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The rapid development of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has considerably ameliorated the life expectancy of HIV-infected patients. Unfortunately the number of patients under long-term medication with stigmatizing facial lipoatrophy has increased and most affected patients want treatment to remove the facial deformation. During the last years numerous minimally invasive procedures and products have been developed for treatment of facial volume loss due to age or disease. Autologous fat, HA-based volume fillers, synthetic products as poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) and calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHa) and even non-degradable substances such as polyacrylamide hydrogel (PAAG) are frequently used for soft tissue augmentation in patients with facial lipoatrophy. The choice of the best product should be made in concordance with the physician’s clinical evaluation and the patient’s preferences. All procedures and products have a significant positive impact on physical and psychological well-being. All procedures require a comprehensive knowledge with respect to materials, injection technique and anatomical structures of the face.  相似文献   



In the management of multiply injured patients the question of the optimal time point for surgical treatment of individual injuries still remains open. Especially in severely injured patients with pelvic fractures, this decision differs between rapid surgical interventions in life-threatening situations or time-consuming reconstructive surgery. Besides the “early” operative treatment, i.e., within the first 24 h after trauma, the “late,” i.e., definitive or secondary surgical fracture stabilization, exists. The following study represents a review of the current recommendations in the literature concerning the optimal time and fracture management of multiply injured patients with pelvic fracture.


Clinical trials were systematically collected (MEDLINE, Cochrane, and hand searches), reviewed, and classified into evidence levels (1 to 5 according to the Oxford system).


According to the literature there is consensus on “early” operative stabilization of multiply injured patients with hemodynamically and mechanically unstable pelvic fractures, open pelvic fractures, or complex pelvic trauma. External fixation and the pelvic C-clamp are the methods of choice in emergency situations, whereas currently internal fracture fixation is only proposed in exceptional circumstances. In contrast, the point in time for the secondary definitive fracture stabilization remains controversially discussed. This discussion ranges from the postulation that extensive definitive fracture treatment be avoided during days 2–4 after trauma to the recommendation that definitive internal fixation of pelvic fractures be undertaken early, i.e., within the 1st week after trauma.


Basically, the principles of trauma management of multiply injured patients with life-threatening hemorrhage from mechanically unstable pelvic fractures are divided into two main time periods. On the one hand, there is the emergency stabilization of the pelvic ring as the most important goal within the acute period to control the bleeding, at least with extraperitoneal tamponade if necessary. On the other hand, once the hemorrhaging has been stopped, the “late” and definitive internal fracture stabilization of the pelvis should be performed depending on the fracture pattern.  相似文献   



Therapie mit injizierbaren Fillern beim Lipodystrophiesyndrom  相似文献   

Eberl  R. 《Der Unfallchirurg》2019,122(1):17-21
Die Unfallchirurgie - Kreuzbandverletzungen im Kindesalter bei offenen Wachstumsfugen sind von Bedeutung; die Zahl der Verletzungen nimmt zu. Die Möglichkeiten zur Diagnostik mithilfe des MRT...  相似文献   

Summary After curative resection of stomach carcinomas (adenocarcinomas: n=58, signet ring cell carcinomas: n = 24, undifferentiated carcinomas: n = 21) the DNA content of the tumor cells was compared with the histomorphological parameters. There was a correlation between the DNA content and the histomorphological parameters. The DNA analysis had no additionally prognostic influence. In the multivariate regression analysis the prognosis depended on lymph node status (p=0.0009), pT-stage (p = 0.02), tumor localization (p = 0.03) and the histological type (p=0.05). The prognosis was independent of the DNA content. Furthermore, neither did the degree of differentiation, the operative procedure, the safety distance, the size of the tumor, the sex nor the age of the patient have any influence on the prognosis.
Vergleich der DNS-Analyse mit histomorphologischen parametern beim Magenkarzinom
Zusammenfassung Am Tumormaterial von 103 Patienten nach kurativer Resektion wegen eines Magenkarzinoms wurde ein Vergleich des DNS-Gehaltes der Tumorzellen mit den histomorphologischen Parametern vorgenommen. Es zeigte sich, daß der DNS-Gehalt mit den histomorphologischen Parametern korreliert, ohne jedoch eine weitere prognostische Aussage zu ermöglichen. In der multivariaten Regressionsanalyse zur Beurteilung der prognostisch unabhängigen Variablen war demzufolge die rezidivfreie Überlebenszeit allein von der Infiltrationstiefe des Tumors und dem Lymphknotenstatus abhängig. Keinen Einfluß auf die rezidivfreie Überlebenszeit hatten der histologische Tumortyp, die Tumorlokalisation, das Operationsverfahren und der DNS-Gehalt.

Zusammenfassung Die abdomino-rechts-thorakale Ösophagektomie (Lewis-Tanner-Zugang) gewinnt in modifizierter Technik zunehmend an Popularität als operativer Eingriff der Wahl beim resektablen Adenokarzinom des distalen Ösophagus (sog. Barrett-Karzinom). Die technischen Details der abdomino-rechts-thorakalen Ösophagusresektion und Wiederherstellung der Intestinalpassage durch Magenschlauch mit hoher intrathorakaler Anastomosierung, so wie sie sich in unserer Klinik in den letzten Jahren bewährt hat, wird im Detail dargestellt.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei 18 Patienten mit einem inkurablen, hilusnahen Gallengangskarzinom oder Gallenblasenkarzinom wurde eine PTCD ausgeführt. Das therapeutische Ziel einer Entlastung der gestauten Gallenwege konnte bei allen Patienten erzielt werden. Da aber vor allem sehr alte und schwer ikterische Patienten dennoch mehrheitlich nicht mehr nach Hause entlassen werden konnten, erscheint es angezeigt, die Indikation zur PTCD bei diesen Patienten besonders kritisch zu stellen.   相似文献   

Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery - Die Behandlung des Maldescensus testis bei fehlender Descensusbereitschaft mit HCG hat sich bewährt. Wir berichten über unsere Erfahrungen mit der...  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Für die chiurgische Therapie des Magencarcinoms wird in der Regel die Gastrektomie als Verfahren der Wahl empfohlen; lediglich beim Antrumcarcinom des Magens ist eine Einschränkung der Radikalität bezogen auf das Organ Magen vertretbar. Dementsprechend kann die Radikalität eines solchen Eingriffs für das Organ reduziert werden, sie bleibt jedoch für das Lymphabflußgebiet unverändert. Bei dem gezeigten Fall wird bei einem Corpus fundus-Carcinom des Magens eine erweiterte Gastrektomie demonstriert, wobei entsprechend der japanischen Klassifikation die Präparation der Lymphadenektomie vorgenommen wird. Die Jejunum-Ersatzmagenbildung erfolgt nach der Technik von Hunt-Lawrence-Rodino mit einer gleichzeitigen Jejunoplikation.  相似文献   

Tiemann AH  Böhme J  Josten C 《Der Orthop?de》2006,35(12):1225-1236
BACKGROUND: Unstable fractures of the posterior pelvic ring are frequently combined with severe hemorrhage. In 80% of cases the bleeding originates in the ruptured presacral venous plexus or the fracture itself. Arterial bleeding is less common. The pelvic clamp introduced by Ganz can make it possible to stabilise the pelvis, with subsequent compression of the fracture planes and reduction of the intrapelvic volume in such cases, so improving the prognosis. Use of the pelvic clamp can be integrated into the management in the emergency room with no problem. METHODS: This paper presents the authors' own modification of the technique for using the pelvic clamp in the emergency situation when only a clinical examination of the patient has been possible and also analyses specific problems that arise in this situation. To this end, the data relating to 29 polytraumatised patients with unstable posterior pelvic ring fractures were analysed in a retrospective study. RESULTS: In all, 8 complications were seen in 6 patients. There were 2 cases of pin malposition and 2 of over-compression of the ossa coxae and local wound problems. Secondary pin dislocation was observed in 1 case. In all these cases it was possible to correct the pelvic clamp, so that emergency stabilisation was practicable without further surgical intervention. Minor complications were found in 2 patients. These took the form of bleeding at the pin-insertion site. In 1 case an unstable transiliacal fracture was found, and in this case it was not possible to stabilise the posterior pelvic ring with the pelvic clamp. No iatrogenic lesions were detected following application of the pelvic clamp. CONCLUSION: In the hands of an experienced and practised user application of the pelvic clamp is a safe method for emergency stabilisation of the posterior pelvic ring in polytraumatised patients, even without blood volume control. Problems can be solved and do not generally mean the pelvic clamp cannot be used. The immediate radiological check (e.g. during the emergency CT -scan performed for primary diagnosis) is a must, however.  相似文献   

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