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一、临床资料患者男65岁。以“突发胸闷、呼吸困难1天”为主诉入院。首次胸部后前位X线片检查未见明显异常。心电图示心肌缺血,经治疗病情无好转。呼吸困难加重,隔日胸部后前位X线平片检查:左肺不张。  相似文献   

1病例介绍患者16岁,因"腹部渐进性增大1+年,右腰部疼痛4天,于2011年10月12日入院。平素月经规律,末次月经2011年9月28日。近一年来无明显诱因出现腹部逐渐增大,自认为"消化不良",未予重视。4天前无明显诱因感右侧腰部疼痛,呈持续性胀痛,伴发热,体温38.5°C,就诊当地县人民医院行B超提示  相似文献   

阑尾粘液性囊腺瘤1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1病历简介 患者,男,67岁.体检发现右下腹肿物.查体:体温36.6℃,脉搏76次/min,呼吸频率20次:/min,血压17.3/10.7kPa(130/80mmHg).腹软,右下腹无压痛,无反跳痛,无肌紧张,可扪及一大小约6.4cm×2.7cm×2.2cm包块,轮廓清,质韧.  相似文献   

卵巢囊腺瘤是卵巢最常见的良性肿瘤,占卵巢良性肿瘤的44.8%,好发于青中年妇女,起病慢.症状轻.无自觉症状,肿块异常增大时,出现胀痛及压迫症状,易延误诊治、我院收治1例,现报告如下:  相似文献   

病例 女,54岁,绝经4年,2012年4月,因"阴道不规则流血10 d,检查发现盆腔肿物3d"入院.查体:腹部膨隆,下腹可扪及一大小约20.0 cm× 16.0 cm×12.0 cm包块,质地中等,包块底部脐上一指,固定,无压痛.妇科检查:外阴已婚型;阴道通畅、壁光滑,内见少量暗红色血液,来自官腔;宫颈肥大,官颈口可见一大小约0.5 cm×0.5 cm×0.5 cm赘生物,触血阳性,无举痛及摆痛;宫体及双附件:因盆腔包块体积大,触诊不清.彩超检查:盆腔囊实性不均质占位,大小约19.7cm×15.7 cm×11.4 cm,左附件区实性不均质占位,大小约6.6 cm×4.7 cm ×3.8 cm,宫内膜回声欠均质,双层厚约1.3 cm.盆腔CT检查示:盆腔巨大囊实性占位,考虑来源于卵巢囊腺瘤,部分壁结节改变,不除外恶变可能.  相似文献   

卵巢粘液性囊腺瘤误诊腹腔包虫病1例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
病例 女性 ,5 8岁 ,四川阿坝州黑水县牧民。因发现腹部包块 1年 ,于 2 0 0 0 - 12 - 2 6入我院妇产科。患者闭经 7年 ,1年前自感下腹部有一鸡蛋大包块 ,伴下腹部胀痛 ,以左侧为重 ,在当地医院治疗无好转 ,出院后自行暴力搓揉后感疼痛难忍 ,觉包块逐渐增大 ,放射至腰骶部 ,并出现恶心、呕吐 ,进食少许感上腹部胀痛不适。既往史无特殊。个人史 :家中养有牛狗 ,有吃生食史。查体 :体温 36 7℃ ,脉搏 80次 /min ,呼吸 18次 /min ,血压 12 / 10kPa。慢性消瘦病容 ,腹软 ,触及 30cm× 2 0cm× 15cm巨大包块 ,压痛明显 ,叩实音 ,…  相似文献   

左卵巢粘液性囊腺瘤伴囊性畸胎瘤及腹膜假性粘液瘤一例刘东明患者女,41岁。已婚,进行性腹胀1个月余。站立时满腹坠胀痛,常放射至胸背部,卧位时腹胀减轻,伴有恶心。外院B超报告:腹腔积液。既往史无特殊。体检:腹部膨隆,脐凸,左下腹深部触及一包块,境界不清,...  相似文献   

患者 女 ,6 5岁。因绝经后阴道少量流血并腹部膨隆 ,腹胀就诊。体检 :于下腹触及一包块 ,上界于脐上 10 0cm ,下界于耻骨联合上方 ,约 30cm× 2 5cm大小 ,质硬 ,移动度可 ,无触痛。超声所见 :于腹部探及一个几乎占据整个腹腔的无回声区 ,其壁厚 0 3cm ,光滑 ,完整 ,内见散在细弱光点 ,呈多房结构 (图 1) ,其间隔薄 ,规则 ,房腔大小不一 ,其中一 5 0cm×4 cm的房腔后壁见一 0 8cm× 0 6cm大小的凸向囊腔的实性回声 ,边缘尚规则 ,于左下腹探及 6 1cm× 5 8cm的无回声 ,边缘清晰 ,规则 ,后壁回声增强 ,内透声好 ,子宫萎缩 ,大小为4 1…  相似文献   

我们遇见一例少见的腹膜假粘液性囊腺瘤现报告如下: 患者,女,34岁,住院号41637。主诉:下腹部疼痛并有包块两年。两年前因不孕症曾在某医院检查诊断为“卵巢囊肿”而行剖腹手术,术中见左侧阔韧带内有一囊肿,大小约32×25×22厘米。分离粘连时囊肿破裂溢  相似文献   

A mucinous carcinoma of the breast is a well-differentiated rare histological type of invasive ductal carcinoma, having a lower frequency of metastasis to an axillary lymph node and a better survival rate. Bilateral breast cancer has an overall incidence of 4% to 20% in patients with primary operable breast cancer. Few reports exist in the clinical literature characterizing a synchronous bilateral mucinous carcinoma of the breast. We report the characteristic imaging findings of a bilateral mucinous carcinoma of the breast.  相似文献   

Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a rare, but sometimes fatal, complication of peritoneal dialysis characterized by diffuse thickening and encapsulation of the bowel and peritoneum. In more advanced cases, the peritoneum will gradually calcify. EPS usually presents as partial small bowel obstruction and diagnosed on imaging studies. We present a case of a 19-year-old female on long-term peritoneal dialysis with EPS and diffuse peritoneal calcifications.  相似文献   

临床资料:患者,男性,43岁,里尔飞行员,飞行时间4600 h.2005年1月28日打篮球时相撞双手着地,自感双侧肘关节及左腕处疼痛明显,没有重视,未报告航医,并带小孩一起洗了热水澡.第二天上午疼痛加重,遂报告航医.查体:双侧肘关节及左腕关节活动略受限,局部压痛,无明显肿胀.遂送附近南苑医院拍片检查示:左、右侧桡骨近端骨折.即送空军总医院查:双侧肘关节可以自主活动,双上肢末梢血运好,皮肤感觉无异常,遂行石膏外固定.  相似文献   

Acupuncture is one of the most popular complementary therapies in the world. Pneumothorax due to perforation of the lungs by needle insertion is one of the most common and serious complications of acupuncture treatment. Although there have been several case studies of pneumothorax induced by acupuncture, as far as we know there have been no reports on the pathological findings of autopsy cases.In this report, we describe the pathological findings of an autopsy case of bilateral tension pneumothorax after acupuncture. The patient suffered dyspnea and chest pain soon the completion of an acupuncture treatment, and died 90 min later. Several ecchymoses were macroscopically observed on the parietal pleura in the left and right thoracic cavity, suggesting that needles were inserted into the thoracic cavity and that the lungs were perforated. The many black spots we observed on the parietal pleura along the vertebral column microscopically consisted of a number of dust-like black pigments and macrophages containing these pigments. These spots seemed to have appeared because of the previous insertion of needles.  相似文献   

Supernumerary teeth are described as the teeth formed in excess of the normal dental formula. Prevalence of supernumerary teeth varies between 0.1% and 3.8% in general Caucasian population. They have been reported in both the primary and the permanent dentition. Supernumerary teeth may occur in any region of the dental arch. However, a supernumerary tooth in the canine region is a rare condition and to our knowledge, a non-syndrome case with bilateral supplemental maxillary canines did not exist in the literature. It was the aim of this report to evaluate this rare case in view of both oral radiology and orthodontics.  相似文献   

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