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,60962硬质合金粉尘致肺纤维花作用的流行病学调查/邹世渠…刀中华预防医学杂志一1995,29(2)一70~72 对我国有代表性的4家硬质合金生产厂及2家工具研磨厂的1 237名单纯接触硬质合金粉尘工人及502名对照工人进行分析。结果表明,接触组呼吸系统症状、肺功能异常检出率、血清铜蓝蛋白及尿钻含量均明显高于对照组。x线胸片检查发现8例尘肺,患病率为0.65%,发病平均接尘工龄为25.2年。上述结果说明,硬质合金粉尘具有致肺纤维化作用,并可引起尘肺。图。表4参3一系列实验性肺癌研究,总结如下:作为模型,甲基胆蕙,苯并花及二乙基亚硝胺均能诱发金仓鼠…  相似文献   

南平市水泥工尘肺流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着四化建设的发展,作为建材之一的水泥,生产逐年增多,在生产过程中,粉尘对工人身体健康亦带来了一定的影响。本文对我市10个水泥厂的水泥工尘肺进行了流行病学调查,现报告如下:1 资料来源与方法按照全国尘肺流行病学调查的方案,进行尘肺流行病学调查,将全区39名水泥工尘肺为对象进行分析。本组病例由福建省职业病防治院、南平市职业病防治院尘肺诊断小组诊断。2 结果和分析我市接触水泥粉尘工人约2000名,受检工人1619名,受检率80.95%。累计患有Ⅰ期水泥工尘肺39例,0+水泥工尘肺147例,其中Ⅰ期水…  相似文献   

硬质合金粉尘对工人小气道通气功能的影响马伏生,邹世渠硬质合金是由碳化钨(WC)、钻(Co)金属粉尘经成型烧结而成的高硬度合金,有报道从事硬质合金生产的工人中发生尘肺和哮喘等呼吸系统损害,并认为这些损害主要是由合金中的金属钴所引起的[1,2]。我们用粉...  相似文献   

烟草作业工人职业危害动态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对某烤烟厂和卷烟厂各主要工种的904名烟草作业工人及其作业环境进行了长达16年的动态观察,结果表明,从卷烟包装工到烤烟厂挂烟工,随着接粉尘浓度逐渐增高和接尘工龄延长,烟草尘肺和0+患病率均相应升高,接尘水平和烟草尘肺发病之间有一定的接触水平——反应关系。纯烟叶和车间粉尘中游离SiO2含量的差异,说明烟草尘肺是以土壤粉尘为主引起的混合性尘肺。卷接和包装工未发现烟草尘肺,包装工0+患病率仅为2.12%,故国家现行的烟草粉尘卫生标准(3mg/m3)是可行的,烟草尘肺是可以预防的。  相似文献   

叶腊石磨粉作业职业危害调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]调查叶腊石磨粉对工人的职业危害。[方法]对8家叶腊石磨粉厂作业环境进行劳动卫生学调查,对接触叶腊石粉尘的84名工人和不接触粉尘的60名人员进行健康检查。[结果]8家企业作业场所作业岗位粉尘浓度626.7mg/m^3,大大超过国家卫生标准(2mg/m^3),接尘组肺话量和FEVt%低于对照组(P<0.05,P<0.01),接尘组尘肺患者患病率20.2%(17/84)。[结论]叶腊石粉尘对作业工人呼吸系统损害明显。  相似文献   

重庆煤矿尘肺发病规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索重庆煤矿尘肺发病规律,对重庆1986年在册的47038名接尘工人进行了回顾性调查。结果显示,重庆煤矿尘肺患病率为13.0%.平均发病工龄为20年,平均发病年龄为46岁,尘肺死亡率为24.5%,平均死亡年龄为58.2岁,大块纤维化患病率为1.6%;尘肺的发生与工人接触高合矽量、高浓度粉尘有关;重庆煤矿粉尘中游离SiO2,平均含量为8.5%,尘肺病例以煤矽肺和煤肺为多,矽肺病例相对较少;防尘工作重点应放在采煤工作面。  相似文献   

尘肺的流行病学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
尘肺的流行病学是应用流行病学方法研究尘肺的发生、发展和分布,以及与尘肺发生相关的各种因素(如作业环境粉尘浓度、分散度、粉尘中游离SiO2含量、工人的接触工龄、接尘量等)在尘肺发病中的作用,从而为制定粉尘容许浓度,寻找工人安全接触时间,预防尘肺病的发生提供科学依据。  相似文献   

玻璃钢粉尘对作业工人健康影响的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
玻璃钢是一种应用广泛的新型高强度复合材料[1,2]。我国从事玻璃钢生产的企业3000多家,从业人员达20多万人,玻璃钢产品品种达2000多种,年产量达15万吨,居世界第六位。为了解玻璃钢粉尘对作业工人健康危害情况,我们于1994年10月对两玻璃钢厂进行了劳动卫生学调查及接尘工人健康体检,现将结果总结如下:1 对象与方法1.1 体检对象:选择接触玻璃钢粉尘3年以上且无其它粉尘接触史的作业工人95人。接尘工人胸片由山东省尘肺诊断组集体阅片诊断。1.2 调查内容:车间空气中玻璃钢粉尘监测,作业工人健康…  相似文献   

民营陶瓷业工人尘肺流行病学调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨温州市民营陶瓷业工人尘肺患病现状及流行病学特征。方法 采用普查方法对52家民营陶瓷厂进行劳动卫生学调查,对2659名接尘工人的尘肺患病情况调查分析。结果民营陶瓷业平均粉尘浓度9.1me/m^3,游离SiO2含量平均为52.2%;工人尘肺患病率为4.5%,其中球磨工患病率12.4%,患病率排前4位的工种依次为球磨、进料、压机和机修;平均患病年龄36.5岁,尘肺患者平均工龄4.4年。结论该市民营陶瓷业陶尘危害十分严重,粉尘浓度、游离SiO2含量高以及日工作时间长,使得接尘工人发病时间缩短;全面贯彻落实《职业病防治法》是解决职业危害相关问题的关键。  相似文献   

目的调查硬质合金粉尘对作业工人健康的影响,为人体钨钴的生物接触限值、硬金属肺病诊断标准的制定及早期防治提供依据。方法选取江苏省某硬金属加工厂165名硬质合金粉尘作业工人作为调查组,132名无硬质合金粉尘接触的作业工人作为对照组。收集问卷调查、职业健康检查、工人班后尿钴含量以及现场作业环境检测等相关资料。结果该厂硬质合金生产环境中的粉尘浓度,其几何均值均未超过国家标准。作业环境中空降尘游离二氧化硅含量均小于1.0%。调查组呼吸系统异常及黏膜刺激症状检出率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。与对照组比较,调查组胸片X线结果阳性检出率明显增高。在调查组中肺功能指标用力肺活量(FVC)、尿钴检测值超标率均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论硬质合金粉尘中含有一定量的钴;工人接触硬质合金粉尘早期可导致呼吸系统异常及黏膜刺激症状、胸部肺纹理增加;可致肺功能轻度限制性通气功能障碍改变,肺部损伤部位主要在小气道。因此,应加强对硬质合金粉尘接尘工人的劳动防护,做好防尘工作,定期做职业健康检查,及时采取有效防治措施,确保接尘工人的身体健康。  相似文献   

目的探讨现代化露天煤矿作业环境及对作业人员健康的影响。方法收集某现代化露天煤矿2001-2002年粉尘、噪声测定资料及测量振动强度。对接触粉尘、噪声、振动及其他有害因素人员进行健康检查,并以该矿非接触职业病危害因素的人员为对照。结果作业环境粉尘浓度超过国家相应的卫生标准的占88.6%,游离SiO2含量岩尘为24.0%,煤尘为6.1%;振动强度较小,45.5%的测定点噪声平均强度超过85dB(A)。作业人群呼吸系统疾病患病率粉尘组为10.0%,噪声组为23.6%,振动组为23.5%,对照组为0.6%,各有害因素接触组患病率与对照组比较,差异均有显著性(P〈0.01),且随着接触工龄的增加而增高;作业人群尘肺患病率为0.15%,振动组胃疾患患病率(4.6%)高于对照组(O.6%)。随着接触振动、噪声工龄的延长,高血压患病率明显增加,而对照组则增加不明显。结论现代化露天采煤作业环境职业病危害特点是粉尘、噪声和振动常同时存在;作业人群呼吸系统疾病、胃疾患、高血压患病率增加,尘肺患病率较低。  相似文献   

Effects of exposure to slate dust in North Wales.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In a study of slate workers in four areas in North Wales 725 workers and ex-workers who had been exposed to slate and to no other dust were seen, together with 530 men from the same area who had never been exposed to any dust. Evidence of pneumoconiosis was found in one-third of the slate workers, and 10% had degrees of pneumoconiosis that would attract compensation (category 2 or higher). The prevalence of respiratory symptoms was high, and there was evidence of an effect of both simple and complicated pneumoconiosis on lung function additional to that of age. There was a high prevalence (40-50%) of radiological lesions suggestive of healed tuberculosis in men aged over 55. Either pneumoconiosis or old tubercular lesions (or both together) could account for the current symptomatology and disability of the men.  相似文献   

目的了解安康市粉尘危害情况,进一步治理粉尘污染。方法对全市接触矽尘、煤尘等无机粉尘1年以上的3859名作业工人,按照尘肺病检查内容、程序和GBZ 70-2002尘肺诊断标准进行尘肺病检查、诊断,并对生产环境进行劳动卫生学调查及粉尘浓度、分散度、二氧化硅(SiO2)含量测定。结果粉尘浓度平均86.63 mg/m^3,游离SiO2含量32.17%;尘肺患病率为11.04%;发病工龄最长35年;最短11个月,平均19.58年。结论尘肺患病率、发病工龄、尘肺病进展均与粉尘浓度及游离SiO2含量高有关。  相似文献   

Data from the analysis of lung dust in 16 metal grinders who had been exposed to hard metals between five and 44 years is reported. The mean latent time between the first exposure and analysis in biopsy or necropsy specimens was 33.6 years. Mineralogical and elementary analysis by a variety of techniques showed small or trace amounts of hard metal in all lungs. Many specimens, however, did not contain all hard metal components, cobalt, for example, being detected in four cases only. All the lungs contained quartz and silicates and in most of the necropsy cases carborundum and corundum could also be shown. Histologically no specific pattern was found. The appearances included mixed dust nodular pneumoconiosis, diffuse interstitial lung fibrosis, and foreign body and sarcoid like granulomatous changes. In view of the mixed dust exposure of the hard metal grinders and the variable histological appearance we think that the term "mixed dust pneumoconiosis in hard metal grinders" is more appropriate than "hard metal lung" to describe this condition.  相似文献   

Data from the analysis of lung dust in 16 metal grinders who had been exposed to hard metals between five and 44 years is reported. The mean latent time between the first exposure and analysis in biopsy or necropsy specimens was 33.6 years. Mineralogical and elementary analysis by a variety of techniques showed small or trace amounts of hard metal in all lungs. Many specimens, however, did not contain all hard metal components, cobalt, for example, being detected in four cases only. All the lungs contained quartz and silicates and in most of the necropsy cases carborundum and corundum could also be shown. Histologically no specific pattern was found. The appearances included mixed dust nodular pneumoconiosis, diffuse interstitial lung fibrosis, and foreign body and sarcoid like granulomatous changes. In view of the mixed dust exposure of the hard metal grinders and the variable histological appearance we think that the term "mixed dust pneumoconiosis in hard metal grinders" is more appropriate than "hard metal lung" to describe this condition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the lung disorders of the workers exposed to rush smear dust. A cross sectional study was carried out on 1,709 current workers (788 male, 921 female) in 80 factories. All subjects were asked by questionnaire, and health examination including chest X-ray was conducted for 661 workers in 35 factories. Lung function test was also examined for 119 non-smoking males among 661 subjects. Dust samplings were collected and total and respirable dust concentrations at 127 spots in 35 factories were measured. The geometric mean dust concentration in the workshops was up to 20.00 mg/m(3), and the geometric mean respirable dust concentration reached 8.22 mg/m(3). The mean quartz concentration of accumulated dust was 29.2%. The prevalence of radiographic small opacities profusion category > or = 1/0, according to the ILO 1980 Classification System, was 2.6% among 661 employees. One worker was found to have pneumoconiotic findings of 2/2 profusion accompanied with large opacity. The prevalence of pneumoconiosis (1/0 or more) correlated with cumulative dust exposure (r=0.192, p<0.0001). The similar relationship was found between the prevalence rate of cough or sputa and worksite dust concentration. In non-smokers, a positive association was found between the prevalence of cough and occupational exposure duration (r=0.080, p=0.004). Approximately 19.3% and 34.5% of employees suffered from respiratory impairment for FVC and FEV1.0, respectively. This is the first report of "rush" pneumoconiosis in China. Rush mat workers were found to be at high risk for pneumoconiosis, a preventable disease. Our results showed a dose-response relationship between rush-mat dust level and the prevalence of pneumoconiosis. Similar relationship between the prevalence of cough and sputum and the work duration was found for non-smoking workers but not for smoking workers.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted in a randomly selected factory producing Portland cement in eastern Saudi Arabia to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and diseases and chest x-ray changes consistent with pneumoconiosis in the employees. A sample of 150 exposed and 355 unexposed employees was selected. A questionnaire about respiratory symptoms was completed during an interview. Chest x-rays were read according to the ILO criteria for pneumoconiosis. Dust level was determined by the gravimetric method. Concentrations of personal respirable dust ranged from 2.13 mg/m3 in the kilns to 59.52 mg/m3 in the quarry area. Cough and phlegm were found to be related to cigarette smoking, while wheezing, shortness of breath, and bronchial asthma were related to dust levels. It is recommended that engineering measures be adopted to reduce the dust level in this company, together with health monitoring of exposed employees.  相似文献   

目的 了解火山石加工行业尘肺病发病情况,分析火山石加工与尘肺病发病关系,为制定火山石加工行业尘肺病防控策略提供依据。 方法 对腾冲县所有工商注册登记石材加工户开展火山石加工作业场所的流行病学调查,对接尘劳动者进行职业健康检查,对加工场所空气中粉尘浓度及游离二氧化硅含量进行测定,采用描述性流行病学方法对调查资料进行分析。 结果 共调查工商注册石材加工户228户,生产工人958名,粉尘作业场所游离二氧化硅含量1.14%~7.67%;石材切割岗位4个点空气中粉尘时间加权平均浓度0.01~3.10 mg/m3,平均浓度0.80 mg/m3。完成职业健康体检209户,857人,体检率89.5%,其中男性占85.65%(734/857),女性占14.35%(123/857);年龄最大74岁,最小16岁,平均37.8岁;从事石材加工最长31年,最短7 d,平均4.46年;检出尘肺壹期2人,患病率0.23%(2/857)。 结论 长期接触火山石粉尘可引发尘肺病,应加强石材加工人员尘肺病的防控。  相似文献   

目的 对水电企业尘肺病友病及死亡情况进行研究。方法 采用回顾性调查方法、对尘肺病人的接尘工龄、发病年龄、发病及死亡情况等用寿命来法进行统计分析。结果 尘肺病发病最小年龄31岁,最大73岁、发病个位年龄51岁;平均接尘工龄27年,接尘工龄短于10年的未发现尘肺病、超过10年后随着接尘工龄增加,尘肺病累计发病率增加;尘肺病死亡年龄最小者34岁,最大74岁,死亡中位年龄60岁,各个期别病死率差异无显著性;定诊18年后累计存活率71.95%,累计病死率28.05%。结论 水利水电企业职业健康监护的重点对象应为10年工龄以上的接尘工人;尘肺病不仅影响接尘工人的身体健康和生命质量,而又缩短他们的寿命;尘肺病3个期别的病死率接近,应加强每位尘肺病人的保健和治疗。  相似文献   

本文报道了烟煤煤矿井下工人22年追踪观察的职业流行病学调查研究结果。在全面收集资料的基础上,统一诊断标准,规定统计工种内容,患病率采用同一时期(1958~1985)全部接尘工人为基数;人年患病率以1958年以来逐年出入煤矿工人的实际暴露人年为分母;预期发病工龄按寿命表程序计算。探讨了烟煤影响下的煤工尘肺患病情况及发病趋势。  相似文献   

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