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目的:了解广东省三级甲等医院(以下简称"三甲")麻醉医生对麻醉护理工作内容、护士培训内容的建议,为麻醉护士的规范化培训提供依据。方法:采用自行设计的麻醉医生对麻醉护士培训内容意见的调查问卷,对广东省13所三甲医院的82名麻醉医生进行问卷调查。结果:97.6%麻醉医生认为麻醉护士的工作岗位设置中,麻醉患者复苏护理最重要。87.8%的麻醉医生认为对护士进行麻醉复苏期患者的护理知识技能培训非常重要。结论:开展麻醉护士的规范化培训具有重要的意义,应规范培训内容,尽快把规范化培养麻醉护士提到日程上。  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童肿瘤科护士专科培训需求现状,并分析其影响因素。方法以中国抗癌协会小儿肿瘤专业委员会护理学组首批成员单位的全体儿童肿瘤科护士作为抽样整体,以职称为标准进行分层抽样,共纳入14所具有儿童肿瘤诊治单元的三级甲等医院的儿童肿瘤科护士182名,基于文献回顾设计《儿童肿瘤科专科培训需求问卷》,于2012年12月利用 Survey-Monkey 在线问卷调查系统(http://www.surveymonkey.com/)收集资料。结果儿童肿瘤科护士培训需求最高的部分为舒缓疗护,最低的部分为操作技术;不同学历的儿童肿瘤科护士在专科培训需求的疾病和症状方面的差异有统计学意义,不同年资的护士在专科培训需求的疾病、治疗、症状、操作及防护方面的差异有统计学意义,不同地区的护士在专科培训需求的疾病、治疗、症状、操作及科研方面的差异有统计学意义(均 P <0.05)。结论儿童肿瘤科护士对专科培训处于需要水平,其年资、职称及所在地区对培训需求的影响较大。建议在今后的儿童肿瘤专科护理培训中,应重视统一和规范,并制定有针对性的培训课程。  相似文献   

目的 为了解护士培训需求,有针对性的制定培训计划,提高培训效果.方法 采用问卷调查法,对北京大学临床肿瘤学院在职护士348人进行调查.结果 49.5%的人认为培训有必要,但缺少机会,希望达到的培训目的;不同学历、工龄、职称、聘用形式、职务、所属不同系统均有显著性差异.希望得到的培训内容依次为本专业知识、心理知识、外语知识、沟通技巧等.希望采取的培训方式是集中培训、其次是专题讲座、经验交流.结论 加强护士培训,同时根据培训目的和需求分层次定期培训,制定护士培训计划,同时提供多渠道、多方位的培训方式,提高培训效果.  相似文献   

曲荣艳  刘晶  于新颖  隗铁夫  许秀菊 《现代护理》2007,13(18):1700-1701
目的为了解护士培训需求,有针对性的制定培训计划,提高培训效果。方法采用问卷调查法,对北京大学临床肿瘤学院在职护士348人进行调查。结果49.5%的人认为培训有必要,但缺少机会,希望达到的培训目的;不同学历、工龄、职称、聘用形式、职务、所属不同系统均有显著性差异。希望得到的培训内容依次为本专业知识、心理知识、外语知识、沟通技巧等。希望采取的培训方式是集中培训、其次是专题讲座、经验交流。结论加强护士培训,同时根据培训目的和需求分层次定期培训,制定护士培训计划,同时提供多渠道、多方位的培训方式,提高培训效果。  相似文献   

进修护士培训需求调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈红  曾继红  李芸 《现代护理》2006,12(20):1952-1953
目的了解进修护士对培训内容及培训方式的需求,为制定针对性的培训计划提供依据。方法问卷调查法,SPSS软件包对收集的数据进行统计处理。结果认为最需要的培训内容前5项依次为:各专科疾病护理新进展、新技术;各专科疾病护理基本技能;各种护理新技术的应用(静脉留置针、PICC等);各专科疾病护理基本理论、知识;各种新仪器、新设备的使用。培训内容需求随医院级别、护龄、职称不同而各异。选择培训方式最多的前5项依次为:实践操作、示范、一对一导师辅导制、课堂讲授、护理查房。结论培训计划应因人而异。  相似文献   

目的 了解进修护士对培训内容及培训方式的需求,为制定针对性的培训计划提供依据.方法 问卷调查法,SPSS软件包对收集的数据进行统计处理.结果 认为最需要的培训内容前5项依次为:各专科疾病护理新进展、新技术;各专科疾病护理基本技能;各种护理新技术的应用(静脉留置针、PICC等);各专科疾病护理基本理论、知识;各种新仪器、新设备的使用.培训内容需求随医院级别、护龄、职称不同而各异.选择培训方式最多的前5项依次为:实践操作、示范、一对一导师辅导制、课堂讲授、护理查房.结论 培训计划应因人而异.  相似文献   

目的:通过调查肿瘤专科医院本科新护士岗前培训需求情况,探讨肿瘤专科医院新护士岗前培训内容和形式,为今后对新护士的培训提供依据。方法:采用自行设计的一般资料调查问卷和肿瘤专科医院新护士岗前培训需求调查问卷,对122名本院新护士进行调查。结果:肿瘤专科医院新护士岗前培训需求总得分为(468.89±11.82)分,处于较高水平。得分排在前5位的条目是肿瘤专科医院护理一般知识,化疗给药初级培训,具备对危重症病人进行危急救处理和配合抢救的能力,护患沟通技巧,计算机能力。结论:护理管理者应结合本部门的具体情况,不断探索和丰富专科护士培训内容,优化培训模式,以满足护士的需求,从而达到提高护理队伍整体素质和护理服务质量的目的。  相似文献   

【目的】为了提高ICU护士的专科业务能力与操作技术,了解ICU护士专业培训需求,为合理设置ICU护士专科培训及继续教育课程提供参考依据。【方法】采用自行设计问卷法,调查上海某三级甲等医院130名ICU护士的专科培训需求。【结果】ICU护士进入ICU工作前培训相对缺乏;进入ICU后培训不系统、无层次;ICU护士对综合能力的培训需求以及专业技能方面的培训需求较高;不同工作年限的ICU护士对培训需求的程度不同。【结论】高质量、多层次、全方位的培训尤为重要,需要尽快建立重症监护病房护士的培训体系。  相似文献   

目的:为了解不同年限护士培训需求,有针对性地制定培训计划,提高培训效果。方法:自行设计调查问卷,从我院在职护士中随机分层抽取300名进行问卷调查。结果:94%以上的护士认为接受培训是必要的,且不同年限护士对培训内容的需求既有急救技能、突发事件的应急处理、护理与法等共同部分,也有对人际沟通技巧、危重症监护知识、护理教学、护理科研知识等不同要求。希望采取的培训形式从低年资到高年资依次是专题讲座、培训班、网络教学。影响参加培训的主要因素是工作忙离不开。结论:加强护士培训,同时根据培训需求分内容、分层次、分阶段定期培训,同时提供多渠道、多方位的培训方式,提高培训效果。  相似文献   

目的了解初级职称护士对培训内容、方式的需求,为初级职称护士科学化、规范化培训提供参考依据。方法运用整群抽样方法进行问卷调查。采用自行设计调查表,对288名初级职称护士进行培训内容、培训方式需求的调查。结果初级职称护士对7项培训内容的认可程度均较高,最高的3项是护理应急技能的培训,新业务、新技术介绍,专科护理技术操作,均占62.0%以上;对培训方法的认可程度较高的4项,分别是定期操作培训,定期操作培训,专题讲座,定期工作交流,均占54.9%以上。结论根据初级职称护士的知识需求,选择合适的公共培训课程;培训应根据初级职称护士的特点重视提高初级职称护士的护理技能和能力。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同级别医院护士长对职业化管理培训需求的差异。方法:以问卷选答的形式调查该省不同级别在职护士长424人。结果:对职业化管理培训的需求,不同级别医院护士长既相同,也有差异。结论:必须认清不同级别医院护士长对职业化管理培训需求的共性与差异,有针对性地开展在职继续教育。  相似文献   

目的探讨适合急诊专科护士培训模式,以提高专科护士理论和操作水平。方法选择参加广东省急诊专科护士培训的47名学员,实施系统全面规范分层次的脱产培训,时间4个月。比较培训前后学员理论和操作考核成绩的差异,并调查学员对培训方法和效果的反馈意见。结果培训后学员理论和操作考核成绩均较培训前提高,培训前后比较,均P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义;95.7%的学员认为经过培训收获较大。结论 采用系统全面规范分层次的培训模式可提高专科护士理论和操作水平,其培训内容和形式得到学员的认可,此模式是可行的和有效的,值得在今后专科护士的培训中应用和推广。  相似文献   

目的:了解临床麻醉护士与麻醉医师对麻醉护士角色定位的差异,促进麻醉护理学科的发展。方法:按照方便抽样原则,选取广州市和中山市共9所拥有麻醉护士的三级综合性医院,采用不记名调查方式分别对50名麻醉护士和141名麻醉医师进行问卷调查。结果:麻醉护士与麻醉医师在麻醉用物准备及用后整理、麻醉操作配合、麻醉护理科研3个方面对麻醉护士的角色期望存在统计学差异(P〈0.05)。结论:麻醉护士要客观认识自身能力,准确定位自身角色,有目的地学习;麻醉医师要根据麻醉护士的角色特点安排其工作,保持其工作热情,实现其自身价值;护理管理者要为麻醉护士创造良好的施展其才华和专长的平台,为麻醉护士提供必要的角色指导。  相似文献   

The role and professional boundaries of the nurse practitioner (NP) in the UK have not yet been unequivocally defined. This confusion has served to limit the expansion of the NP in both the acute and primary care sectors, despite a mounting body of evidence that attests to their value. This lack of coherence has necessarily impacted upon the educational provision currently available for NP development, with a range of courses of variable nature and standards being provided. The lack of nationally agreed educational criteria and the importance of taking account of local needs, together suggest that a formal training needs analysis might be valuable in systematizing and unifying the present position. Such a survey would have the function of informing both the definition and regional training requirements of NPs, provided the data were obtained through the use of a reliable assessment instrument. To this end a total population survey of all nurses employed in general practice within a large regional health authority was undertaken, using a psychometrically valid and reliable training needs analysis questionnaire. The information obtained provided a preliminary definition of the NP role and a clear index of the content and level of prospective educational provision. In addition, the survey offered an estimate of the numbers of potential participants on NP courses, by FHSA and preferred educational institution. In this way, the use of a scientifically constructed and specifically customized training needs analysis tool may have the potential to inform precise educational commissioning, thereby rationalizing resources and enhancing the quality of both training and ultimate care provision.  相似文献   

护士长在培养护理人才中的需求调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过对护士长在培养护理人才方面需要支持的现状进行调查,明确所需要支持的内容,为护士长的继续教育提供依据。方法采用自制的调查问卷,对中国某医科大学4所附属医院的178名护士长进行调查。结果护士长在护理人才培养方面所需要的支持内容包括:增加院外研修机会;提高专业技术教育指导能力的培训;提高护理科研能力的研究方法的培训等。结论护士长所需要的支持度很高,建立能够满足护士长学习需求的培训制度和支持体系非常必要。  相似文献   

The current confusion surrounding the definition and role function of the nurse practitioner (NP) has created a situation in which advanced clinical practice is delivered in a variety of ways and at many levels. Not surprisingly, this has led to difficulties in regulating educational provision for NPs. This study reports a survey of the perceptions of the role definitions and training needs of all nurses working at advanced clinical levels within an acute sector Trust. Although this concept is not a novel one in advanced nursing practice, the procedure adopted differed from previous studies in two fundamental ways: firstly, a unique training needs assessment instrument was used, which because of its validity and opacity, was capable of yielding a highly reliable data-base, comprising a prioritized profile of real training needs as opposed to the standard wish-list typically elicited. Secondly, it did not rely simply on the self-reported needs of the nurse sample, but also included the perceptions of the sample's immediate medical and managerial colleagues. In this way, a triangulation paradigm was adopted. The results indicated that overall, there was high agreement between the nurses and their managers, regarding both the definition of the NP role and the essential training requirements, with somewhat different opinions being offered by the medical staff. When the raw scores were standardized to correct for response bias, the data provided an operational definition of the role of the NP and a prioritized profile of training needs for nurses who wished to train to this level.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨北京市属医院护士进行规范化培训的效果,以期为规范化培养方案的修订及深入开展提供依据。方法:选取4家北京市属三级甲等综合医院,采用整群抽样法抽取这4家医院2013年新入职护士进行一年的规范化培训,通过问卷调查法对培训效果进行评价。结果 :规范化培训一年后,调查对象的核心能力总分为(80.89±11.42)分,高于培训前的总分(77.97±11.27),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。中专、大专学历的调查对象在培训前后核心能力总得分无统计学差异。本科及以上学历的调查对象,培训后核心能力总得分有所提高(P0.05)。结论 :规范化培训对提升护士的核心能力有积极作用,但是培训效果可能需要一段较长的时间才能完全显现。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to examine the relationship between moral distress that may affect patient safety, and the clinical practice model, assessing ethical decision-making skills of certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs).MethodsA survey using the Ethical Stress Scale (ESS) and the Ethical Assessment Skills Survey (EASS) was conducted with 134 CRNAs.ResultsResults indicated no significant effect of practice model on level of moral distress or perceived ethical assessment skill knowledge [Wilks's lambda = 0.952, F (6, 256) = 1.068, P = 0.382, n2 = 0.02]. A statistically significant positive correlation existed between importance and skill (r = 0.275, P = 0.001). CRNAs felt skilled to manage the actions or activities they deemed important.ConclusionCRNAs who perceived a higher skill level in addressing ethical issues experienced lower levels of moral distress. Findings indicate content-specific curricula for the CRNAs need to be evaluated for ethical decision-making skill assessment content.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND AIMS: Family planning nurses have been identified for early development for prescribing authority in the United Kingdom (UK). Currently, no psychometrically founded training needs analysis instrument exists that can reliably assess the nature and extent of the specific educational provision required for this role. This paper is concerned with the development of an instrument capable of defining the development needs for family planning nurse prescribing. METHODS: A national survey was conducted with 388 family planning nurses, using a modified training needs analysis instrument. Respondents were required to assess the importance of 40 tasks, firstly for the role of the family planning nurse (FPN), and again for the role of the family planning nurse prescriber (FPNP). The data from each set of ratings were separately factor analysed using orthogonal Varimax rotations and Cronbach's alpha was computed for each factor. RESULTS: Six factors emerged from the family planning nurse ratings ('professional development', 'managing patient consultations', 'critical appraisal', 'clinical information giving and professional accountability', 'collaborative working and current National Health Service (NHS) issues' and 'dispensing of drugs') and nine factors emerged from the FPNP ratings ('research and practice development', 'prescribing and professional accountability', 'management/leadership', 'clinical decision making and risk assessment', 'advanced health assessment', 'critical appraisal', 'referral processes', 'core nursing skills' and 'dispensing of drugs'. This suggests that the role of the FPNP is more extended and, moreover, that the two roles are configured very differently but in a way that makes logical and coherent sense within existing research and government policy. This indicates that the instrument is valid. Moreover, all but two of the factors had a Cronbach's alpha score of >0.7 and so can be considered reliable. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the modified instrument is valid and reliable and therefore can be used with confidence to assess the training needs of FPNPs. In addition, the factors have outlined a cogent definition of the role of the FPNP, which can be used both to inform educational programmes and to assess their efficacy.  相似文献   

RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The issue of nurse prescribing is highly topical, with various United Kingdom Government directives recommending this extension to the nursing role. However, despite an imperative to provide 23 000 nurse prescribers by March 2001 and to expand this function to half the nursing workforce by 2004, there is as yet no agreement as to the occupational profile of the nurse prescriber, nor the level and content of any pre-requisite educational programme. This study was an attempt to address these unresolved aspects with family planning nurses. METHOD: A psychometrically valid and reliable training needs analysis instrument was distributed to 1142 family planning nurses, of which 388 were returned. This instrument required the respondents to assess 40 core clinical tasks according to three criteria: how critical each task was both to their current role as family planning nurses and to the role of the family planning nurse prescriber, and how well each was performed. Comparisons of the ratings provided an indicative profile of the role of the family planning nurse prescriber and a prioritized list of training needs to achieve this status. RESULTS: Generally, and unsurprisingly, the nurse prescribing role was defined primarily in terms of prescribing functions, although advanced professional issues, communication, teamwork and business/administration were also deemed to be salient. Research was not identified as being important. However, with regard to the top 15 training needs, seven research tasks were recorded, with the remainder including advanced clinical activities, applied pharmacology, administration and technical activities. CONCLUSION: This study offers a role definition of the nurse prescriber in family planning, and an indicative curriculum for cognate educational programmes.  相似文献   

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