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A M Lorino D Benhamou H Lorino A Harf 《Bulletin européen de physiopathologie respiratoire》1986,22(1):81-84
In order to monitor respiratory mechanics in anesthetized ventilated subjects, an automated method was developed and tested on a physical model. The model was composed of an endotracheal tube (curvilinear resistance) coupled to a rigid air-filled box (elastance). Theoretical resistance was determined during steady-state flow experiments and theoretical elastance was estimated from the dimensions of the box. The physical model was connected to a volume-cycled ventilator. Pressure (P) and air flow (V) were measured at the outlet of the tube, and the time integral V of V was calculated. Elastance (E) and curvilinear resistance (R + K/V/) were identified by multiple linear regression analysis, for each ventilatory cycle, according to equation P = EV + RV + K/V/V. When linear regression analysis of P on V, V and /V/V was performed over the entire ventilatory cycle, E was found equal to its estimate, whereas R and K appeared different from their theoretical values. In order to improve determination of R and K, resistive pressure (Pr = P - EV) was calculated using the previously obtained value of E, and multiple linear regression of Pr on V and /V/V was performed over different fractions of the ventilatory cycle. When determined over the expiratory phase corresponding to decreasing flows, R and K were found close to their expected values. Such a method to calculate elastance and curvilinear resistance should prove convenient and efficient in measuring respiratory mechanics during mechanical ventilation. 相似文献
目的探讨不同的吸痰方法,从而有效地清除气管插管患者的呼吸道分泌物。方法对47例气管插管病人均采用常规法和呛咳法两种方法吸痰,呛咳法要求:吸痰管带负压进入气管插管,随吸痰管插入深度调节负压,适时安全吸痰,适度气道湿化。常规法按临床一般方法进行吸痰。将两种方法吸出的痰量,痰液性状及吸痰前后20min血氧饱和度(SpO2)进行比较。结果两种方法在吸出的痰量,痰液性状和SpO2方面存在着显著差异(P<0.05,P<0.01),呛咳法吸出的痰多且粘稠。吸痰后SpO2明显高于吸痰前和常规法。结论呛咳法吸痰能充分吸出气道深部的痰液,可以有效防止气道阻塞,改善通气功能。 相似文献
Better understanding of airway mechanics is very important in order to avoid lung injuries for patients undergoing mechanical ventilation for treatment of respiratory problems in intensive-care medicine, as well as pulmonary medicine. Mechanical ventilation depends on several parameters, all of which affect the patient outcome. As there are no systematic numerical investigations of the role of mechanical ventilation parameters on airway mechanics, the objective of this study was to investigate the role of mechanical ventilation parameters on airway mechanics using coupled fluid-solid computational analysis. For the airway geometry of 3 to 5 generations considered, the simulation results showed that airflow velocity increased with increasing airflow rate. Airway pressure increased with increasing airflow rate, tidal volume and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Airway displacement and airway strains increased with increasing airflow rate, tidal volume and PEEP form mechanical ventilation. Among various waveforms considered, sine waveform provided the highest airflow velocity and airway pressure while descending waveform provided the lowest airway pressure, airway displacement and airway strains. These results combined with optimization suggest that it is possible to obtain a set of mechanical ventilation strategies to avoid lung injuries in patients. 相似文献
The use of mechanical ventilation has become widespread in the management of hypoxic respiratory failure. Investigations of pulmonary mechanics in this clinical scenario have demonstrated that there are significant differences in compliance, resistance and gas flow when compared with normal subjects. This paper will review the mechanisms by which pulmonary mechanics are assessed in mechanically ventilated patients and will review how the data can be used for investigative research purposes as well as to inform rational ventilator management. 相似文献
A H Thomson C S Beardsmore M Silverman 《Bulletin européen de physiopathologie respiratoire》1985,21(5):411-416
Respiratory system compliance (Crs) was measured in 34 spontaneously breathing infants during the first year of life. An occlusion technique was used whereby several expiratory occlusions were performed at different lung volumes within the tidal range. The airway opening pressure generated during a plateau after occlusion was related to the volume included above the end-tidal level by a regression equation. The slope of this equation represented the compliance of the infant's respiratory system; the intercept was significantly different for preterm (-0.5 ml) and post-term (-5.5 ml) infants and may represent the difference between end-expiratory lung volume during tidal breathing and the relaxed functional residual capacity. The values for respiratory system compliance were similar to those previously reported for infants during muscle relaxation. As a function of body length, Crs = 1.58 X length3.13 X 10(-4) ml . kPa-1. The technique described is simple to apply and is independent of oesophageal pressure measurements. 相似文献
目的 构建强迫振荡测量系统,在无创正压通气(NPPV)条件下检测人呼吸系统阻抗(Rrs)和电抗(Xrs),用于评估肺阻力(RL)和弹件阻力(EL).方法 基于现有的强迫振荡技术,构建包括振荡发生器和信号分析软件在内的新强迫振荡测量系统,采用呼吸系统一阶线性力学模型(R-I-E模型)验证新系统测量的准确性和可靠性.8例健康正常人为研究对象,分别经鼻罩给予不同水平的双水平气道止压(BiPAP)和持续气道正压(CPAP)通气,探讨在不同通气模式和压力水平下利用Rrs无创评价R,的可行性.结果 (1)振荡压力和振荡流量的相干函数系数值r2=0.98,强迫振荡测量可靠.5 Hz强迫振荡测定的模型阻抗与模型的粘性阻力接近,两者平均相差(1.26±0.44)cm H2O·s·L-1,一敛性范嗣在(0.36~2.14)cm H2O·s·L-1.(2)8例在不同通气模式及压力条件下测定的Rrs值大小接近,与RL平均相差(0.16±1.58)cm H2O·s·L-1.RL的预计方程式为RL=1.40+0.77Rrs,[决定系数(r2)=0.43,P<0.01].(3)强迫振荡弹性阻力EFOT(EFOT=-2πfXrs)显著大于实际值EL,(P<0.01).两者存在低水平的相关(r=0.40,P<0.01).结论 新强迫振荡系统测量准确、可靠.Rrs近似地反映了RL的大小,RL预测值可用于优化NPPV的压力支持水平,使呼吸机提供的压力支持能有效地克服肺阻力. 相似文献
Respiratory muscle fatigue after prolonged mechanical ventilation of the lungs is a common occurrence. This is probably due to disuse atrophy. The standard technique used to overcome this problem is to gradually wean the patient from the respirator over the course of several days or weeks. Hypothesis: based on experience with the rehabilitation of skeletal muscles during long-term immobilisation of the extremities following trauma or surgery and on experience with diaphragm pacing in quadriplegics, intermittent electrical or magenetic stimulation of the diaphragm while the lungs are still being mechanically ventilated may be beneficial. The result of such stimulation would be to preserve the dysfunctioning diaphragm from atrophy. Consequences: dependence on the respirator, length of intubation time, risk of complications and length of stay in the ICU would be considerably reduced. 相似文献
Pneumonia complicates the course of 50% of patients on mechanical ventilation, requiring three or more days of mechanical ventilation and potentially increasing the relative risk of mortality by 20-40%. The predominant potentially pathogenic micro-organisms are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus (sensitive to methicillin in the previously healthy host), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (aerobic gram-negative bacilli), and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the host with underlying disease. Approximately 85% of pneumonias are endogenous, caused by bacteria present in the patient's oropharyngeal flora. Bacteria present on admission cause primary endogenous pneumonia (55%), whereas bacteria acquired in the unit lead to supercarriage or secondary carriage and subsequently secondary endogenous pneumonia (30%). The remaining 15% are exogenous, ie the bacteria causing pneumonia are not carried by the patient. The diagnosis is usually based on clinical, radiological, and microbiological criteria, using the non-invasive method of tracheal aspirate, which yields >/=10(5) micro-organisms. Seven randomized trials have evaluated three non-antibiotic prophylactic maneuvers: hygiene (1 trial), subglottic drainage (4 trials), and semirecumbent position (2 trials). The impact on pneumonia was mixed, whereas mortality was unchanged. Selective digestive decontamination, using parenteral and enteral antimicrobials to control the three types of pneumonia, has been evaluated in 54 trials and showed an absolute mortality reduction of 8%. The therapy of pneumonia relies on six basic principles: (a) surveillance and diagnostic cultures to identify micro-organisms; (b) immediate and adequate antibiotic treatment to sterilize the lower airways, (c) the source of potential pathogens requires elimination for recovery of the original infection and prevention of relapses and/or superinfections; (d) aerosolized antimicrobials; (e) removal or replacement of the endotracheal tube; and (f) surveillance samples are indispensable to monitor efficacy of treatment. The aim of our review was to evaluate up to date facts regarding control of bacterial pneumonias during mechanical ventilation in intensive care unit settings. 相似文献
Schifelbain LM Vieira SR Brauner JS Pacheco DM Naujorks AA 《Clinics (S?o Paulo, Brazil)》2011,66(1):107-111
Echocardiographic, electrocardiographic and other cardiorespiratory variables can change during weaning from mechanical ventilation.OBJECTIVES:
To analyze changes in cardiac function, using Doppler echocardiogram, in critical patients during weaning from mechanical ventilation, using two different weaning methods: pressure support ventilation and T‐tube; and comparing patient subgroups: success vs. failure in weaning.METHODS:
Randomized crossover clinical trial including patients under mechanical ventilation for more than 48 h and considered ready for weaning. Cardiorespiratory variables, oxygenation, electrocardiogram and Doppler echocardiogram findings were analyzed at baseline and after 30 min in pressure support ventilation and T‐tube. Pressure support ventilation vs. T‐tube and weaning success vs. failure were compared using ANOVA and Student''s t‐test. The level of significance was p<0.05.RESULTS:
Twenty‐four adult patients were evaluated. Seven patients failed at the first weaning attempt. No echocardiographic or electrocardiographic differences were observed between pressure support ventilation and T‐tube. Weaning failure patients presented increases in left atrium, intraventricular septum thickness, posterior wall thickness and diameter of left ventricle and shorter isovolumetric relaxation time. Successfully weaned patients had higher levels of oxygenation.CONCLUSION:
No differences were observed between Doppler echocardiographic variables and electrocardiographic and other cardiorespiratory variables during pressure support ventilation and T‐tube. However cardiac structures were smaller, isovolumetric relaxation time was larger, and oxygenation level was greater in successfully weaned patients. 相似文献12.
Pohlmann JR Brant DO Daul MA Reoma JL Kim AC Osterholzer KR Johnson KJ Bartlett RH Cook KE Hirschl RB 《ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992)》2011,57(1):1-8
Total liquid ventilation (TLV) has the potential to provide respiratory support superior to conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV) in the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, laboratory studies are limited to trials in small animals for no longer than 4 hours. The objective of this study was to compare TLV and CMV in a large animal model of ARDS for 24 hours. Ten sheep weighing 53 ± 4 (SD) kg were anesthetized and ventilated with 100% oxygen. Oleic acid was injected into the pulmonary circulation until PaO2:FiO2 ≤ 60 mm Hg, followed by transition to a protective CMV protocol (n = 5) or TLV (n = 5) for 24 hours. Pathophysiology was recorded, and the lungs were harvested for histological analysis. Animals treated with CMV became progressively hypoxic and hypercarbic despite maximum ventilatory support. Sheep treated with TLV maintained normal blood gases with statistically greater PO2 (p < 10(-9)) and lower PCO2 (p < 10(-3)) than the CMV group. Survival at 24 hours in the TLV and CMV groups were 100% and 40%, respectively (p < 0.05). Thus, TLV provided gas exchange superior to CMV in this laboratory model of severe ARDS. 相似文献
Summary As part of a larger ergonomic survey of seated work, the myoelectric activity of soleus and erector spinae was studied during typing and desk work while sitting on three different office chairs. Muscular performance was evaluated by two EMG methods: (1) the frequently used analysis of the amplitude probability distribution function (APDF) of the EMG signals, and (2) a recently presented method which considers muscular contraction frequencies according to the load levels. The latter indicated significant differences in contraction frequencies which did not appear from the APDF. Moreover, the APDF illustrated differences in load levels which were not evident from the frequency analyses. It is suggested that both EMG methods should be used in evaluations of muscular activity. 相似文献
两种方法描记谷物粉尘所致豚鼠哮喘模型呼吸曲线的对比观察 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为了研究动物哮喘模型的阳性判定标准,本文观察分析了对同一批哮喘模型用两种不同方法描记的激发前后呼吸曲线。结果发现呼吸频率和潮气量不能非常准确地反映哮喘发作。肺总阻力(R_L)和动态肺顺应性(Cdyn)则可以直接反映哮喘反应,但测定装置和方法复杂。用简易方法描记的规律性叹气频率与R_L 呈非常显著地正相关(r=0.81,P<0.01),而与Cdyn则呈非常显著地负相关(r=-0.73,P<0.01)。因此,叹气频率能间接地反映支气管哮喘发作。 相似文献
G Saumon J E Lafosse R Georges 《Bulletin européen de physiopathologie respiratoire》1976,12(2):349-369
A decrease in effective compliance (Ce) with increase in respiratory frequency (f) is considered as representing an inhomogeneity in the distribution of the pulmonary time constants. The Ce variation in relation with f reflects the inadequacy of the first order linear mono-alveolar model usually used to describe the ventilatory mechanical properties. Such an assertion is widely accepted, but few attempts have been done to validate this point in patients and to determine the various components likely to affect the Ce, f relationship. In 171 patients, selected in order to sample different types of lesions of some pulmonary structures, the authors calculated the next functional parameters : VC/theoretical VC ratio, RV by dilution method and by plethysmography, airway resistance and distribution index of inspired gas. Moreover, by means of a computerised system, the effective compliance and its variation with respiratory frequency have been calculated. After discussion of the procedure and of the method used to express the compliance-frequency relationship (linear regression), the authors develop the arguments which allow to assert that despite the elementary type of expression the relation is a good discriminative parameter. Its signification is discussed by analysing results obtained in patients and by simulating a mathematical model of the ventilatory mechanics where the mechanical parameters are distributed. It seems likely that a negative slope of the compliance-frequency relationship expresses an important mechanical inhomogeneity. Taking into account the fact that the whole frequency-compliance relationship gives little information, at this moment, in the face of an unpleasant test for the patients, the authors propose a simplified procedure, adapted to the usual practice. 相似文献
Jones AY 《Respiratory physiology & neurobiology》2002,132(3):321-327
This project aimed to investigate the direction of artificial sputum movement during mechanical ventilation (MV) and bagging (MH) using a tube model. Three solutions of artificial sputum (ultrasonic gel, viscosity 100, 200 and 300 poise (P)) were prepared. About 1 ml of gel was placed in a glass tube connected to a test lung at one end and, via a pneumotachograph, to either a mechanical ventilator or a self-inflating bag, at the other. The position of the gel in the tube was recorded before and after 20 artificial breaths. Simultaneous breath-to-breath respiratory mechanics were measured. The procedure was repeated three times for each gel viscosity, with a fresh experimental set up for each measurement. Results showed that the distance travelled from the lung was significantly greater with MH compared with MV (P < 0.001). The lower the gel viscosity, the further the gel moved from the lung with both ventilatory modes (P < 0.001). MH was superior to MV for secretion mobilisation in a tube model. 相似文献
Lozano-Zahonero S Gottlieb D Haberthür C Guttmann J Möller K 《Medical & biological engineering & computing》2011,49(3):349-358
The purpose of the present study is to introduce a novel methodology for adapting and upgrading decision-making strategies
concerning mechanical ventilation with respect to different disease states into our fuzzy-based expert system, AUTOPILOT-BT.
The special features are: (1) Extraction of clinical knowledge in analogy to the daily routine. (2) An automated process to
obtain the required information and to create fuzzy sets. (3) The controller employs the derived fuzzy rules to achieve the
desired ventilation status. For demonstration this study focuses exclusively on the control of arterial CO2 partial pressure (paCO2). Clinical knowledge from 61 anesthesiologists was acquired using a questionnaire from which different disease-specific fuzzy
sets were generated to control paCO2. For both, patients with healthy lung and with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) the fuzzy sets show different shapes.
The fuzzy set “normal”, i.e., “target paCO2 area”, ranges from 35 to 39 mmHg for healthy lungs and from 39 to 43 mmHg for ARDS lungs. With the new fuzzy sets our AUTOPILOT-BT
reaches the target paCO2 within maximal three consecutive changes of ventilator settings. Thus, clinical knowledge can be extended, updated, and the
resulting mechanical ventilation therapies can be individually adapted, analyzed, and evaluated. 相似文献
The acute respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, and the prone position 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Slutsky AS 《The New England journal of medicine》2001,345(8):610-612