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目的了解学龄前儿童家长对流感认知情况及流感疫苗接种意愿,为流感防控工作提供科学依据。方法采用分层抽样方法对新乡医学院第三附属医院免疫接种门诊管理的学龄前儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果共调查340名家长,58.53%的家长不清楚流感与普通感冒的区别。63.82%的家长表示会为孩子接种流感疫苗,97.06%的家长希望流感疫苗作为第一类疫苗由政府免费提供。Logistic回归分析,儿童家长文化程度高、孩子曾经患流感、孩子曾经接种流感疫苗的家长更愿意接种流感疫苗。结论今后应加强对流感疾病相关知识宣教,对流感疫苗的宣讲应具有针对性,加大对疫苗安全性、保护效果、预防人群的宣讲力度,提高流感疫苗接种率。  相似文献   

中国医务人员流感疫苗接种率较低,为了促进医务人员接种流感疫苗,2018年10月国家卫生健康委员会要求医院要为医务人员免费提供流感疫苗接种。为了解2018—2019年度医务人员流感疫苗接种情况及可能的影响因素,该研究利用丁香园注册医务人员进行抽样调查,共调查了4078名医务人员。  相似文献   

2001~2002年深圳市居民流感疫苗接种情况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
梁浩  袁芝琴  谭洁 《实用预防医学》2004,11(6):1137-1139
目的 深圳市居民2001~2002年流感疫苗接种情况。方法 采用多级抽样方法,对992名深圳市居民接种流感疫苗的情况进行调查。结果 不同性别、不同调查地点人群接种比例无明显差异,0~5岁儿童接种比例最高,次为65岁以上老年人,6~64岁人群最低;大专及以上人群接种比例显著高于大专以下人群。结论 社会对儿童的关爱程度大于老人,应提高重点人群的接种率。  相似文献   

<正>从2009年春季开始,全球有多个国家发生了甲型H1N1流感(以下简称甲流)的传播,部分国家的传播速度呈较快的上升趋势,世界卫生组织也发出了流感大流行的预警。对于一种传染病,疫苗的研发及应用是最有效的预防手段,为此,各国均纷纷投入了对甲流疫苗的研  相似文献   

调查上海外来务工人员对流感认知和疫苗接种情况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解上海市外来务工人员流感认知程度和疫苗接种情况及其影响因素。方法在上海市闵行、徐汇、浦东和普陀4个区工厂中进行配额采样,随机调查了2371名外来务工人员。了解他们的流感认知情况和疫苗接种率,分析其与性别、年龄、文化程度、月收入和工厂规模等之间的关系。结果流感认知较高者(答对题50%以上)仅占总人数的2.1%,流感疫苗接种率为34.4%;年龄(OR=1.049,95%CI=1.015~1.083)和文化程度(OR=1.935,95%CI=1.274~2.938)对流感的整体认知程度有影响;年龄(OR=0.964,95%CI=0.952~0.975)和工厂规模(OR=1.192,95%CI=1.087~1.308)对疫苗接种率有影响,P均0.001。未接种流感疫苗的最主要原因是工人不知道有流感疫苗。结论调查结果表明,上海市外来务工人员对流感的认知程度普遍较低,疫苗接种率较低,需要加强对外来务工人员进行流感等传染病知识教育与宣传,以提高流感等传染病防治工作的水平。  相似文献   

目的了解浙江省宁波市医务人员流感疫苗接种情况,探讨影响医务人员流感疫苗接种的主要因素。方法采用二阶段抽样法对浙江省宁波市30家各级医疗机构1 217名医务人员进行问卷调查,了解其一般情况、流行性感冒(流感)和流感疫苗知识、2010—2012流感疫苗接种率、2012—2013流感疫苗接种意愿及不考虑接种的原因等信息。结果2010—2012年2个流行季节医务人员流感疫苗接种率为12.37%;38.39%的医务人员表示会在2012年流感高峰到来前接种流感疫苗,如果疫苗免费接种则有62.13%的医务人员考虑接种;不考虑接种的因素包括"疫苗效果有限"(66.76%)、"担心疫苗副作用"(55.52%)、"身体好没必要接种"(54.15%)、"每年接种太麻烦"(43.20%)和"疫苗不免费"(35.30%)等;多因素分析结果显示,2年内接种过流感疫苗、认为接种流感疫苗是预防流感最有效的手段、知晓医务人员是推荐接种流感疫苗人群、知晓流感疫苗可以用医保支付、流感疫苗知识掌握好、二级医疗机构、在医技/护士/医生岗位可提高宁波市医务人员流感疫苗的接种意愿;而知晓流感疫苗每年接种1次、三级医疗机构、在感染/传染和其他科室可降低医务人员流感疫苗的接种意愿。结论宁波市医务人员流感疫苗接种率较低,不考虑接种的主要原因是对流感疫苗有效性和安全性缺乏信心、对流感危害认识不足以及疫苗不免费。  相似文献   

目的 调查全国已开展和有意向开展流感疫苗接种公费项目地区的基本情况,分析流感公费项目实施的关键要点,为制订政策措施提供依据。 方法 通过定性访谈和线上调查,对2018年已开展流感公费项目地区以及拟在未来3年开展流感公费项目地区的疾病预防控制中心负责流感公费项目的业务骨干进行调查。采用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计分析。 结果 共调查11个已开展和54个有意向开展流感公费项目的地区疾控中心。在已开展流感公费项目地区,老年人是最主要的目标人群,其次是在校中小学生和医护人员。有意向开展流感公费项目地区,城市老龄化是影响项目开展进度的因素之一,其中“已与行政部门确认完毕,今年实施”的地区的老年人口比例(20.66%)高于其它地区(17.59%);此外,“与行政部门协调,获得行政部门支持”被认为是最主要实施瓶颈(81.48%);其次依次是“流感疫苗的管理和分配”(44.44%) 、“公费人群流感疫苗的接种宣传”(33.33%) 、“疫苗预防接种不良事件(adverse events following immumization, AEFI)的处理预案制定”(27.78%)和“社区卫生服务中心接种人员的培训和调配”(18.52%)。 结论 老年人是流感公费项目最主要的目标人群,而城市老龄化是影响项目进度的因素之一。疾控中心是流感公费项目发起的关键,对于有意向开展流感公费的地区,疾控机构应积极主动去倡导项目的发起,用专业能力去影响政府部门决策实施。  相似文献   

目的 了解潮州市小学生流感疫苗接种状况及影响因素,为提高疫苗接种率提供依据。方法 通过自制问卷,于2022年10月在潮州市2所市直公立小学学生家长中进行学生流感疫苗接种状况及影响因素调查。结果 参与调查家长共3 470人,其中62.7%(2 175人)的学生接种过流感疫苗,2021年以来学生流感疫苗接种率为26.1%(906/3 470);多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,家长为医务人员、公务员的学生接种率低于其他职业者;家长文化程度低于大专者接种率均较高(OR值均>1.5);家长认为“疫苗可降低流感感染风险”(OR=1.90)“家长有流感疫苗接种史”(OR=13.76)的学生流感疫苗接种率更高。结论 潮州市小学生近两年流感疫苗接种率较低,提高家长对流感疫苗的认知水平,对学生的接种率有较大促进影响。  相似文献   

流行性感冒即流感是一种传染性较强、传播速度较快的呼吸系统疾病[1].接种流感疫苗是预防流感最有效且最经济的措施,能显著降低接种者感染流感及其相关并发症的风险[2].但是受到多种内在及外在因素的影响,人们接种流感疫苗的主动性不强,接种率不高[3].为了解长葛市居民接种流感疫苗的意愿,分别于2019年和2020年随机抽取长葛市358名居民进行了相关调查,现将结果报道如下.  相似文献   

中国流感疫苗应用现状及促进预防接种的政策探讨   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
流感是一种疫苗可预防性疾病,每年接种流感疫苗是预防流感及其并发症的最有效手段。流感疫苗在我国是二类疫苗,年平均接种率仅2%~3%。接种率低的原因包括公众对流感和流感疫苗认知不足、医务人员极少推荐、接种服务可及性和费用等。为促进我国流感疫苗的预防接种,降低流感对公众的健康危害和经济负担,应考虑采取综合政策措施积极推动流感疫苗预防接种工作,包括采用不同筹资方式和机制,提高重点人群的接种意愿和接种率、改进免疫服务公平性的效果和效率;提高医务人员和公众对流感和疫苗预防的认识,改进临床预防实践,通过制订临床指南、路径、专家共识等多种渠道,推动临床医生对流感疫苗预防接种建议的推荐;加快预防接种工作体系建设,为公众提供更方便、可及和规范的预防接种;加大新型流感疫苗研发支持力度,加快新型流感疫苗上市应用;修订我国药典中"妊娠期妇女为流感疫苗接种禁忌"的条款。  相似文献   

This randomized cluster trial was designed to improve workplace influenza vaccination rates using enhanced advertising, choice of vaccine type (intranasal or injectable) and an incentive. Workers aged 18–49 years were surveyed immediately following vaccination to determine factors associated with vaccination behavior and choice. The questionnaire assessed attitudes, beliefs and social support for influenza vaccine, demographics, and historical, current, and intentional vaccination behavior. Of the 2389 vaccinees, 83.3% received injectable vaccine and 16.7% received intranasal vaccine. Factors associated with previous influenza vaccination were older age, female sex, higher education and greater support for injectable vaccine (all P < .02). Current influenza vaccination with intranasal vaccine vs. injectable vaccine was associated with higher education, the study interventions, greater support for the intranasal vaccine and nasal sprays, less support of injectable vaccine, more negative attitudes about influenza vaccine, and a greater likelihood of reporting that the individual would not have been vaccinated had only injectable vaccine been offered (all P < .01). Intentional vaccine choice was most highly associated with previous vaccination behavior (P < .001). A key to long term improvements in workplace vaccination is to encourage first time influenza vaccination through interventions that include incentives, publicity and vaccine choice.  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市静安区社区医务人员流感疫苗接种率及其影响因素.方法 2019年4月,对上海市静安区共15家社区卫生服务中心的所有医务人员进行问卷调查,采用x2检验和多因素Logistic回归分析模型对流感疫苗接种率的影响因素进行单因素和多因素分析.结果 上海市静安区社区医务人员流感疫苗接种率为14.57%,多因素Log...  相似文献   

IntroductionThe best way to prevent influenza is receiving vaccination. However, the influenza vaccination coverage in mainland China was low. A meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the vaccination rates of the population and the factors influencing influenza vaccination in mainland China.MethodsA systematic study was conducted on March 18, 2018, using Chinese language databases including China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database, WanFang Database, and English language databases including PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the pooled coverage rate and estimated odds ratios (OR) of influencing factors were obtained using data abstraction. Subgroup analysis and meta-regression analysis were also employed to explore the heterogeneity.ResultsThe pooled vaccination coverage rate in 126 included articles was 23.2% (95% confidence interval (CI): 22.8%, 23.7%), and the pooled vaccination rate among the general population was 9.4% (95% CI: 8.0%, 10.9%). The influenza vaccination rate fluctuated from 2005 to 2017. Vaccination rates in 2009–2010 were much higher than other years, pandemic influenza vaccination rate was 37.3% (95% CI: 28.4%, 46.1%) and seasonal influenza vaccination rate was 29.8% (95% CI: 24.6%, 34.9%). In the analysis of influencing factors, those recommended by healthcare workers was the most reported reasons for influenza vaccination with an OR = 5.2 (95% CI: 2.9, 9.4), and following as received influenza vaccination previously, perceived safety of vaccination, perceived effectiveness of vaccination, perceived severity of the disease. Meta-regression analysis indicate that the heterogeneity maybe significantly consistent with the sample size, study population, study region, and vaccination policy.ConclusionCompared with other countries (the United States), vaccination rates were lower in mainland China. There were a few factors influencing the rate, which included vaccination policy, vaccination history and knowledge and attitudes toward influenza and vaccination.  相似文献   

PurposeSeasonal influenza vaccination is recommended in children aged 6–59 months, but little is known about child vaccination coverage and determinants in Asian settings. We report the results of a survey of knowledge, attitudes, practices, and determinants of child influenza vaccination in Singapore.MethodsIn December 2015-March 2016, we conducted a survey of 332 parents of children aged 6 months to 5 years attending pre-schools. We assessed child influenza vaccine coverage and parental knowledge, attitudes, and practices of child influenza vaccination. We used multivariable regression and structural equation models to identify factors associated with child influenza vaccination.ResultsKnowledge about influenza, perceived benefit of vaccination, and willingness to vaccinate were high. However, only 32% of children had ever received influenza vaccine, and only 15% in the past year. Factors independently associated with child influenza vaccination included: being recommended influenza vaccine by a child’s doctor (prevalence ratio (PR) = 2.47, 95% CI: 1.75–3.48); receiving influenza vaccine information from a private general practitioner (PR = 1.47, 95% CI: 1.05–2.04); regularly receiving pre-travel influenza vaccine (PR = 1.64, 95% CI: 1.19–2.25); higher willingness to vaccinate (PR = 1.58, 95% CI:1.24–2.04 per unit increase in willingness score); and feeling well-informed about influenza vaccine (PR = 1.44, 95% CI: 1.04–1.99). Parents who obtained influenza vaccine information from television were less likely to have vaccinated their child (PR = 0.44, 95% CI: 0.23–0.85). Path analysis indicated that being recommended vaccination by a child's doctor increased willingness to vaccinate and self-efficacy (feeling well-informed about influenza vaccine). Median willingness-to-pay for a dose of influenza vaccine was SGD30 (interquartile range: SGD20-SGD50), and was higher in parents of vaccinated compared with unvaccinated children (SGD45 vs SGD30, p = 0.0012).ConclusionKnowledge and willingness to vaccinate was high in this parent population, but influenza vaccine uptake in children was low. Encouraging medical professionals to recommend vaccination of eligible children is key to improving uptake.  相似文献   

目的 评价上海市中小学生接种甲型H1N1 流行性感冒(简称甲流)病毒裂解疫苗(简称甲流疫苗)的成本效益.方法 采用准试验设计,在上海市6个区县的中小学生中开展甲流疫苗接种和效益评估,共观察414 636名中小学生.按自愿原则,将研究对象分为接种组(233 445名)和对照组(181 191名).采用问卷调查方法在上海市19个区县预防接种机构收集疫苗接种成本信息;通过问卷调查和回顾性病历摘录等方法收集就医成本信息,其中包括31例轻症、15例重症甲流病例.最后采用卫生经济学评估方法进行流行性感冒(简称流感)疫苗的成本-效益分析.结果 共观察414 636名中小学生,其中接种组233 445名,占56.3%,对照组181 191名.疫苗接种后,接种组流感罹患率为0.61%(1433/233 445),对照组罹患率为1.76%(3166/181 191),接种组流感样病例保护率为65.34% [(1.76-0.61)/1.76].人均接种甲流疫苗的成本为36.81元.轻症甲流病例门诊费用为(358.3±243.6)元,甲流重症病例住院费用为(49 188.4±99 917.3)元.中小学生甲流疫苗接种总效益为19 155 566.3元;接种净效益为10 560 673.7元,效益-成本比为2.24:1.结论 上海市中小学生接种甲流疫苗有一定的保护效果,具有较好的效益,是一种值得尝试的干预策略.
s of retrospective medical records,which included 31 mild cases and 15 severe cases.The cost-benefit analysis was conducted by health economic evaluation.Results In total,there were 414 636 students enrolled in this study; while 233 445 (56.3%) students were in the vaccinated group and 181 191 in the control group.The attack rate in vaccinated group and control group was 0.61%(1433/233 445) and 1.76%(3166/181 191) respectively.The protection ratio was 65.34% ((1.76-0.61)/1.76) in the vaccinated group.The average cost of Influenza H1N1 was 36.81 yuan/person; and the average cost of medical treatment was (358.3±243.6) yuan/mild case and (49 188.4±99 917.3) yuan/severe case.The total benefit of vaccination in schools was 19 155 566.3 yuan,and the net 1.Conclusion Influenza H1N1 vaccine could protect the students from Influenza H1N1 infection,and the cost-benefit analysis showed that the intervention strategy was worth trying.  相似文献   

IntroductionSubmarine crews live in a confined setting and are vulnerable to influenza. Thus, it would be useful to identify factors that are associated with influenza vaccination. In this study, we investigated the influenza vaccination rate and the influence of health beliefs on the vaccination rate among submariners who were eligible for a free but non-mandatory vaccination program.MethodsA total of 487 Korean submariners participated in this study after the closing of a free influenza vaccination program in 2015. Data regarding the participants’ general characteristics and health beliefs (based on the health belief model [HBM]) were collected using a self-administered questionnaire, and their vaccination status was determined using their medical records. Multiple logistic regression analysis were performed to evaluate the associations of the HBM components with influenza vaccination.ResultsThe overall vaccination rate was 78% (921/1183). The unvaccinated and vaccinated respondents exhibited similar characteristics, although the vaccinated group was significantly more likely to have high-risk family members (chronic disease, age of <2 years, or age of ⩾65 years; p = 0.025). Among the HBM components, perceived severity (odds ratio: 1.38, p = 0.019) and cue to action (odds ratio: 1.74, p = 0.002) were significantly associated with a higher likelihood of influenza vaccination.ConclusionVaccination policies that emphasize the severity of influenza and prompt individuals to undergo vaccination are needed to increase the vaccination rate among people who live in confined environments or institutions with non-mandatory vaccination programs.  相似文献   

目的 了解儿童流感疫苗和肺炎疫苗的接种行为与影响因素。方法 采用两阶段整群抽样,在北京市通州区和甘肃省白银市对适龄儿童家长开展横断面问卷调查,分析儿童流感疫苗和肺炎疫苗接种率及影响因素。结果 共纳入2 377名儿童,儿童流感疫苗接种率为35.93%,肺炎疫苗接种率为16.58%,两种疫苗均接种率为11.65%。接种两种疫苗的理由占比前三位分别为认为疾病严重(流感疫苗:36.02%;肺炎疫苗:49.61%)、学校、单位要求接种(流感疫苗:28.76%;肺炎疫苗:25.45%)和认为疾病易感(流感疫苗:26.41%;肺炎疫苗:13.88%);未接种疫苗的理由前三位分别为个人方面、疫苗本身和疫苗供应。家庭居住地为农村是影响两类疫苗接种的重要因素。子女数量>1个的家庭、家庭居住地为农村和家庭人均年收入较低与两类疫苗的接种呈负相关。结论 调查地区儿童流感疫苗和肺炎疫苗接种率较低,农村家庭、多子女家庭是扩大疫苗接种的重点关注人群。加强疫苗相关知识宣教,引导家长正确认知疫苗安全性问题,协调疫苗供应与降低疫苗价格对提高流感疫苗和肺炎疫苗接种率具有促进作用。  相似文献   

对2020年国内外不同高危人群流感疫苗应用情况发表的相关研究进展进行综述。流感疫苗在高危人群中接种的重要性得到了更多大样本、多中心、高质量循证证据的支持。接种流感疫苗是预防流感最经济有效的措施,目前我国流感疫苗接种率很低,需进一步加大对各类人群流感疫苗接种的科普宣传与教育。建议流感季来临前对研究证据明确的疫苗接种安全有...  相似文献   

BackgroundInfluenza vaccination during pregnancy benefits mothers and children. Kenya and other low- and middle-income countries have no official influenza vaccination policies to date but are moving towards issuing such policies. Understanding determinants of influenza vaccine uptake during pregnancy in these settings is important to inform policy decisions and vaccination rollout.MethodsWe interviewed a convenience sample of women at antenatal care facilities in four counties (Nairobi, Mombasa, Marsabit, Siaya) in Kenya. We described knowledge and attitudes regarding influenza vaccination and assessed factors associated with willingness to receive influenza vaccine.ResultsWe enrolled 507 pregnant women, median age was 26 years (range 15–43). Almost half (n = 240) had primary or no education. Overall, 369 (72.8%) women had heard of influenza. Among those, 288 (78.1%) believed that a pregnant woman would be protected if vaccinated, 252 (68.3%) thought it was safe to receive a vaccine while pregnant, and 223 (60.4%) believed a baby would be protected if mother was vaccinated. If given opportunity, 309 (83.7%) pregnant women were willing to receive the vaccine. Factors associated with willingness to receive influenza vaccine were mothers’ belief in protective effect (OR 3.87; 95% CI 1.56, 9.59) and safety (OR 5.32; 95% CI 2.35, 12.01) of influenza vaccines during pregnancy.ConclusionApproximately one third of pregnant women interviewed had never heard of influenza. Willingness to receive influenza vaccine was high among women who had heard about influenza. If the Kenyan government recommends influenza vaccine for pregnant women, mitigation of safety concerns and education on the benefits of vaccination could be the most effective strategies to improve vaccine acceptance.  相似文献   

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