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Sebastiani L Ghelarducci B 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2002,147(2):264-267
The effects of medial prefrontal cortex early lesion (mPFl) on classical conditioned bradycardia (CB) were studied in adult
rabbits. In lesioned rabbits, baseline HR, orienting and conditioned HR responses were similar to controls. Since mPFl alone
does not affect CB, while it is known to prevent the HR increments produced by a concomitant early cerebellar vermal ablation,
medial prefrontal cortex must be involved in the reorganization of the CB control mechanisms following early cerebellar vermal
Electronic Publication 相似文献
Brunello Ghelarducci Domenico Salamone Alfredo Simoni Laura Sebastiani 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1996,111(3):417-423
The magnitude of classically conditioned bradycardia was studied in 18-day-old and adult rabbits in which the cerebellar vermis had been surgically removed on either the 5th or 18th postnatal day. In the conditioning procedure, an auditory stimulus (5 s, 1000 Hz) served as conditioned stimulus (CS) and a train of electric impulses applied to the ear (100 Hz, 500 ms, 1.5 mA) was employed as the unconditioned stimulus (US). Heart rate (HR) responses developed in the operated animals during the CS-alone (orientation), and CS-US paired presentations (conditioning) were analyzed and compared with those developed in control animals. In all the experimental groups, lesions were localized to the cortex of lobules IV–VII and the underlying white matter, sparing the deep cerebellar nuclei. None of the lesioned animals showed any behavioral or somatomotor deficit. All the operated animals exhibited a normal baseline HR and a marked orienting response, both comparable with those of controls. In contrast, while the animals tested at 18 days showed a normal pattern of conditioned bradycardia, at the age of 3 months the HR conditioned response differed significantly from that observed in control rabbits: the animals that received the earliest cerebellar lesion showed a conditioned bradycardia greater than that of controls, the rabbits lesioned on the 18th postnatal day exhibited a reduced bradycardic response. These results suggest that the timing of cerebellar vermis removal, at early stages of development, represents a crucial factor in the organization of the bradycardic response in the adult. 相似文献
S. P. Perrett 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1998,121(2):115-124
Little is known about mechanisms used by the nervous system to encode time. In light of recent evidence, cerebellar cortex
involvement in the learned timing of conditioned eyelid responses shows promise as an area of investigation into neural timing
mechanisms. Lesion studies indicate that the cerebellar cortex is necessary for response timing, but do not rule out the possibility
that response timing is encoded afferent to the cerebellum. To differentiate between precerebellar and cerebellar cortical
timing mechanisms, rabbits were trained by pairing direct stimulation of mossy fibers in the cerebellum as the conditioned
stimulus (CS) with an eyeshock unconditioned stimulus (US). We find that individual animals can produce diffently timed conditioned
responses when trained with a mossy fiber CS that has been paired with the US at various interstimulus intervals. The fact
that differently timed responses can be conditioned using constant-frequency stimulation of an invariant subset of mossy fibers
as the CS suggests that timing information in the afferent input to the cerebellum is not essential. Two rabbits trained with
single-pulse stimulation in the cerebellum as the CS also learned differently timed conditioned responses; suggesting that
fiber recruitment during a stimulus train does not convey the necessary temporal coding to the cerebellar cortex. Together
with the lesion data, these findings suggest that the learned timing of conditioned eyelid responses occurs in the cerebellar
Received: 25 August 1997 / Accepted: 12 January 1998 相似文献
Jocelyne Bachevalier M. Meunier M. X. Lu Leslie G. Ungerleider 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1997,115(3):430-444
To determine the source of thalamic input to the medial aspect of the prefrontal cortex, we injected retrograde tracers (wheat
germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, nuclear yellow, and/or bisbenzimide) into seven medial prefrontal sites
and anterograde tracers (tritiated amino acids) into six thalamic sites, in a total of nine rhesus monkeys. The results indicated
that ventral precallosal and subcallosal areas 14 and 25, and the ventral, subcallosal part of area 32, all receive projections
from the mediodorsal portion of the magnocellular division of the medial dorsal nucleus (MDmc). The dorsal, precallosal part
of area 32 receives projections mainly from the dorsal portion of the parvocellular division of the medial dorsal nucleus
(MDpc), which also provides some input to area 14. Polar area 10 receives input from both MDpc and the densocellular division
of the medial dorsal nucleus (MDdc), as does supracallosal area 24. Area 24 receives additional input from the anterior medial
nucleus and midline nuclei. All medial prefrontal cortical areas were also found to receive projections from a number of cortical
regions within the temporal lobe, such as the temporal pole, superior temporal gyrus, and parahippocampal gyrus. Areas 24,
25, and 32 receive, in addition, input from the entorhinal cortex. Combining these results with prior anatomical and behavioral
data, we conclude that medial temporal areas that are important for object recognition memory send information directly both
to dorsal medial prefrontal areas 24 and 32 and to ventral medial prefrontal areas 14 and 25. Only the latter two areas have
additional access to this information via projections from the mediodorsal part of MDmc.
Received: 1 March 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997 相似文献
Electrical stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex (MC) in rats delivered daily for seven days causes a marked improvement in the rate of acquisition of a self-stimulation response. In the present experiment, we looked at whether we could get the same facilitatory effect on self-stimulation of the MC by delivering pre-training stimulation to other points in the brain anatomically related to the MC. Electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus was without effect. However, electrical stimulation of the sulcal prefrontal cortex (SC) either contralateral or ipsilateral to the MC electrode did facilitate acquisition of self-stimulation of the MC. Thus the SC and MC would appear to be part of the same substrate controlling the development of positive reinforcement in the MC. 相似文献
T. Klockgether M. Schwarz L. Turski K.-H. Sontag 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1988,70(2):445-447
Summary To investigate the behavioural role of mesocortical dopamine innervation we performed bilateral microinjections of haloperidol into various parts of the rat frontal cortex and into adjacent subcortical forebrain structures. Haloperidol (2.5 g/ 0.5 l) locally injected into the medial prefrontal cortex or into the rostral part of the neostriatum resulted in the development of catalepsy as measured in the bar test. In contrast, injections of haloperidol into the nucleus accumbens, more caudal parts of the neostriatum, anterior cingulate cortex, rostral and lateral parts of the prefrontal cortex and into the lateral ventricles failed to induce catalepsy. It is concluded that blockade of dopamine receptors located in the rostral neostriatum and in the medial prefrontal cortex contributes to the development of haloperidol induced catalepsy. 相似文献
Shirley L. Buchanan Richard H. Thompson Brian L. Maxwell D. A. Powell 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1994,100(3):469-483
The different cytoarchitectonic regions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) have recently been shown to play divergent
roles in associative learning in rabbits. To determine if these subareas of the mPFC, including areas 24 (anterior cingulate
cortex), 25 (infralimbic cortex), and 32 (prelimbic cortex) have differential efferent connections with other cortical and
subcortical areas in the rabbit, anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments were performed using thePhaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin (PHA-L), and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) techniques. All three areas showed local dorsal-ventral projections
into each of the other areas, and a contralateral projection to the homologous area on the other side of the brain. All three
also revealed a trajectory through the striatum, resulting in heavy innervation of the caudate nucleus, the claustrum, and
a lighter projection to the agranular insular cortex. The thalamic projections of areas 24 and 32 were similar, but not identical,
with projections to the mediodorsal nucleus (MD) and all of the midline nuclei. However, the primary thalamic projections
from area 25 were to the intralaminar and midline nuclei. All three areas also projected to the ventromedial and to a lesser
extent to the ventral posterior thalamic nuclei. Projections were also observed in the lateral hypothalamus, in an area just
lateral to the descending limb of the fornix. Amygdala projections from areas 32 and 24 were primarily to the lateral, basolateral
and basomedial nuclei, but area 25 also projected to the central nucleus. All three areas also showed projections to the midbrain
periaqueductal central gray, median raphe nucleus, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, locus coeruleus and pontine nuclei.
However, only areas 24 and the more dorsal portions of area 32 projected to the superior colliculus. Area 25 and the ventral
portions of area 32 also showed a bilateral projection to the parabrachial nuclei and dorsal and ventral medulla. The dorsal
portions of area 32, and all of area 24 were, however, devoid of these projections. It is suggested that these differential
projections are responsible for the diverse roles that the cytoarchitectonic subfields of the mPFC have been demonstrated
to play in associative learning. 相似文献
Shirley L. Buchanan Richard H. Thompson Brian L. Maxwell D. A. Powell 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1994,79(2):469-483
The different cytoarchitectonic regions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) have recently been shown to play divergent roles in associative learning in rabbits. To determine if these subareas of the mPFC, including areas 24 (anterior cingulate cortex), 25 (infralimbic cortex), and 32 (prelimbic cortex) have differential efferent connections with other cortical and subcortical areas in the rabbit, anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments were performed using the Phaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin (PHA-L), and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) techniques. All three areas showed local dorsal-ventral projections into each of the other areas, and a contralateral projection to the homologous area on the other side of the brain. All three also revealed a trajectory through the striatum, resulting in heavy innervation of the caudate nucleus, the claustrum, and a lighter projection to the agranular insular cortex. The thalamic projections of areas 24 and 32 were similar, but not identical, with projections to the mediodorsal nucleus (MD) and all of the midline nuclei. However, the primary thalamic projections from area 25 were to the intralaminar and midline nuclei. All three areas also projected to the ventromedial and to a lesser extent to the ventral posterior thalamic nuclei. Projections were also observed in the lateral hypothalamus, in an area just lateral to the descending limb of the fornix. Amygdala projections from areas 32 and 24 were primarily to the lateral, basolateral and basomedial nuclei, but area 25 also projected to the central nucleus. All three areas also showed projections to the midbrain periaqueductal central gray, median raphe nucleus, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, locus coeruleus and pontine nuclei. However, only areas 24 and the more dorsal portions of area 32 projected to the superior colliculus. Area 25 and the ventral portions of area 32 also showed a bilateral projection to the parabrachial nuclei and dorsal and ventral medulla. The dorsal portions of area 32, and all of area 24 were, however, devoid of these projections. It is suggested that these differential projections are responsible for the diverse roles that the cytoarchitectonic subfields of the mPFC have been demonstrated to play in associative learning.Abbreviations
anterior cingullate cortex
amygdaloid central nucleus
anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus
AIC, Iag
agranular insular cortex
anteromedial nucleus of thalamus
anteroventral nucleus of thalamus
basolateral nucleus of amygdala
basomedial nucleus of amygdala
caudate nucleus
centromedian nucleus of thalamus
dorsal motor nucleus of vagus
internal capsule
lateral nucleus of amygdala
locus coeruleus
lateral hypothalamus
mammillary bodies
mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus
medial prefrontal cortex
median raphe nucleus
medioventral nucleus of thalamus
nucleus ambiguus
nucleus of solitary tract
periaqueductal central gray
para ventricular nucleus of thalamus
paracentral nucleus of thalamus
parafascicular nucleus of thalamus
pontine nuclei
posterior subiculum
posterior cingulate cortex
paratenial nucleus of thalamus
nucleus reuniens of thalamus
reticular formation
reticular nucleus of thalamus
rhomboid nucleus of thalamus
retrosplenial cortex
superior colliculus
substantia nigra
tenia tecta
ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus
ventromedial nucleus of thalamus
ventroposterior nucleus of thalamus
ventral tegmental area 相似文献
Agnès Gruart Christopher H. Yeo 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1995,104(3):431-448
We examined the role of the cerebellum in classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response (NMR) of rabbits by comparing the effects of unilateral and bilateral cerebellar cortical lesions. Using extended preoperative conditioning to ensure high levels of learning, we confirmed that unilateral lesions of lobules HVI and ansiform lobe impaired conditioned responses (CRs) previously established to an auditory conditioned stimulus, but did not prevent some relearning with post-operative retraining. Bilateral lesions of HVI and ansiform lobe produced similar impairments of CRs, but also prevented subsequent relearning. Unilateral cortical lesions produced significant enhancement of unconditioned response (UR) amplitudes to periorbital electrical stimulation. Bilateral cortical lesions enhanced UR amplitudes to a lesser extent. Because there was no correlation between the degree of CR impairment and UR enhancement across the unilateral and bilateral lesion groups, the suggestion that the lesions impaired CRs due to general effects upon performance, rather than due to losses of learning, is not supported. Both sides of the cerebellar cortex contribute towards learning a unilaterally trained CR. This finding is important for the re-interpretation of unilateral, reversible inactivation studies that have found no involvement of the cerebellar deep nuclei in the acquisition of NMR conditioning. In addition, we found conditioning-dependent modifications of unconditioned responses that were particularly apparent at low intensities of periorbital electrical stimulation. This finding is important for the re-interpretation of studies that have found apparent changes in the UR of conditioned subjects after cerebellar lesions. 相似文献
In order to further investigate the role of the mPFC in morphine reward and drug priming induced relapse, the present study examined the effects of the mPFC lesions on the acquisition and morphine priming induced reinstatement of conditioned place preference (CPP). In the first experiment, mice received sham or bilateral kainic acid lesions of the mPFC and were subsequently tested for the acquisition of a morphine-induced CPP. In the second experiment, each mouse received lesions of mPFC following the establishment of morphine-induced CPP. Nine days later, a priming injection of morphine was given (2 mg/kg, i.p.) to reinstate the extinguished CPP. The results showed that pre-conditioning lesions of the mPFC blocked the acquisition of morphine-induced CPP, while post-conditioning lesions of the mPFC failed to prevent morphine priming induced reinstatement of CPP. These results provide the first direct evidence that the mPFC may be involved in the acquisition, but not morphine priming induced reinstatement of CPP. 相似文献
Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), a neuraminidase inhibitor, is effective for treating both seasonal flu and H5N1 influenza A virus infection. Oseltamivir is generally well tolerated, and its most common adverse effects are nausea and vomiting. However, neuropsychiatric behaviors including jumping and falling from balconies by young patients being treated by oseltamivir have been reported from Japan; this has led to warnings against its prescribing by many authorities. The pharmacological mechanism of the neuropsychiatric effects of oseltamivir remains unclear. Many studies reported that changes in neurotransmission and abnormal behaviors are closely related. We investigated the changes in dopamine and serotonin metabolism after systemic administration of oseltamivir in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of rats by using microdialysis. After systemic administration of oseltamivir (25mg/kg or 100mg/kg; intraperitoneally (i.p.)), extracellular dopamine in the mPFC was significantly increased as compared to the control values; 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid, the metabolites of dopamine, had also increased significantly. Serotonin was unchanged after the administration of oseltamivir. These findings suggest that oseltamivir increased dopamine release in the mPFC; further, they suggest that the increase in dopamine during oseltamivir treatment may have caused abnormal behaviors in young patients. In cases where oseltamivir is prescribed to children, close observation is required. 相似文献
R. P. Kesner 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1989,74(1):163-167
Summary Animals with sham-operations or medial prefrontal cortex lesions were trained in a task which required memory for short or long lists of items (spatial locations). On any one trial a rat is presented with 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 items (spatial locations) on a 12-arm radial maze followed 15 min later by a win-shift test comprising a choice between a place previously visited and a novel place. Sham-operated animals showed an increase in errors as a function of set size (2 to 8 items) followed by a decrease in errors with a set size of 10 items suggesting the use of both retrospective and prospective memory codes. In contrast, animals with medial prefrontal cortex lesions made most of their errors for the longest list length reflecting an inability to shift from a retrospective to prospective memory code. The results are interpreted as support for a medial prefrontal cortex role in mediating a prospective code perhaps via knowlege systems based on temporal information. 相似文献
Charles M. Gibbs Louisa B. Prescott D. A. Powell 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1992,89(3):599-610
Summary Multiple-unit activity (MUA) was recorded from chronically implanted electrodes in the medial prefrontal cortex (PFCm) and the agranular insular cortex (Iag) in separate groups of rabbits during habituation training, followed by aversive Pavlovian conditioning and subsequent extinction training. Control animals received explicitly unpaired presentations of the tone conditioned stimulus (CS) and eye-shock unconditioned stimulus (US). Both the cardiac orienting reflex and the conditioned heart rate response (HR CR) consisted of bradycardia, whereas tone-evoked tachycardia was observed in animals that received unpaired stimuli. Short-latency (<20–60 ms), tone-evoked increases in PFCm MUA were observed during the initial trials of habituation training, with their magnitude declining predictably across repeated tonealone presentations. Subsequent CS/US pairings, however, served systematically to reinstate and enhance this CS-evoked MUA, while both non-associative (unpaired CS/US) and extinction (CS alone) training resulted in significant attenuation of such activity. Unconditioned tone-evoked increases in MUA were also observed in the Iag during habituation; however, such unit responses appeared to be more variable than their PFCm counterparts and were of considerably lesser magnitude. Moreover, in striking contrast to the above PFCm findings, conditioning and non-associative training did not differentially affect overall mean evoked MUA in the Iag, although different post-tone patterns of activity were obtained with the two procedures. The contrasting training effects observed in animals with PFCm vs. Iag electrode placements did not appear to be attributable to differences in regional sensitivity to the US, since excitatory patterns of MUA were elicited by unsignalled presentations of eye-shock at most placements within each cortical field. Accordingly, the present findings are consistent with our previous lesion data in suggesting that, although training-induced changes in PFCm neuronal activity may contribute to the initial events in aversive Pavlovian conditioning, an involvement of the Iag in such processes, if any, remains to be demonstrated. 相似文献
Karen Barros Parron Fernandes Rodrigo Fiacadori Tavares Gislaine Garcia Pelosi Fernando Morgan Aguiar Corrêa 《Neuroscience letters》2007
The medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) is a structure that is also involved in cardiovascular modulation. The injection of norepinephrine (NE) into the prelimbic (PL) area of the MPFC of unanesthetized rats evokes a pressor response which is mediated by acute vasopressin release. Vasopressin is synthesized by magnocellular cells of the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the hypothalamus. In the present study, we endeavored to determine which vasopressin-synthesizing hypothalamic nucleus is involved in the pressor pathway activated after NE injection into the PL area of the MPFC. We report here that lidocaine microinjection into the SON did not change the pressor response evoked by NE injection into the PL. However, the response to NE was blocked by prior injection of lidocaine or CoCl2 into the PVN, indicating that this area is responsible for the mediation of this pressor response. A neuroanatomic experiment in which the neuronal tracer biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) was microinjected into the MPFC showed a lack of axons or neuronal cell bodies in the PVN, indicating that there are no direct connections between the PL area of the MPFC and the PVN. The results suggest that the PVN is involved in the mediation of the pressor response to NE in the PL area and that this pathway must relay in other brain structures before reaching the PVN. 相似文献
K. N. O’Connor Tavis L. Allison Marcy E. Rosenfield John W. Moore 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1997,113(3):534-556
In classical trace conditioning the acquisition of a conditioned response (CR) is possible even though an interval (the trace
interval) elapses between the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US). This implies that some neural representation
of the CS (the stimulus trace) is able to support association between the two stimuli. The medial geniculate nucleus (MGN),
particularly the medial division (mMGN), has been identified as one site in the auditory pathway where associative related
changes in neural activity occur. If neurons in the MGN are involved in such a sensory trace and in acquisition of a CR, then
it is expected that activity following an acoustic CS should be related to both stimulus and response. This study examined
the extracellular activity of single units in the MGN during differential auditory trace conditioning of the rabbit nictitating
membrane response (NMR). Two 150-ms tones (600 Hz and 1200 Hz) served as CS+ and CS–, and the US was periorbital electrostimulation.
Changes in activity during the stimulus and trace interval were largest in the medial and dorsal MGN divisions on CS+ trials
and on trials in which a CR was made. Examination of probe stimuli of short (50 ms) and long (600 ms) duration suggested that
both CR latency and activity changes in the trace interval were related to stimulus duration and time-locked to stimulus offset.
Comparisons of neural activity on the basis of fast or slow CR responses revealed different patterns of response – activity
on fast CR trials was generally greater and tended to occur earlier. These results suggest that MGN neurons are involved in
the maintenance of a sensory memory trace and possibly play a part in CR generation and timing.
Received: 2 June 1995 / Accepted: 30 August 1996 相似文献
McDonald RJ King AL Foong N Rizos Z Hong NS 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2008,187(3):419-427
This series of experiments assessed the effects of neurotoxic damage to either the medial prefrontal cortex or the medial
striatum on the acquisition of multiple-location place learning in the water task. During training, normal subjects learn
to search for a new hidden platform location at the beginning of each training session and to continue to swim to that location
until the end of training during that session. By the end of training, normal subjects show one-trail place learning in which
they find the new location on the first trial and swim directly to that location on the second swim. Rats with damage to either
the medial prefrontal cortex or dorso-medial striatum showed deficits in learning to swim to the new location each day. These
deficits were interpreted as impairments in behavioural flexibility. The lesion-induced impairment was not caused by perseverative
errors but was manifested in an inability to rapidly acquire a new spatial position in conflict with the previous position.
Interestingly, the subjects from both lesion groups were able to show normal place learning and memory after repeated training
within a session. The results were interpreted as suggestive of a complementary role of these neural structures in behavioural
flexibility. 相似文献
Study Objectives:
To explore absolute concentrations of brain metabolites including gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA) in the medial prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia of young adults with narcolepsy.Design:
Proton magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy centered on the medial prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia was acquired. The absolute concentrations of brain metabolites including GABA and glutamate were assessed and compared between narcoleptic patients and healthy comparison subjects.Setting:
Sleep and Chronobiology Center at Seoul National University Hospital; A high strength 3.0 Tesla MR scanner in the Department of Radiology at Seoul National University Hospital.Patients or Participants:
Seventeen young adults with a sole diagnosis of HLA DQB1 0602 positive narcolepsy with cataplexy (25.1 ± 4.6 years old) and 17 healthy comparison subjects (26.8 ± 4.8 years old).Interventions:
N/A.Measurements and Results:
Relative to comparison subjects, narcoleptic patients had higher GABA concentration in the medial prefrontal cortex (t = 4.10, P <0.001). Narcoleptic patients with nocturnal sleep disturbance had higher GABA concentration in the medial prefrontal cortex than those without nocturnal sleep disturbance (t = 2.45, P= 0.03), but had lower GABA concentration than comparison subjects (t = 2.30, P = 0.03).Conclusions:
The current study reports that young adults with narcolepsy had a higher GABA concentration in the medial prefrontal cortex, which was more prominent in patients without nocturnal sleep disturbance. Our findings suggest that the medial prefrontal GABA level may be increased in narcolepsy, and the increased medial prefrontal GABA might be a compensatory mechanism to reduce nocturnal sleep disturbances in narcolepsy.Citation:
Kim SJ; Lyoo IK; Lee YS; Sung YH; Kim HJ; Kim JH; Kim KH; Jeong DU. Increased GABA levels in medial prefrontal cortex of young adults with narcolepsy. SLEEP 2008;31(3):342-347. 相似文献18.
创伤后应激障碍大鼠前额叶内侧皮质糖皮质激素受体表达增高 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 观察创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)大鼠前额叶内侧皮质(mPFC)神经元糖皮质激素受体(GR)表达的变化。 方法 采用单一连续应激(SPS)方法建立PTSD大鼠模型,取成年健康雄性Wistar大鼠90只,随机分为PTSD模型1d、7d、14d、28d和正常对照组。采用免疫组织化学、免疫印迹和RT-PCR方法分别进行各组mPFC神经元GR表达变化的观察及检测,进行图像分析和统计学处理。结果PTSD大鼠mPFC神经元GR的表达高于对照组,SPS后14d最高,SPS后28d恢复性下调,但仍然高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论PTSD模型大鼠经SPS处理后,mPFC区域出现GR表达的增高。 相似文献
Monocular pattern discrimination in rabbits with unilateral lesions of the motor cortex 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rabbits with unilateral lesions of the motor cortex were trained to discriminate vertical versus horizontal striations. After reaching the training criterion with binocular vision, the performance was tested with each eye separately. It was found that performance with the eye contralateral to the lesion was markedly inferior to that with the other eye. 相似文献
Yuping Wang K. Nakashima Yoshimitsu Shiraishi Yasuaki Kawai Eisaku Ohama Kazuro Takahashi 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1997,114(2):288-292
The nucleus basalis of Meynert (nbM, substantia innominata) in the basal forebrain provides a single major source of cholinergic
innervation for the entire cerebral cortex. We tested the effects of nbM lesions on rabbit P300-like potentials. The P300-like
event-related potential (ERP) was recorded in 14 female adult white rabbits using a conventional auditory oddball paradigm.
The probability of occurrence for the 2-kHz and 1-kHz stimulus tones was 90% (frequent) and 10% (rare), respectively. The
nbM was destroyed bilaterally in seven rabbits referred to as the nbM (+) group. In the other seven rabbits [nbM (–) group],
putamen nuclei (n=6) or amygdaloid nuclei (n=1) were destroyed bilaterally. The evoked responses were recorded before and 1 week after the destruction. In the nbM (+)
group, P300 amplitude to rare stimuli significantly decreased after the lesion. In the nbM (–) group, no component of ERPs
showed changes after the lesions. These results indicate that the nbM might be involved in the generation of the rabbit P300.
Received: 10 February 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996 相似文献