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流行病学展望:医学大数据与精准医疗   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来随着高通量技术的发展、电子病历系统的普及和大数据开发工具的进步,医学大数据的研究价值开始受到重视。而精准医疗计划的提出,则为医学大数据的应用开拓了前景。流行病学作为工具学科,未来的研究重点将以系统流行病学为设计原则,深度挖掘现有的大数据资源,促进转化研究和知识整合,深入揭示对暴露-疾病这一过程中分子机制,加快实现科学研究向人群健康促进的终极目标转化。  相似文献   

金梦  孙可欣  胡永华   《现代预防医学》2016,(20):3831-3836
本文以常见数据库作为主要文献定量来源,阐述了医学大数据时代医学信息学研究所呈现出的研究领域丰富多样、研究内容系统深入和研究成果增速迅猛的发展现状。围绕医学大数据的特点总结其在医学信息学研究中所面临的机遇:为大容量医学大数据的高效管理存储、访问相关研究提供实际数据基础与需求;为先进的大数据挖掘、分析、集成等信息技术应用于医学研究与实践提出现实而迫切的需求;以及医学大数据所具备独特的价值密度高的特点为医疗健康相关研究提供了强大数据与知识基础。面对此机遇,分析并阐述了医学信息学研究及发展所面临的挑战:实现融合大数据平台,进行医学大数据的高效挖掘和分析,进而实现精准临床决策支持等临床辅助应用。  相似文献   

在系列讲座第 2~ 5讲中系统介绍了循证实践的前四步 ,即提出问题、寻找证据、严格评价证据和应用证据于临床和预防实践 ,这个过程需要评价 ,而依据最佳证据制订的临床决策或卫生保健决策是否达到了预期效果也应当进行评估 ,循证医学 (EBM)是否优于经验医学亦需要证据来评价。本讲主要针对这些问题进行讨论 ,并作为该系列讲座的总结。一、自我评估循证实践的最后一步就是自我评估 ,实际上这种评估应该贯穿于循证实践的每一过程[1 ] ,可以通过回答下述问题来考核循证实践的质量 (表 1 )。如果对表 1中的大部分问题能给予肯定的答复 ,说明…  相似文献   

大数据时代的到来为实现公共卫生危机精准治理效率提供了新契机.从新冠肺炎疫情中大数据的应用着手,文章分析了公共卫生危机治理模式的变革、公共卫生危机治理存在的问题,并提出了基于大数据公共卫生危机治理的实施路径和保障措施,为提升我国公共卫生危机治理能力提供借鉴.  相似文献   

论文以信息分析的方法体系及其应用现状两个大方面为出发点,以CNKI和CMCI数据库的数据为研究对象,从有关医学信息相关的文献增长量,文献区域分布,基金分布,文献期刊分布,关键词分析,学科领域分布等方面入手,阐述了大数据环境下医学信息分析方法的现状以及趋势,同时针对现有的发展瓶颈问题,提出了相关的发展对策。  相似文献   

精准医学是一种将个体基因、环境与生活习惯差异考虑在内的疾病预防与治疗的新策略,旨在对疾病进行精确分类及诊断,为患者提供个性化、更具针对性的预防和治疗措施。大规模人群队列研究是精准医学研究的重要基础,能够为精准医学实践提供循证医学的最佳证据。对精准医学的批评与质疑主要集中在受益人群少、对健康社会决定因素的忽视以及可能导致有限医疗资源的浪费。尽管这样,精准医学仍然是一个“希望无限的领域”,并有望成为未来医疗保健的实践模式。  相似文献   

近年来,高通量组学技术迅速发展,人群队列与样本资源逐渐累积,互联网和信息技术飞速进步,大数据开发工具不断涌现,健康医疗大数据为流行病学研究提供了丰富的数据资源和广阔的科研平台。本文将分析大数据时代流行病学研究的机遇和挑战,展望未来学科的发展方向。流行病学应抓住机遇,开辟新方向、发展新方法,推动医学基础研究成果向公共卫生...  相似文献   

全民健康信息化建设为健康医疗大数据提供了平台保障,大数据挖掘为找准县域医疗服务短板、实现县域精准医改指明了方向,在财政投入、对口帮扶、专科特设岗等系列举措下,有序推进了分级诊疗工作,县域医疗卫生服务能力实现了量与质的双提升,使县域居民就医获得感显著提升.  相似文献   

自2003年人类基因组计划完成,到2015年1月美国总统奥巴马宣布启动精准医疗计划,人类初步完成基因组到生物学、生物学到健康、健康到社会的三级跳。作为新型交叉领域,精准医疗的产生和发展离不开生命科学、基础医学、临床医学、流行病学、统计学、社会学和信息学等多学科的共同支撑和促进。分子流行病学作为流行病学与分子生物学的交叉学科,被认为是促进精准医疗的核心力量。本文将基于精准医疗和分子流行病学各自的特点和研究进展,着重探讨分子流行病学对精准医疗的贡献和意义,并展望精准医疗未来可能的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

2018年全球癌症统计数据显示,世界范围内癌症的发病率和病死率呈持续增高趋势,癌症已成为危害人类健康的重要杀手,也是当今医学研究的热点话题。随着生物信息技术的迅速发展和精准医学大数据的崛起,世界各地的研究人员构建了大量功能不同的癌症数据库,利用现代生物信息技术对大量临床医疗数据进行深度挖掘与分析,数据库的建立为癌症的机制学研究提供了丰富的数据来源和人群支持。本文主要对目前国内外癌症数据库的研究进展进行介绍,并结合我中心建立的肝癌临床数据库,探讨其在癌症研究方面的应用及意义,对我国乃至世界各癌症数据库的发展提出展望。  相似文献   

探讨在基层医院临床科研中引入循证医学思想,提升基层医院临床科研水平和质量.以浙江中部东阳市人民医院为实例,开展循证医学教育培训并将其理念融入临床科研实践中.东阳市人民医院循证医学与临床科研相结合显示了极大的效益潜力,有利于人才队伍的培养,对促进医院临床科研效能提高具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   



Although precision medicine is a rapidly-emerging field in healthcare, its growth for the next few decades depends on a number of scientific and economic factors. Policy will play a major role in addressing these factors. In this study, we dynamically simulated the impact of policies related to the two factors—'knowledge sharing and accumulation’ and ‘reimbursement’—foregrounded in the literature as having the most significant influence on the growth of precision medicine.


To analyze the impact of specific policies, we used system dynamics methodology. This allowed us to analyze multiple interaction processes, feedback loops, time delays, and other nonlinear effects.


According to our results, strengthening the knowledge sharing and accumulation policy greatly contributes to the growth of precision medicine by significantly increasing its market share through a complex route. Conversely, strengthening the reimbursement policy only slightly increases precision medicine's market share and is therefore unable to change an industry based on blockbuster drugs.


We conclude that it is preferable to prioritize and actively implement a knowledge sharing and accumulation policy rather than a reimbursement policy. However, knowledge sharing and accumulation policies must be carefully handled in order to avoid individual privacy issues. To prevent such issues, there must be joint cooperation and efforts not only within one country but also among any related countries. Additionally, although reimbursement funding is often scarce and the policy's effects might be limited, a reimbursement policy is needed throughout the development cycle for drug treatments, devices, and supporting diagnostics.  相似文献   

《Annals of epidemiology》2017,27(5):297-301
PurposeThis article reflects on the activities of the Ethics Committee of the American College of Epidemiology (ACE). Members of the Ethics Committee identified an opportunity to elaborate on knowledge gained since the inception of the original Ethics Guidelines published by the ACE Ethics and Standards of Practice Committee in 2000.MethodsThe ACE Ethics Committee presented a symposium session at the 2016 Epidemiology Congress of the Americas in Miami on the evolving complexities of ethics and epidemiology as it pertains to “big data.” This article presents a summary and further discussion of that symposium session.ResultsThree topic areas were presented: the policy implications of big data and computing, the fallacy of “secondary” data sources, and the duty of citizens to contribute to big data. A balanced perspective is needed that provides safeguards for individuals but also furthers research to improve population health. Our in-depth review offers next steps for teaching of ethics and epidemiology, as well as for epidemiological research, public health practice, and health policy.ConclusionsTo address contemporary topics in the area of ethics and epidemiology, the Ethics Committee hosted a symposium session on the timely topic of big data. Technological advancements in clinical medicine and genetic epidemiology research coupled with rapid advancements in data networks, storage, and computation at a lower cost are resulting in the growth of huge data repositories. Big data increases concerns about data integrity; informed consent; protection of individual privacy, confidentiality, and harm; data reidentification; and the reporting of faulty inferences.  相似文献   

精准医疗可实现对疾病的精准防治,提高医疗水平。精准医疗服务系统是提供精准医疗服务的载体和媒介,可推动精准医疗计划的落地,极大程度地满足患者的医疗服务需求。作者在文献研究和实践的基础上,结合我国精准医疗发展的实际情况和发展趋势,构建了精准医疗服务系统的基本框架,即以精准医疗服务供给系统和需求系统为基础、以服务产品系统为核心、以支撑系统为保障,并提出了精准医疗服务系统建设的实施路径。  相似文献   

IntroductionSystems medicine is based on approaches taken from systems biology, omics research, bio-informatics and network theory. It promises to facilitate a better understanding of the causes of diseases, detection at an earlier stage, and the use of tailor-made approaches to prevention and therapy. This study provides information on how systems medicine could be incorporated into the German healthcare system.MethodsIn a Policy Delphi, consensus and divergence was elicited on whether experts believed systems medicine could be incorporated into the German healthcare system by 2030. Additionally, factors that could influence the implementation process were analysed. 11 theses on potential systems medicine developments and 193 arguments on influencing factors were evaluated. Experts from health and health-related fields were selected using “purposive sampling”.ResultsThe experts interviewed expressed their trust in the provision of a legal-political framework, though they remained uncertain as to whether the necessary social discourse on the ethical and cultural questions surrounding systems medicine would occur. They do not (currently) expect systems medicine to be implemented by 2030.ConclusionSystems medicine is currently regarded as a visionary concept. As such, it would be premature to attempt to judge the success of the translation process at this stage. The results can help with the identification of the challenges involved in implementation, and the action required to achieve this aim.  相似文献   

目的:研究我国与唇腭裂发生有关的环境、行为和生活方式,为设计适合我国国情的唇腭裂预防干预策略提供循证依据。方法:通过系统性综述方法,检索数据库文献,收集国内外唇腭裂的环境、行为、生活方式病因学研究文献,选择其中Meta分析或系统综述文献纳入研究。结果:共纳入Meta分析和系统综述文献13篇,均为英文文献;中文数据库中未检索到符合要求的文献。对检索到文献行系统回顾后发现了唇腭裂的一些明确致病因素。其中环境因素包括孕期及孕前期用药(皮质激素类、卡马西平、抗癫痫药物等)及孕母所处环境(杀虫剂)、行为和生活方式因素(孕妇超重或肥胖、吸烟、新生儿出生次序)。结论:孕母所处的环境因素、行为和生活方式因素与唇腭裂发病有显著关联。现有的病因学研究存在很多相互矛盾的结论,唇腭裂的病因学仍有待继续探索。唇腭裂病因研究的中文文献质量等级普遍较低,不能为循证医学提供高等级证据。  相似文献   

目的:对大数据背景下的影像归档及传输系统(PACS)硬件基础架构进行实验性设计。方法:对实验性PACS硬件基础架构设计进行医学数字成像及通信(DICOM)试验。结果:得到64排螺旋CT、1.5T MR和DR的DICOM试验数据。结论:在数据爆发增长的背景下设计出合理、高效的PACS硬件基础架构,对保证大型医院的PACS应用至关重要。  相似文献   

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