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成人强直性髋关节炎分期   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨强直性髋关节炎如何从平片上判断预后功能分期。方法:100例成人AS髋关节炎,男91例.女9例;根据法定成人年龄.本组最小19岁.只有1例71岁.平均29.9岁。临床主要表现为全身乏力,腰背和髋部疼痛.功能障碍。结果:100例成人强直性脊柱炎.其中7例行MR成像检查。均有骶髂关节和髋火节病理性征象和股骨头灶性坏死。关节间隙不同程度狭窄达95%、股骨头关节边缘滑膜骨化发生率达84%。垂线征是一种骨化线,它从股骨头内下缘向外下至股骨颔,发生牢为69%。100例成人强直性脊柱炎髋臼窝狭窄的发生率高达75%。耻骨联合边缘硬化或吸收和坐骨结节大收肌腱附着点骨化发生率为53%。根据上述综合征象.提出髋关节炎分为4期。Ⅰ期:两侧髋关节变化轻微;Ⅱ期:髋关节狭窄伴随关节周围有明确异常征象;Ⅲ期:髋荚节严蕈狭窄伴随关节周围的严重异常;Ⅳ期:髋关节韧带骨化融合或骨性融合。结论:以髋关节软骨坏死的程度可将强直性髋关节炎分为4期.体现了预后功能的判断。  相似文献   

目的:探讨强直性脊柱炎的影像学表现特点,分析其早期影像学表现,比较X线与CT对强直性脊柱炎的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析临床确诊的43例强直性脊柱炎的影像学资料,总结其影像学表现特点。结果:骶髂关节炎影像学表现为骶髂关节关节面硬化、骨侵蚀、破坏,关节间隙模糊、狭窄、消失.脊椎骨质疏松、竹节样改变,外周关节间隙变窄、关节强直等。CT对早期骶髂关节病变显示明显优于X线摄影。结论:骶髂关节骨质侵蚀、破坏、囊变、骨质硬化是强直性脊柱炎的早期征象,CT检查对病变细节显示更清楚,对早期病变更具敏感性,能对强直性脊柱炎做出正确分期,对临床诊断及治疗预后有较高的准确性,优于X线平片。  相似文献   

目的:探讨强直性脊柱炎的影像学表现,提高影像学对强直性脊柱炎的诊断价值及强直性脊柱炎患者的护理质量。方法:回顾性分析临床确诊的90例强直性脊柱炎的影像学资料,总结其影像学表现及护理。结果:强直性脊柱炎X线影像学表现为骶髂关节间隙正常、关节变毛糙、模糊、硬化、关节融合,病情进一步发展,关节软骨和关节面破坏,关节间隙不规则,晚期出现关节间隙完全消失;CT征象为骶髂关节毛糙、模糊、受侵蚀出现率最高,其他如关节硬化、关节间隙变窄、关节融合,髋关节受损等;MRI显示骨突关节滑膜炎,关节间隙模糊,骨突骨髓水肿,增强后可见强化表现,棘突韧带水肿,棘突骨髓亦可见水肿表现。通过对强直性脊柱炎早期护理,延缓或减少了畸形的发生。结论:强直性脊柱炎x线早期主要表现骶髂关节骨质侵蚀、破坏、囊变、骨质硬化是强直性脊柱炎的早期征象;CT检查对病变细节显示更清楚,对早期病变更具敏感性,CT对早期骶髂关节病变显示明显优于X线摄影,对疗效观察更为有利;MRI能显示强直性脊柱炎骶髂关节早期病理改变。CT和MRI为强直性脊柱炎早期诊断及护理提供重要帮助。  相似文献   

膝关节腔内游离体病变的影像学诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:总结分析膝关节腔内游离体病变的影像学表现。方法:回顾性分析24例经病理证实的膝关节腔内游离体病变的影像学表现,观察病变的形态及结构特征。结果:滑膜骨软骨瘤病5例,滑膜软骨肉瘤1例,色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎2例,神经营养性膝关节病1例,骨性关节病7例,剥脱性骨软骨炎4例,血肿钙化2例,关节囊滑液钙化2例。影像学主要表现为关节间隙及或关节囊内单发或多发游离体并相邻骨质的不同程度改变或无骨质改变,伴或不伴关节积液。结论:膝关节腔内含游离体的某些病变具有特征性影像征象,可明确诊断,影像征象不典型者需结合临床病史及多种影像表现综合分析。  相似文献   

滑膜软骨瘤病X线征象分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的:探讨本病的X线征象及其诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析经手术病理证实的80例滑膜骨软骨瘤病的临床及X线表现。结果:病变累及膝关节52例,肩关节12例,髋关节8例,肘关节6例,踝关节2例,双侧膝关节对称性发现7例。X线表现为关节均有轻度肿胀,关节周围见大小不等的小结节样钙化或骨化影。结论:根据病变游离体发生部位可分囊内和囊外型。囊外型不出现关节退行性改变。囊内型通常表现有关节退行性改变和关节内游离体多发游离体钙化具有重要诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨原发性滑膜骨软骨瘤病影像表现及诊断价值。方法:25例经手术病理证实的原发性滑膜骨软骨瘤病的影像表现进行回顾性分析。结果:①25例均有不同程度的关节软组织肿胀。②关节囊或其邻近的黏液囊内大小不一,数目不定的骨软骨体,典型表现为中心密度较淡,而周边部围绕着致密环。③骨软骨体可对邻近骨造成压迫性骨吸收破坏。结论:X线平片仍是诊断本病的主要手段,如与MR及B超相结合,则有助于本病的早期诊断。  相似文献   

目的:通过对40例强直性脊柱炎(AS)骶髂关节CT扫描,以提高其鉴别诊断水平。方法:分析40例AS患者的骶髂关节CT表现特点。结果:骶髂关节早期CT表现为关节间隙正常,骨性关节面侵蚀破坏,基本呈对称性,关节面骨皮质毛糙不整,局限性微小皮质破坏或局限性硬化:进展期为双侧骶髂关节面广泛骨皮质破坏,呈锯齿状或毛刷状,局部骨质硬化明显,关节间隙不规则变窄或增宽:晚期为关节骨性强直和普遍性骨质疏松。骶髂关节韧带部也可发生骨侵蚀和囊变;结论:AS骶髂关节的CT表现特点,有助于临床的早期诊断,提高诊断准确率。  相似文献   

概述 骨梗死又称骨髓梗死、骨脂肪梗死,指发生于干骺端和骨干的骨性坏死,多发生于股骨下端、胫骨上端和肱骨上端,呈多发性和对称性改变。通常所指的骨坏死一般为骨骺或关节软骨面下的骨坏死,与外伤、激素等酗酒等因素有关,如:股骨头无菌坏死等,与骨梗死在发病部位、范围有明显区别,骨梗死也可累及骨骺引起关节面骨塌陷。骨梗死临床比较少见。以往主要依据病变进展到慢性期X线平片出现典型的钙化而诊断,对急性期容易漏诊或误诊。目前,影像学诊断骨梗死常用的检查方法有X线平片、CT、MRI、核素扫描等。其中.骨梗死急性期的MRI表现具有一定特征性。  相似文献   

类风湿性关节炎和强直性脊柱炎骶髂关节病变的CT诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:评价CT对类风湿性关节炎与强直性脊柱炎骶髂关节病变的鉴别价值.方法:收集31例类风湿性关节炎及69例强直性脊柱炎病例,分析其骶髂关节的CT征象.结果:类风湿性骶髂关节炎CT表现主要以骨质疏松为主,伴有关节面下小的囊性变,关节间隙早期可增宽或正常,中、晚期变窄;强直性脊柱炎骶髂关节CT表现主要以增生或破坏为主,关节面早期变模糊,关节间隙变窄,进展期可呈虫噬状破坏,也可骨质强直.结论:CT检查是鉴别类风湿性关节炎与强直性脊柱炎骶髂关节病变的一种重要手段.  相似文献   

目的分析原发性滑膜骨软骨瘤病的X线、CT和MRI表现。方法22例原发性滑膜骨软骨瘤病患者均行CT扫描,其中16例拍摄X线平片,2例做MRI检查。结果22例中男13例,女9例。20例为单关节发病,2例为双侧关节同时发病。20例表现为关节内或周围大小不一、数目不等的结节状钙化或骨化影,1例表现为髋关节内分叶状软组织块影伴有钙化,并有髋臼骨质破坏,另1例表现为膝关节内条状软组织密度伴有点状钙化。2例关节骨质破坏,手术证实为软骨结节压迫所致。结论X线平片和CT扫描能够显示钙化或骨化的软骨结节,对未钙化或骨化的软骨结节MRI能够清楚显示。  相似文献   

目的:分析小儿股骨头骨软骨炎(Perthes病)的病理改变。材料与方法:小儿股骨头骨软骨炎75例,男56例,女19例。单侧发病64例(85%),双侧11例(15%)。3例新生儿尸检,均经股动脉灌注墨汁和微粒钡混合液,进行股骨头骨骺微血管摄影。结果:骨骺变化多样,股骨头骨骺囊状破坏27例(36%),骨骺碎裂25例(33%),扁平致密骨骺25例(33%)。并见1例无骨骺,干骺端致密凹陷、骺早闭等。干骺端变粗变短高达45例(60%),几乎都有干骺囊状破坏,包括单囊7例和多囊34例,囊内多数可见死骨。干骺端中心“V”形凹陷14例,其中8例可见死骨。髋臼发育不良、股骨头外移包括脱位者共46例(61%),Shenton线不连者28例(37%)。有10例既有股骨头骨骺干骺坏死,又有关节间隙狭窄,考虑为儿童Perthes病合并强直性髋关节炎。股骨颈垂线征Sagging rope sign17例。髋内翻7例,髋外翻4例。75例中各种骺线异常者共55例(73%)。结论:小儿Perthes病是伴有软骨内成骨障碍的综合病理改变疾患。  相似文献   

Clinical and radiographic findings were retrospectively reviewed in a multicentric survey of 58 patients with histologically proven pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) of the hip. The most common clinical features were mechanical pain (47 cases) and limitation of joint motion (47 cases). On plain films, a classic form with large and multiple lucencies was found in 36 cases, followed by an osteoarthritis-like form (9 cases), an arthritis-like form (8 cases), normal radiographic appearance (3 cases), osteonecrosis of the femoral head (one case) and joint destruction with acetabular protrusion (one case). Bilateral involvement of the hips was probable in two patients. In contrast to the knee, the hip showed a high prevalence of bony lesions and joint space narrowing. Although an uncommon disease, PVNS of the hip has to be considered when arthritis is associated with uncharacteristic clinical or radiographic findings.  相似文献   

A 57-year-old woman suffered rapid destruction of both hip joints over a 10 months period. At the first visit, her radiographs demonstrated slight joint space narrowing and acetabular cyst formation in both hips. Five months later, joint space narrowing had further progressed, and intra-articular injection of steroid was given in both hips. However, the hip pain gradually became worse. Five months later, both joint spaces had totally disappeared and both femoral heads had undergone massive collapse. At gross examination, both resected femoral heads showed extensive opaque yellow areas consistent with osteonecrosis. Microscopic examination of these areas revealed evidence of both extensive fracture and callus formation, as well as necrosis throughout, indicating that the osteonecrosis observed in this case was a secondary phenomenon superimposed on pre-existing osteoarthritis and subchondral fracture. There were many pseudogranulomatous lesions in the marrow space and necrotic area, where tiny fragments of bone and articular cartilage, surrounded by histiocytes and giant cells, were embedded, such as are typically seen in rapidly destructive arthrosis. No radiologic or morphologic evidence of primary osteonecrosis was noted. This case indicates that at least some cases of rapidly destructive arthritis are the result of subchondral fracture with superimposed secondary osteonecrosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to determine the occurrence of bone marrow edema and joint effusion and their relationship to pain in patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head on the basis of MR imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: There were 71 patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head based on characteristic radiographic and MR imaging findings. All patients had surgical confirmation of the disease. Both hips were affected with osteonecrosis in 39 patients, whereas only one hip was involved in 31 patients. The last patient underwent an arthroplasty of one hip during the study and had only one hip imaged. We evaluated a total of 110 hips in this study, of which 98 were painful. We staged osteonecrosis of the femoral head, using the classification of Steinberg et al. The 31 unaffected hips served as controls. Bone marrow edema and joint fluid were evaluated on MR images. Bone marrow edema was defined as an ill-defined area of low signal intensity on T1-weighted images with corresponding high signal intensity on T2-weighted or inversion recovery images localizing to the femoral head, neck, and intertrochanteric region. The amount of joint fluid was graded from 0 to 3. RESULTS: The peak of bone marrow edema occurred in stage III disease (72%); its odds ratio was seven times greater than that for stage I osteonecrotic hips. Effusions of a grade greater than or equal to 2 were seen most often in stage III disease (92%), compared with 10% in the control hips. With an effusion, bone marrow edema was 12.6 times greater when the hip was painful than when it was not. CONCLUSION: Both bone marrow edema and joint effusions existed with a peak occurrence in stage III disease. Bone marrow edema seems to have a stronger association with pain than does joint effusion in osteonecrosis of the femoral head.  相似文献   

Case report 662     
We present a case of suppurative arthritis occurring in a patient with bilateral osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Predisposing factors were chronic alcoholism (osteonecrosis) and septicemia due to intravenous drug abuse (suppurative arthritis). Although the association of suppurative arthritis and osteonecrosis is rarely reported in the literature, the prevalence of osteonecrosis and of various factors predisposing to the development of suppurative arthritis should remind us of the possibility that a patient with osteonecrosis who develops sudden worsening of joint pain or fever may have developed suppurative arthritis of the affected joint, particularly when there is evidence of bone destruction.  相似文献   

目的观察一组因肾功能不全行透析治疗的患者髋关节置换术后的近期疗效,总结该类患者髋关节置换治疗经验。方法随访肾功能不全行透析治疗的患者初次髋关节置换9例(11髋),观察该组患者的近期疗效。结果术后平均随访4.4年(2~9年,随访至2007年12月),11髋留存9髋,其假体存留率为81.8%;术前Harris评分平均47.8分,术后Harris评分平均85.8分,优良率77.8%(7/9髋)。术后3个月内死亡病例2例,死亡率22%。术后获得随访9髋,均未发生假体周围感染。结论对于因肾功能不全进行透析治疗的患者的髋关节疾病,骨水泥型髋关节置换是一种有效的治疗方法,术后患者疼痛缓解,髋关节功能改善,生活质量明显提高。  相似文献   

Avascular osteonecrosis of the acetabulum   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Objective. To investigate the possible occurrence of osteonecrosis in the acetabulum in patients with non-traumatic necrosis of the femoral head. Design and patients. One hundred and seventy-nine patients with non-traumatic femoral head necrosis were assessed by MRI and radiography for the presence of acetabular necrosis. Three criteria were established to differentiate between osteonecrosis and osteoarthritic changes: (1) heterogeneous morphology and irregular contours of the lesion; (2) typical demarcation lines of osteonecrosis; (3) deficient accumulation of intravenous gadolinium in the affected regions. Results. In four patients histological confirmation of acetabular necrosis was obtained. The MR analysis of 22 acetabula (9.5% of those examined) showed changes which suggested osteonecrosis. No cystic lesions were demonstrated in the subchondral bone of any patient. Two cases of acetabular necrosis were found without an ipsilateral femoral head necrosis. In two patients of the 14 who had undergone total hip replacement following necrosis of the femoral head, aseptic loosening of the acetabular component was found. Conclusion. The study suggests that acetabular necrosis may be an accompaniment to aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. Further work is required to assess its importance in premature loosening of the acetabular element of total hip arthroplasty.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven cases of an unusual, poorly recognized destructive hip arthropathy with radiographic findings of rapid severe joint destruction are presented. Radiographic findings mimicked those of other disorders such as septic arthritis, rheumatoid and seronegative arthritis, primary osteonecrosis with secondary osteoarthritis, or neuropathic osteoarthropathy, but none of the patients had clinical, pathologic, or laboratory evidence of these entities. All patients underwent hip arthroplasty, and osteoarthritis was confirmed at pathologic examination. Rapid progression of hip pain and disability was a consistent clinical feature. The average duration of symptoms was 1.4 years. Radiographs obtained at various intervals before surgery (average, 18 months) in nine patients documented rapid hip destruction. Involvement was unilateral in 89% (24 of 27 cases). Twenty patients (83%) were elderly women. The authors postulate that these cases represent an uncommon, rapidly destructive subset of osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Radiographs of 20 patients with acute chondrolysis complicating a slipped capital femoral epiphysis were reviewed with emphasis on the radiographic features and differential diagnosis. There was bilateral disease in five instances; radiographic follow-up ranged from 6 months to 5 years. The onset of chondrolysis occurred after surgery in 18 of the 25 abnormal hips. Acute necrosis of the articular cartilage is characterized radiographically by (1) persistent juxtaarticular osteoporosis; (2) progressive narrowing of all or a portion of the cartilage space; and (3) erosion of the subchondral cortices of the femoral head and acetabulum. The radiographic differential diagnosis varies with the stage of disease. The initial osteoporosis is indistinguishable from disuse. The rapid loss of the joint space, accompanied by destruction of the central portions of the subchondral bone, makes differentiation from postoperative infection a common problem. Late changes may resemble either degenerative joint disease or a chronic inflammatory arthritis. The accurate diagnosis of acute chondrolysis depends on correlation of the clinical history and radiographic findings.  相似文献   

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