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目的:研究结肠镜检前针刺双合谷对镜检患者及对插镜时间的影响。方法:依接受镜检单、双序号将全部结肠镜检患者185例分为针刺组(93例)、对照组(92例)。针刺组在镜检前30min针刺双合谷,对照组不予任何防治措施。分别观察两组过乙状结肠和横结肠时的疼痛级别并记录插镜时间。结果:共有165例患者完成插镜确定为有效病例,其中针刺组84例,对照组81例。统计表明,针刺组患者在过横结肠及乙状结肠时疼痛级别较对照组显著低(P〈0.01),针刺组的插镜时间较对照组短(P〈0.05)。结论:结肠镜检前针刺双合谷可有效降低结肠镜检时患者的不适并缩短镜检时间。  相似文献   

Pain of supra-orbital bone is very common in clinic The author achieved significant effect in treating 56 cases of pain of supra-orbital bone by puncturing Siguan (four gates) points. The report is as follows.  相似文献   

Hegu (LI 4) and Taichong (LR 3) are the Yuan- Primary acupoints of the Large Intestine and Liver Meridian, and are collectively named as Si Guan (four gates) point. Combined use of these two acupoints can harmonize yin and yang, regulate qi and blood, and balance ascending or descending. This paper attempts to study the effects of Si Guan point on the vascular dilation and constriction in migraine patients from the perspective of its feature.  相似文献   

应用单独针刺素髎穴配合患者体位运动的方法,治疗急性腰扭伤患者68例,总有效率91.1%.  相似文献   

采用印堂穴透刺神庭穴治疗急性腰扭伤患者60例,痊愈50例,好转9例,无效1例,总有效率为98.3%。  相似文献   

Treatment of 48 Cases of Herpes Zoster by Puncturing Nerve Stem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Herpes zoster is a viral disorder involving both nerve and skin simultaneously, with the duration of about 2 to 3 weeks. The author treated 48 cases by puncturing nerve stem in recent years and obtained good therapeutic results. Now it is reported as follows.  相似文献   

采用针刺背俞穴治疗28例小儿抽动秽语综合征患者,治愈6例,有效21例,无效1例,总有效率96.4%。  相似文献   

Sanjian (LI 3) is one of the classical acupoint in the author's 40-year acupuncture-moxibustion practice. On the 3rd Academic Conference on Magnetism Medicine in 2000, the author reported "initial recognition of Sanjian (LI 3)", and got favorable comments. Now the clinical application of Sanjian (LI 3) was discussed again as follows.  相似文献   

针刺强刺激水沟穴,治疗42例急性腰扭伤患者,治愈32例,显效5例,无效5例,有效率88.1%.  相似文献   

针刺百会和双侧太冲穴,治疗巅顸痛患者35例,痊愈14例,显效13例,好转6例,无效2例,总有效率94.3%.  相似文献   

Epigastric pain,also known as stomach pain,is presented with frequently recurrent pain in the upper abdomen or stomach area,which is mainly caused by exogenous pathogen,improper diet or internal injuries due to seven emotions.All 45 cases with epigastric pain caused by various factors were treated with mainly needling Hegu(LI 4)between November 2010 and November 2012,and the report is given as follows.  相似文献   

目的研究不同刺激量针刺合谷穴对合谷穴区及对侧迎香穴区红外热像温度的影响。方法将30名缺血性脑卒中致中枢性面瘫患者依据不同刺激量随机分为合谷1-4组和对照组。观察针刺过程中合谷穴区、对侧迎香穴区红外温度变化。结果针刺合谷穴前后,合谷穴及对侧迎香穴区红外温度发生先降低再升高的变化(P0.05)。结论针刺合谷穴后合谷穴局部与对侧面部迎香穴区体表红外热像温度变化具有相关性,提示经脉体表循行路线具有特异性,不同合谷组的两穴区温度变化虽有不同,但尚未发现明确规律。  相似文献   

Purpose To explore the feasibility of treating toothache with the acupoints in Liver Meridian. Method According to syndrome differentiation, toothache was divided into pathogenic wind-fire type and deficiency-fire type. Twenty patients were treated by needling Taichong (LR 3) of the affected side. Reducing manipulation was performed for toothache due to pathogenic wind-fire while early-reducing-late-tonifying was performed for toothache due to deficiency-fire type.Results The pain disappearance occurred in 14 cases, improved in 5 cases and no effect in one case.Conclusion Needling Taichong (LR 3) was effective for toothache. Author: Chu Fu-xiang (1955-), male, attending physician Translator: CUI Yi-jun  相似文献   

面口合谷收是经脉体表与体表之间联系的重要体现,从神经生物学角度阐释针刺合谷穴对面口部影响的机制可能是研究面口合谷收理论内涵的重要突破口之一。文章中作者针刺合谷穴,以后溪、外关作为对照,观察其对面口部痛阈、肌电活动、唾液分泌和脑中枢功能网络响应的影响,从不同层面揭示合谷穴与面口部特异性联系的神经生物学机制,以期为面口合谷收理论提供更丰富的科学依据。  相似文献   

论妊娠期禁针合谷、三阴交穴   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
金春兰  朱江 《针刺研究》2005,30(3):187-190
针对古今针灸文献中有关妊娠期禁针问题的不同认识与观点,本文以合谷、三阴交这一传统下胎对穴为切入点,对妊娠禁针穴的依据、禁针的时期以及孕期如何安全合理使用禁针穴问题进行了初步探讨和分析。认为合谷、三阴交穴促进各孕期子宫收缩,从而存在导致流产的可能;妊娠子宫对电针刺激的敏感性随妊娠进展而逐渐增加,针刺作用又因其机体所处机能状态不同而对妊娠产生不同影响。建议在妊娠中期可适当选用禁针穴,在妊娠早期应慎用,妊娠晚期则应禁针。文中还提出了提高针刺下胎效果的初步设想。  相似文献   

合谷穴的局部解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为临床合谷穴针刺、穴位注射提供解剖学参考资料。方法:在100只成人手标本上解剖观测合谷穴局部。结果:合谷穴直刺进针时,针尖穿经层次由浅至深依次为皮肤、皮下组织、第一骨间背侧肌、拇收肌横头。拇指呈伸位时,针体经手背合谷穴皮肤至第一骨间背侧肌掌面的组织厚度是1.26±0.46 cm,至拇收肌掌面的组织厚度是2.38±0.34 cm,该厚度均超过合谷穴手背至手掌面皮肤组织厚度的一半。桡动脉末端位于针体近侧端,皮肤进针点与桡动脉末端穿第一骨间背侧肌入肌点的距离是3.14±0.22 cm。掌深弓亦位于针体的近侧端,伴尺神经深支走行,穿拇收肌后与尺神经深支终末段逐渐分开,行向掌背近侧端与桡动脉末端相接。针尖刺中掌深弓时,针体与掌背平面所成的远侧角最大为28.3±4.5°。尺神经深支终末段穿拇收肌横头与拇收肌斜头之间入拇收肌后间隙,并在此间隙内发出各肌支。结论:合谷穴针刺时,拇指应呈伸位,直刺进针,深度以不超过患者皮肤进针点至手掌面皮肤组织厚度的一半为宜。垂直手背平面直刺或透向后溪、劳宫方向斜刺为针刺的安全方向。应尽量避免在合谷穴进行穴位注射治疗。  相似文献   

Treated 55 cases of acute lumbar sprain only with acupuncturing Cuanzhu (BL 2). After three treatments, 53 cases were cured, and 2 cases were improvement. Author: CHEN Hui (1972-), male, attending physician Translator: ZHU Zhong-chun  相似文献   

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