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摘 要:[目的] 探讨对伴有抑郁情绪的癌痛患者止痛治疗的同时,运用抗抑郁药物进行辅助性干预,观察其临床效果。[方法] 采用回顾性研究方法收集86例伴中重度抑郁情绪的癌痛患者,根据治疗方案分为两组,一组为文拉法辛联合阿片类药物治疗(联合用药组,41例),另一组为单纯阿片类药物治疗(对照组,45例)。两组患者均于治疗前及治疗后2周完成了抑郁自评量表(SDS)、癌症患者生活质量量表(EORTC QLQ-C30 v3.0)及疼痛缓解度(PAR)评价。[结果] 联合用药组癌痛总缓解率为85.3%,对照组总缓解率为77.8%,无统计学差异(P>0.05);治疗2周后联合用药组奥施康定平均剂量(53±36.9)mg;对照组奥施康定平均剂量(70±50.4)mg,存在统计学差异;回归分析显示癌痛患者的抑郁情绪受年龄、婚姻状况、医保类型及疼痛评分的影响,两组在治疗前抑郁水平无明显差异,治疗2周后联合用药组抑郁情绪改善更为明显;癌痛患者的生活质量普遍较差,治疗2周后患者的总体生命质量、躯体功能、角色功能、情感功能、社会功能均优于治疗前,联合治疗组在情感功能和社会功能两个维度显著优于对照组。[结论] 阿片类药物联合吗啡滴定可达到良好的止痛效果;伴有中重度抑郁情绪的癌痛患者,联用抗抑郁药物可明显改善患者的抑郁情绪,获得更好的止痛效果,提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

阿片类药物在肝肾功能不全癌痛患者中的选择应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程熠  于世英 《中国肿瘤》2011,20(4):278-282
阿片类药物是控制癌痛的必备药物。对于癌症合并有肝肾功能不全的患者,阿片类药物的选择应慎重。吗啡的缓释剂型应注意调整剂量和给药的间隔时间,即释剂型可临时应用。应禁用可待因。轻中度的肝肾功能不全患者,羟考酮的应用是安全的;但重度肾功能不全者禁用羟考酮。芬太尼透皮贴剂是重度肝肾功能不全患者和透析患者的首选。丁丙诺啡在某些情况下可代替芬太尼应用于透析患者。  相似文献   

  目的   探讨癌痛规范化治疗中癌痛患者疼痛门诊镇痛药物治疗效果及不良反应的临床分析。  方法   对2012年4月至2013年4月首都医科大学附属北京胸科医院疼痛门诊癌痛患者诊治情况每月汇总,分析引起癌痛的疾病种类,癌痛原因、分类、程度,药物治疗种类,疗效及不良反应等。  结果   疼痛门诊收治患者787例。镇痛药物用药途径以口服为主680例(86.4%)。使用单一药物盐酸羟考酮缓释片430例(54.6%),日剂量20~90 mg/d为疼痛控制。632例(80.3%)患者以阿片类药物单一治疗为主,少数患者联合2~3种药物治疗。规范治疗后与治疗前比较中重度疼痛患者比较明显减少(31.5% vs. 55.5%),无痛患者增多。不良反应方面,254例(32.3%)患者使用阿片类药物易引起便秘,轻度恶心呕吐、头晕、嗜睡、食欲减退、尿潴留、口干、腹胀、幻觉症状均可耐受,少数患者需干预处理预防或对症治疗。  结论   在医院创建癌痛规范化治疗示范项目中疼痛门诊作用不容忽视,规范管理意义重大。疼痛门诊的设立使癌痛规范化治疗成为示范病房的延续。   相似文献   

目的 观察奥氮平联合阿片类药物治疗癌性疼痛的疗效和安全性.方法 回顾性分析海军军医大学附属长征医院肿瘤科2018年1月至2020年8月使用阿片类药物治疗的76例癌性疼痛患者的临床资料,其中男性41例,女性35例,按奥氮平使用剂量分为4组,分别为10mg/d组(6例)、5mg/d组(26例)、2.5mg/d组(24例)和...  相似文献   

目的:评价门诊患者全程管理接受癌痛治疗的安全性。方法:回顾性调查分析对比癌痛病房创建前后门诊癌痛患者经全程评估,指导治疗,随访等全程管理的安全性。结果:全程管理后爆发痛的次数减少,毒副作用减轻,患者心境平和。结论:门诊癌痛患者全程管理是重要的,可指导患者正确服药,学会处理爆发痛及阿片类药物毒副作用的预防及处理,提高了阿片类药物的安全使用。  相似文献   

19%~ 36%癌痛患者混合有神经病理性疼痛(neuropathic pain,NP)[1-2],发生原因主要与肿瘤直接侵犯压迫神经有关,也有一部分与肿瘤治疗相关.国际疼痛学会(IASP)将NP定义为中枢或外周神经损伤或功能障碍引起的疼痛[3],临床表现为针刺样、烧灼样、电击样痛,并伴有感觉超敏(allodynia)、感觉过敏(hyperesthesia)或感觉异常(paresthesia).发生部位多沿神经丛干分布,如腰骶丛、臂丛、颈丛、肋间神经、坐骨神经等支配区域[2].与伤害感受性疼痛相比,该类疼痛在发生机制上更加复杂,包括中枢神经和外周神经敏化引发的疼痛信号放大[4],是顽固性癌痛控制不佳的主要原因之一,严重影响患者生活质量和抗癌治疗.  相似文献   

三阶梯药物治疗晚期癌痛的临床探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

癌痛治疗中痛觉过敏的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
郭东勇 《中国肿瘤临床》2012,39(11):813-816
癌痛影响着每一位晚期癌症患者的正常生活。阿片类药物是目前治疗癌痛的主力军, 但是随着治疗和研究的深入, 阿片类药物诱发的痛觉过敏(OIH)等并发症也逐渐凸显并越发受到重视, 相关机制的研究正成为癌痛治疗领域的热点。本文从中枢谷氨酰能系统、信号传导通路、阿片受体及外周受体、细胞内机制、遗传因素及相关临床研究等方面对OIH的研究进展进行综述, 旨在为临床上OIH的诊断及治疗提供相关依据。   相似文献   

胡岳棣 《肿瘤》1996,16(1):62-62
三阶梯药物治疗肝癌癌痛的临床观察胡岳棣江苏省常州市肿瘤医院(常州213001)癌痛是肝癌严重并发症之一,发生率约80~90%。作者自1991年5月起应用WHO“三阶梯药物止痛法”治疗肝癌癌痛44例,效果满意,现报告于下。对象和方法一、对象44例系门诊...  相似文献   

目的 分析评估某院近3年门诊癌痛患者麻醉镇痛药品的应用情况,探讨镇痛治疗策略,为临床合理应用该类药物提供依据.方法 选择门诊收治的268例癌痛患者为对象,记录其所用药品名称、用药量、使用天数、病种等,并进行逐份统计、整理、分析,比较治疗前后患者疼痛程度、生活质量等的差异.结果268例癌痛患者常用的阿片类镇痛药有5种,排序由高到低分别为盐酸羟考酮缓释片、芬太尼透皮贴剂、硫酸吗啡缓释片、盐酸吗啡片和磷酸可待因片.268例癌痛患者中,肺癌患者最多(26.5%);盐酸羟考酮缓释片的使用量最多;有36例患者用药时间超过1年.与治疗前相比,患者的痛感程度得到了缓解,疼痛数字评分(NRS)降低,卡氏功能状态评分(KPS)增加,治疗前后比较,差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.05).结论 门诊癌痛治疗基本符合WHO癌痛治疗原则,但仍存在一定的问题,有待于进一步规范完善.  相似文献   

目的:探讨盐酸吗啡缓释片(美菲康)、硫酸吗啡缓释片(美施康定)、盐酸羟考酮控释片(奥施康定)、芬太尼透皮贴剂(多瑞吉)用于癌性疼痛患者镇痛治疗的成本效果,为临床合理用药提供指导。方法:随机调查2011年2月至2012年4月我院240例分别使用美菲康(58例)、美施康定(60例)、奥施康定(62例)和多瑞吉(60例)治疗晚期癌痛的住院患者。美菲康给药初始剂量为30mg,q12h,美施康定给药初始剂量为30mg,q12h,奥施康定给药初始剂量为10mg,q12h,多瑞吉外用贴于皮肤,起始剂量4.2mg,q72h,治疗中出现暴发痛者给予硫酸吗啡即释片,根据疼痛缓解情况决定剂量的调整直至将疼痛缓解至病人满意的程度即VAS 0-3分。不良反应给予对症处理。比较用药一个月后的镇痛疗效、不良反应及用药成本,运用药物经济学成本-效果分析法评价四组治疗方案。结果:美菲康、美施康定、奥施康定和多瑞吉的疼痛缓解率分别为91.38%、91.67%、93.55%、93.33%,四组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。人均成本分别为1279.26元、1346.53元、1507.66元、2018.12元,成本-效果比分别为13.40、14.68、16.12、21.62。结论:美菲康、美施康定、奥施康定和多瑞吉用于晚期癌痛患者镇痛疗效相当,从药物经济学角度来看,美菲康是癌痛患者镇痛治疗的较佳选择。  相似文献   

Cady J 《Oncology nursing forum》2001,28(10):1561-8; quiz 1569-70
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: To review opioid tolerance in chronic cancer pain, define the phenomenon and its scope, review physiologic mechanisms, and discuss clinical strategies to identify and manage this complex issue. DATA SOURCES: Review articles, case studies, original research, and published guidelines. DATA SYNTHESIS: Novel therapies to prevent/reverse tolerance are being investigated with a possible future role for N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonists. CONCLUSIONS: Greater nursing research is needed to identify patient risk factors for tolerance development and clinical measurement of the phenomenon. Understanding cellular mechanisms for tolerance may contribute to better management. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Nursing knowledge of tolerance is important to provide the basis for accurate patient assessment, education, and pain management.  相似文献   

Allen SC 《Oncology》2008,74(Z1):76-82
For many patients, neuropathic pain (NeP) is arguably more difficult to control than nociceptive or 'normal' pain. We also now recognise the great burden that NeP has on the lives of patients - it is not only a matter of treating pain in isolation, but managing all of the issues that affect the patient's quality of life. Until relatively recently we have had little understanding of the pathophysiology causing NeP and have relied on the secondary effects of non-analgesic drugs as the mainstays of treatment. Greater understanding of the pathophysiology of NeP has led to more appropriate therapy and an increased use of multiple drug therapy - 'rational polypharmacy'. Traditional opinions concerning the treatment of NeP have been challenged and it is because of this that the use of opioids in NeP has been re-evaluated. Opioids will never replace tricyclic antidepressants and anti-epileptic drugs as first-line therapy for NeP. However, they are now fully established as effective and useful second- or third-line drugs. Many patients in the past have been potentially undertreated as a result of our inertia to use opioids. The case for opioid therapy in NeP has been firmly established.  相似文献   

Inter-individual variation in response to opioids for cancer pain is a well-established phenomenon. Variation occurs in the dose of opioid required, the analgesic efficacy of the opioid and also in the side-effects experienced by the individual taking the drug. To date, no clinical factor has been identified that can reliably explain or predict such variation. In recent years there has been growing interest in the possibility that genetic factors may play a role in the variability in opioid response. The aims of this review are to present the evidence supporting pharmacogenetic research in this area, to evaluate some of the studies and results that have been published to date and to present some of the challenges for future research in this area.  相似文献   



Long-term cancer survivors develop special health issues and specific needs. Chronic pain, whether the consequence of their cancer or as a side effect of treatment, is one of their most prevalent concerns.


We conducted a review of the English-language literature on long-term cancer survivorship and chronic opioid therapy, with the objective of determining the efficacy, safety and tolerability in this group of patients. Practical management recommendations are made on the basis of this review.


Pain syndromes encountered in the long-term cancer survivors are diverse. Opioid receptor pathways possess complex and pleiotropic functions and continuous over-activation may lead to de novo endocrinopathies, immunosuppression, neurocognitive impairment, or cell cycle disturbances with potential clinical connotations. However, there are insufficient data to support evidence-based decision making with respect to patient selection, doses, administration, monitoring and follow-up. Data about long-term treatment effectiveness and safety are limited and often aggravated by the overlapping of several diseases prevalent among long-term cancer survivors, as well as chronic opiate-induced toxicity.


Chronic opioid therapy is frequent in long-term cancer survivors, and may negatively affect the immune system, and produce health problems such as endocrinopathies, osteoporosis, neurological or cardiopulmonary effects, alterations of cell cycle kinetics, abuse and addiction. This review highlights the need for specialized teams to treat chronic pain in long-term cancer survivors from an integrative perspective.

放射治疗骨转移癌疼痛63例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:观察放射治疗对骨转移癌的止痛效果。方法:63例97处骨转移灶采用6MV-X线放射治疗。A组DT36~50GY/18~25次/28~33天;B组DT30~39GY/10~13次/12~17天;C组DT30~40GY/6~10次/10~22天。结果:全组总有效率95.8%,A、B、C三组总有效率分别为88.6%、96.9%、100%,各组有效率差异无显著性。结论:放射治疗骨转移癌疼痛临床疗效肯定、迅速、安全、经济、方便,采用DT30~39GY/10~13次/12~17天的放射治疗模式较为理想。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In palliative cancer care, when approaching death, swallowing difficulties and the burden of tablet intake frequently makes us reconsider each individual drug prescribed. Through the last two decades the routine of always combining a strong opioid with paracetamol has been widely spread in Sweden. Clinical experience has challenged this routine as many patients seem to manage equally well without paracetamol. To find out whether this might be of clinical importance, we wanted to perform a more systematic registration. MatERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-four incurable cancer patients with well controlled pain (NRSB4), treated by specialised palliative home care teams, with ongoing medication with the strong opioid paracetamol combination was recruited to this prospective clinical study. The effect of completely stopping paracetamol medication was evaluated four days later at follow-up. RESULTS: At follow-up nine patients (26%) felt more pain compared to when they entered the study, two patients (6%) felt less pain and 23 (68%) felt no difference. When asked about their preference about future paracetamol treatment 18 patients (53%) wanted to stop taking it, six patients (18%) wanted to continue with regular paracetamol medication as before, and ten patients (29%) wanted to take paracetamol as needed. No clinical predictors of paracetamol response could be identified. DISCUSSION: The results of this study indicate that a critical evaluation, in every patient, of the subjective additive analgesic effect of paracetamol in concurrent strong opioid therapy is advisable and that stopping paracetamol medication not necessarily implies increased pain. Rather in some patients the cessation of paracetamol medication is experienced as a relief as pain control is maintained with a lesser tablet burden.  相似文献   

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