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A C Moura  M Mariano 《Immunology》1997,92(4):429-436
The influence of Mycobacterium leprae cell wall lipids on lymphocyte functions has been investigated in vivo (delayed-type hypersensitivity) and in vitro. The inflammatory response has been earlier evaluated by the mouse footpad oedema model and the delipidated mycobacteria evoked a mild but significant inflammatory response. Herein a higher level of hypersensitivity reaction was observed with delipidated bacilli than with the intact mycobacteria. The lipids obtained from the extract of M. leprae external cell wall were used to prepare liposomes, which have not been shown to be toxic to lymphocytes. The method of lipidic extraction and the sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the lipid fraction did not reveal any trace of proteins. Thin-layer chromatography of this extract detected four different bands with an apolar character, suggestive of mycolic and fatty acids. These same M. leprae liposomes potently suppressed lymph node cells, as well CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell lines, and an antigen-specific T-cell clone (T 4-9) proliferation, even under potent stimulus. Cholesterol-choline liposomes, unrelated to M. leprae liposomes, used as a control in the biological assays showed no significant effect on lymphoblastic activity, which points to the specificity of M. leprae lipids. These data demonstrated that M. leprae cell wall lipids induce immune suppression in mice without causing any membrane alteration in T cells as assessed throughout kinetic studies in vitro. This fact is closely related to the down-regulating effect induced by M. leprae lipids which we have previously observed in macrophage functions in vivo and in vitro. Although this lipidic fraction showed a suppressive action on T lymphocytes in vitro (proliferation) and in vivo (delayed-type hypersensitivity), its possible significance in the establishment of a specific immune response to M. leprae must be further investigated.  相似文献   

A panel of nine monoclonal antibodies to Mycobacterium leprae were used to characterize a protein antigen of the bacillus. Two monoclonal antibodies (IVD8 and IIIE9) were specific for M. leprae and reacted with an epitope (CWPa) present on a protein molecule associated with the cell wall fraction of M. leprae. This protein, designated cell wall-associated protein (CWP), lost its immunoreactivity upon treatment with trypsin and had an apparent molecular weight of 65,000, though additional lower-molecular-weight forms of the protein were observed by immunoblotting. Four other cross-reactive epitopes (CWPb, CWPc, CWPd, and CWPe) were defined on the same molecule using seven independent monoclonal antibodies. Therefore, M. leprae possesses a trypsin-sensitive, heat-stable protein associated with the cell wall which contains at least one species-specific and four cross-reactive antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

A cell wall fraction of Mycobacterium leprae has enhanced potency in activating immune T cells. By using a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb), the dominant immunogen in this preparation was shown to be a complex of proteins of apparent molecular weight (Mr) 65 to 50 kD with a major antigen of 65 kD. Antigen capture assays supported the results of immunoblots and ELISA that this protein was concentrated in the cell wall. By varying the MoAb used as capture or tracer antibody, one of the three MoAb-defined epitopes on the 65 kD protein proved to be unique to M. leprae while the other two were shared by M. bovis (BCG) and M. tuberculosis. The cross-reactive epitope defined by MoAb L22 was present on a protein of Mr 12 kD as well as the 65 kD protein. The 12 kD protein was strongly radiolabelled with 125I and was immunoprecipitated by L22 but not by two other MoAb, L12 or L14. By contrast the higher molecular weight forms were only weakly precipitated by the three MoAb. Competitive inhibition assays with lepromatous leprosy sera demonstrated that the MoAb-defined epitopes were recognized by human B cells. The proteins bearing one of the cross-reactive determinants was purified from M. bovis (BCG) sonicate by affinity chromatography with MoAb L22 coupled to Sepharose 4B. This antigen fraction stimulated proliferation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from BCG vaccinated, mantoux positive individuals indicating that the cell wall protein has cellular as well as humoral reactivity. The three MoAb defined epitopes are encoded by the DNA clone Y3178 recently isolated from M. leprae.  相似文献   

Despite the recent identification of a number of Mycobacterium leprae proteins, the major immunogenic determinants of this organism remain obscure. We isolated from M. leprae a potent immunostimulatory preparation, designated the MLP fraction, which contains a major protein of 35 kilodaltons (kDa). This protein was precipitated by monoclonal antibody ML03-A1, which recognizes a 35-kDa protein of M. leprae, and by sera obtained from patients with lepromatous leprosy. Neither sera from healthy controls nor sera from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis recognized the 35-kDa protein, and only one of four serum samples from patients with borderline tuberculoid leprosy reacted with this protein. The MLP fraction stimulated T-cell proliferation in patients with leprosy whose T cells proliferate in response to whole M. leprae cells. Apparently, the T-cell epitope associated with MLP is also expressed on M. tuberculosis and M. bovis BCG, since patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and BCG-vaccinated individuals demonstrated significant responses to the MLP fraction. The 35-kDa M. leprae protein, purified to homogeneity in the laboratory of P. J. Brennan, stimulated T-cell proliferative responses in all MLP-responsive subjects. These findings suggest that the 35-kDa protein present in MLP is an immunostimulatory component of M. leprae. In addition to serving as a useful probe for study of the T-cell anergy associated with lepromatous disease, this protein may ultimately be useful as a component of a vaccine designed to provide protection against infection with M. leprae.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells were enriched from guinea pig auricular lymph nodes containing Mycobacterium leprae induced granulomas by immunomagnetic depletion of other cells. These cells were strongly positive for major histocompatibility complex class II antigens and labelled with an antidendritic cell monoclonal antibody, but not with an antimacrophage antibody. Interdigitating dendritic cells were identified in the granulomatous lymph node by staining with the antidendritic cell antibody and by transmission electron microscopy. When cultured in vitro with purified T lymphocytes, these cells acted as accessory cells for both purified protein derivative and concanavalin A induced proliferation. Although previous studies have shown that macrophages from these lymph nodes do not act as accessory cells, the present results indicate that dendritic cells from M. leprae granuloma containing lymph nodes may act as antigen-presenting cells.  相似文献   

The killing of Mycobacterium leprae by resting and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-activated macrophages in normal subjects and leprosy patients was assessed. Resting macrophages from normal individuals demonstrated the ability to kill M. leprae. For macrophages from tuberculoid patients, killing of M. leprae was only achieved in the presence of IFN-gamma, suggesting that initial T-cell activation occurs prior to the killing of M. leprae. In contrast, though activation with IFN-gamma rendered the lepromatous macrophages microbicidal, it failed to induce lymphocyte proliferation, suggesting a defect at either the antigen-presenting cell or the lymphocyte level or both. The concept that T-cell anergy is primarily due to lack of lymphokine generation was ruled out by our results, since responsiveness was restored in only a small proportion of lepromatous patients after exogenous lymphokine addition. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that killing and antigen presentation are two independent events. It appears that the ability of the macrophages per se to kill M. leprae may be of greater importance than lymphocyte-mediated activation for protection against M. leprae infection.  相似文献   

早期凋亡细胞抑制LPS诱导炎症反应的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的研究早期凋亡细胞的炎症抑制作用。方法以紫外线照射诱导早期凋亡及坏死的Jurkat细胞,用流式细胞仪检测早期凋亡率。建立LPS诱导的小鼠炎症反应模型,分别向炎症部位滴注100μl灭菌磷酸缓冲液、坏死及早期凋亡Jurkat细胞。以HE染色切片病理学检查及激光共聚焦显微镜检查各处理组小鼠肺组织炎症反应程度;以双夹心ELISA、Westem blot、RT-PCR等方法检测不同处理后小鼠炎症反应状态下细胞因子分泌和表达变化。结果和注入灭菌磷酸缓冲液及坏死细胞相比,向炎症部位滴注早期凋亡细胞后,病理检查肺组织炎症反应程度明显减轻;激光共聚焦显微镜检查,肺间质CD3阳性荧光明显减少;肺组织Westem blot及RT-PCR结果表明,注入外源性早期凋亡细胞后,LPS刺激下肺组织炎症性细胞因子MIP-2、TNF—α的分泌及表达减少,抗炎性细胞因子TGF-β1分泌增强;当TGF-β1中和抗体和早期凋亡细胞共同滴入后,炎症性细胞因子MIP-2、TNF-α的表达及分泌有所上调。腹腔灌洗液ELISA结果表明,早期凋亡细胞增强了LPS刺激的炎症性腹腔内抗炎性细胞因子TGF-β1的分泌,抑制炎症性细胞因子MIP-2、TNF-α的分泌。加入TGF-β1中和抗体后逆转了早期凋亡细胞对MIP-2、TNF-α分泌的抑制作用。结论早期凋亡细胞通过增强炎症部位TGF-β1的分泌,抑制MIP-2、TNF-α的表达及分泌,从而发挥一定的炎症抑制作用。  相似文献   

Although the portal of entry and mode of spread of M. leprae in human leprosy are still uncertain, it is widely held that direct person-to-person skin contact is important. This assumption has ignored the fact that patients with highly bacilliferous leprosy have nasal as well as dermal infection and that, since M. leprae is shed predominantly from the nose, leprosy might be an airborne infection. The present study was designed to investigate this possibility with mice exposed to airborne infection with M. leprae. The conditions are described in which thymectomised-irradiated CBA strain mice exposed to M. leprae aerosols sustained an immediate lung retention of 1 X 10(5) bacteria. Fourteen to 24 months later, 33% (10 of 30) of the mice had countable numbers of acid-fast bacilli (greater than 2 X 10(4)) with the characteristics of M. leprae in one or more homogenates prepared from ears, foot pads, nose or lungs. Evidence is presented from the distribution of M. leprae that the infection had arisen from systemic spresd of bacilli initially entering the lungs rather than from multiplication of organisms locally retained there, or in the nose, at the time of airborne infection. The relevance of these results to the possible route of infection of leprosy in man is discussed.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that concanavalin A (ConA) induction of suppressor cell activity is impaired in patients with lepromatous leprosy (LL). In this study, we demonstrated that the proportion of cells bearing the Leu8 antigen (associated with suppressor-inducer cells) is low in LL patients and tends to normalize during the erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) episode. Antigen-induced suppressor cell function was evaluated by a two-stage assay. In the first stage, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were cultured for 5 days either in the presence of gamma-irradiated Mycobacterium leprae or in tissue culture medium as a control. In the second stage, mitomycin C-treated suppressor or control cells were added to phytohemagglutinin (PHA)- or ConA-stimulated autologous PBMC. The results indicate that the ability of M. leprae to induce suppressor activity was lower in LL patients than in patients with tuberculoid (TT) and intermediate clinical (BB, BL, BT) forms and Mycobacterium bovis BCG-immunized normal controls. In ENL patients, the percent suppression was between that of TT and normal individuals. M. leprae-induced suppression was more effective on ConA- than on PHA-triggered T-cell proliferation in all groups. In contrast, normal PBMC cultured for 5 days in RPMI 1640 medium (N-C) and cells from patients with leprosy (TT-C and LL-C) had effects of their own on PHA- or ConA-induced proliferation. LL-C depressed the response to ConA and enhanced PHA-induced proliferation of autologous cells. Conversely, TT-C reduced PHA-induced proliferation and increased the ConA response. Suppression of proliferation could not be overcome with exogenous interleukin-2 and was not related to the induction of the Tac antigen. The abilities of LL, TT, ENL, and normal cells to proliferate upon PHA or ConA stimulus were similar, indicating that the defect in the generation of in vitro suppression by M. leprae in LL patients occurred during the induction period (step 1 of assay).  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated vaccination with a number of purified, as well as recombinant, Mycobacterium leprae proteins for protective efficacy in mice. BALB/c mice were immunized intradermally with various native somatic (purified) or recombinant M. leprae proteins and their synthetic polypeptides emulsified in Freund's incomplete adjuvant. The protective efficacy of these preparations was assessed by enumeration of bacilli in the footpads of mice challenged with viable M. leprae 1 to 2 months following immunization. Protection was afforded by the purified and recombinant 10-kDa M. leprae cytoplasmic heat shock protein, the recombinant cell wall-associated 65-kDa M. leprae heat shock protein, and to a lesser extent, the purified 28-kDa M. leprae cytoplasmic protein (superoxide dismutase). Vaccination with either the purified or recombinant 35-kDa M. leprae cell membrane protein, the synthetic 27-amino-acid N-terminal peptide of the 10-kDa protein, the recombinant 18-kDa M. leprae protein, or the purified 22-kDa cell membrane protein was ineffective. When the interval between immunization and challenge was increased to 6 months, the purified 10-kDa M. leprae protein and the recombinant 65-kDa M. leprae protein lost vaccine efficacy, while a sodium dodecyl sulfate-soluble protein fraction of the M. leprae cell wall (soluble proteins), as had been found previously, continued to protect, suggesting that multiple M. leprae protein epitopes are critical for solid vaccine protection.  相似文献   

L Levy 《Infection and immunity》1975,11(5):1094-1099
Previous studies of the protection of mice by prior infection with Mycobacterium leprae in one hind footpad against challenge with M.leprae in the opposite hind footpad had produced conflicting results; therefore, the problem was restudied. In several experiments, BALB/c mice were inoculated first in the right hind footpad with 5,000 M. leprae and then challenged in the left hind footpad with 5,000 M. leprae of the same strain at intervals after primary infection, at the same time that uninfected mice were inoculated. Multiplication of the M. leprae of the secondary challenge inoculum occurred at the same rate and to the same level as multiplication in uninfected mice when challenges were made soon after primary infection. Multiplication was slowed but proceeded to the same level in previously infected as in uninfected mice when the challenges were administered between 76 and 106 days after primary infection (47 to 17 days before the M. leprae of the primary inoculum had multiplied to the level of 10-6 organisms per footpad). Finally, the M. leprae of a secondary challenge administered at the time that the organisms of the primary inoculum had multiplied to 10-6 per footpad or later not only multiplied more slowly in previously infected than in control animals, but multiplication in the previously infected animals reached a lower maximum. These results are similar to those observed when mice previously infected with M. bovis (BCG), M. marinum, Toxoplasma gondii, or Besnoitia jellisoni were challenged with M. leprae.  相似文献   

Skin biopsies from patients with leprosy across the spectrum from tuberculoid (TT) to lepromatous (LL), including histoid lepromas and erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) reactions, were stained immunohistochemically for the presence of C-reactive protein (CRP) and the apolipoprotein, apoB. Mycobacterium leprae bacillary material comprising cell walls, cytoplasmic and soluble components was present with increasing abundance towards the lepromatous end of the spectrum and always stained positively with anti-CRP. M. leprae from armadillos did not stain with anti-human CRP indicating that the staining of M. leprae in human tissues was not due to a cross-reaction between anti-CRP and the organism itself. When CRP was present in large amounts apoB was also demonstrated in the same distribution. CRP was detected on bacilli and their degradation products within the cytoplasm of macrophages even in the absence of a raised serum CRP level in some ENL patients and also in two cases of advanced resolving lepromas. These findings demonstrate remarkable persistence of CRP in association with M. leprae in vivo, and raise intriguing questions about the possible role of CRP in relation to the handling of leprosy bacilli.  相似文献   

Cells were transferred from mice intradermally vaccinated with killed Mycobacterium leprae to sublethally irradiated recipients. Unseparated cells from lymph nodes or spleens of M. leprae vaccinated mice were found to cause significant inhibition of the growth of a subsequent M. leprae challenge in mouse footpads for up to 26 weeks after vaccination. Vaccination with live BCG and cells transferred from BCG-vaccinated mice caused no significant inhibition of M. leprae growth in mouse footpads. Cell separation into fractions containing predominantly B and T lymphocytes showed that the inhibition of growth was due to M. leprae-sensitized T lymphocytes. M. leprae vaccinated mice were also skin tested with soluble M. leprae antigen and showed maximum delayed hypersensitivity responses 4 weeks after vaccination.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae purified from liver tissue of an infected armadillo (the A/10 preparation) was tested for antigenic composition by immunization of rabbits and characterization of the antibody response by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. The rabbit antisera detected seven distinct components in the M. leprae preparation. This number is far lower than in similar experiments with other mycobacteria. The M. leprae sonic extract gave far fewer lines after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and staining with Coomassie brillant blue than sonic extracts prepared from BCG, M. smegmatis, and M. phlei adjusted to the same protein concentration based on the Folin assay. The seven components detected in M. leprae cross-reacted extensively with M. avium, BCG, M. lepraemurium, M. smegmatis, and Nocardia asteroides. The seven components are involved in immune reactions in leprosy; antibodies against all of them were demonstrated in sera from patients with lepromatous leprosy, but the specificity of the antibodies varied from patient to patient. The reason for the demonstration of so few antigenic components and some of the implications of these findings for the use of armadillo-grown M. leprae to develop specific skin test reagents and in other aspects of leprosy research are discussed.  相似文献   

We identified a T-cell determinant of the 35-kDa antigen of Mycobacterium leprae which is discriminatory against cross-sensitization by its closely related homologue in Mycobacterium avium. From synthetic peptides covering the entire sequence, those with the highest affinity and permissive binding to purified HLA-DR molecules were evaluated for the stimulation of proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from leprosy patients and healthy sensitized controls. Responses to the peptide pair 206-224, differing by four residues between M. leprae and M. avium, involved both species-specific and cross-reactive T cells. Lymph node cell proliferation in HLA-DRB1*01 transgenic mice was reciprocally species specific, but only the response to the M. leprae peptide in the context of DR1 was immunodominant. Of the cytokines in human PBMC cultures, gamma interferon production was negligible, while interleukin 10 (IL-10) responses in both patients and controls were more pronounced. IL-10 was most frequently induced by the shared 241-255 peptide, indicating that environmental cross-sensitization may skew the response toward a potentially pathogenic cytokine phenotype.  相似文献   

The ability of Mycobacterium leprae to oxidize palmitic acid during incubation in an axenic medium was studied. By using a Buddemeyer-type detection system, partially purified nude-mouse-derived M. leprae was found to produce 14CO2 from 14C-labeled palmitic acid in a linear fashion for at least 1 week. Procedures known to remove residual host tissue did not diminish the rate of 14CO2 evolution, indicating that bacterial metabolism was being measured. Palmitate oxidation was temperature sensitive, with an apparent optimum of 33 degrees C, but pH insensitive. Bacilli exposed to a variety of antileprosy drugs for 1 or 2 weeks displayed significantly reduced rates of 14CO2 evolution upon subsequent addition of 14C-labeled palmitic acid. This activity could be readily detected with 10(6) bacilli, thus indicating its potential for use in clinical susceptibility testing.  相似文献   

Although Mycobacterium leprae shares many protein antigens with other mycobacterial species, there is a degree of specificity in the T cell response to the organism. This is evident in the failure of cross-protection between mycobacterial species and the specific unresponsiveness to M. leprae in lepromatous leprosy patients. The antigenic basis of this specificity is unresolved, but the M. leprae 18-kD protein is one candidate because of its restricted distribution and the isolation of M. leprae-specific T cell clones reactive with the protein from M. leprae-vaccinated subjects. In the course of analysing the human T cell repertoire to mycobacteria we have isolated further CD4+ T cell clones reactive with this protein from a subject who had never been exposed to M. leprae. These clones did not respond to other mycobacteria, including M. tuberculosis and M. bovis (BCG). In addition, they were unreactive with the M. tuberculosis 16-kD protein which has recently been shown to have limited amino acid identity with the M. leprae 18-kD protein. Both clones reacted with peptide 38-50 from the M. leprae 18-kD protein, the T cell response to which is restricted by HLA-DR4. Although homologues for the gene encoding the M. leprae 18-kD antigen have been identified in M. avium and M. intracellulare, the clones failed to respond to preparations of M. avium. Both clones secreted interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and tumour necrosis factor-beta (TNF-beta) and were cytolytic against autologous targets pulsed with peptide 38-50 or the 18-kD protein. The nature of the antigen which stimulates this apparently 'M. leprae-specific' response is unknown. Nevertheless the recognition of the 18-kD protein by individuals not exposed to leprosy indicates that this protein may not be suitable as a reagent to distinguish between infection with M. leprae and other pathogenic mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Mycobacterial antigens which react with human B lymphocytes were investigated by immunoprecipitation of radiolabelled sonicates of Mycobacterium leprae and M. bovis (BCG) with sera from patients with leprosy and tuberculosis in the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. SDS-PAGE analysis of the immunoprecipitates demonstrated that dense bands of Mr 12,000 (12K), 15K, 27K, 32-33K, 36K and 48K were the major antigens of M. leprae recognized by antibodies in lepromatous leprosy sera. Of these, only the 15-16K band reacted significantly with sera from patients with tuberculoid leprosy and tuberculosis. Other antigens including the T cell immunogens of Mr 18K and 70K reacted with some of the BL/LL sera tested. There were differences in the pattern of antigens precipitated from BCG sonicate by leprosy sera with the 65K antigen and a high molecular weight band (greater than 94K) being readily detected. These results differ in part to these obtained by probing immunoblots of M. leprae sonicate with leprosy sera. Factors contributing to these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Monocytic cell lines (HL-60 and THP-1) were infected with viable Mycobacterium leprae. Levels of human hsp60 were estimated by Western blot (immunoblot) assay and a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that infection of both of the cell lines induced the synthesis of human hsp60, which may be of significance in relation to autoimmune manifestations associated with mycobacterial infections.  相似文献   

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