 76 .5 ) μmol/L]、少精子症组 [(2 6 2 .2± 79.2 ) μmol/L]和弱精子症组 [(2 5 1 .4± 75 .4 ) μmol/L](P均 <0 .0 1 )。其中 ,梗阻性无精子症组精浆尿酸含量又显著低于其他各不育症组 (P均 <0 .0 1 ) ,其余各不育症组间精浆尿酸含量差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 )。 结论 :精浆中尿酸作为生殖系统中的一种重要抗氧化物 ,可能在男性生殖中具有一定意义。  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase of seminal plasma was studied in normozoospermic, oligozoospermic, obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermic men. Significantly higher activity was observed in non-obstructive azoospermic patients than that of other three groups. L-Alanine beta-naphthylamide hydrochloride was found to have highest hydrolysis rate in comparison to various other aminoacyl beta-naphthylamide hydrochlorides which were used for determining substrate specificity. 50% inhibitions of the enzyme activity by EDTA and 1,10-phenanthroline were obtained at 5.77 X 10(-3) M and 3.13 X 10(-6) M concentrations respectively. A single band for aminopeptidase in the activity - gel electrophoresis was obtained for all the categories of seminal plasma and the enzyme exhibited the characteristics of metalloprotein.  相似文献   

The identification of biomarkers associated with seminal traits could aid in the selection of higher quality ejaculates and benefit the swine industry. The objective of this study was to identify boar seminal plasma proteins associated with sperm motility and morphology. Twenty ejaculates from fifteen adult boars from a commercial boar stud were used for this work. After routine semen collection and analysis, ejaculates were classified into two groups: high‐quality semen (HQS) and low‐quality semen (LQS), based on sperm motility and morphology. Semen samples were processed for seminal plasma separation and analysis by 2D SDS‐PAGE. Total and progressive sperm motility differed between groups (< 0.001), as well sperm morphology (< 0.05). The intensity of spots identified as Major seminal plasma PSP‐I (PSP‐I) and cathepsin B (CTSB) was higher in LQS as compared to HQS samples (< 0.05). Also, PSP‐I was positively associated with major and sperm cauda defects. Sperm motility was negatively correlated with both PSP‐I and cathepsin B. We conclude that high concentrations of Major seminal plasma PSP‐I and cathepsin B in boar seminal plasma are associated with reduced total and progressive sperm motility and low sperm morphology and might be used as biomarkers for semen quality.  相似文献   

Summary: Methodological problems are encountered in determinating human seminal protein content since results are influenced especially by techniques which are used, and by modifications due to liquefaction process. In order to test these two points, three methods (Folin, Biuret and Meulemans's reactions) were applied to the same seminal samples and results were compared. The differences seem principally due to the high level of glyco-proteins. To determine the modifications of total protein content with time after semen collection, each sample was separated in aliquot fractions and proteolysis was blocked at different times for each fraction. There is an increase of the protein concentration during the first fifteen minutes that follows semen collection. The cause of this phenomenon is discussed.
Zusammenfassung: Bestimmung des Gesamt-Eiweiß im menschlichen Spermaplasma
Bei der Bestimmung des Proteingehaltes des menschlichen Sperma-plasmas ergeben sich methodische Probleme. Die Resultate werden nämlich von der ver-wendeten Technik beeinflußt und von den Veränderungen, die mit der Verflüssigung in Zu-sammenhang stehen. Um hier eine Klärung herbeizuführen, wurden drei verschiedene Me-thoden angewendet (Folin-Reaktion, Biuret-Reaktion, Reaktion nach Meulemans) und die Ergebnisse identischer Spermaproben miteinander verglichen. Es wird festgestellt, daß Un-terschiede vor allein auf dem hohen Gehalt an Glykoproteinen beruhen. Um die Veränderungen des Gesamteiweißgehaltes in Abhängigkeit von der Zeit nach der Spermagewin-nung festzustellen, wurde jede Probe in mehrere Fraktionen aufgeteilt und die Verflüssigung für jede Fraktion zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten blockiert. Es kann festgestellt werden, daß ein Anstieg der Protein-Konzentration innerhalb der ersten fünfzehn Minuten nach der Ejakulatgewinnung zu beobachten ist. Dieses Phänomen wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

The relation between presence of antispermatozoal antibodies in infertile men and the inhibition of the in vitro sperm penetration into cervical mucus (CM) was studied with the sperm cervical mucus contact (SCMC) test. The tests were performed with semen from infertile men and from semen donors. The CM used permitted good penetration of normal spermatozoa. The so called "shaking phenomenon", the result of a specific interaction of spermatozoa and CM, was expressed in the shaking percentage (S%).
The S% did not change beyond the experimental error within 30 min after mixing semen and CM. The S% was 30 at the most in 194 out of 198 SCMC tests with normal donor semen and normal pre-ovulatory CM. Significant negative correlations ( P < 0.005) were found between the readings of the sperm penetration meter (SPM) test on one hand and the S%, the sperm agglutination titer in the serum and the sperm agglutination titer in the seminal plasma (SP) on the other hand. Significant positive correlations ( P < 0.005) were found between the S% and the sperm agglutination titer in the SP. The sperm agglutination titer in serum and in SP correlated significantly better ( P < 0.02) with the S% in the SCMC test than with the readings of the SPM test.
It was concluded that: 1. A high S% is highly specific for the presence of antispermatozoal antibodies in infertile men, 2. The SCMC test is more suited than the SPM test for studying the effect of antispermatozoal antibodies on the penetration and migration of spermatozoa into CM,  相似文献   

Although immunoassayable relaxin has been detected in human and boar seminal plasma, there is no evidence suggesting the existence of immunoreactive relaxin in the seminal plasma of other domestic animals. The first objective of this study was to determine whether immunoreactive relaxin was present in the seminal plasma of bulls, rams and he-goats. In addition, the correlation of immunoreactive relaxin with sperm motility as an index for predicting the fertilizing ability of bull sires was investigated. Semen with normal sperm motility was collected from bulls, rams and he-goats, and the relaxin immunoreactivity of the semen samples was measured using a time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) for porcine relaxin that we developed. The presence of relaxin immunoreactivity was demonstrated in seminal plasma from bulls, rams and he-goats. The level of immunoreactive relaxin in seminal plasma was the highest in bulls followed by humans, rams, boars and he-goats in that order, when relaxin levels in boar and human semen having normal sperm motility were also assayed under the same conditions. When the correlation between the seminal plasma level of immunoreactive relaxin and sperm motility was examined in bull semen samples as an index for predicting fertilizing ability, it was found that the relaxin level was significantly correlated with the percentage of spermatozoa showing the most intensive motility (r = 0.64, p < 0.05). These results indicate that immunoreactive relaxin is widely found in the seminal plasma of domestic animals and that measuring the relaxin concentration of seminal plasma may be useful to identify subfertile sires or predict the fertility potential of individual sires.  相似文献   

目的:探讨男性不育症患者精浆酸性磷酸酶与精浆生化指标的相关性,为精液质量的变化和前列腺炎的诊断、治疗寻找一个可靠的检测指标。方法:收集我院2009年1月~2011年3月治疗的资料完整的男性不育症患者精液分析记录616份,建立Excel数据库,采用SPSSl6.0统计软件,对精浆酸性磷酸酶和精浆生化指标进行相关性分析;并将精浆酸性磷酸酶48.8~208.6U/ml设为正常组,将〈48.8U/mI设为异常组,比较两组之间精浆生化指标的差异性。结果:①精浆酸性磷酸酶与精浆弹性蛋白酶呈负相关(P〈0.05),与精浆锌呈正相关(P〈0.05),与精浆a一糖苷酶、果糖无明显相关性(P〉0.05);②按精浆酸性磷酸酶水平分组比较,显示精浆酸性磷酸酶异常组的精浆弹性蛋白酶明显增高,精浆锌明显降低(P〈0.05);而两组精浆a一糖苷酶、果糖的表达差异则无统计学意义(P〉O.05)。结论:精浆酸性磷酸酶是前列腺炎可靠判断指标,与精浆锌、精浆弹性蛋白酶一道可作为生殖道感染及精液质量变化的检测指标。、  相似文献   

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