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The present study was designed to investigate the biochemical and histopathological changes in the livers of rabbits treated with histamine and histamine receptors (H1R–H4R)-agonist. The cohort comprised of six groups containing five rabbits each. Control group received sterile distilled water (1 mL/kg × b.i.d.) and treated groups received subcutaneous histamine (100 μg/kg × b.i.d.) and H1R–H4R-agonist (histamine trifluoro-methyl toluidide, amthamine, R-[?]-α-methylhistamine, clobenpropit, respectively) each in a dose of 10 μg/kg × b.i.d. (12 h [8 am and 8 pm]) for 30 days. Hepatotoxicity due to these agonists was analyzed using biochemical and histopathological methods. Histamine and H1R–H3R-agonist were found to be hepatotoxic as shown by statistically significant (p < 0.05) elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), most marked in the H3R-agonist group. However, their levels in H4R-agonist group remained very similar to the control group. The entire drug treated groups as compared to control showed significant elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Histopathological examination revealed obvious changes in histamine, H2R- and H3R-agonist groups in terms of alteration of hepatic microstructure, congestion, focal necrosis and increased incidence of multinucleate hepatocytes while H1R and H4R groups showed minimal changes. From the findings of the present study it may be concluded that on repeated administration, histamine and HR-agonists-induced hepatotoxicity which is most pronounced with H3R-agonist though not severe enough to jeopardize the vital functions of liver and warrants further long-term studies.  相似文献   

1. An isolated whole stomach preparation from immature rats is described. The lumen of the stomach was perfused and the hydrogen ion activity of the perfusate recorded continuously. 2. The mean basal acid secretion before stimulation was 4-19 +/- 0-31 X 10 (-8) mol min-1. Metiamide did not significantly reduce this spontaneous secretion. 3. The preparation gave dose-dependent responses to histomine (10(-5)-10(-4)M) which were readily reversed on washing. 4. The effect of metiamide on histamine-stimulated acid secretion was investigated. Metamide, at doses of 3 X 10(-6)M, and 3 X 10(-5)M, caused a parallel displacement of the histamine dose-response curve, indicating competitive antagonism. These dose-response curves were used to calculate dose ratios (DR) for metiamide. 5. A plot of log10 (DR - 1) against log 10 [antagonist] gave a pA2 value for metiamide of 5-91.  相似文献   

On guinea-pig atria part of the inotropic response to histamine is attributable to a concomitant increase of the frequency [7]. Since the chronotropic effect of histamine is mediated by a stimulation of H2-receptors a direct interaction of histamine with H1-receptors mediating the inotropic response on heart may be overlooked. For this reason the ability of the H1-antagonist promethazine and the H2-antagonist burimamide to inhibit the positive chronotropic, inotropic and coronary vascular responses to histamine was determined in spontaneously beating and electrically driven perfused guinea-pig hearts.
  1. Burimamide produced a competitive blockade of the positive chrono- and inotropic responses to histamine.
  2. On the other hand, promethazine in concentrations that had no effect on cardiac function by itself, proved to be ineffective against the positive chrono- and inotropic responses produced by histamine on spontaneously beating and electrically driven heart preparations.
  3. The predominant coronary vasodilation observed after infusion with histamine was competitively antagonized by promethazine and burimamide. This blockade was not attributable to an interaction with myocardial H2-receptors mediating increases in heart rate and contractility and was, therefore, direct in nature.
  4. Based upon the present study and former investigations [7] the following distribution of different histamine receptors in the guinea-pig heart does exist: H1-receptors are present in the atrial muscle and the coronary vascular bed. H2-receptors are located in the sinus node, the ventricular myocardium and the coronary vessels.

The substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) is a key basal ganglia output nucleus. Inhibitory outputs from SNr are encoded in spike frequency and pattern of the inhibitory SNr projection neurons. SNr output intensity and pattern are often abnormal in movement disorders of basal ganglia origin. In Parkinson's disease, histamine innervation and histamine H3 receptor expression in SNr may be increased. However, the functional consequences of these alterations are not known. In this study, whole cell patch-clamp recordings were used to elucidate the function of different histamine receptors in SNr. Histamine increased SNr inhibitory projection neuron firing frequency and thus inhibitory output. This effect was mediated by activation of histamine H1 and H2 receptors that induced inward currents and depolarization. In contrast, histamine H3 receptor activation hyperpolarized and inhibited SNr inhibitory projection neurons, thus decreasing the intensity of basal ganglia output. By the hyperpolarization, H3 receptor activation also increased the irregularity of the interspike intervals or changed the pattern of SNr inhibitory neuron firing. H3 receptor-mediated effects were normally dominated by those mediated by H1 and H2 receptors. Furthermore, endogenously released histamine provided a tonic, H1 and H2 receptor-mediated excitation that helped keep SNr inhibitory projection neurons sufficiently depolarized and spiking regularly. These results suggest that H1 and H2 receptors and H3 receptor exert opposite effects on SNr inhibitory projection neurons. Functional balance of these different histamine receptors may contribute to the proper intensity and pattern of basal ganglia output and, as a consequence, exert important effects on motor control.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system in which histamine (HA) and its receptors have been implicated in disease pathogenesis. HA exerts its effects through four different G protein-coupled receptors designated H(1)-H(4). We previously examined the effects of traditional single HA receptor (HR) knockouts (KOs) in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), the autoimmune model of MS. Our results revealed that H(1) R and H(2) R are propathogenic, while H(3) R and H(4) R are antipathogenic. This suggests that combinatorial targeting of HRs may be an effective disease-modifying therapy (DMT) in MS. To test this hypothesis, we generated H(1) H(2) RKO and H(3) H(4) RKO mice and studied them for susceptibility to EAE. Compared with wild-type (WT) mice, H(1) H(2) RKO mice developed a less severe clinical disease course, whereas the disease course of H(3) H(4) RKO mice was more severe. H(1) H(2) RKO mice also developed less neuropathology and disrupted blood brain barrier permeability compared with WT and H(3) H(4) RKO mice. Additionally, splenocytes from immunized H(1) H(2) RKO mice produced less interferon(IFN)-γ and interleukin(IL)-17. These findings support the concept that combined pharmacological targeting of HRs may be an appropriate ancillary DMT in MS and other immunopathologic diseases.  相似文献   

Via the histamine H4‐receptor (H4R), histamine promotes the pathogenesis of experimental allergic asthma in mice. Application of H4R antagonists during sensitization as well as during provocation reduces the severity of the disease. However, the specific cell types functionally expressing H4R in experimental allergic asthma have not been well characterized in vivo. In this study, we identified the cell type(s) responsible for H4R activity in experimental asthma and related physiological mechanisms. Using H4R‐deficient mice, we studied the role of H4R in the sensitization and effector phase. DCs lacking H4R expression during the in vitro sensitization reaction resulted in effector T cells unable to induce an entire eosinophilic inflammation in the lung upon adoptive transfer in vivo. Recipient mice lacking H4R expression, which were adoptively transferred with H4R+/+ T cells polarized in the presence of H4R+/+ DCs, showed reduced signs of inflammation and ameliorated lung function. Here, we provide in vivo evidence that in experimental asthma in mice the H4R specifically regulates activation of DCs during sensitization, while in the effector phase the H4R is active in cells involved in the activation of eosinophils, and possibly other cells. A putative therapy targeting the H4R may be an option for asthma patients developing IL‐5‐dependent eosinophilia.  相似文献   

Flagella were isolated from virulent Legionella pneumophila serogroups 1, 2, and 3. Antiserum made against purified serogroups 1 flagellin agglutinated live, flagellated serogroups 1, 2, and 3 but not heat-killed or nonflagellated bacteria. A single line of identity was seen in immunodiffusion slides between the flagella isolated from the three serogroups and antibody to flagellin isolated from serogroups 1, 2, and 3. Indirect immunoperoxidase staining showed that antibody to flagellin isolated from serogroup 1 organisms reacted with flagella on serogroup 1, 2, and 3 bacteria. Indirect immunoperoxidase staining was also showed that antibody to flagellin isolated from serogroup 1 L. pneumophila did not react with the serogroup-specific cell surface antigen, thus demonstrating that the flagella- and the serogroup-specific antigen are separate antigens. The amino acid content of the flagella from the three serogroups was essentially the same, with aspartate, glutamate, alanine, and threonine comprising 41% of the total. Thirty-five percent of the amino acids were hydrophobic, and there were not detectable amounts of cysteine, tryptophan, or tyrosine.  相似文献   

Histamine is not only essential for acute inflammatory reactions, but it also participates in a chronic inflammatory disorder. We generated apolipoprotein E (apoE) and histamine receptors (HHRs), including the major H1 and H2 receptors (HH1R, HH2R) double knockout mice (DKO) to clarify the role of HHRs in hyperlipidemia‐induced atherosclerosis, in which apoE‐KO and DKO mice were fed a high cholesterol diet. We found that pronounced hyperlipidemia‐induced atherosclerotic progression occurred in HH1R/apoE‐DKO mice, but in HH2R/apoE‐DKO mice less atherosclerosis, despite pro‐atherogenic serum cholesterol levels compared with apoE‐KO mice. Furthermore, the increased expressions of scavenger receptors (SRs), such as SR‐A, CD36 and lectin‐like oxidized low‐density lipoprotein receptor 1 (LOX‐1), nuclear factor‐kappa B (NFκB), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP‐1), matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) or liver X receptor (LXR)‐related inflammatory signaling factors, were consistent with the pro‐atherogenic phenotype of HH2R/apoE‐DKO mice. We hypothesize that histamine/HH1R and HH2R signaling has conflicting innate functions, inflammatory/atherogenic and anti‐inflammatory/anti‐atherogenic actions, and that there are innate links between histamine signaling and hyperlipidemia‐induced atherosclerosis, independently of serum cholesterol metabolism. Specific histamine signaling blockers, in particular, HH2R blockers, are a possible novel therapeutic target for hyperlipidemia‐induced atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

A series N-[4-(1H(2H)-benzotriazol-1(2)-yl)phenyl]alkylcarboxamides (8e-k, 9e-i, k, l) and their parent amines (5a-c and 6a-d) were prepared according to Schemes (1 and 2). Compounds were evaluated in vitro for cytotoxicity and antiviral activity against a wide spectrum of RNA (positive- and negative-sense) viruses, like [Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), Yellow Fever Virus (YFV), Coxsackie Virus B (CVB-2), Polio Virus (Sb-1), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)] or double-stranded (dsRNA) virus, like Reoviridae (Reo-1). The Entero (CVB-2 and Sb-1) were the only viruses inhibited by title compounds. In particular, two of them emerged for their selective, although not very potent, antiviral activity: 8i, which was the most active against CVB-2 (CC50 >100 microM; EC50 = 10 microM) and 9l, which was the most active against Sb-1 (CC50 90 microM; EC50 = 30 microm). Title compounds were evaluated in silico against the Sb-1 helicase, as the crystal structure of this enzyme was not available, the corresponding 3D model was obtained by homology techniques (see Fig. 2).  相似文献   

The effects of mepyramine (H1-receptor antagonist), cimetidine (H2-receptor antagonist), IEM-813 (H1-receptor agonist) and 4-Met-Hi (H2-receptor agonist) on collagenogenesis processes in subcutaneous implanted sponges of rats were studied. Administration into sponges of cimetidine 30 min before histamine injection blocked both the stimulatory effect of low histamine doses and the inhibitory effect of high histamine doses on collagen formation. Low doses of 4-Met-Hi increased collagen levels but reduced the levels at high doses. Mepyramine and IEM-813 did not influence collagen biosynthesis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN: To localise mRNAs for the histamine receptors H1, H2 and H3, and for diamine oxidase, in the placenta and decidua of the human feto-maternal interface. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Complementary DNA for each mRNA of interest was amplified by polymerase chain reaction. Sub-cloned sequences were used to prepare probes for in situ hybridisation, and these were employed to localise the expression of mRNAs for histamine receptors H1 and H2, and for diamine oxidase. RESULTS: mRNA for histamine receptors H1 and H2, and for diamine oxidase could be detected at the feto-maternal interface of human pregnancy, and localised to both decidual and placental cells. CONCLUSION: The co-expression of these receptors and DAO is consistent with a role for histamine at the feto-maternal interface of human pregnancy.  相似文献   

Origins of the T(H)1-T(H)2 model: a personal perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Robert L. Coffman recounts how his work on immunoglobulin E regulation along with data from Tim Mosmann on the functional heterogeneity of T cell clones led to the T helper type 1-T helper type 2 hypothesis.  相似文献   

A preparation of isolated subunits of influenza A (H1N1) virus hemagglutinin was examined for antigenic properties by four serological tests: radioimmunoassay, radial immunodiffusion test, complement fixation test, and hemagglutination inhibition test with hyperimmune polyclonal serum to intact virion as well as with monospecific antibodies to individual antigenic determinants obtained by adsorption technique. In isolated hemagglutinin subunits, radioimmunoassay identified three main virus-specific antigenic sites identical to antigenic determinants in the hemagglutinin of the intact virion. No neuraminidase was found in the hemagglutinin preparation but increased serological activity of host cell antigens was observed.  相似文献   

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