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观察性疗效比较研究作为随机对照研究的证据补充,其应用价值越来越受到关注。未测量混杂因素的统计学分析方法是观察性疗效比较研究中的重大挑战,本文对观察性疗效比较研究中未知或未测量的混杂因素控制的统计分析方法进行述评。未测量混杂因素的统计学方法包括工具变量法、本底事件率比校正法和双重差分模型及其衍生方法。工具变量法模型构造巧妙,但满足条件的工具变量在实际研究中并不易得;本底事件率比校正法和双重差分模型均要求研究数据有干预前信息,有些实际研究中往往无法满足。未测量混杂因素对统计学方法提出了新的要求、新的挑战,有待国内外统计学者的进一步完善和研究。  相似文献   

观察性疗效比较研究中混杂在所难免,在利用一些统计分析方法对已测量或未测量混杂因素加以控制后,是否消除了混杂的影响不得而知,此时需进行敏感性分析。本文介绍混杂因素处理中的敏感性分析方法。基于不同的研究,敏感性分析思路各不相同,对于已测量混杂因素可采用传统的敏感性分析方法,对于未测量混杂因素目前理论相对系统的方法主要有混杂函数法、边界因子法和倾向性评分校正法,另外Monte Carlo敏感性分析和Bayes敏感性分析也是近年来备受热议的方法。当敏感性分析结果与主要分析结果一致时,无疑提高了研究结论的可靠性。  相似文献   

目的 介绍敏感性分析方法,并对不同方法进行探讨和比较。方法 通过模拟试验和实例比较混杂函数敏感性分析法和边界因子敏感性分析方法在观察性研究中校正未测量混杂因素准确性的差异。结果 模拟试验与实际例子研究结果均显示,当暴露(X)与结局(Y)之间存在未测量混杂情况下,混杂函数法和边界因子相比,在分析未测量混杂因素的效应至少达到多大强度才能导致观测效应值大小和方向彻底改变的问题上,混杂函数和边界因子分析结果相似。但混杂函数法在完全解释观测效应值时所需的混杂效应强度小于边界因子做出同样解释所需的混杂效应值。边界因子分析中设置两个参数,而混杂函数中只有一个参数,混杂函数法在分析计算过程中较边界因子法简便灵敏。结论 对于真实世界观察性研究数据,分析暴露(X)与结局(Y)之间的因果效应时,敏感性分析过程必不可少,从计算过程和结果解释上,混杂函数敏感性分析方法是一个值得推荐的方法。  相似文献   

观察性研究中往往存在未知或未测量的混杂因素,是流行病学因果关联研究中的重大挑战。本文介绍一种可以应用在观察性研究中的一种对未知/未测量混杂因素进行识别和效应评估的工具——“探针变量”。其主要可以分为暴露探针变量、结局探针变量以及中介探针3种形式,前2种不仅可以对未知/未测量混杂因素进行识别,也可以对其效应量进行估计,从...  相似文献   

基于健康医疗大数据的观察性研究越来越受到关注,残余混杂的控制与评估是其中亟须解决的关键问题,本文总结了多中心场景下开展关联分析的残余混杂统计学调整和敏感性分析方法。基于个体水平数据,可由各分中心使用断点回归等多种方法调整残余混杂,然后加权合并得到效应估计值;基于Meta水平数据,可采用贝叶斯Meta分析的方法获得调整后的合并效应值,也可开展残余混杂的敏感性分析,计算E值、p(q)、T(r,q)和G(r,q)。上述方法应根据适用条件及优缺点进行合理选择,如利用分中心个体数据进行残余混杂调整,通常要求严格的研究设计,并面临较高的协调成本;贝叶斯Meta分析基于部分强假设;E值等敏感性分析结果仍需经过专业的判断,以评估残余混杂风险大小。因此,利用多中心数据库开展观察性关联分析时,残余混杂的控制与评估方法仍待进一步发展和完善。  相似文献   

非随机对照研究中未测量混杂因素的控制极具挑战。阴性对照理论基于“阴性对照的检测结果必须阴性”的思想,在进行人群研究时,额外设置合适的阴性对照,将关联特异度的思想融入人群研究中进行未测量混杂因素的识别和控制。本文从统计学角度解析阴性对照理论控制未测量混杂因素的基本原理,详细介绍基于阴性对照理论的系列衍生方法:死亡率标准化校正法、校正P值法、广义双重差分模型以及双向阴性对照法,并结合代表性案例对其合理应用进行述评。阴性对照是识别、校正和控制未测量混杂因素的重要统计设计思想,是基于现实世界数据开展实效比较研究的重要方法。  相似文献   

观察性研究方法与医院资料的统计分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
目的通过个案分析,说明如何采用观察性研究的方法对医院资料进行统计分析.方法正确的研究设计与搜集客观准确的基础数据,明确观察对象所能推论的总体,设立对比组,通过分层分析及率的标准化等方法进行组间差别比较.结果医院资料不同于试验数据.由于医院资料通常不能随机分组,并存在混杂,不能简单地用假设检验方法推论因果关系.结论在对医院资料进行统计分析时,应遵循观察性研究的原则和方法,以避免可能存在的信息偏倚、选择偏倚和混杂偏倚.  相似文献   

目的 探讨观察性研究中用于混杂偏倚控制的倾向性评分匹配、马氏距离匹配和遗传匹配三种方法的性能。方法 针对连续型结局变量,设定混杂变量与处理分组变量之间具有不同复杂度的回归模型结构,采用Monte-Carlo模拟方法比较三种匹配方法在处理组间效应估计和匹配前后自变量均衡的区别,进而对三种方法性能进行评估。结果 在给定的模拟情形下,相比于倾向性评分匹配和马氏距离匹配,遗传匹配法得出的效应估计偏差最小,匹配后两组自变量均衡性最好。结论 遗传匹配在三种匹配方法中表现出较好的统计性能,可考虑作为观察性研究中控制混杂偏倚优先推荐的匹配方法。  相似文献   

临床结局观察性研究中可能存在领先时间偏倚。本文以筛检诊断试验对肿瘤患者生存时间的影响研究、高效抗反转录病毒治疗对HIV/AIDS生存时间的影响研究,两个实例阐述领先时间偏倚的概念、产生原因及控制,为准确分析评价检测、治疗等干预措施对存在多个疾病病程或分期疾病的作用效果时提供控制该偏倚的思路和方法。  相似文献   

本文针对病因学观察性研究的系统综述和Meta分析制作指南(Guidance on conducting systematic reviews and Meta-analyses of observational studies of etiology,COSMOS-E)的主要内容进行了介绍,并举例说明COSMOS-E中的关键内容,内容覆盖制作病因学观察性研究系统综述的每个步骤,从提出研究问题、定义暴露和结局、评估偏倚风险到统计分析,为研究人员开展和分析这类综述提供了指导。  相似文献   

模拟目标试验是一种观察性研究方法,该方法在无法进行随机对照试验(RCT)的情况下,可以利用真实世界数据(如观察性数据及历史性数据)按照RCT的设计原则进行研究设计,模拟随机分组形成干预组和对照组,最终得到近似RCT的高可信度结论。本研究以他汀类药物对糖尿病患者心肌梗死预后的影响为例,对模拟目标试验的基本概念和应用流程进行介绍,为其在真实世界中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Observational studies provide a rich source of information for assessing effectiveness of treatment interventions in many situations where it is not ethical or practical to perform randomized controlled trials. However, such studies are prone to bias from hidden (unmeasured) confounding. A promising approach to identifying and reducing the impact of unmeasured confounding is prior event rate ratio (PERR) adjustment, a quasi‐experimental analytic method proposed in the context of electronic medical record database studies. In this paper, we present a statistical framework for using a pairwise approach to PERR adjustment that removes bias inherent in the original PERR method. A flexible pairwise Cox likelihood function is derived and used to demonstrate the consistency of the simple and convenient alternative PERR (PERR‐ALT) estimator. We show how to estimate standard errors and confidence intervals for treatment effect estimates based on the observed information and provide R code to illustrate how to implement the method. Assumptions required for the pairwise approach (as well as PERR) are clarified, and the consequences of model misspecification are explored. Our results confirm the need for researchers to consider carefully the suitability of the method in the context of each problem. Extensions of the pairwise likelihood to more complex designs involving time‐varying covariates or more than two periods are considered. We illustrate the application of the method using data from a longitudinal cohort study of enzyme replacement therapy for lysosomal storage disorders. © 2016 The Authors. Statistics in Medicine Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

ObjectivesREAs from Joint Action (JA1−3) were reviewed and compared versus Health Technology Assessments (HTA) in France, Germany, UK, Italy.MethodsEUnetHTA REAs published until end of 2019 were identified. Leveraging information derived from the HTA bodies’ website key process (population; timing; national HTA bodies involved) and content characteristics (evidence base; comparative therapy, endpoints, subgroups) were determined and compared against national appraisals.ResultsAll twelve pharmaceutical EUnetHTA assessment finalized until end of 2019 were included with Ustekinumab being the most recent (October 2019) and Pazopanib the first assessment (September 2012). In all but three assessments EUnetHTA’s assessment did not cover the full EMA indication. Since JA3 time intervals between EMA approval and EUnetHTA assessment were < 80 days. Number of (co-)authoring HTA bodies ranged between 2 (in 6 REAs) and > 10 (Pazopanib). EUnetHTA did consider non – RCT evidence in 7 procedures; take a rather inclusive approach regarding appropriate comparative treatments; approach endpoints less restrictively than e.g. the German IQWiG/GBA; not apply a predetermined set of subgroups analyses. In seven REAs, national appraisal showed inhomogeneities across the 4 countries. National appraisals for Sotagliflozin and Ustekinumab were not yet available.ConclusionsA joint European HTA assessment has the potential to address the challenge of heterogeneity across the various national European HTA bodies and to determine joint European clinical development data standards that are aligned with regulatory requirements.  相似文献   



Randomized controlled trials provide robust data on the efficacy of interventions rather than on effectiveness. Health technology assessment (HTA) agencies worldwide are thus exploring whether real-world data (RWD) may provide alternative sources of data on effectiveness of interventions. Presently, an overview of HTA agencies’ policies for RWD use in relative effectiveness assessments (REA) is lacking.


To review policies of six European HTA agencies on RWD use in REA of drugs. A literature review and stakeholder interviews were conducted to collect information on RWD policies for six agencies: the Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (Sweden), the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (United Kingdom), the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare (Germany), the High Authority for Health (France), the Italian Medicines Agency (Italy), and the National Healthcare Institute (The Netherlands). The following contexts for RWD use in REA of drugs were reviewed: initial reimbursement discussions, pharmacoeconomic analyses, and conditional reimbursement schemes. We identified 13 policy documents and 9 academic publications, and conducted 6 interviews.


Policies for RWD use in REA of drugs notably differed across contexts. Moreover, policies differed between HTA agencies. Such variations might discourage the use of RWD for HTA.


To facilitate the use of RWD for HTA across Europe, more alignment of policies seems necessary. Recent articles and project proposals of the European network of HTA may provide a starting point to achieve this.  相似文献   

目的:识别健康中国行动成功推进的关键要素和路径组合,为提升我国居民健康水平、持续深入推进健康中国行动提供理论指导。方法:根据健康中国行动推进委员会办公室公示的50个健康中国行动推进地区典型经验案例,运用清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA)与个案分析相结合的研究方法,探究健康中国行动推进的结构要素及实现路径。结果:通过对所在区域、推动主体、政策保障、多元合作、人才支撑、平台支持、指标建构、市场培育、考核评价等结构要素进行必要性检验,发现多元合作和指标建构为核心条件,通过组态分析得到“区域+人才协同主导型”“实施过程主导型”“统筹兼顾发展型”以及“区域+平台协同主导型”四条健康中国行动成功推进的有效路径。结论:挖掘区域资源要素,实施健康中国行动差异化推动策略,明确以改善人民群众健康为根本目标,多渠道、多主体推动健康中国行动,加速从依靠卫生健康系统向社会整体联动转变是成功推动健康中国行动的有效举措。  相似文献   

重点分析美国营利性和非营利性医院在医疗服务市场中的作用及其各自的运行绩效,并对我国医疗机构分类管理改革提出了若干政策性建设。  相似文献   

We used epidemiologic evaluation, molecular epidemiology, and a case-control study to identify possible risk factors for the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus (subtype H5N1) in chicken farms during the first quarter of 2002 in Hong Kong. Farm profiles, including stock sources, farm management, and biosecurity measures, were collected from 16 case and 46 control chicken farms by using a pretested questionnaire and personal interviews. The risk for influenza A (H5N1) infection was assessed by using adjusted odds ratios based on multivariate logistic regression analysis. Retail marketing of live poultry was implicated as the main source of exposure to infection on chicken farms in Hong Kong during this period. Infection control measures should be reviewed and upgraded as necessary to reduce the spread of influenza A (H5N1) related to live poultry markets, which are commonplace across Asia.  相似文献   

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