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建立眼视光医院新模式的实践与理论探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为我国最早开展眼视光学高等教育的大学,温州医学院于1998年率先在国内建立了独立建制的眼视光医院,6年多来,已对眼视光学的临床特征与专科医院模式进行了有益的探索,并取得了阶段性的成果。本文就眼视光专科医院的服务定位、模式特征及专业结构等进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

由诺华视康公司设立和出资的“中国眼科视光教育计划”(简称COEP)将于今年 11月 18日至 2 3日在温州医学院举行培训课程。参加本次课程的主要为温州医学院眼视光学专业毕业并一直从事该专业工作的眼视光学医师或研究人员。该培训课程将作精心策划和设计 ,主题 :1、视光学理论和技能 ;2、隐形眼镜新进展 ;3、眼科新药 ;4、低视力、近视、视觉功能等。该计划将邀请国内外知名眼视光学专家担任教学工作 ,同时该课程还设置实习操作等内容。COEPwillgotoWenzhou  TheCOEPtrainingprogramwhic…  相似文献   

温州医学院是中国最早开设眼视光学研究生、本科生高等教育的医科院校。美国新英格兰视光学院是美国历史最悠久的视光学院。在多年成功合作的基础上 ,两院已将教育推进到新的高度。在中美双方政府的同意下 ,温州医学院与美国新英格兰视光学院于 2 0 0 0年 12月签署了中美联合培养眼视光学博士 (OD)的意向书 ,共同培养高层次的视光学人才。根据这项计划 ,中国的医学本科毕业生经过国家硕士研究生入学考试后可到温州医学院攻读眼视光学硕士 ,学习成绩优秀者可继续到美国深造 ,初步计划为约 3年时间在温州医学院学习 ,1~ 2年在美国新英格兰视光学院学习。完成学位课程成绩合格者可由美国新英格兰视光学院授予得到中国政府认可的眼视光学博士学位 (OD)。该计划已于 2 0 0 1年 9月正式启动  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和生活水平的提高,人们对视觉健康的需求也不断加深。在这个过程中,作为保障人们视力视觉健康的眼视光行业受到前所未有的关注。在我国,虽然过去的30年里眼视光行业有了突飞猛进地发展,但因起步较晚,其发展仍远落后于欧美发达国家。教练技术是一门管理情绪和转化心态的技术,经过多年的发展和实践,理论基础扎实,操作性强;其主张关注个体内心变化及成长,增强团队的凝聚力和向心力,与人文教育有诸多相通之处。将教练技术应用于眼视光人文教育与团队建设中,具备很强的可操作性,有利于促进眼视光行业在国内的健康发展。  相似文献   

2008年,温州医学院眼视光学院、医院将迎来眼科光学研究室30周年、眼视光学系20周年和眼视光医院10周年华诞。另外,2008年还是温州医学院建校50周年。在此,谨向多年来一直关心支持我院建设与发展的各级领导、海内外各界人士和各位校友表示最诚挚的感谢!  相似文献   

韩丁  孙靖  李静  魏瑞华 《眼科学报》2021,(2):176-182
世界卫生组织及我国"健康中国"战略都将视觉健康管理提升到前所未有的高度,多方位、全周期保障民众视觉健康,增强人们视觉保健的意识是我国实现健康中国的战略重点.而人才培养是行业发展的命脉与基石,因此眼视光人才教育的探索与建设又是重中之重.本文以天津医科大学眼视光专业为例,就当今社会视觉健康管理的背景下,如何切实有效地开展眼...  相似文献   

目的:应用微视野计评估屈光参差性弱视儿童的黄斑光敏感度及固视稳定性。方法:横断面研究。纳入2020-07/2022-01初次诊断为单眼屈光参差性弱视的儿童39例(弱视眼39眼,对侧眼39眼)和同期纳入最佳矫正视力(BCVA)正常的屈光不正患者42例,选取右眼作为正常对照组。利用微视野计(MP-3)测量弱视眼、对侧眼和正常对照组的黄斑中心凹10°范围平均光敏感度和固视稳定性[包括2°和4°范围内固视点百分比(P1,P2),68.2%、95.4%及99.6%双曲线椭圆面积(BCEA)],比较弱视眼、对侧眼和正常对照组的平均光敏感度和固视稳定性的差异。结果:弱视眼组患者黄斑区光敏感度较对侧眼组、正常对照组低(均P<0.017),对侧眼组与正常对照组患者黄斑区光敏感度比较无差异(P=0.555)。弱视眼组患者P1均小于对侧眼组和正常对照组(均P<0.017);对侧眼组与正常对照组患者P1比较无差异(P=0.887)。三组患者P2、68.2%BCEA、95.4%BCEA、99.6%BCEA比较均无差异(均P>0.05)。弱视眼组、对侧眼组和正常对照组患者BCVA均与AT、P1、...  相似文献   

由温州医学院眼视光学院完成的“走向世界的眼视光学高等教育模式”教学研究项目,最近获浙江省教学成果一等奖。该研究项目注重眼科学和视光学的共同发展,将眼科学和视光学有机结合,经过十余年的努力,初具规模,称誉全球,被国际国内同仁称为“眼视光学医学高等教育的温州模式”。中国多所著名医科大学相继借鉴此模式建立了眼视光学医学教育系统。1998年温州医学院创建了中国首家眼视光医院,在医学临床教育上又将眼科学和视光学有机整合,使眼保健和医疗的临床学科共同获得有效发展,令世人瞩目并获得高度评价。自设立眼视光学教育项目以来,建立了眼视光学教育的课程体系,编写大量专业教材,创建基础教学实验室和临床教学实验室,建立国际教学交流项目,将年轻教学人员送出国门接受专业强化培训,并将国际著名教授请入国门进行学术交流,使眼视光学的教学体系与国际接轨。并将教学资源在中国各大学中共享。该教学系统包括:眼视光学医学本科、硕士研究生、在职研究生、中美联合培养博士以及各种职业培训。  相似文献   

杨扬  王莉  刘文兰  闫瑾 《国际眼科杂志》2016,16(6):1140-1143
目的::探讨校企共建一周一案例教学法在接触镜学课程理论教学中的应用及效果,为教学改革提供依据。方法:选取西安医学院2012级眼视光专业56名学生为研究对象。将其随机分为试验组和对照组,其中试验组28人,采用校企共建一周一案例教学法;对照组28人,采用传统的一周一案例教学法。采用期末理论考试成绩和问卷调查方法评价教学效果。结果:试验组学生的简答题成绩、案例分析题成绩和总成绩均明显优于对照组学生,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。问卷调查结果表明:校企共建一周一案例教学法在激发学习兴趣、提高信息获取能力、提高团队协作能力、提高沟通交往能力、提高口头表达能力、教学方法满意度六个方面都显著优于传统的一周一案例教学法,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);试验组学生在参与性、准备工作、交流能力和团队精神方面显著优于对照组学生,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:校企共建一周一案例教学法能够提高学生综合能力,是一种结合接触镜学课程特点的有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨电脑视野检查准确且省时的参考设置条件。方法 在三种不同设置条件下,分别测定正常人20例40眼视网膜静态光阈值,分别按性别和不同设置条件分组,将平均光阈值进行统计学处理。结果 三种不同设置条件下,平均光阈值无性别差异;视标闪烁时间500ms与300ms有显著性差异(P<0.05),与700ms无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 视标闪烁时间500ms是电脑视野检查的合适参数。  相似文献   

了解军医大学学员在准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)术后4a干眼症高危人群的发病情况,为军校学员预防和治疗干眼症提供科学依据。 方法:对西安市第四军医大学口腔医学系2007级学员队165例实习生进行问卷调查,内容包括视力基本情况(标准对数视力表)和眼表疾病指数(参考美国OSDI评价表,包括光的敏感程度、异物感、酸痛感、近距离阅读、使用电脑情况以及所处的环境等)。将OSDI评分≥30分者定义为干眼症高危人群。 结果:被调查学员中干眼症高危率为24.2%,其中LASIK术后4a者干眼症高危率为51.7%,明显高于配戴框架式眼镜者22.4%(P<0.01)和正常视力者11.8%(P<0.01)。 结论:LASIK手术是引起干眼症的危险因素,因此对于军队院校学员近视眼准分子激光手术率较高的现象以及干眼症高危率的问题应特别关注  相似文献   

杨扬 《国际眼科杂志》2010,10(11):2155-2156
目的:调查近视大学生的眼镜消费行为。方法:对本校300例近视学生做问卷调查,对回收的291份有效问卷进行统计、分析。结果:近视大学生多需要时才配戴眼镜,其选择的眼镜以在眼镜店购买的、价格偏低的框架眼镜为主,且眼镜的更换周期偏长。结论:近视大学生的眼镜消费行为值得重视并应加以科学引导。  相似文献   

Predicting clinical competence among optometry students from data obtainable at the time of admissions is the focus of this study. Preoptometry grades, Optometry College Admission Test (OCAT) scores, and applicant scores on a standardized personality inventory were tested as predictors of faculty ratings of student performance in optometry clinics. Students' clinical performance was best predicted by certain personality dimensions, objectively measured by the California Psychological Inventory (CPI). Preoptometry grades and OCAT scores, although significantly correlated with optometry grades, were generally poor predictors of clinical performance. For men, achievement drive, self-confidence, and tolerance and for women, self-confidence, assertiveness, and interpersonal effectiveness were the personal qualities most highly correlated with instructors' ratings of performance. The study demonstrates that these personal qualities, as well as the degree to which an applicant presents a "good impression," can be objectively assessed at the time of application to optometry school.  相似文献   

As optometry schools receive increasing numbers of Asian, Black, and Hispanic applications, it is appropriate for us to ask whether minority students differ in meaningful ways from nonminority students in measures used in admissions, and whether these variables have differential validity in predicting their achievement in optometry school. This study compares Asian, Black, Hispanic, and nonminority students at entry to the University of Houston College of Optometry (UHCO) from 1981 through 1986 and tests the validity of admissions indices to predict optometry grades, academic dropout, and high-level achievement for these ethnic groups. Although preoptometry grade point average (GPA) was the best predictor of optometry grades for all students, measures of verbal ability were additional predictors for Asian students and, for Black and Hispanic students, ability in study/reading and math were predictors. In addition, personality inventory measures and ratings of the competitiveness of the undergraduate institution were important in differentiating minority academic dropouts from retained students. Suggestions are made for optometry college programs which will enhance the probability of success for minority students.  相似文献   

Intellectual achievement, assessed over time by grades in preprofessional courses and standardized by scores on the Optometry College Admission Test (OCAT), is typically used to judge an applicant's potential for academic achievement in optometry school. In this study both intellectual and nonintellectual admission variables were tested as predictors of optometry grade point average (GPA). GPA at the end of two years was strongly and efficiently predicted by the following combination of intellectual and nonintellectual variables: preoptometry GPA, scores on the physics section of the OCAT, and a score based on the applicant's California Psychological Inventory (CPI) profile. The multiple correlation coefficient between this three-variable combination and GPA was 0.66; cross-validated r = 0.56. Scores on the quantitative section of the OCAT were the best single predictor of first year grades; when preoptometry GPA scores on the physics section of the OCAT and the personality inventory score were added, a predictive validity coefficient of 0.61 was obtained. It is concluded that the prediction of grades in optometry school, and indeed all professional schools, will derive from these three factors: preprofessional grades, standardized achievement test scores, and a quantitative measure of personal traits which relate to academic achievement. Whereas the exact weighting of each variable in a predictive equation depends upon the individual school, maximum predictive validity will be based on these three factors.  相似文献   


方法:采取分层随机整群抽样法,抽取3 869名学生7 738眼进行视力检查。按照视力低下诊断标准,将所有观察对象分为正常、轻度、中度、重度视力低下,所有数据均用EpiData 3.1建立数据库及SPSS 18.0进行统计分析。


结论:西安市中小学生视力低下率较高,应及早采取有效措施以预防中小学生视力低下,降低和控制视力低下的发病率。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to use the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) to evaluate the daily visual activities of a group of optometry students and to determine whether the ESM could detect differences in visual activities when a difference was thought to exist. METHODS: Sixty-two optometry students, at four different levels of training, at The Ohio State University College of Optometry were tested using the ESM during a 14-day period. A subgroup of 18 subjects in their fourth year of study was asked to repeat the 14-day ESM on a second occasion. The two ESM periods were specifically chosen at times when the subjects were expected to have markedly different nearwork profiles. RESULTS: A comparison of members from the four optometry classes when the fourth-year students were taking final written examinations showed no significant differences in the proportion of nearwork among groups (p = 0.170); however, when the fourth-year students were primarily performing eye examinations during clinical rotations, there was a significant difference in the proportion of nearwork among training levels (13.8% for fourth-year students compared with 24.9%, 23.7%, and 30.4% for the other optometry classes; p = 0.0001). The percentage of time spent doing nearwork and performing eye examinations was significantly different between two ESM periods (paired t-test, p = 0.0001 for each activity). CONCLUSIONS: The ESM is capable of detecting differences in the proportion of time spent doing nearwork and performing eye examinations among groups of optometry students in different levels of training with different daily visual demands and between two ESM periods when these activities were expected to differ. The ESM can be used as an alternative method for nearwork quantification in future studies.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Professional identity formation and its relationship to case presentations were studied in an optometry school's onsite clinic. METHODS: Eight optometry students and six faculty optometrists were audio-recorded during 31 oral case presentations and the teaching exchanges related to them. Using convenience sampling, interviews were audio-recorded of four of the students and four of the optometrists from the field observations. After transcribing these audio-recordings, the research team members applied a grounded theory method to identify, test, and revise emergent themes. The theme reported herein pertains to communicating standards of practice. RESULTS: Faculty optometrists demonstrated three ways of communicating standards of practice to optometry students during case presentations: Official Way, Our Way, and My Way. Although there were differences between these standards, the rationale for the disparities was rarely explicitly articulated by the instructors to the students. Without this information, the incongruity among the standards was left to the students to interpret on their own. CONCLUSIONS: The risk created by faculty not articulating the rationale underlying standards of practice was that students misinterpreted the optometrists' ways as idiosyncratic. Thus, opportunities were missed in the educational setting to assist students in making responsible decisions, locating their position in practice, and shaping their professional identity. Competing responsibilities of patient care and student education left instructors with little time to articulate rationale for standards of practice. Therefore, educators must reflect on innovative ways to bring into relief the logic behind their actions when working with novices.  相似文献   

Why do some students who qualify for admission to optometry school become academic dropouts while others succeed? This question was addressed in a study which compared the admission records of 21 academic dropouts from three classes at the University of Houston College of Optometry (UHCO) with 269 retained students. Academic dropouts were found to have significantly lower preoptometry grades, lower Optometry College Admission Test (OCAT) scores, attended less competitive (i.e., less selective) undergraduate institutions, scored lower on the California Psychological Inventory (CPI), and were older than retained students. When these differentiating admission variables, excepting age, were applied to a new entering class, prediction of subsequent academic dismissal or serious academic difficulty was highly accurate. However, it was found that such prediction must take into account not only areas of weakness, i.e., academic and psychological factors which place a student at risk, but also areas of strength which give the student an advantage. For all students, regardless of age, sex, or ethnic origin, it was the ratio of "advantage" factors to "risk" factors which gave the most valid prediction of academic success or failure.  相似文献   

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