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耶氏菌小肠结肠炎是由小肠结肠炎耶氏菌感染而致的一种肠道传染病。有些国家报道,在食物中毒中由本菌引起者占3%;在小儿腹泻中,由本菌  相似文献   

我州地处我国西南边陲同越南接壤,我们于1989~1990年开展小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌病进行调查现将结果报告如下。 材料与方法 一、试剂和主要培养基 对照用参考菌株,49种群小肠结肠炎耶氏菌诊断血清及1~16型分型噬菌体均由卫生部药品生物制品检定所提供。增菌用1/15MpH7.6PBS液;分离鉴别用SS琼脂和改良SS琼脂。  相似文献   

小肠结肠炎耶氏菌(Yersinia enterocolitica)是感染性腹泻常见的病原体之一,对肠粘膜上支细胞具较强的侵袭力。作者报告7例少见而严重的小肠结肠炎耶氏菌败血症,其中仅3例有腹痛、腹泻临床表现。除2例原已患糖尿病外,其余5例于发生败血症  相似文献   

我国小肠结肠炎耶氏菌毒力株的特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对我国各地分离的小肠结肠炎耶氏菌的毒力特征进行测定,所有毒力株除个别外,均有VW抗原、Vi抗原和毒力因子,它们的检测结果一致。有毒株还有一条40~50MDa的质粒带,即所谓毒力质粒,但有此毒力质粒的菌株并非都是有毒株,视其有否特异性外膜蛋白(约200KDa)而定。自凝性也是检测耶氏菌毒力的一种方法,但其敏感性与特异性均不及VW抗原测定。因此测定菌株毒力,以VW抗原、Vi抗原和毒力因子测定最特异而敏感,特别后两种方法简单、易行、可靠,可在基层单位推广使用。  相似文献   

小肠结肠炎耶氏菌毒力型测定法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正> 小肠结肠炎耶氏菌广泛存在于自然界和动物肠道内,它们的型别很多,少数菌株有毒力,大多数没有致病力,对人畜不构成什么威胁。即使公认有致病力的O∶3,O∶8,O∶9,O∶5等血清型菌株,也有丢失毒力的无毒株,因此检出的菌株均应测定毒力,测定毒力的方法很多,这里介绍几种有实用价值的。 一、质粒测定:有毒株均有40~50×10~6道尔顿质粒,故称此为毒力质粒,其它大质粒均与致病力无关,但近年有人报告一个致病株的质粒为80×10~6道尔顿,这是例外,有待进一步研究,这里介绍两种比较简单的测定法:  相似文献   

<正> 小肠结肠炎耶氏菌(简称耶氏菌)在自然界的保菌动物众多,啮齿类动物是该菌主要贮存宿主之一。为探讨耶氏菌在我国鼠类中的分布,1981~1984年,我们进行了鼠类中耶氏菌的调查。现报道如下。  相似文献   

<正> 小肠结肠炎耶氏菌的抗原很复杂,已知有80多个抗原因子,分成许多血清型,一个不明菌株的血清型鉴定,要与这么多型的免疫血清逐个核对,是非常  相似文献   

<正> 小肠结肠炎耶氏菌(简称耶氏菌)对动物的致病性多用小白鼠测定。但除少数从病人分离的O:8血清型菌株外,其他多数型菌株均不使小白鼠发病或死亡。为此,有人把细菌悬浮于10%葡聚德铁盐水中注射,或者用环磷酰胺处理小白鼠后再注射菌液观察其致病性。这种测定方法改变了机体的抵抗力,其结果不能代表正常条件下的致病作用。我们根据感染鼠粪便的带菌状况来判定致病株和非致病株,与其他毒力因子的测定结果完全一致,是一种简便的动物致病性鉴别方法。  相似文献   

<正> 1986年4月~11月间,我们从福建各地采集菜市场上出售的水产品、肉类、家禽、牛奶、青菜、水果等食品进行耶氏菌分离,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

从养猪场食堂捕获的家蝇中分离出9株小肠结肠炎耶氏菌,均为O∶3血清群和生物3型,其中3株是从体表分离的,6株从体内分离。根据蝇的个体检查,其自然感染率在1~2%左右。在9株耶氏菌中,有7株是毒力型的菌株,其体表和体内均有带菌,可能系通过食物污染而感染,对人构成严重威胁。  相似文献   

鼠疫噬菌体是鉴别鼠疫菌和假结核菌的重要方法之一。但我们从自然界分离的假结核菌有被鼠疫噬菌体裂解的。这种裂解在37℃、30℃和4℃时表现明显,在15~20℃时消失。假结核噬菌体对假结核菌的裂解性,也受此种温度制约。 假结核噬菌体在鼠疫菌中可以增殖,经过41次传代,裂解范围和抗原性未见明显改变。  相似文献   

We report the largest outbreak of brucellosis in Penang, Malaysia. Brucellosis is not endemic in this region. The index case was a 45-year-old goat farm owner presented with 3 weeks of fever, headache, severe lethargy, poor appetite, and excessive sweating. He claimed to have consumed unpasteurized goat''s milk that he had also sold to the public. Tests were negative for tropical diseases (i.e., dengue fever, malaria, leptospirosis and scrub typhus) and blood culture showed no growth. Based on epidemiological clues, Brucella serology was ordered and returned positive. Over a period of 1 year, 79 patients who had consumed milk bought from the same farm were diagnosed with brucellosis. Two of these patients were workers on the farm. Four laboratory staff had also contracted the disease presumably through handling of the blood samples. The mean duration from onset of symptoms to diagnosis was 53 days with a maximum duration of 210 days. A combination treatment of rifampin and doxycycline for 6 weeks was the first line of treatment in 90.5% of patients. One-third of the patients had sequelae after recovering and 21% had a relapse. We highlight the importance of Brucellosis as a differential diagnosis when a patient has unexplained chronic fever.  相似文献   

目的 了解河南省登封市生猪中小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌的病原学特征。方法 以采集的1346份猪咽拭子所分离的331株小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌为研究对象,进行系统生化鉴定、血清学分型和毒力基因PCR检测。结果 采集的1346份猪咽拭子中共筛查、分离出小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌331株,分离率为24.59℅(331/1346);鉴定出O:3、O:5、O:8三种血清型(84.6% ,2.1% 和1.8%)和1A、3、4三个生物型;毒力基因分布特征为ail+、ystA+、ystB-、yadA+、virF+占80.67℅(267/331),ail+、ystA+、ystB-、yadA-、virF-占3.32℅(11/331)且均为血清型O:3;其它型的为16.01℅(53/331)。结论 生猪为携带小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌的主要宿主,且多携带致病性菌株,提示在今后疫情控制中应加强生猪的监测、检疫和管理。  相似文献   

医院内鼠伤寒沙门菌病暴发流行菌株的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
苏州市儿童医院1989年发生一起鼠伤寒沙门菌病暴发流行。流行菌株为多重耐药菌,耐药种类达11~13种。质粒检测结果表明流行菌株均含四个质粒,最大质粒为122.6或103.3kb,其余三个为93.5、13.9和4.1kb。103.3kb质粒编码庆大霉素、卡那霉素和妥布霉素的耐药性。122.6kb质粒除编码上述三种药物的耐药性外,还编码对氯霉素、四环素及复方新诺明的耐药性。根据药敏试验、质粒检测和限制性内切酶分析,证实此次暴发流行是由两株不同的鼠伤寒沙门菌引起的。  相似文献   

Since the first reported case of human brucellosis in 2002 in South Korea, its incidence has been increasing nationally. However, bovine brucellosis has not been present from 2005 to date on Jeju Island. Despite Jeju Island being considered a clean area for bovine brucellosis, we experienced an outbreak of human brucellosis between 2012 and 2013. Herein, we report cases with human brucellosis after ingestion of raw materials of fetal calf at a restaurant. Patients were identified by isolation of the Brucella abortus in their blood and joint tissue. Because all patients developed zoonosis by a faulty folk remedy, we emphasize the importance of educational programs to increase the awareness of zoonosis, and the need for active surveillance and detection of illegal distribution channels of the infected animal. After the outbreak, we took control of the involved restaurant and its illegal distribution channel, and there have been no further outbreaks.Human brucellosis is a zoonosis and a systemic bacterial disease usually caused by occupational or domestic exposure to an infected product.13 Since the first identification of human brucellosis in South Korea in 2002,4 16 cases were reported in 2003.5,6 The incidence of human brucellosis increased and peaked in 2006 (Figure 1).5 Therefore, human brucellosis has been registered as a “national notifiable infectious disease” since 2003, meaning that all cases by the law must be reported to the Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).7 To date, an incidence rate of human brucellosis in South Korea has been decreasing as a result of monitoring and surveillance procedures.7 Bovine brucellosis has been investigated in dairy cattle since 1956 in Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (AQPA),8 On Jeju Island, bovine brucellosis has not occurred since 2005 as a result of the management of APQA. The Island had been designated as a clean area for bovine brucellosis by the government.9 However, we recently experienced human brucellosis caused by a folk remedy leading to the ingestion of raw materials of fetal calf. Herein, we report cases and review of literature on Brucella abortus with an emphasis on the importance of education and control on human brucellosis.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.The annual case numbers of human brucellosis in South Korea and annual incidence rate per 100,000 persons in South Korea and Jeju Islands for 12 years. The black dotted line and black line indicate incidence rate of human brucellosis in South Korea and on Jeju Island, respectively. The gray box indicates outbreak of human brucellosis on Jeju Island.Jeju Island is the largest island in South Korea with a population of ∼615,000. There were five brucellosis patients who underwent a folk remedy and ingested raw material of fetal calf at a local restaurant on Jeju Island from 2012 to 2013 (Figure 1).5 Four patients visited our hospital, one patient visited Samsung Seoul Medical Center. Since the experience in human brucellosis at our hospital in 2006,10 there have not been any patients with brucellosis reported between 2007 and 2011. However, because human brucellosis was sporadically detected during the 2-year period, we instituted a research for identification of causes for outbreak of human brucellosis. We reviewed medical records of the patients for epidemiological, clinical, and microbiological data. A serologic test with the standard tube agglutination (STA) was performed at the Jeju-si Community Health Center and confirmed human brucellosis. A suspension of B. abortus antigen (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI) was prepared as the antigen for the tube agglutination test. A positive STA titer was defined as ≥ 1:160.2 Diagnosis of human brucellosis was made positive STA or the isolation of Brucella species from blood culture and sterile samples.2 Samples were cultured using the Bact/Alert 3D automated system (bioMerieux Inc., Marcy-l''Etoile, France). The isolated pathogens were identified using the Vitek II system (bioMerieux Vitek Inc., Durham, NC).6 When human brucellosis was detected, we tested for specimens in tissue from wound and blood using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) omp2a and omp2b for identification of the species.1 This study was approved by the institutional review board at Jeju National University Hospital (JNUH 2014-03-011).Baseline characteristics of five cases of human brucellosis are shown in
No.Age/SexOccupationComorbiditySymptomsIP (weeks)WBC (μL) (NR: 4.0–10.0) (ANC)Hb (g/dL) (NR: 10–16)PLT (× 103/μL) (NR: 150–450)Brucella isolationSTATreatmentOutcome
171/MFarmerHypertensionFever, weight loss13,400 (790)8.9115Blood3/12/20121:160DXC+ (GM→RFP)Cured
250/MFarmerRepair OP with Rt. knee meniscus tearOP site pain and discharge29,900 (4,820)12.0424OP wound (tissue)1/15/2012< 1:20DXC+ (GM→RFP)Cured
363/MFarmerHypertensionFever, weight loss33,800 (1,480)11.961Blood4/15/2013< 1:20DXC+RFPCured
446/MLivestock dealerLiver CirrhosisFever, weight loss15,700 (2,290)16.990Blood9/23/2013< 1:20DXC+GMCured
551/MGovernment employeeDiabetesFever, chills14,300 (2,280)12.515Blood7/12/2013< 1:20DXC+ (GM→RFP)Cured
Open in a separate window*Date to be diagnosed by brucellosis (month/day/year).No. = number of cases; IP = incubation period; WBC = white blood cell; NR = normal range; ANC = absolute neutrophil count; Hb = hemoglobin; PLT = platelet; STA = standard tube agglutination test; M = male; Dox = doxycycline; GM = gentamicin; RFP = rifampin; OP = operation; Rt. = right. The second case was diagnosed skeletal brucellosis. Others were diagnosed bacteremia.The most common strain of human brucellosis is worldwide Brucella melitenese. Its transmission to human occurs through the consumption of contaminated milk and cheese manufactured from the products of these animals.2 However, the most common strain is B. abortus in South Korea,11 Common risks for human brucellosis include the occupations of ranchers, veterinarians, and abattoir workers.6,11 Korean cattle are raised to produce meat, rather than milk, and meat products are seldom risks for infection because raw consumption of meat is rare and the number of organisms in muscle tissue is low. However, in areas like Jeju, where drinking animal blood or ingesting raw liver are local customs, foodborne infection is possible.2,12,13 A custom based on beliefs that raw materials of fetal calf can help ward off weakness, alleviate hangover, and boost energy levels is an inherent risk of human brucellosis on Jeju Island. By contrast, human brucellosis in Mediterranean regions is acquired from dairy cattle, goats, camels, and sheep.14 Previous studies did not report any clinical differences between B. melitensis and B. abortus. Sufficient data on virulence and clinical presentation of biotypes of B. melitensis is lacking.2 Compared with a recent outbreak of human brucellosis with B. melitensis in Peru,3 our patients were older (median age 51 versus 44 years), fever was dominant (5/5 versus 5/13), and bacteremia was more common (4/5 versus 4/13). The different etiologic origin showed a shorter incubation period (11 However, limitation lies in comparison between the two strains of Brucella because of the small size of our data.We reported an outbreak of human brucellosis to the public health authorities and visited the restaurant to investigate the food materials and the distribution process. Samples of the specimen, which were chosen at a different date and different materials but at the same restaurant, were taken for strain identification. We examined its supernatant solution after centrifugation. However, we did not identify any Brucella strains from the food material samples from the restaurant. After the investigation, the owner of the restaurant was restricted from selling raw fetal materials, and the livestock distribution process was more strictly controlled by the public health center in the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, starting in September 2013. Since then, any new patient with brucellosis, associated with the ingestion of raw materials of fetal calf in Jeju, has not been registered in the web-based statistical system of KCDC, the Ministry of Health and Welfare since October 2013.5Because Jeju Island was selected as a “Treasure Island of Environmental Assets” in 2013, any additional incidence of human brucellosis would pose critical challenges to public health including habitants and visitors on Jeju Island. It is believed that continuous surveillance of bovine brucellosis and monitoring of the illegal distribution by the public health center have effectively prevented further occurrences of the human brucellosis. An effective strategy for prevention of human brucellosis is prevention of bovine brucellosis and control of infected cattle before distribution. In addition, infected cattle may have been sold using an illegal distribution channel without stamping out. In this case, the restautrant owner received education for zoonosis. A government has been reinforced for surveillance and monitoring of imported livestock product to Jeju Island.In conclusion, it is difficult to identify human brucellosis despite active monitoring of zoonosis nationwide because surveillance and detection methods are region-specific. We identified and eliminated the source of outbreak of human brucellosis on Jeju Island. This report shows the need for public awareness of public health risks of human brucellosis. New patients with human brucellosis have not been reported since the outbreak on Jeju Island in 2012 and 2013. We emphasized that human brucellosis poses a challenge to public health, in this case, caused by a faulty folk remedy practiced on Jeju Island. The enhancement of educational programs with an aim to increase knowledge and awareness of risks associated with raw animal products is eminent and necessary.  相似文献   

张涛  黄济英  景怀奇  何剑蜂  卢世堂  杨林  黎占海  付天鹏 《中国地方病防治杂志》2006,21(1):18-20
提要:本文从鼠疫病原学的快速诊断方面入手,重要介绍了一种鼠疫特异性显色培养基和S iO2纯化DNA技术在鼠疫PCR扩增中具体应用以及φA1122噬菌体的研究动向和血清学诊断技术所面临的问题等。  相似文献   

周舟  柯春荣  李鸿钧  易寿生  杨义雄  苏丽蓉 《寄生虫病与感染性疾病》2009,7(4)
2008-10-01,云南省云龙县疾病预防控制中心接到云龙县人民医院报告,该院收治了一批发热并出疹的患者,疑为麻疹流行,现将疫情调查及处理情况报告如下.  相似文献   

一起O139霍乱暴发疫情流行病学调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王成科  阳小玲  陶文弟  杨晓玲 《寄生虫病与感染性疾病》2008,6(1):15-17
目的分析2007年绵阳市涪城区某镇O139群霍乱暴发流行原因及传染来源,为霍乱防治提供科学依据。方法利用暴发流行的个案调查表、调查登记表、实验室检测结果、现场卫生学调查资料进行流行病学分析。结果本次暴发流行始于2007-09-25,止于2007-10-04,全部患者和带菌者解除隔离;暴露人口181人,发病2例,罹患率为1.10%,无死亡病例;检出带菌者11例;感染率为7.18%(13/181)。最小年龄6岁,最大85岁,20岁以下1例,20~40岁7例,40岁以上5例,平均年龄41.8岁,以20~40岁为主,占病例及感染数的53.85%(7/13)。9月27日,市疾病预防控制中心从综合市场某海、水产批发门市的甲鱼养殖水中检出O139霍乱弧菌,并开展病例对照调查,确定这起霍乱疫情由海、水产品污染凉拌菜所致。结论本次霍乱暴发流行的原因为集体性聚餐,传播途径为经食物传播,传染源为甲鱼。  相似文献   

An Outbreak of Acute Methyl Alcohol Intoxication   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S. Naraqi  R. F. Dethlefs †  R. A. Slobodniuk ‡  J. S. Sairere 《Internal medicine journal》1979,9(1):65-68
Summary: An outbreak of acute methyl alcohol intoxication occurred in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, in March 1977. Twenty-eight young men attended a drinking party and drank methyl alcohol. The amount consumed by each individual ranged from an equivalent of 60–600 ml of pure methanol. Three had prior ethanol ingestion. All 28 became ill 8–36 hours after drinking and were hospitalized. The most commonly observed clinical syndromes were: acute metabolic acidosis, severe visual impairment and acute pancreatitis. Four died within 72 hours after admission to the hospital. All had severe metabolic acidosis and visual impairment and three pancreatitis. Of 24 who recovered, 16 showed no residual complications, six had bi-lateral visual impairment and two had difficulty in speech as well as visual impairment. A three month follow-up examination showed no change in the findings. Coma, seizures and prolonged acidosis were poor prognostic signs. The estimated amount of consumed methanol and the rapidity of the appearance of signs of toxicity following methanol ingestion did not seem to influence the outcome of poisoning. The treatment of acute methyl alcohol intoxication in centres where dialysis is not available is discussed.  相似文献   

An Outbreak of Norovirus Gastroenteritis on an Israeli Military Base     
Grotto I  Huerta M  Balicer RD  Halperin T  Cohen D  Orr N  Gdalevich M 《Infection》2004,32(6):339-343

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