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Cellular attachment factors like the C-type lectins DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR (collectively referred to as DC-SIGN/R) can augment viral infection and might promote viral dissemination in and between hosts. The lectin LSECtin is encoded in the same chromosomal locus as DC-SIGN/R and is coexpressed with DC-SIGNR on sinusoidal endothelial cells in liver and lymphnodes. Here, we show that LSECtin enhances infection driven by filovirus glycoproteins (GP) and the S protein of SARS coronavirus, but does not interact with human immunodeficiency virus type-1 and hepatitis C virus envelope proteins. Ligand binding to LSECtin was inhibited by EGTA but not by mannan, suggesting that LSECtin unlike DC-SIGN/R does not recognize high-mannose glycans on viral GPs. Finally, we demonstrate that LSECtin is N-linked glycosylated and that glycosylation is required for cell surface expression. In summary, we identified LSECtin as an attachment factor that in conjunction with DC-SIGNR might concentrate viral pathogens in liver and lymph nodes.  相似文献   

The C-type lectin DC-SIGN binds to oligosaccharides on the human and simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV, SIV) envelope glycoproteins and promotes infection of susceptible cells. Here, we show that DC-SIGN recognizes glycans involved in SIV sensitivity to neutralizing antibodies and that binding to DC-SIGN confers neutralization resistance to an otherwise sensitive SIV variant. Moreover, we provide evidence that mannose-binding lectin (MBL) can interfere with HIV-1 neutralization by the carbohydrate-specific antibody 2G12.  相似文献   

The calcium-dependent lectins DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR (collectively termed DC-SIGN/R) bind to high-mannose carbohydrates on a variety of viruses. In contrast, the related lectin LSECtin does not recognize mannose-rich glycans and interacts with a more restricted spectrum of viruses. Here, we analyzed whether these lectins differ in their mode of ligand engagement. LSECtin and DC-SIGNR, which we found to be co-expressed by liver, lymph node and bone marrow sinusoidal endothelial cells, bound to soluble Ebola virus glycoprotein (EBOV-GP) with comparable affinities. Similarly, LSECtin, DC-SIGN and the Langerhans cell-specific lectin Langerin readily bound to soluble human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) GP. However, only DC-SIGN captured HIV-1 particles, indicating that binding to soluble GP is not necessarily predictive of binding to virion-associated GP. Capture of EBOV-GP by LSECtin triggered ligand internalization, suggesting that LSECtin like DC-SIGN might function as an antigen uptake receptor. However, the intracellular fate of lectin-ligand complexes might differ. Thus, exposure to low-pH medium, which mimics the acidic luminal environment in endosomes/lysosomes, released ligand bound to DC-SIGN/R but had no effect on LSECtin interactions with ligand. Our results reveal important differences between pathogen capture by DC-SIGN/R and LSECtin and hint towards different biological functions of these lectins.  相似文献   

The lectins DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR augment infection by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Ebolavirus (EBOV) and other pathogens. The neck domain of these proteins drives multimerization, which is believed to be required for efficient recognition of multivalent ligands. The neck domain of DC-SIGN consists of seven sequence repeats with rare variations. In contrast, the DC-SIGNR neck domain is polymorphic and, in addition to the wild type (wt) allele with seven repeat units, allelic forms with five and six sequence repeats are frequently found. A potential association of the DC-SIGNR genotype and risk of HIV-1 infection is currently under debate. Therefore, we investigated if DC-SIGNR alleles with five and six repeat units exhibit defects in pathogen capture. Here, we show that wt DC-SIGNR and patient derived alleles with five and six repeats bind viral glycoproteins, augment viral infection and tetramerize with comparable efficiency. Moreover, coexpression of wt DC-SIGNR and alleles with five repeats did not decrease the interaction with pathogens compared to expression of each allele alone, suggesting that potential formation of hetero-oligomers does not appreciably reduce pathogen binding, at least under conditions of high expression. Thus, our results do not provide evidence for diminished pathogen capture by DC-SIGNR alleles with five and six repeat units. Albeit, we cannot exclude that subtle, but in vivo relevant differences remained undetected, our analysis suggests that indirect mechanisms could account for the association of polymorphisms in the DC-SIGNR neck region with reduced risk of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Attachment of the flavivirus tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus to different permissive cell lines was investigated by a newly established quantitative assay using fluorescence-labeled virus. Previous work had shown that BHK-21 cell-adapted mutants of TBE virus had acquired potential heparan sulfate (HS) binding sites on the outer surface of protein E. Quantitative analysis of one of these mutants indicated that it attached to HS-expressing cell lines with a 10- to 13-fold higher affinity than wild-type TBE virus strain Neudoerfl. CHO cells deficient in HS synthesis bound less than 5% of the amount of wild-type or mutant virus that could attach to HS-containing CHO cells but were nevertheless found to be highly susceptible to infection with both viruses. Thus, even though HS is a major determinant of TBE virus attachment on HS-expressing cells, our findings suggest the existence of an alternative host cell receptor that is less abundant than HS.  相似文献   

Polyoma- (PY) and Papillomavirus (PV) virions have remarkable structural equivalence although no discernable sequence similarities among the capsid proteins can be detected. Their similarities include the overall surface organization, the presence of 72 capsomeres composed of five molecules of the major capsid proteins, VP1 and L1, respectively, the structure of the core segment of capsomeres with classical antiparallel “jelly roll” β strands as the major feature, and the linkage of neighboring capsomeres by invading C-terminal arms. Differences include the size of surface exposed loops that contain the dominant neutralizing epitopes, the details of the intercapsomeric interactions, and the presence of 2 or 1 minor capsid proteins, respectively. These differences may affect the dramatic differences observed in receptor binding and internalization pathways utilized by these viruses, but as detailed later even structural differences cannot completely explain receptor and pathway usage. In recent years, technical advances aiding the study of entry processes have allowed the identification of novel endocytic compartments and an appreciation of the links between endocytic pathways that were previously thought to be completely separable. This review is intended to highlight recent advances in our understanding of virus receptor interactions and their consequences for endocytosis and intracellular trafficking.  相似文献   

Rue CA  Ryan P 《Virology》2003,307(1):12-21
Glycoprotein C (gC) of pseudorabies virus, a swine herpesvirus, initiates virus attachment by binding to heparan sulfate (HS) linked to proteoglycans (HSPGs) on the cell surface. This interaction facilitates a required step in virus entry, the binding to a non-HS coreceptor, likely by another viral glycoprotein, gD. We demonstrate that gC has an even more direct role in virus entry than simply promoting adhesion strengthening. A porcine cell line expressing gC trans-complemented the penetration, but not attachment, defect of gC null mutants. In addition, gC promoted the colocalization of cell surface HSPGs and the actin cytoskeleton, suggesting a role for filamentous actin in virus entry. This was supported by results showing that both the engagement of a non-HS coreceptor and entry events subsequent to coreceptor binding were impaired if cells were first treated with an actin depolymerizing agent, cytochalasin D. Our results suggest a model in which gC-HS interactions promote not only virus attachment but also virus entry by usurping the normal properties of HSPGs.  相似文献   


Previous studies suggest that attachment insecurities may increase after trauma exposure, an effect documented only at a group level. This study explores the heterogeneity of changes over time and examines the associations of the nature of the traumatic event (interpersonal and nonpersonal), and its consequences (posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD] and loneliness) with attachment trajectories. Two groups of Israeli veterans participated: 164 former prisoners-of-war and 185 combat veterans. Attachment was assessed at four points (1991–2015). Risk factors were evaluated in 1991. Using latent growth mixture modeling, trajectories of attachment insecurities were explored. Three avoidance trajectories (stability, decrease, inverse u-shaped) and two anxiety trajectories (stability, decrease) were identified. The inverse u-shaped avoidance trajectory was associated with captivity, humiliation, loneliness, and PTSD, and stable avoidance was associated with loneliness. Stable anxiety was associated with captivity and loneliness. Attachment insecurities can change during aging and persist decades after a trauma. Trauma-related risk factors are related to more deleterious trajectories.  相似文献   


The current meta-analysis examines the links between unresolved representations of attachment, anomalous parental behavior, and disorganized attachment relationships in 12 studies including 851 families. We found moderate effect sizes for the associations between unresolved states of mind and anomalous behavior (r = .26), unresolved states of mind and infant disorganized attachment relationships (r = .21), and anomalous behavior and disorganized attachment relationships (r = .34). Sample characteristics, observational context, and observational measure were not associated with differences in effect sizes. Only a small part of the association between unresolved states of mind and disorganized attachment relationships was explained by the mediation of anomalous parental behavior (.26? .34 = .09). Other factors yet to be uncovered must mediate the influence of unresolved states of mind on infant disorganized attachment; thus, further exploration of infant, parental, ecological, and genetic factors are warranted.  相似文献   

In the face of a pressing need for expanded attachment research programs and attachment informed interventions in Latin America, a research network was established: Red Iberoamericana de Apego: RIA (Iberian-American Attachment Network). The purpose of RIA is to promote human development and well being, informed by attachment theory, centering on research, and with implications for public policies, education, and intervention. We report the proceedings of the second meeting of RIA held in Panama City, Panama, in February 2010. As part of this meeting, RIA sponsored the first Latin-American attachment conference. Proceedings of the conference are described, as are future goals of this new organization.  相似文献   


I argue that attachment relationships, and particularly secure ones, are important contexts for social learning and cultural transmission. Bowlby originally treated the attachment-behavioral system as serving only one evolutionary function: protection, via physical proximity. Yet the time is ripe to consider learning, especially social learning, as an additional functional consequence of attachment. Updated accordingly, attachment theory has the potential to serve as a much-needed developmental anchor for models of cultural evolution and gene-culture co-evolution. To support my arguments, I review progress in evolutionary science since Bowlby’s lifetime, highlighting the growing recognition of ecological flexibility and the cultural embeddedness of animal behavior. I also review research pointing to a facilitating role of secure attachment relationships for social learning from caregivers among humans. For illustrational purposes, I show how one important aspect of human culture – religion – is culturally transmitted within attachment relationships, and of how the generalization of attachment-related working models biases the cultural transmission of religion from parents to offspring. I end the paper with a call for empirical research to test the role of attachment in cultural transmission beyond religion.  相似文献   

The microstructure, chemical composition and wettability of thermally and chemically modified Ti-6Al-4V alloy disks were characterized and correlated with the degree of radiolabeled fibronectin-alloy surface adsorption and subsequent adhesion of osteoblast-like cells. Heating either in pure oxygen or atmosphere (atm) resulted in an enrichment of Al and V within the surface oxide. Heating (oxygen/atm) and peroxide treatment both followed by butanol treatment resulted in a reduction in content of V, but not in Al. Heating (oxygen/atm) or peroxide treatment resulted in a thicker oxide layer and a more hydrophilic surface when compared with passivated controls. Post-treatment with butanol, however, resulted in less hydrophilic surfaces than heating or peroxide treatment alone. The greatest increases in the adsorption of radiolabeled fibronectin following treatment were observed with peroxide/butanol-treated samples followed by peroxide/butanol and heat/butanol, although binding was only increased by 20-40% compared to untreated controls. These experiments with radiolabeled fibronectin indicate that enhanced adsorption of the glycoprotein was more highly correlated with changes in chemical composition, reflected in a reduction in V content and decrease in the V/Al ratio, than with changes in wettability. Despite promoting only a modest elevation in fibronectin adsorption, the treatment of disks with heat or heat/butanol induced a several-fold increase in the attachment of MG63 cells promoted by a nonadhesive concentration of fibronectin that was used to coat the pretreated disks compared to uncoated disks. Therefore, results obtained with these modifications of surface properties indicate that an increase in the absolute content of Al and/or V (heat), and/or in the Al/V ratio (with little change in hydrophilicity; heat+butanol) is correlated with an increase in the fibronectin-promoted adhesion of an osteoblast-like cell line. It would also appear that the thermal treatment-induced enhancement of cell adhesion in the presence of this integrin-binding protein is due to its increased biological activity, rather than a mass effect alone, that appear to be associated with changes in chemical composition of the metallic surface. Future studies will investigate the influence of the surface chemical composition of various implantable alloys on protein adsorption and receptor-mediated cell adhesion. In addition, by altering the properties of bound osteogenic protein enhancing exposure to cell integrin binding domains, it may be possible to develop implant surfaces which enhance the attachment, adhesion and developmental response of osteoblast precursors leading to accelerated osseointegration.  相似文献   


In the spring of 2018, the Attorney General of the United States issued a memorandum declaring a “zero tolerance policy” under which all adults entering the United States illegally would be criminally prosecuted, and, if traveling with minor children, forcibly separated from their children. Although the government was ordered to reunite the children with their parents it is still unclear how many children have been or remain separated. Given the high risk of permanent harm to a vulnerable population, and the fact that this risk may continue into the near future, we present a review of what nearly eight decades of scholarly research has taught us about the damaging impact of deprivation and separation from parents. The article briefly reviews the origins of attachment theory as well as empirical studies that examine the psychobiological impact on children who experienced parental deprivation or separation. The paper concludes with recommendations, for future research.  相似文献   

目的 数值模拟研究血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)分泌量及分泌来源对肿瘤血管生成的影响。方法 建立肿瘤内外血管生成的二维离散数学模型。围绕VEGF的分泌及其诱导新生血管形成肿瘤富血管区的过程,考虑细胞外基质的旁分泌作用以及对内皮细胞运动的趋触作用,以微血管密度作为定量指标,探讨VEGF的分泌量及不同的分泌来源对血管生成的影响。结果 肿瘤增殖细胞区、VEGF高浓度区、富血管区三者统一,微血管密度与VEGF的表达有关,随着增殖细胞区域的扩大,即VEGF的表达越来越多,微血管密度也越来越大,但在不同类型的肿瘤中,VEGF不同分泌来源的比重与微血管密度无明显相关性。结论 模型探讨了VEGF分泌量及分泌来源对肿瘤血管生成的影响,其中对VEGF的不同分泌来源的考虑可作为研究靶向VEGF治疗肿瘤的模型基础。  相似文献   


Bacterial attachment to abiotic surfaces can be explained as a physicochemical process. Mechanisms of the process have been widely studied but are not yet well understood due to their complexity. Physicochemical processes can be influenced by various interactions and factors in attachment systems, including, but not limited to, hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic interactions and substratum surface roughness. Mechanistic models and control strategies for bacterial attachment to abiotic surfaces have been established based on the current understanding of the attachment process and the interactions involved. Due to a lack of process control and standardization in the methodologies used to study the mechanisms of bacterial attachment, however, various challenges are apparent in the development of models and control strategies. In this review, the physicochemical mechanisms, interactions and factors affecting the process of bacterial attachment to abiotic surfaces are described. Mechanistic models established based on these parameters are discussed in terms of their limitations. Currently employed methods to study these parameters and bacterial attachment are critically compared. The roles of these parameters in the development of control strategies for bacterial attachment are reviewed, and the challenges that arise in developing mechanistic models and control strategies are assessed.  相似文献   

We have previously identified five antigenic sites on the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) glycoprotein of the Australia-Victoria isolate of Newcastle disease virus (Iorio and Bratt, J. Virol. 48, 440-450; Iorio et al., J. Gen. Virol. 67, 1393-1403). Two additional sites (designated 12 and 23) are now described, bringing to a total of seven the number of antigenic sites defined by our panel of neutralizing anti-HN antibodies. Competition antibody binding and additive neutralization assays reveal that each of these newly-identified sites overlaps two previously-defined ones. The seven HN antigenic sites thus form a continuum in the three-dimensional conformation of the molecule. Studies on the inhibition of hemagglutination (HA), neuraminidase (NA) and the attachment of virus to chick cell monolayers have been used to construct a functional profile of each antigenic site. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to three overlapping sites (12, 2 and 23) inhibit HA and NA and prevent viral attachment to chick cell monolayers. These findings are consistent with the domains recognized by these mAbs being close to the NA and receptor-binding sites. MAbs to two other overlapping sites, 14 and 1 (which in turn, overlap site 12), inhibit HA quite effectively, and attachment to a lesser extent. Sites 14 and 1 probably identify a second domain involved in receptor recognition. MAbs to the two remaining sites (3 and 4), though neutralizing, are negative in all three assays, thus recognizing domains not involved in HA or NA or attachment to chick cells.  相似文献   

The neuregulin/erbB-signaling axis contributes to the development and growth of multiple mammalian tissues including skeletal muscle. In this study, we sought to characterize the native expression of this system in human skeletal muscle and test the hypothesis that a program of progressive resistance training (PRT) would regulate the expression of neuregulin (NRG) and its cognate receptors. Twelve healthy-male subjects underwent 8-weeks of lower-extremity PRT and muscle biopsies were performed at baseline and following 1- and 8-weeks of the intervention. PRT resulted in significant gains in skeletal muscle strength without appreciable changes in fiber size or myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition. At baseline, Western Blot analysis demonstrated expression of erbB2, erbB3 and erbB4 receptors and multiple NRG isoforms. Following 1- and 8-weeks of PRT, no changes erbB2, erbB4 or NRG expression were observed. ErbB3 expression, however, was significantly increased at both time points compared to baseline. Double labeling of muscle cross-sections revealed increased expression of erbB3 following PRT was not exclusive to fibers staining positive for MHC IIa. Thus, erbB2, erbB3, erbB4 and multiple NRG isoforms are natively expressed in human skeletal muscle. Following PRT, a significant increase in erbB3 was observed. The ability to detect basal expression and alterations in response to physiologic stimuli merit further studies examining the role of this system in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Hemocyanins are used as immunomodulators in clinical applications because they induce a strong Th1-biased cell-mediated immunity, which has beneficial effects. They are multiligand glycosylated molecules with abundant and complex mannose-rich structures. It remains unclear whether these structures influence hemocyanin-induced immunostimulatory processes in human APCs. We have previously shown that hemocyanin glycans from Concholepas concholepas (CCH), Fissurella latimarginata (FLH), and Megathura crenulata (KLH), participate in their immune recognition and immunogenicity in mice, interacting with murine C-type lectin receptors (CLRs). Here, we studied the interactions of these hemocyanins with two major mannose-binding CLRs on monocyte-derived human DCs: MR (mannose receptor) and DC-SIGN (DC-specific ICAM-3–grabbing nonintegrin). Diverse analyses showed that hemocyanins are internalized by a mannose-sensitive mechanism. This process was calcium dependent. Moreover, hemocyanins colocalized with MR and DC-SIGN, and were partly internalized through clathrin-mediated endocytosis. The hemocyanin-mediated proinflammatory cytokine response was impaired when using deglycosylated FLH and KLH compared to CCH. We further showed that hemocyanins bind to human MR and DC-SIGN in a carbohydrate-dependent manner with affinity constants in the physiological concentration range. Overall, we showed that these three clinically valuable hemocyanins interact with human mannose-sensitive CLRs, initiating an immune response and promoting a Th1 cell-driving potential.  相似文献   

《Research in microbiology》2018,169(10):569-575
The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of galactose and high initial ferrous iron concentrations as inducers for extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production in planktonic cells of Leptospirillum ferrooxidans and to study cell attachment to a mineral surface in comparison to cells not exposed to such substances. L. ferrooxidans was successfully adapted to grow in a modified 9K medium at different concentrations of galactose (0.15, 0.25, 0.35%) and also at different initial ferrous iron concentrations (18, 27, 36 g/L), which are higher than 9K medium (9 g/L). The experiments were done in shake flasks using ferrous iron as energy source. A comparison of growth kinetics showed a decreasing of maximum specific growth rate of L. ferrooxidans with increasing concentrations of galactose and initial ferrous iron. The EPS content increased and the EPS chemical composition (relative abundance of carbohydrates, proteins and ferric iron) changed with increasing concentrations of galactose and initial ferrous iron. Results revealed that the increase of the bacterial adhesion rather depended on the chemical composition, i.e. relative abundance of the constituents of the EPS, than on the total amount of EPS. The EPS induced by galactose seemed to be “stickier” than the one induced by ferrous iron. Based on the results of this study it is proposed that galactose might enhance biooxidation processes which needs to be tested in future studies.  相似文献   

《Research in microbiology》2014,165(9):782-793
Microorganisms are used to aid the extraction of valuable metals from low-grade sulfide ores in mines worldwide, but relatively little is known about this process in cold environments. This study comprises a preliminary analysis of the bacterial diversity of the polyextremophilic acid River Aroma located in the Chilean Altiplano, and revealed that Betaproteobacteria was the most dominant bacterial group (Gallionella-like and Thiobacillus-like). Taxa characteristic of leaching environments, such Acidithiobacillus and Leptospirillum, were detected at low abundances. Also, bacteria not associated with extremely acidic, metal-rich environments were found. After enrichment in iron- and sulfur-oxidizing media, we isolated and identified a novel psychrotolerant Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans strain ACH. This strain can grow using ferrous iron, sulfur, thiosulfate, tetrathionate and pyrite, as energy sources. Optimal growth was observed in the presence of pyrite, where cultures reached a cell number of 6.5·107 cells mL−1. Planktonic cells grown with pyrite showed the presence of extracellular polymeric substances (10 °C and 28 °C), and a high density of cells attached to pyrite grains were observed at 10 °C by electron microscopy. The attachment of cells to pyrite coupons and the presence of capsular polysaccharides were visualized by using epifluorescence microscopy, through nucleic acid and lectin staining with Syto®9 and TRITC-Con A, respectively. Interestingly, we observed high cell adhesion including the formation of microcolonies within 21 days of incubation at 4 °C, which was correlated with a clear induction of capsular polysaccharides production. Our data suggests that attachment to pyrite is not temperature-dependent in At. ferrivorans ACH. The results of this study highlight the potential of this novel psychrotolerant strain in oxidation and attachment to minerals under low-temperature conditions.  相似文献   

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