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OBJECTIVES: The Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars have awakened people to the realization that military service can be traumatizing for women as well as men. This study investigated the etiological roles of both war and sexual trauma in the development of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder among female Vietnam veterans. METHODS: Data from the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study for 396 Vietnam theater women and 250 Vietnam era women were analyzed with structural equation modeling. RESULTS: An etiological model with highly satisfactory fit and parsimony was developed. Exposure to war trauma contributed to the probability of posttraumatic stress disorder in theater women, as did sexual trauma in both theater and era women. Lack of social support at the time of homecoming acted as a powerful mediator of trauma for both groups of women. CONCLUSIONS: Within the constraints and assumptions of causal modeling, there is evidence that both war trauma and sexual trauma are powerful contributors to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder among female Vietnam veterans.  相似文献   

Some of the readjustment problems of Vietnam veterans have been attributed to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This case-control study compared demographic and military characteristics of 374 Vietnam veterans who had PTSD with 373 healthy Vietnam veterans. Veterans were chosen from the Agent Orange Registry, a Department of Veterans Affairs computerized database of approximately 200,000 Vietnam veterans who volunteered for a physical examination. Case patients and control subjects were frequently-matched by age, year of Registry examination, and race. Crude odds ratios (OR) were used to evaluate the risk of PTSD associated with certain characteristics of Vietnam service, as there was no apparent confounding by other military factors. Being wounded in Vietnam (OR, 2.33; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.49-3.65) and having a combat job in Vietnam (OR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.15-2.06) were the only risk factors for PTSD. Those who had noncombat jobs but were wounded had the highest risk of PTSD (OR, 3.56; 95% CI, 1.26-10.06).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Research suggests that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be associated with later medical morbidity. To assess this, we examined all-cause and cause-specific mortality among a national random sample of U.S. Army veterans with and without PTSD after military service. METHODS: We used Cox proportional hazards regressions to examine the causes of death among 15,288 male U.S. Army veterans 16 years after completion of a telephone survey, approximately 30 years after their military service. These men were included in a national random sample of veterans from the Vietnam War Era. Our analyses adjusted for race, Army volunteer status, Army entry age, Army discharge status, Army illicit drug abuse, intelligence, age, and, additionally -- for cancer mortality -- pack-years of cigarette smoking. RESULTS: Our findings indicated that adjusted postwar mortality for all-cause, cardiovascular, cancer, and external causes of death (including motor vehicle accidents, accidental poisonings, suicides, homicides, injuries of undetermined intent) was associated with PTSD among Vietnam Theater veterans (N = 7,924), with hazards ratios (HRs) of 2.2 (p < 0.001), 1.7 (p = 0.034), 1.9 (p = 0.018), and 2.3 (p = 0.001), respectively. For Vietnam Era veterans with no Vietnam service (N = 7,364), PTSD was associated with all-cause mortality (HR = 2.0, p = 0.001). PTSD-positive era veterans also appeared to have an increase in external-cause mortality as well (HR = 2.2, p = 0.073). CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that Vietnam veterans with PTSD may be at increased risk of death from multiple causes. The reasons for this increased mortality are unclear but may be related to biological, psychological, or behavioral factors associated with PTSD and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be a serious aftermath of catastrophic events such as war. The incidence of PTSD appears to be high among Vietnam veterans. PTSD can be extremely disruptive to a person's physical and mental well-being, family life, social relationships, and employment status. Yet, for a variety of reasons, many Vietnam veterans suffering from PTSD have remained undiagnosed or insufficiently treated. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Veterans Services, initiated a hospital-based treatment and rehabilitation program for Vietnam veterans who have PTSD. As of November 1989, 150 Vietnam veterans had been admitted to this program.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary care providers are aware of the importance of identifying depression and anxiety in their patients. The diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), however, is less of a priority. METHODS: Primary care physicians and nurse practitioners in an outpatient facility of a large health maintenance organization administered a psychiatric screening questionnaire to patients whom they suspected had depression or anxiety. Patients with positive results were referred for immediate consultation with a clinical psychologist. RESULTS: One hundred fourteen (38.6%) of the 296 patients referred for consultation met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition) diagnostic criteria for PTSD. The most frequent traumas associated with PTSD were adult domestic violence and childhood abuse. Patients with a diagnosis of PTSD were frequent users of medical services in the 12 months before diagnosis. The majority of patients sought treatment in primary care settings, not mental health settings. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with PTSD often visit outpatient primary care settings. Medical providers may identify symptoms of depression or anxiety but may not recognize PTSD because of the high degree of overlap between these conditions, and the lack of familiarity with PTSD diagnostic criteria. We provide screening questions that may help physicians detect PTSD in their practices.  相似文献   

Martényi F 《Orvosi hetilap》2004,145(46):2315-2322
The diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been introduced in 1980. The diagnosis, as construct raises several political, moral, legal, and compensation issues. PTSD is considered as a multisystemic dysregulation, involving the hypothalamic- pituitary - adrenal axis, adrenergic hypersensibility, and serotonergic dysfunction. The prevalence of PTSD is 1-9% in the general population, but substantially higher among victims of traumatic events: 19-70%. Placebo controlled studies provide a body of evidence concerning efficacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the treatment of PTSD both in the acute and maintenance treatments. Studies with balanced male-female ratio suggest no gender-related differences in the clinical response, furthermore both civilians and veterans improved significantly for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment.  相似文献   

地震灾区居民创伤应激障碍调查   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
目的 了解汶川地震1个月后青川县灾民创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的发生率及其分布特征,为震后心理危机干预提供依据.方法 按受灾群众居住区域和帐篷编号,随机抽取灾民409人,使用创伤后应激障碍自评量表进行调查.结果 震后1个月灾民PTSD评为阳性的发生率为62.8%;女性、有亲人死伤者、财产损失较大者、41~50岁年龄组的灾民PTSD评分阳性的发生率分别为71.1%,70.4%,66.6%和78.8%,显著高于男性、无亲人死伤者、无财产损失者较大者和其他年龄组(P<0.05).结论 地震后灾民PTSD评分阳性率较高,应针对不同灾民的特点尽早进行有效的心理危机干预.  相似文献   

Freeman DB 《The Case Manager》2000,11(3):49-52; quiz 53
PTSD occurs in a small but significant number of people who experience life-threatening events. When a disorder occurs, it can have severe and long-lasting effects on a person's ability to work and function effectively. Particularly effective treatment interventions give patients the opportunity to synthesize and integrate their traumatic memories. Such strategies increase their ability to more narrowly limit the traumatic event and broaden personal, occupational, and social experiences that are healthy and positive. The results is that, although the traumatic experience may be recalled, it is seen as a single autobiographical event in a rich chain of personal experiences.  相似文献   

This study provided a comprehensive assessment of the association between social support and health using longitudinal data from the Veterans Health Study. Unlike previous studies which examined the relationship between one single domain of social support with either mental or physical health, the present study assessed the effects of three different domains of social support on multiple measures of health. The findings of the study indicated that social support tended to mediate the deleterious effects of non-military traumatic events; whereas the adverse consequences of traumatic events experienced in the military were not affected by social support, suggesting that stressors associated with combat had a long lasting effect on the health status of veterans. The study results revealed that compared with those with better health, respondents with poor health were more likely to have lower levels of social support, suggesting that poor health might be a barrier to a person's ability to participate and/or maintain social relationships. The study also showed that different types of social support had varying beneficial effects on different measures of health. While perceived support had a strong effect on all the measures of health (except alcoholism) included in the study, living arrangement had a significant effect on post-traumatic stress disorder or physical health and participation in group activities had a strong effect only on physical functioning. The results of the study highlight the need for future research to determine whether particular types of social support affect various aspects of health differently. This simultaneous focus on multiple support functions and health outcomes is important because it provides insight into the mechanisms linking social support to health.  相似文献   

Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were randomly assigned to either an eight-week videoconferencing PTSD coping skills group or a traditional face-to-face PTSD coping skills group. Levels of attrition and compliance, patient satisfaction, clinician satisfaction and patients' retention of information were compared between the two conditions. Of the 41 referred veterans, 20 were eligible and agreed to participate in the study. Three of these participants withdrew from the study before randomization. By the end of the study, 89% of the patients remained in the videoconferencing group, whereas only 50% remained in the face-to-face group. Patients in the face-to-face group attended an average of 4.9 sessions and patients in the videoconferencing group attended 6.3 sessions (this difference was not significant). There was no difference between levels of patient satisfaction or clinician satisfaction at weeks 4 or 8. Patients' retention of information was similar in the two groups. The results show that videoconferencing can be used to provide coping skills groups for veteran patients with PTSD who reside in remote rural locations.  相似文献   

To engage more US combat veterans in PTSD treatment, we offered a psychological intervention that could be initiated in primary care and completed using the Internet. Participants (n = 31) were randomized to complete either Written Emotional Disclosure (WED) or time management narratives on a secure Internet website. In the WED group, participants wrote about their thoughts and emotions regarding one traumatic combat experience in three 20-min sessions. Writing instructions encouraged exposure to traumatic memories and cognitive processing of trauma. The intervention was found to be feasible and safe to implement. Although follow-up assessments did not reveal significant group differences in PTSD symptoms, half of the WED participants reported symptom reductions. Content analyses revealed that participants who expressed more emotion and cognitions were significantly more likely to experience decreased PTSD symptoms. WED may have promise as a brief intervention for veterans with PTSD.  相似文献   

The authors assessed changes in the health status of US 1991 Gulf War-era veterans from a 1995 baseline survey to a 2005 follow-up survey, using repeated measurement data from 5,469 deployed Gulf War veterans and 3,353 nondeployed Gulf War-era veterans who participated in both surveys. Prevalence differences in health status between the 2 surveys were estimated for adverse health indices and chronic diseases for each veteran group. Persistence risk ratios and incidence risk ratios were calculated after adjustment for demographic and military service characteristics through Mantel-Haenszel stratified analysis. At 10-year follow-up, deployed veterans were more likely to report persistent poor health, as measured by the health indices (functional impairment, limitation of activities, repeated clinic visits, recurrent hospitalizations, perception of health as fair or poor, chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness, and posttraumatic stress disorder), than nondeployed veterans. Additionally, deployed veterans were more likely to experience new onset of adverse health (as measured by the indices) and certain chronic diseases than were nondeployed veterans. During the 10-year period from 1995 to 2005, the health of deployed veterans worsened in comparison with nondeployed veterans because of a higher rate of new onset of various health outcomes and greater persistence of previously reported adverse health on the indices.  相似文献   

Maintaining schizophrenic clients in the community has been a goal of the health care system since the late 1960s. In an attempt to determine factors that may precipitate an onset of psychiatric symptoms and should thus be targeted in efforts to achieve the goal of community care, this study of a sample of schizophrenic veterans used multivariate analysis to identify markers of clients' vulnerability.  相似文献   

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