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本文从基础医学专业硕士研究生思想政治(简称思政)课程和课程思政建设协同育人路径着手,通过问卷调查、访谈等方式,调研研究生思政教育的组织实施情况,并提出从课程思政提质增效,提升教师课程思政建设育德意识和育人能力,建立课程思政教学改革制度,注重课程思政建设与思政课程的协同效应等方面的建议,从而为人才培养方案和课程标准修订、...  相似文献   

基础医学研究生培养改革的回顾与总结   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了合校十年以来基础医学研究生在培养方案、课程建设及导师队伍建设进行的改革,注重创新能力的培养和国际化接轨方面进行了实践探索.  相似文献   

在研究生教育的研究与实践中,将能力教育引入基础医学硕士研究生课程体系,以此拓宽基础医学研究生的视野,强化专业知识掌握的深度,提高研究生的创新科研素质。在对基础医学硕士研究生基础知识平台的构建和课程内容作深入探讨后,提出硕士研究生基于核心能力培养的基础医学硕士研究生课程改革思路和措施。  相似文献   

对高职护理专业基础医学课程教学改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了国内外高职护理教育的发展趋势,剖析了当前基础医学教育现状及在教学内容体系、方法、实验中存在的问题,最后提出通过转变基础医学课程教学理念、创新基础医学教学方法、突出基础医学实验、完善实践操作考核,构建特色高职护理专业基础医学课程体系。  相似文献   

本文对科学数据汇交管理工作进行归纳,介绍数据汇交的重要意义和主要内容.对2020年度基础医学领域某一批次29个项目科学数据的总体特征进行分析,帮助科研人员全面解读科学数据工作的实施内容,有利于科研人员高效整理、加工和汇交科学数据.以期促进数据开放共享,促进科学数据的流转、利用和增值.  相似文献   

基础医学专业是我校2001年开始设置的新专业,其办学目标是:培养具有宽厚的科学基础,扎实的医学基础理论,富有创新思维,具有基础医学教学和科学研究实践能力的高级医学人才。因此要求我们注重对学生基础理论知识和实验技能的培养。目前我校临床医学专业《组织学与胚胎学》课程为  相似文献   

培养具有创新能力、综合分析能力和自主学习能力的医学生是新时期中国本科医学教育的目标。我校将传统实验课程内容从基础医学理论课中分离出来,将学科间有交叉性、连贯性和系统性的内容有机整合,构建新的基础医学实验课程体系。通过教学资源开发、课堂知识内化及考核方式改革等举措,确保整合基础医学实验课程的有效实施;该教学模式在提高教学质量、高素质医学人才培养和以上教育目标实现方面起到了关键作用。  相似文献   

随着现代教育手段的迅速发展,计算机技术在教育领域中得到了广泛应用。多媒体课件是“活化”的教材,使教学更视听化、形象化,更具直观性。如何在基础医学教学中充分利用现代教育技术的优势,对此本文就如下几个方面加以阐述。1激发学习兴趣兴趣是学生主动学习、积极思维、勇于探  相似文献   

《基础医学与临床》杂志是由北京科学技术协会主管,北京生理科学会主办,中国医学科学院基础医学研究所、北京协和医院联合编辑出版的月刊。主要征集基础医学研究及临床实验研究的论文、研究短文及新的实验技术与方法;基础与临床学科发展前沿的短篇综述;高等医学教育有关论文;罕见的临床病例分析等。论文应是未在国內、外公开出版物上发表过的原创性工作报告。1稿件要求:来稿一律寄编辑部收(请不要寄给个人)。稿件(包括图、表或有少量照片)必须一式两份。单位介绍信一份。另附一纸写明稿件联系人、详细通讯地址(含邮政编码、电话、传真…  相似文献   

目的研究空气监测中影响菌落总数的因素。方法按《医院消毒卫生标准》GB15982—1995和《医院消毒技术规范》2002规定的自然沉降法采样。结果采样时间、高度、培养时间、培养基预温和培皿盖的扣法对菌落总数结果均有影响。结论自然沉降法采样时间以15min、高度以1.0m、培养时间以48h为宜。  相似文献   

Ascites is one of the main features of liver decompensation in cirrhosis, and it is considered to be a dynamic process. In this study, we aimed to (1) measure the reabsorption rate of ascites; (2) evaluate whether these findings were related to features of ascites, hemodynamics, and serum measurements; and (3) examine morphologic changes in the diaphragm of cirrhotic patients. In all, 42 cirrhotic patients with ascites were enrolled in the study to comprise our study group. Using the dextran 70 test, patient ascites volumes and reabsorption rates were measured. Biopsies from the peritoneal side of the diaphragm were also processed for scanning electron microscopy and lymphatic immunohistochemical studies from the cirrhotic patients and control cadavers. The mean ascites reabsorption rate was 4.5 +/- 4.5 (0.18-14.6) mL/min, which correlated significantly with the calculated ascites volume (r = 0.75, P < 0.001). The mean ascites viscosity was 1.07 +/- 0.07 (0.99-1.17) centipoise, which demonstrated a high degree of negative correlation with the ascites reabsorption rate (r = -0.77, P < 0.001). Patients with a history of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis had significantly lesser ascites reabsorption rates than patients without this particular history. The size of lymphatic stomata in scanning electron microscopy depictions was increased, and lymphatic lacunae were dilated in immunohistochemical studies in the cirrhotic patients with ascites. However, these findings were not uniform in every cirrhotic patient with ascites. The volume and viscosity of ascites seem to influence its reabsorption rate. Additionally, previous episodes of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis may be responsible for the decreased ascites reabsorption rates observed in certain patient populations.  相似文献   

Phage display is a powerful method to study organ and tissue specific addresses. As part of our studies on the in vivo panning of tissue-homing peptide libraries, we examined the survival of T7 phage in the blood of C57BL/6J mice to estimate the half-life of T7 phage and the factors responsible for its inactivation. Amplified and purified T7 phage particles with or without random peptide library inserts were injected intravenously into the tail vein of wild-type (C57BL/6J) and immunocompromized (C57BL/6J) female mice. In wild-type mice, both the parent phage as well as phage carrying a peptide library were eliminated quickly from the blood, with only approximately 1% survival of detectable infectious phage after 60 min of injection. In SCID (C57BL/6J-Prkdc(scid)) mice, phage titers were stable over the same period of time with or without peptide library, suggesting a role for either B- or T cells or both in phage inactivation. The presumed role of B cell was indicated by demonstration of stable phage in the B-cell deficient mouse (C57BL/10-Igh-6(tm1Cgn)). In other immunocompromized mice, the phage titers were unstable, similar to that found in wild-type mice. In no case, was there a difference between phage with or without random peptide library. These data indicate that the presence of random C-X7-C peptides on the T7 phage coat protein does not affect the clearance of the phage in murine blood. Most likely, host immune factors play a role in the neutralization of T7 phage in blood by reacting with B-cell dependent immunoglobin.  相似文献   

Liaison psychiatrists often define needs of hospital units in terms of their primary task, such as coronary care. However, it is possible that social systems variables also affect these needs. This study tests the assumption that primary task determines nurses stress and attitudes by comparing the work attitudes and clinical distress of nurses on two general medical units (GMUs) and two medical intensive care units (ICUs). The nurses in the ICUs differed from those in the GMUs in some work attitudes, but not in level of clinical distress. One ICU had much lower levels of clinical distress than any of the other units. The findings suggest that while primary task is an important element in determining some attitudes of nurses, social systems variables also contribute substantially to the stress level of unit nurses.  相似文献   

分久必合--关于基础医学与临床医学相结合的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础与临床相结合是医学发展的必然趋势,是攻克医学科学难关的唯一途径,也是我刊长期以来的办刊宗旨。随着医学科学的发展,不管是临床还是基础研究人员都认识到加强临床与基础结合的重要性,但对这种结合的实质意义,采用什么样的结合模式,在结合中应该注意些什么等一系列问题尚缺乏明确的认识。为此,我们特邀请了有关专家来我刊座谈,他们分别来自临床及基础研究领域,在长期的临床实践和科研实践中对这个问题有着深刻的认识和亲身体会。现将座谈记录整理如下。如果读者通过聆听他们的对话,能够从中得到新的领悟,并对您今后的合作研究有所帮助,那便是我们的最大愿望。  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease results in blockages or narrowing of the artery lumen. Drug eluting stents were developed to replace bare metal stents in an effort to combat re-blocking of the lumen. A key element in determining the therapeutic success of a drug eluting stent is an in-depth understanding of the physical factors that affect mass transport of the drug into the arterial wall, over early time periods. The numerical models developed within this study focus on assessing the influence of a host of physical factors that either facilitate or impede therapeutic drug delivery into the arterial wall from the unit cell of an idealised stent. This study demonstrates that model reduction strategies to 2D and 1D can still adequately represent a 3D curved arterial wall and strut polymer coating, respectively, using an idealistic stent geometry. It was shown that the level of strut compression can have a significant impact on therapeutic drug delivery in the arterial wall.  相似文献   

Ever since the discovery of the Maillard reaction in 1912 and the discovery of the interaction between advanced glycation end-products and cellular receptors, impressive progress has been made in the knowledge of nonenzymatic browning of proteins in vivo. This reaction which leads to the accumulation of random damage in extracellular proteins is known to have deleterious effects on biological function, and is associated with aging and complication in chronic diseases. Despite a controlled membrane permeability and a protective regulation of the cells, intracellular proteins are also altered by the Maillard reaction. Two main factors, protein turnover and the concentration of carbonyls, are involved in the rate of formation of the Maillard products. This paper reviews the key milestones of the discovery of the Maillard reaction in vivo, better known as glycation, and the factors which are likely to affect it.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate whether there were significant differences between isotropic and orthotropic inhomogeneous material models of femur by taking into account the effects of some factors, such as comparative parameters, loading conditions and mesh refinement. Three femoral meshes of increasing refinement levels were assigned isotropic and orthotropic material properties. Then six different loading conditions were separately applied to each material model. Based on the analysis results of Von Mises stress and nodal displacement, eight regions of interest in femur were selected to compare the differences between isotropic and orthotropic material models. The results showed that marked differences for Von Mises stress (maximum 13.25%) and nodal displacement (maximum 15.04%) appeared in the regions where the maximum absolute Von Mises stress and the maximum absolute nodal displacement did not occur. It was observed that the comparison results were significantly different under different loading cases. The mesh refinement had a great influence on the comparison results, especially for the Von Mises stresses in the regions of the femoral neck. Therefore, it can be concluded that the differences between two material property assignments are significant, at least in some local regions.  相似文献   

The laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection and screening for anti-HIV have determined the factors that influence the results of studies performed by ELISA and Western immunoblot. The factors include sensitivity and specificity of the test systems used, storage conditions of and transportation conditions for serum, errors of procedures for reactions, etc. Correlation is between the inactivation of the sera studied and the initial antibody titers during their storage at elevated temperatures. To obtain more valid results of HIV infection serodiagnosis it is necessary to use some test systems differing in the principles of setting up a reaction.  相似文献   

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