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A prospective randomized trial of in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer was undertaken to investigate the reported beneficial effects of culturing preimplantation human embryos in groups, rather than individually. A total of 159 treatment cycles, in which the women were matched for age, basal gonadotrophin concentrations and number of previous attempts, were included in the study. Of these, 78 cycles were randomized to the 'individual culture' group, and 81 cycles were randomized to the 'group culture' group. The groups did not differ in terms of the median number of oocytes or embryos obtained per cycle. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of treatment outcome, as assessed by pregnancies or clinical pregnancies.  相似文献   

Normally fertilized human embryos were biopsied at cleavagestages on the third day after in-vitro fertilization (IVF).One or two blastomeres at the 8-cell stage were removed andco-cultured with the biopsied embryos. Embryos and blastomereswere assessed daily for morphological development until day6, when the number of cells were counted by labelling the nuclei.In all, 53% of the biopsied embryos (25 out of 47) reached theblastocyst stage between day 5 and 6 and the proportion wasthe same irrespective of the number of cells removed. Therewas no significant difference between biopsied embryos fromwhich one or two blastomeres respectively had been removed withregard to total cell numbers at the blastocyst stage (56.2 ±3.0 and 64.7 ± 5.5), number of trophectoderm (45.4 ±3.5 and 44.0 ± 5.7) and inner cell mass cells (14.0 ±1.2 and 16.6 ± 1.8). Overall, 72% of the isolated blastomeresdivided at least once over 3 days in culture and 50% dividedmore than once. The mean overall cell number after 3 days inculture was 3.7 ± 0.48 per blastomere (range 1–8cells) if one cell was removed and 6.9 ± 1.0 if two cellswere removed. If the undivided blastomeres are excluded, themean cell number was 4.8 ± 0.51 and 8.3 ± 1.0respectively. Over this period, 55% of the blastomeres cavitated.Of the blastomeres taken from embryos that developed to theblastocyst stage, 92% divided and 76% cavitated. In those fromarrested embryos, 50% divided (P < 0.002) and 32% cavitated(P < 0.003). From the first group 8% of blastomeres and fromthe second group 41% of blastomeres neither divided nor cavitated(P < 0.008). We conclude that as a more consistent alternativeto blastocyst biopsy, cryopreserving biopsied cleavage stageembryos and culturing blastomeres would increase the numberof cells available for genetic analysis. This could facilitatepreimplantation diagnosis of inherited disease by improvingreliability and possibly allowing combined detection of chromosomaland single cell defects. Further studies will investigate thegenetics of proliferated blastomeres.  相似文献   

A scoring system specific for day 3 embryos has not been extensively explored. Most IVF laboratories continue to grade embryos solely on the basis of cell number and percentage fragmentation as was traditionally done for day 2 embryos. Additional morphological features, some unique to day 3 embryos, may be useful in selecting embryos most likely to blastulate and implant. The objective of this study was to derive an embryo scoring system for day 3 transfers which is predictive of positive pregnancy outcomes. A total of 316 transferred embryos from 93 patients was recorded on videotape and evaluated. The following parameters were used to grade the embryos: cell number, fragmentation pattern (FP), cytoplasmic pitting, compaction, equal sized blastomeres, blastomere expansion and absence of vacuoles. The clinical pregnancy rate was 41.9%, with an implantation rate of 18% per embryo transferred. The mean number of embryos transferred per patient was 3.4. Three formulae were derived to score embryo quality in each transfer based on the average score of individual embryos transferred. In the first scoring system, cell number alone was used to predict pregnancy outcome. The second scoring system was based on blastomere number and the observed FP. The third scoring system utilized both blastomere number and FP but also combined this with five morphological criteria to yield a final day 3 embryo quality (D3EQ) score. We found the D3EQ score to be prognostic of pregnancy outcome. This study suggests that although cell number and FP are certainly predictors of positive pregnancy outcomes, additional parameters specific to day 3 embryos should be used to stratify a cohort of embryos further.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent reports have suggested that ultrasound (US) guidance during embryo transfer might improve pregnancy rates. METHODS: A prospective randomized (computer-generated random table) trial was performed to compare embryo transfer under abdominal US guidance (n = 255 women) with clinical touch embryo transfer (n = 260). RESULTS: The clinical pregnancy rate was 26.3% (67/255) in the US-guided transfer group compared with 18.1% (47/260) in the clinical touch transfer group (P < 0.05). The implantation rate was 11.1% (100/903) in the US group compared with 7.5% (66/884) in the clinical touch group (P < 0.05). US-guided transfer was associated with a decrease in the difficulty of the transfers: 97% of transfers were easy in the US-guided group compared with 81% in the clinical touch group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: US-guided embryo transfer increased pregnancy and implantation rates in IVF cycles, as well as the frequency of easy transfers. It is suggested that the decrease in cervical and uterine trauma can play a role in the increase in pregnancy rates associated with US-guided transfer. It is recommended that embryo transfer should be performed under US guidance.  相似文献   

One of the most important and unsolved problems in in-vitro fertilization is to decide which embryos are more suitable to implant and therefore should be transferred. We analysed the in-vitro development of isolated biopsied blastomeres and compared it to the development of the original embryo, in order to find a relationship that could show the embryo's potential future development and so increase implantation rates. A total of 66 normally fertilized human embryos were biopsied at the 6- to 10-cell stages. At day 6, blastomeres were counted by nuclear labelling. A total of 33 embryos (50%) reached the blastocyst stage. Of the isolated blastomeres, 63% divided and 53% cavitated over 3 days in culture. Of the blastomeres taken from embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage, 88% divided, 79% cavitated, 76% divided and cavitated and 9% neither divided nor cavitated. In those from arrested embryos, 39% divided (P < 0.001), 21% cavitated (P < 0.001), 15% divided and cavitated (P < 0.001) and 55% neither divided nor cavitated (P < 0.001). Blastomeres biopsied from embryos that reached the blastocyst stage showed a significantly higher proportion of division and cavitation than those originated from arrested embryos. Culture of the isolated blastomeres can demonstrate those embryos more likely to develop to the blastocyst stage and that are probably more suitable to implant. Cryopreserving biopsed embryos and culturing blastomeres would increase implantation rates. Embryos can then be selected according to the blastomere development and thawed for transfer in a future cycle.  相似文献   

The culture of human preimplantation embryos from the 1-cell to the morula/blastocyst stage of development is not satisfactory at present. The success of various IVF laboratories ranges from 18 to 23%, therefore there is a requirement for improvement in the standard conditions used to culture the embryo. Using a limited number of 'spare' human embryos which were donated for research, in-vitro studies have been undertaken using various culture media. The results show that a significant improvement in viability is achieved using Ham's F-12 medium compared with other media presently used for culturing embryos.  相似文献   

Because the process of conception is affected by many variables,a multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to assess(i) the impact and relative weight of both patient and embryovariables and (ii) their possible effects on the probabilityof a vital pregnancy after embryo transfer. A statistical modelwas constructed predicting the probability of pregnancy afterembryo transfer. The variables that contributed significantlyto the predictive value of the model were the age of the patient,the cause of infertility, the number of embryos transferredand the average morphology score of the transferred embryos.Embryo variables appeared to have a significant but modest valuein predicting the probability of pregnancy after embryo transfer.Other variables, such as the thickness of the endometrium, werefound to have no prognostic value. Moreover, we found that theireffect could be explained by the variables already includedin the model.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the extent and timing of selection against the embryos that are carriers of unbalanced translocations. METHODS: Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) with probes for chromosomes 13, 14 and 18 was performed, mostly on day 3, on 69 human embryos which were then allowed to develop further in culture to day 5, from five carriers of Robertsonian translocation (RT) t(13;14). RESULTS: Twelve normal/balanced blastocysts were replaced in seven consecutive cycles (day 5). Three cycles resulted in clinical pregnancies. The proportion of blastocysts displaying a normal/balanced karyotype was 56%, while only the 20% of blocked embryos were normal/balanced (chi(2): P < 0.05). All the embryos analysed on day 5, except one, displayed mosaicism. The percentages of diploid cells for chromosomes 13 and 14 were significantly lower than for chromosome 18 (chromosome 13: 49.0 +/- 28.0; chromosome 14: 53.0 +/- 31.8; chromosome 18: 75.7 +/- 20.4; Mann-Whitney test: P < 0.01). The embryos displaying vertical line 62% of diploid cells for at least two of the three chromosomes analysed, more frequently reached the blastocyst stage (blocked embryos: blastocysts chromosome 13: 43.1 +/- 30.3, 64.9 +/- 29.0; chromosome 18: 64.9 +/- 29.0, 83.0 +/- 12.9; Mann-Whitney test: P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Normal/balanced embryos developed better but the proportion of abnormal blastocysts was still high. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is recommended to select normal/balanced embryos from RT t(13;14) carriers.  相似文献   

In order to achieve a clinical pregnancy rate higher than that achieved following initial adoption of in-vitro fertilization embryo transfers, more than one embryo is transferred. This has led to a substantial increase in unwanted multiple pregnancy rates with IVF as compared with natural conception. What is therefore required is a simple, clinically useful embryo scoring system, to reflect embryo developmental potential, which will enable the selection of the optimal number of embryos to transfer in order to achieve the maximum pregnancy rate with a low incidence of high order multiple pregnancies. We believe that the Cumulative Embryo Score (CES) achieves these aims. On the day of embryo transfer the grade of each embryo transferred was multiplied by the number of blastomeres to produce a score for each embryo, and summation of the scores obtained for all the embryos transferred gave the CES. The grouped pregnancy rates obtained rose as the CES increased to maximum of 42. A continued increase in the CES above 42 did not result in any further rise in the pregnancy rate. However, an analysis of all our IVF pregnancies showed that the multiple pregnancy rate continued to rise above a CES of 42. By restricting the CES per embryo transfer to 42, 78% of triplet pregnancies and 100% of the quadruplet IVF pregnancies could have been predicted and potentially avoided.  相似文献   

A prospective, randomized study: day 3 versus hatching blastocyst stage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Recently, advances in human IVF-embryo transfer (ET) have been reported using sequential media and blastocyst stage ET. In our previous report, using a prospective, randomized study, no advantage was found using the blastocyst stage ET compared with day 3 ET. This study was performed in order to evaluate implantation and pregnancy rates of hatching blastocyst stage ET compared with conventional day 3 ET. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 480 patient cycles were evaluated using a prospective, randomized study. The pregnancy rate and implantation rate were compared between the day 3 ET (n = 240) and hatching blastocyst stage ET (Hat ET; n = 240). The Hat ET group had a pregnancy rate of 29.3% (55 out of 188) and an implantation rate of 21.4% (67 out of 313). The day 3 ET group had a pregnancy rate of 29.2% (70 out of 240) and an implantation rate of 19.1% (93 out of 488). In the Hat ET group, the pregnancy rate, implantation rate and ongoing pregnancy rate of day 5 ET and day 6 ET were all higher than the respective rates in the day 7-9 ET group. CONCLUSION: We found that the pregnancy rate and implantation rate of ET with hatching stage blastocysts had no advantage compared with the conventional day 3 ET.  相似文献   

High incidences of multiple pregnancies, after transferringa maximum of three embryos, were observed after in-vitro fertilization(IVF) treatment. In a randomized study, it was demonstratedthat, after taking into account embryo quality and other positivelyinterfering parameters, an elective transfer of two good qualityembryos does not significantly influence the pregnancy rate.The intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique was successfullydeveloped in the meantime and high incidences of multiple pregnancieswere also obtained after ICSI. The question arose whether afterICSI there was also room for elective double embryo transferin a well-defined patient group. This report covers 1 year of IVF and ICSI treatment and theresults are presented in relation to the number of embryos transferred.The embryo development is similar for zygotes obtained afterIVF and ICSI; for both techniques 63% of the zygotes developto type A-B embryos and 13% to type C embryos. There is alsono difference in the pregnancy rate after ICSI or IVF. Globally,after IVF, 307 out of the 766 double and triple transfers (40.1%)and 317 out of 774 double and triple transfers (40.9%) afterICSI resulted in a positive HCG. After IVF, 73.9% (227) andafter ICSI 76.3% (242) of the pregnancies were evolutive. Neitherwas there any difference between the two techniques as regardsthe implantation rate per transferred embryo. After IVF, 22.8%of the transferred embryos implanted compared with 21.8% afterICSI. When the elective double embryo transfers were compared,no difference was found between IVF and ICSI. After IVF, 102of the 211 elective double transfers (48.1%) resulted in a pregnancyversus 93 out of 225 (41.3%) after ICSI [not significant (NS)].A high implantation rate per transferred embryo (IVF: 33.2%;ICSI: 26.9%, NS) was obtained in this elective double transfercategory, as was also reported in the randomized study. Thesedata confirm the results obtained in our randomized study andthe effectiveness of the elective double embryo transfer forIVF as well as for ICSI.  相似文献   

In a prospective randomized study, excess embryos from 100 womenundergoing in-vitro fertilization were cultured from the 2-cellto the hatched-blastocyst stage in the presence or absence ofa confluent monolayer of Vero cells. The frequencies of fragmentation,developmental arrest, multi-nucleation and blastocyst formationwere observed for 254 embryos over 7 days in culture. The numberof nucleated cells, and fine structure of trophectoderm andinner cell mass were analysed at the expanded blastocyst stageon day 5.5 post-insemination. The frequency of hatching fromthe zona pellucida was determined between days 6 and 7 post-insemination.With respect to these developmental parameters, the findingsindicate that no overt or statistically significant improvementin early human embryogenesis occurs in the co-culture system.  相似文献   

Normally fertilized human embryos biopsied 3 days after in-vitro fertilization (IVF) have been examined for effects on viability and development in vitro after removal of one or two cells at the 8-cell stage (1/8 and 2/8) from each embryo. A high proportion of 7/8 and 6/8 biopsied and unmanipulated embryos developed to the blastocyst stage between days 5 and 6 (79, 71 and 59%, respectively), and many biopsied embryos (56%) hatched from the zona pellucida in vitro. The viability of biopsied embryos which developed to the blastocyst stage was assessed by daily non-invasive measurement of the uptake of two energy substrates, glucose and pyruvate. Uptake of both substrates was generally lower in 7/8 and 6/8 biopsied embryos but only in proportion to the reduced cellular mass. The total cell number and the numbers of both trophectoderm (TE) and inner cell mass (ICM) cells in biopsied embryos at the blastocyst stage, counted by differential labelling of their nuclei, were also reduced in proportion but the ratio of ICM to TE cells was maintained in both 7/8 and 6/8 biopsied embryos. We conclude that removal of one or two cells at the 8-cell stage, while reducing the cellular mass, does not adversely affect the preimplantation/development of biopsied embryos in vitro and suggest that this approach could be used for preimplantation diagnosis of genetic defects.  相似文献   

Videocinematography and image analysis procedures were utilizedto evaluate the effect of conventional and coculture methodologieson morphological parameters in human embryos derived from in-vitrofertilization (IVF). Following 24–30 h of in-vitro development,cocultured embryos had more acceptable morphological featuresand less fragmentation present than embryos cultured in mediumalone. Cocultured embryos were more advanced at the time ofreplacement when compared with conventionally cultured embryos.Zona pellucida variation (20%) also occurred more frequentlyin cocultured embryos. The morphological characteristic mostenhanced after coculture was blastomere expansion. Patientswho became pregnant across both culture treatments had a higherproportion of morphologically normal embryos replaced than patientswho failed to achieve an ongoing pregnancy. Clinical pregnancyrate for patients following coculture was 49%, which was greater(P < 0.05) than the 29% detected for patients with embryosin the conventional culture group.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In a randomized controlled trial, we assessed whether pregnancy outcome would be improved by extending embryo culture to day 5 and transferring a blastocyst in patients with at least four good-quality embryos on day 3. METHODS: Multifollicular ovarian stimulation was performed with a GnRH agonist in 44% of patients and with a GnRH antagonist in 56%. Overall, 164 patients younger than 37 years fulfilled embryo quality criteria (at least four having at least six cells on the morning of day 3, maximum 20% anucleate fragments) on the third day of culture and were randomized to the day 3 (n = 84) or day 5 (n = 80) groups. Equal numbers of embryos (n = 2) were transferred in each group. RESULTS: Demographics, stimulation parameters and embryological data were comparable in the two groups. Blastocyst-stage transfer resulted in a significantly higher ongoing pregnancy rate [51.3 versus 27.4%; odds ratio (OR) 2.78, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.45-5.34] and live birth rate (47.5 versus 27.4%; OR 2.40, 95% CI 1.25-4.59) compared with day-3 embryo transfer. A high twin birth rate was observed in both groups (36.8 versus 30.4%; P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A threshold of four good embryos on the third day of embryo culture appears to indicate that the patient will benefit from embryo transfer at the blastocyst stage and have a better chance of achieving a live delivery than with cleavage-stage embryo transfer.  相似文献   

The impact of the embryo transfer catheter on the pregnancy rate in IVF   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: The aim was to assess whether the type of embryo transfer set used for embryo transfer affects the ongoing pregnancy rate in IVF. METHODS: The TDT set was compared with the K-soft 5000 in a large, prospective, randomized study. Patients were randomized moments before transfer by drawing a consecutively numbered, sealed, opaque envelope indicating the catheter to be used. RESULTS: 2059 embryo transfers in 1296 patients were analysed. The ongoing pregnancy rate was significantly higher in the K-soft group. If the first transfer of a patient (n = 1296) within this study period was analysed, the ongoing pregnancy rates were 27.1 versus 20.5% (P = 0.006). If the analysis is limited to patients that underwent their very first transfer ever (n = 607), the ongoing pregnancy rates were 30.3 versus 20.0% (P = 0.003) in favour of the K-soft. CONCLUSION: We conclude from these data that the type of embryo transfer set used for embryo transfer does affect the ongoing pregnancy rate and that the impact of the variable transfer catheter on the ongoing pregnancy rate increases when the a priori chance of pregnancy increases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The availability of an efficient cryopreservation program is especially important in the case of embryos that have undergone blastomere biopsy for PGD. Unfortunately, the freezing/thawing of biopsied embryos has given disappointing results when performed at the cleavage stage. In this study, embryos diagnosed as normal after PGD were grown to the blastocyst stage, frozen and thawed for successive frozen embryo transfer. METHODS: A total of 34 patients performed a thawing cycle in which 47 blastocysts were thawed. The cryopreservation solutions were based on HEPES-buffered medium supplemented with human serum albumin (HSA), sucrose and 1,2-propanediol. The same protocol was applied to embryos from 88 IVF/ICSI patients, which underwent 92 thawing cycles with 150 thawed blastocysts. RESULTS: The survival rate was similar in the two groups (53% after PGD and 58% in IVF/ICSI cycles), as well as the cumulative pregnancy rate per patient (59% after PGD versus 47% in IVF/ICSI cycles), despite a higher maternal age and a lower proportion of embryos available for transfer or cryopreservation in the PGD group. CONCLUSIONS: Neither the survival rate nor the subsequent development and chances of implantation, differed between embryos frozen at the blastocyst stage following biopsy and those frozen intact.  相似文献   

The effect on development of early mouse embryos of making ahair-line slit in the zona pellucida of approximately one-thirdits diameter was investigated. The rate of development to mid-gestationof operated zygotes and2-cell embryos transferred directly tothe oviduct was significantly lower than that of sham-operatedor unoperated controls. However, the operation had no discernibleeffect on the development of 2-cel embryos that were culturedfor 2 days prior to transfer to the uterus, or on embryos composedof 8 or more cells transferred directly to the oviduct. Zonaslit zygotes and 2-cell embryos exhibited a significantly higherrate of anomalous development to the morula or blastocyst stagethan controls following short-term transfer to the adult orimmature oviduct. Such anomalies could not be attributed todamage of the embryos by leucocytes or bacteria entering throughthe wound in the zona. Rather, the typically non-spherical shapeof slit zonae, together with the fact that some were empty onrecovery, was consistent with operated embryos having been damagedby compression during passage through the oviduct. This suggeststhat, providing it is intact, the zona pellucida protects theearly embryo from contraction of the oviductual musculaturewhich is sufficient to lyse, arrest or extrude blastomeres priorto the formation of intercellular junctions. Hence, in experimentalmanipulations entailing damage to the zonae of early embryos,there may be a case for allowing them to form morulae in vitroprior to transfer, rather than returning them directly to theoviduct  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The study aim was to determine whether moulding the embryo transfer catheter according to the uterocervical angle measured by ultrasound could improve pregnancy and implantation rates. METHODS: Patients were alternately allocated to one of two groups. In the ultrasound-guided group (n = 320), the catheter was moulded according to the uterocervical angle measured by abdominal ultrasound. In controls (n = 320), embryo transfer was performed using the "clinical feel" method. RESULTS: Moulding the embryo transfer catheter according to the uterocervical angle significantly increased clinical pregnancy [(OR = 1.57, 95% CI (1.08-2.27)] and implantation rates [(OR = 1.47, 95% CI (1.10-1.96)] compared with the "clinical feel" method. It also significantly reduced difficult transfers [(OR = 0.25, 95% CI (0.16-0.40)] and blood during transfers [OR = 0.71, 95% CI (0.50-0.99)]. Patients with large angles (>60 degrees ) had significantly lower pregnancy rates compared with those with no angle [OR = 0.36, 95% CI (0.16-0.52)]. CONCLUSIONS: Moulding the embryo transfer catheter according to the uterocervical angle measured by ultrasound increases clinical pregnancy and implantation rates and diminishes the incidence of difficult and bloody transfers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Non-invasive and routine developmental markers are available to select the most viable embryo; however their respective values in terms of blastocyst development potential remain difficult to distinguish. METHODS: During this prospective study, the sequential growth of 4042 embryos individually cultured from day 1 to day 5/6 was recorded. Pronuclear morphology on day 1, and early cleavage, cell number and fragmentation rate on day 2 were evaluated for each zygote. Additionally, blastocyst transfers were analysed with regard to their implantation ability and early embryo development parameters. RESULTS: Once adjusted to each other, each of the four parameters remained related to blastocyst development. Early cleavage and cell number on day 2 were the most powerful parameters to predict the development of a good morphology blastocyst at day 5. Moreover, whereas transfers of a good morphology blastocyst were associated with high implantation and live birth rates, parameters of early development were not helpful in predicting their implantation ability. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of all four parameters allowed the prediction of blastocyst development with an area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 0.688, which represents a fairly low prediction of embryo viability. Such results indicate that it is necessary to search for additional criteria, including the ability of the blastocyst to develop.  相似文献   

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