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Horseradish peroxidase, 13% Sigma Type VI, was administered iontophoretically to the mid lateral hypothalamus (LH) of male hooded rats. Animals were perfused intracardially on the following day and brains were removed and sliced in the coronal or sagittal planes into 30–50 μm sections. Sections were processed with DAB and BDH for the brown and blue reaction products and later examined by bright and dark field microscopy for the presence and location of retrogradely labeled neurons. Results indicate that a significant number of afferent connections to the LH originate in the olfactory and accumbens nuclei, pyriform cortex, olfactory tracts, magnocellular and medial preoptic and anterior hypothalamic regions, stria terminalis, stria hypothalamic tract, diagonal tract of Broca, caudate-putamen and globus pallidus, internal capsule, lateral septal nuclei, lateral preoptic area and anterior medial forebrain bundle, the various amygdaloid nuclei, zona incerta, perifornical region, dorsal and ventral medial hypothalamic areas, supraoptic, paraventricular and periventricular nuclei, posterior hypothalamus and medial forebrain bundle, ventral thalamic nuclei, the fields of Forel, arcuate and mammillary nuclei, adjacent to the fasciculus retroflexus, in the ventral tegmental area of Tsai, interpeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra, mesencephalic reticular formation, periaqueductal gray, locus coeruleus and parabrachial region. Results are discussed in terms of previous anatomical and neurophysiological data, probable pathways, and the function of LH neurons.  相似文献   

The connections of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDTg) have been investigated using anterograde and retrograde lectin tracers with immunocytochemical detection. Inputs to LDTg were found from frontal cortex, diagonal band, preoptic areas, lateral hypothalamus, lateral mamillary nucleus, lateral habenula; the interpeduncular nucleus, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra and retrorubral fields; the medial terminal nucleus, interstitial nucleus, supraoculomotor central grey, medial pretectum, nucleus of the posterior commissure, paramedian pontine reticular formation, paraabducens and paratrochlear region; the parabrachial nuclei and nucleus of the tractus solitarius. Terminal labelling from PHA-L injections of LDTg was found in infralimbic, cingulate and hippocampal cortex, lateral septum, septofimbrial and triangular nuclei, horizontal limb of diagonal band and preoptic areas; in the anterior, mediodorsal, reuniens, centrolateral, parafascicular, paraventricular and laterodorsal thalamic nuclei, rostral reticular thalamic nucleus, and zona incerta; the lateral habenula and the lateral hypothalamus. A number of brainstem structures apparently associated with visual functions were also innervated, mainly the superior colliculus, medial pretectum, medial terminal nucleus, paramedian pontine reticular formation, inferior olive, supraoculomotor, paraabducens and supragenual regions, prepositus hypoglossi and nucleus of the posterior commissure. Also innervated were substantia nigra compacta, ventral tegmental area, interfascicular nucleus, interpeduncular nucleus, dorsal and medial raphe, pedunculopontine tegmental region, parabrachial nuclei, and nucleus of the tractus solitarius. These findings suggest the LDTg to be a highly differentiated part of the ascending "reticular activating" system, concerned not only with specific cortical and thalamic regions, especially those associated with the limbic system, but also with the basal ganglia, and visual (particularly oculomotor) mechanisms. Additional links with the habenula-interpeduncular system are discussed in this context.  相似文献   

The afferent and efferent connections of the dorsolateral precentral gyrus, the primary motor cortex for control of the upper extremity, were studied by using the retrograde and anterograde capabilities of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique in three adult macaque monkeys that had received HRP gel implants in this cortical region. Reciprocal corticocortical connections were observed primarily with the supplementary motor area (SMA) in medial premotor area 6 and dorsal bank of the cingulate sulcus, postarcuate area 6 cortex, dorsal cingulate cortex (area 24), superior parietal lobule (area 5, PE/PEa), and inferior parietal lobule (area 7b, PF/PFop, including the secondary somatosensory SII region). In these heavily labeled regions, the associational intrahemispheric afferents originated primarily from small and medium sized pyramidal cells in layer III, but also from layer V. The SMA projections were columnar in organization. Intrahemispheric afferents from contralateral homologous and nonhomologous frontal and cingulate cortices also originated predominantly from layer III, but the connections from contralateral area 4 were almost exclusively from layer III. The bilateral connections with premotor frontal area 6 and cingulate cortices were not observed with parietal regions; i.e., only ipsilateral intrahemispheric parietal corticocortical connections were observed. There were no significant connections with prearcuate area 8 or the granular frontal (prefrontal) cortex. Subcortical afferents originated primarily from the nucleus basalis of Meynert, dorsal claustrum, ventral lateral (VLo and VLc), area X, ventral posterolateral pars oralis (VPLo), central lateral and centromedian thalamic nuclei, lateral hypothalamus, pedunculopontine nucleus, locus ceruleus and subceruleus, and superior central and dorsal raphe nuclei. Lesser numbers of retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in the nucleus of the diagonal band, mediodorsal (MD), paracentral, and central superior lateral thalamic nuclei, nucleus limitans, nucleus annularis, and the mesencephalic and pontine reticular formation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Several anatomical and physiological studies have thus far failed to confirm the existence of striatocortical projections proposed in 1895 by Cajal. Evidence for such striatocortical projections was obtained in the present study using the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing method. When 0.1–0.8 μ1 of 30–50% HRP in saline was injected into different cortical regions in cats, HRP was transported to cells in different thalamic nuclei, striatum and the globus pallidus. Only large striatal cells, 30–60 μm in their long axes, contained HRP reaction product. After injection in area AI, the striatocortical cells were located in the dorsal parts of the middle third of putamen, where auditory cortical afferents are known to project, thereby suggesting reciprocal connections between the cerebral cortex and the striatum.  相似文献   

-Glutamate (4–40 nmol) was microinjected at superficial depths beneath the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata in cats. Injections (100–300 μm beneath the surface) made rostromedial to the hypoglossal nerve, less than 1.5 mm lateral to the pyramidal tract, caused stimulation of phrenic nerve activity. Injections (100–500 μm beneath the surface) up to 1 mm further lateral caused a marked increase in arterial pressure and depression of phrenic nerve activity. These findings support the existence of two cell groups in the ventral medulla that are involved in regulation of respiration; when activated, one (medial group) causes facilitation and the other (lateral group) inhibition of respiration.  相似文献   

We examined the thalamocortical connections of electrophysiologically identified locations in the hand and forelimb representations in areas 3b, 1, and 5 in the New World titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch), and of area 7b/AIP. Labeled cells and terminals in the thalamus resulting from the injections were related to architectonic boundaries. As in previous studies in primates, the hand representation of area 3b has dense, restricted projections predominantly from the lateral division of the ventral posterior nucleus (VPl). Projections to area 1 were highly convergent from several thalamic nuclei including the ventral lateral nucleus (VL), anterior pulvinar (PA), VPl, and the superior division of the ventral posterior nucleus (VPs). In cortex immediately caudal to area 1, what we term area 5, thalamocortical connections were also highly convergent and predominantly from nuclei of the thalamus associated with motor, visual, or somatic processing such as VL, the medial pulvinar (PM), and PA, respectively; with moderate projections from VP, central lateral nucleus (CL), lateral posterior nucleus (LP), and VPs. Finally, thalamocortical connections of area 7b/AIP were from a range of nuclei including PA, PM, LP/LD, VL, CL, PL, and CM. The current data support two conclusions drawn from previous studies in titi monkeys and other primates. First, cortex caudal to area 1 in New World monkeys is more like area 5 than area 2. Second, the presence of thalamic input to area 5 from both motor nuclei and somatosensory nuclei of the thalamus, suggests that area 5 could be considered a highly specialized sensorimotor area.  相似文献   

The organization of projection neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), and in adjacent parts of the raphe nuclei medial to it (the central and rostral linear, and interfascicular nuclei), the mammillary body (the supramammillary region and the tuberomammillary nucleus), and the substantia nigra have been examined in the rat with Kuypers' retrograde double labeling method, and with a combined retrograde labeling (with true blue)-immunohistochemical method for the demonstration of dopaminergic neurons. First, the distribution, within the VTA and adjacent regions, of dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic cells that project to terminal fields in the telencephalon (nucleus accumbens, lateral septum, pre- and supragenual fields of the anterior limbic cortex, amygdala, dorsal hippocampus, and entorhinal area), in the diencephalon (lateral habenula), and in the brainstem (locus coeruleus, and parabrachial nucleus) was determined. Then, 15 different combinations of injections of the tracers bisbenzimide and true blue into different terminal fields were made to determine whether individual cells in the region of the VTA send collaterals to more than one site. Taken together, the results indicate that essentially separate groups of cells in the VTA and adjacent regions of the raphe project to each terminal field. In addition, each group can be further divided into dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic components, although the proportion of dopaminergic cells in each group can vary from over 80% (e.g., to the nucleus accumbens) to less than 1% (to the lateral habenula and to the locus coeruleus). In addition, it was found that the supramammillary region, which contains a dense extension of the A10 cell group in its medial part, and the tuberomammillary nucleus, project to, or through, most of the regions injected with retrograde tracers. Virtually all of the projections from the VTA and adjacent regions are partially crossed, the percentage of cells on the uninjected side ranging from over 40% (e.g., for locus coeruleus injections) to only about 2% (e.g., for amygdalar injections). Most of the groups of projection neurons in the region of the VTA are considerably intermixed with the exception of those that project to the lateral septum, to the lateral habenula, and to the hippocampal formation, which are concentrated in ventral and medial parts of the VTA, and in the raphe nuclei medial to the VTA. It was concluded that in the ventral part of the midbrain, essentially separate groups of aminergic and non-aminergic neurons in both the reticular formation (VTA) and in the adjacent nuclei of the raphe project bilaterally to a variety of similar terminal fields in the telencephalon, diencephalon, and brainstem. Further work at the single cell level is needed to determine whether these cell groups are differentially innervated by known inputs to the VTA and adjacent regions, most of which appear to descend through the medial forebrain bundle from sites in the limbic system and hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is derived from the peptide precursor pre-pro-glucagon (PPG) by enzymatic cleavage and acts via its receptor, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R). By using riboprobes complementary to PPG and GLP-1R, we described the distribution of PPG and GLP-1R messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in the central nervous system of the rat. PPG mRNA-expressing perikarya were restricted to the nucleus of the solitary tact or to the dorsal and ventral medulla and olfactory bulb. GLP-1R mRNA was detected in numerous brain regions, including the mitral cell layer of the olfactory bulb; temporal cortex; caudal hippocampus; lateral septum; amygdala; nucleus accumbens; ventral pallium; nucleus basalis Meynert; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; preoptic area; paraventricular, supraoptic, arcuate, and dorsomedial nuclei of the hypothalamus; lateral habenula; zona incerta; substantia innominata; posterior thalamic nuclei; ventral tegmental area; dorsal tegmental, posterodorsal tegmental, and interpeduncular nuclei; substantia nigra, central gray; raphe nuclei; parabrachial nuclei; locus ceruleus, nucleus of the solitary tract; area postrema; dorsal nucleus of the vagus; lateral reticular nucleus; and spinal cord. These studies, in addition to describing the sites of GLP-1 and GLP-1R synthesis, suggest that the efferent connections from the nucleus of the solitary tract are more widespread than previously reported. Although the current role of GLP-1 in regulating neuronal physiology is not known, these studies provide detailed information about the sites of GLP-1 synthesis and potential sites of action, an important first step in evaluating the function of GLP-1 in the brain. The widespread distribution of GLP-1R mRNA-containing cells strongly suggests that GLP-1 not only functions as a satiety factor but also acts as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in anatomically and functionally distinct areas of the central nervous system. J. Comp. Neurol. 403:261–280, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The nucleus incertus is located caudal to the dorsal raphe and medial to the dorsal tegmentum. It is composed of a pars compacta and a pars dissipata and contains acetylcholinesterase, glutamic acid decarboxylase, and cholecystokinin-positive somata. In the present study, anterograde tracer injections in the nucleus incertus resulted in terminal-like labeling in the perirhinal cortex and the dorsal endopyriform nucleus, the hippocampus, the medial septum diagonal band complex, lateral and triangular septum medial amygdala, the intralaminar thalamic nuclei, and the lateral habenula. The hypothalamus contained dense plexuses of fibers in the medial forebrain bundle that spread in nearly all nuclei. Labeling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus filled specifically the ventral half. In the midbrain, labeled fibers were observed in the interpeduncular nuclei, ventral tegmental area, periaqueductal gray, superior colliculus, pericentral inferior colliculus, pretectal area, the raphe nuclei, and the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis. Retrograde tracer injections were made in areas reached by anterogradely labeled fibers including the medial prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, habenula, nucleus reuniens, superior colliculus, periaqueductal gray, and interpeduncular nuclei. All these injections gave rise to retrograde labeling in the nucleus incertus but not in the dorsal tegmental nucleus. These data led us to conclude that there is a system of ascending projections arising from the nucleus incertus to the median raphe, mammillary complex, hypothalamus, lateral habenula, nucleus reuniens, amygdala, entorhinal cortex, medial septum, and hippocampus. Many of the targets of the nucleus incertus were involved in arousal mechanisms including the synchronization and desynchronization of the theta rhythm.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of nicotine has been shown to increase locomotor activity in rats, an effect which is enhanced by chronic pretreatment with the drug. Furthermore, administration of nicotine either systemically, or locally within the ventral tegmental area (VTA), increases extracellular levels of dopamine (DA) in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). In the present study, we examined the effect of local, bilateral injections into the VTA of nicotine (0.02, 0.2, 2.0 and 8.0 μg/0.5μl/side) on locomotor activity of rats in an open field. Nicotine (8.0 μg/side) significantly increased forward locomotion within 20 min after injection, whereas rearing was not affected. The stimulatory effect of locally applied nicotine was completely blocked by pretreatment with mecamylamine (1.0 mg/kg, s.c.). Repeated intra-tegmental injections of a subthreshold dose of nicotine (2.0 μg/side every 2 days), gradually increased locomotion, compared to the effect of acute intra-tegmental administration or control injections of saline, after the fifth and sixth injection. The effects of intra-tegmental injections of nicotine were further investigated on cells in several target areas for the VTA-DA neurons through determination of c-fos expression by means of Fos immunohistochemistry. Intra-tegmental injections of nicotine (8.0 μg/side) increased Fos-like immunoreactivity in the NAc, but did not affect the number of Fos-positive nuclei in the medial prefrontal cortex or in the dorsolateral striatum. The increase in accumbal Fos-like immunoreactivity was attenuated by pretreatment with mecamylamine (1.0 mg/kg, s.c.). Our data demonstrate that locomotor activating effects similar to those evoked by systemically administered nicotine, including behavioral sensitization, can be produced by intra-tegmental nicotine administration. Moreover, such local VTA administration of the drug was found to significantly affect neurons within DA target areas. Our findings support the notion that the effects of systemically administered nicotine in mesolimbic target areas are largely dependent on stimulation of nicotini receptors in the VTA.  相似文献   

A. Cardona  P. Rudomin   《Brain research》1983,280(2):373-378
In the isolated neuraxis of the frog, low frequency stimulation (0.5–2 Hz) of the lateral columns produces monosynaptic responses in the ventral roots which are depressed with an exponential time course. Serotonin (10 μmol/liter) added to the bath, or stimulation of the brain-stem midline raphe nuclei, but not of the lateral reticular formation, reduced the magnitude of the low frequency depression of the responses. The above actions were abolished by methysergide (1 μmol/liter), a specific antagonist of serotonin. These observations show that the magnitude of the homosynaptic depression of monosynaptic responses of motoneurons can be controlled by descending serotonergic mechanisms. This action is considered to be an important component of the arousal behavior mediated by the brain-stem raphe nuclei.  相似文献   

The present experiment used electrolytic lesions in combination with curve-shift scaling to study the functional relation between the habenula and four different brain sites that support operant responding for brain stimulation reward. Rats were implanted with a monopolar stimulation electrode aimed at the lateral hypothalamus, ventral tegmental area, dorsal raphe or median raphe nuclei, and a lesioning electrode in the ipsilateral habenula. Operant nose poking resulted in self-administration of trains of electrical pulses to one of the above stimulation sites. Reward thresholds were derived from response-number curves and defined as the pulse number necessary for half-maximal responding. Rats were tested daily at each of three current intensities that were chosen from individual number-current trade-off functions and that yielded baseline reward thresholds of approximately 10, 20 and 40 pulses/train. Testing resumed 24h after lesioning the habenula (100 muA anodal current, 20-25s) and continued for 3-4 weeks. A total of 19 rats completed the experiment. In five of these, habenular lesions clearly reduced the rewarding effectiveness of the stimulation; reward thresholds increased by approximately 30-245% (0.12-0.54 log10 units). Generally, lesion effects were observed at low and medium current intensities, developed gradually and did not recover. Histological analysis revealed that in two rats the stimulation electrode was located in the posterior lateral hypothalamus, two in the anterior ventral tegmental area and one in the area of the dorsal raphe. These results strongly suggest that the habenula constitutes an important component of the neural circuitry important for brain stimulation reward.  相似文献   

Based on anatomical and functional data, the habenula—a phylogenetically old brain structure present in all vertebrates—takes part in the integration of limbic, sensory, and basal ganglia information to guide effective response strategies appropriate to environmental conditions. In the present study, we investigated the connections of the habenular nuclei of the oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis, and compared them with published data from lampreys, chondrichthyes, teleosts, reptiles, birds, and mammals. During phylogenetic development, the primordial habenula circuitry underwent various evolutionary adaptations and in the tetrapod line, the circuit complexity increased. The habenula circuitry of anuran amphibians, decedents of the first land-living tetrapods, seem to exhibit a mix of ancient as well as modern features. The anuran medial and lateral habenula homologs receive differential input from the septum, nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, preoptic area, hypothalamus, rostral pallium, nucleus accumbens, ventral pallidum, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Additional input arises from a border region in the ventral prethalamus, here discussed as a putative homolog of the entopeduncular nucleus of rodents. The habenular subnuclei also differentially innervate the interpeduncular nucleus, raphe nuclei, substantia nigra pars compacta and ventral tegmental area homologs, superficial mamillary area, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, locus coeruleus, inferior and superior colliculus homologs, hypothalamus, preoptic area, septum, nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, and main olfactory bulb. It seems likely that the main connectivity between the habenula and the basal ganglia, limbic, and sensory systems was already present in the common tetrapod ancestor.  相似文献   

Afferent connections to the lateral hypothalamic region in the rat were studied using horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP was injected iontophoretically by a parapharyngeal approach. After HRP injections into the lateral hypothalamic area, labeled cells were found mainly in the medial prefrontal and infralimbic cortices, lateral and dorsal septal nuclei, nucleus accumbens, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial and lateral amygdaloid nuclei, lateral habenular nucleus, peripeduncular nucleus, ventral tegmental area, mesencephalic and pontine central gray, ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, lateral parabrachial area, raphe nuclei and the nucleus locus coeruleus. Labeled cells following HRP injections into the lateral preoptic area were found mainly in the lateral and dorsal septal nuclei, nucleus accumbens, diagonal band, ventral part of the globus pallidus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, central amygdaloid nucleus, mesencephalic and pontine central gray, dorsal raphe nucleus, parabrachial area and the nucleus locus coeruleus. The intrahypothalamic connections were also discussed.  相似文献   

The role of dopaminergic (DA) projections from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in appetitive and rewarding behavior has been widely studied, but the VTA also has documented DA‐independent functions. Several drugs of abuse, act on VTA GABAergic neurons, and most studies have focused on local inhibitory connections. Relatively little is known about VTA GABA projection neurons and their connections to brain sites outside the VTA. This study employed viral‐vector‐mediated cell‐type‐specific anterograde tracing, classical retrograde tracing, and immunohistochemistry to characterize VTA GABA efferents throughout the brain. We found that VTA GABA neurons project widely to forebrain and brainstem targets, including the ventral pallidum, lateral and magnocellular preoptic nuclei, lateral hypothalamus, and lateral habenula. Minor projections also go to central amygdala, mediodorsal thalamus, dorsal raphe, and deep mesencephalic nuclei, and sparse projections go to prefrontal cortical regions and to nucleus accumbens shell and core. These projections differ from the major VTA DA target regions. Retrograde tracing studies confirmed results from the anterograde experiments and differences in projections from VTA subnuclei. Retrogradely labeled GABA neurons were not numerous, and most non‐tyrosine hydroxylase/retrogradely labeled cells lacked GABAergic markers. Many non‐TH/retrogradely labeled cells projecting to several areas expressed VGluT2. VTA GABA and glutamate neurons project throughout the brain, most prominently to regions with reciprocal connections to the VTA. These data indicate that VTA GABA and glutamate neurons may have more DA‐independent functions than previously recognized. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:3308–3334, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ellison A  Cowey A 《Neuropsychologia》2007,45(14):3335-3339
A previous transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study [Ellison, A., & Cowey, A. (2006). TMS can reveal contrasting functions of the dorsal and ventral visual processing streams. Experimental Brain Research, 175, 618–625] showed that both the dorsal and ventral cortical visual processing streams are involved in the processing of a task in which judgement of relative spatial position is required. In order to determine whether both streams are active in a parallel or serial manner, a double pulse TMS (20 Hz) experiment was carried out to expose peaks of disruption, indicative of when each of the areas under investigation is most potently involved. Results show that TMS over lateral occipital cortex produces greater disruption of performance than that provoked by TMS over posterior parietal cortex, significantly so when applied at 50 and 100 ms post-visual array onset. Both areas showed peaks of disruption up to 350 ms after visual stimulus onset. The results are discussed with respect to why each of these areas is involved in this task and what the pattern of their involvement reveals.  相似文献   

Using a retrograde axonal transport method, direct projections to the neostriatum were demonstrated from the dorsal raphe nucleus, a large area of the ventral midbrain tegmentum (including the ventral tegmental area of Tsai, the substantia nigra pars compacta, reticulata and suboculomotoria), and the tegmentum ventral to the caudal red nucleus. A direct projection was also found from the mediodorsal part of the substantia nigra to the rostral part of the dorsal raphe nucleus. Projections from the entopeduncular nucleus (pallidum) and the lateral hypothalamic area to the lateral habenular nucleus, and from the latter to the dorsal raphe nucleus were also found. This habenular projection arises primarily from large neurons in the medial part of the lateral habenula and also from another group of small cells immediately adjacent to the medial habenular nucleus. A non-reciprocal connection of the dorsal raphe nucleus to the locus coeruleus was also found. On the basis of these results and the data available in the literature on the possible neurotransmitters used by these various structures, it is suggested that the dorsal raphe nucleus may play an important role in brain stem modulation of neostriatal function.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the intrinsic connections of the basal and accessory basal nuclei of the Macaca fascicularis monkey by means of the anterograde tracers Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) and biotinylated dextran amine (BDA). Analysis of the intranuclear connections of the basal nucleus indicates that there are five modules: dorsal, intermediate, ventral lateral, ventral medial and periamygdaloid sulcal cortex. The dorsal division projects to the intermediate division. Laterally, the intermediate division projects to the ventral lateral division and dorsal parts of the ventral medial division. Ventrally, the ventral lateral division projects to the ventral medial division and periamygdaloid sulcal cortex, which appears to constitute a medial extension of the basal nucleus onto the cortical surface of the amygdala. Medially, the ventral medial division projects to the intermediate and dorsal divisions. Thus, the connections between these modules form functional microcolumns within the nucleus with distinct patterns of information flow that are dorsal to ventral laterally, lateral to medial ventrally, and ventral to dorsal medially. Observations on the intranuclear connections of the accessory basal nucleus suggest that they are organized into two relatively distinct domains: the dorsal division projects to the ventral division and the ventral division projects primarily to the ventromedial division. Projections to other amygdaloid areas originate in select divisions of the basal and accessory basal nuclei, and are topographically distributed. The organization of intrinsic connections of the basal nuclei correlates with specific amygdalo-cortical connections and suggests that extensive convergence of information takes place within the amygdala, which potentially influences activity at both the temporal and parietal pathways and hippocampal fields.  相似文献   

The corticoamygdaloid and intraamygdaloid projections of the rat were studied by the use of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Observations based on anterograde transport of the enzyme were exploited to determine the course of the intrinsic connections. The HRP was injected stereotactically by means of iontophoresis. Most of the amygdaloid nuclei were selectively injected, and all but a few were reached by more than one approach. The vast majority of corticoamygdaloid fibers was found to originate in cortical areas defined as allocortical (Stephan, 1975). From the medial frontal cortex the central amygdaloid nucleus (AC) receives a hitherto undescribed projection originating in the tenia tecta; and both the AC and the lateral amygdaloid nucleus (AL) receive fibers from the prelimbic and infralimbic areas. The anterior cingulate area entertains a weak connection with the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus (BL). As to the insular cortex, the posterior agranular insular area projects to all amygdaloid subdivisions; the BL, AC, and the anterior cortical nucleus (COa) receive, in addition, fibers from the ventral agranular area. The prepyriform cortex connects with the entire amygdala except the medial nucleus (Am) The amygdala receives afferents from a transitional area between the amygdala and the entorhinal area. The entorhinal area proper is related to the amygdala via projections from the ventral part of the lateral entorhinal area to the AL and from the dorsal part of the lateral entorhinal area to the BL. The former nucleus also receives fibers from the perirhinal region. Additional amygdalopetal connections from the hippocampal region include a previously undescribed projection from the temporal two-thirds of CA1 to the AL and BL and to the posterior cortical nucleus (COp) with the adjacent periamygdaloid cortex (PAC). The subiculum projects to the AL, and more modestly to other amygdaloid nuclei There is an extensive network of intraamygdaloid connections, the Am and AC being the only nuclei not giving rise to intrinsic fibers.  相似文献   

The present investigation is part of a broader effort to examine cortical areas that contribute to manual dexterity, reaching, and grasping. In this study we examine the thalamic connections of electrophysiologically defined regions in area 3a and architectonically defined primary motor cortex (M1). Our studies demonstrate that area 3a receives input from nuclei associated with the somatosensory system: the superior, inferior, and lateral divisions of the ventral posterior complex (VPs, VPi, and VPl, respectively). Surprisingly, area 3a receives the majority of its input from thalamic nuclei associated with the motor system, posterior division of the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus (VL), the mediodorsal nucleus (MD), and intralaminar nuclei including the central lateral nucleus (CL) and the centre median nucleus (CM). In addition, sparse but consistent projections to area 3a are from the anterior pulvinar (Pla). Projections from the thalamus to the cortex immediately rostral to area 3a, in the architectonically defined M1, are predominantly from VL, VA, CL, and MD. There is a conspicuous absence of inputs from the nuclei associated with processing somatic inputs (VP complex). Our results indicate that area 3a is much like a motor area, in part because of its substantial connections with motor nuclei of the thalamus and motor areas of the neocortex (Huffman et al. [2000] Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 25:1116). The indirect input from the cerebellum and basal ganglia via the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus supports its role in proprioception. Furthermore, the presence of input from somatosensory thalamic nuclei suggests that it plays an important role in somatosensory and motor integration.  相似文献   

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