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This report compares event-related brain potentials (ERPs) of patients having a depressive disorder alone (n = 58), an anxiety disorder alone (n = 22), comorbidity of these disorders (n = 18), and healthy controls (n = 49). ERPs were recorded from 30 electrode sites during auditory oddball tasks using consonant-vowel syllables (phonetic) or complex tones (tonal). Overlapping ERP components were identified and measured using covariance-based principal components analysis. An early P3 subcomponent (P315) was larger in patients having an anxiety disorder alone when compared to depressed patients with or without an anxiety disorder and healthy controls, whereas a late P3 subcomponent (P400) was larger in patients having comorbidity of anxiety and depressive disorders than in the other groups. Also, the N2-P3 complex showed task-dependent hemispheric asymmetries, including larger N2-P3 amplitude over left than right temporoparietal sites during the phonetic oddball task. This hemispheric asymmetry was greatest in patients having a depressive disorder alone and smallest in patients having an anxiety disorder alone. The opposite nature of the alterations of hemispheric asymmetry and early P3 amplitude in depressive and anxiety disorders underscores the importance of taking comorbidity with anxiety into account in studies of cognitive ERPs in depressive disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study compares event-related potentials for paranoid patients (n = 13) versus matched undifferentiated patients and unmedicated patients (n = 14) versus matched healthy adults. METHODS: Event-related potentials of right-handed patients and control subjects were recorded from 30 electrodes during oddball tasks using consonant-vowel syllables or complex tones. Patients were also assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, the Thought Disorder Index, and the Wechsler Memory Scale. RESULTS: Paranoid patients did not differ from undifferentiated patients in N1 or P3 amplitude but showed larger N2 at frontocentral sites to phonetic stimuli, as well as larger N2 over left than right hemisphere. Unmedicated patients showed reduced N2, but not N1 or P3, compared to control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: The N2 findings are consistent with neuropsychological evidence of greater verbal abilities and left hemisphere dominance in paranoid than nonparanoid schizophrenia. The findings also confirm the relationship of P3 to total Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale score, negative symptoms, and verbal associative memory.  相似文献   

Patients with schizophrenia are affected more adversely than healthy controls by distracting conditions, due to their inability to adequately apportion attentional resources to targets or distractors. We attempted to re-evaluate the effects of distractors in 25 patients with chronic schizophrenia and in 12 controls. They performed an auditory target-detection task with 1500 Hz tone distractors and an additional control condition where a 1500-Hz tone was used as the target. The rate of target misses for patients with schizophrenia was 3.79% in non-distractor conditions and 14.79% in distractor conditions. Significantly reduced N100 responses to distractors and distractor condition targets were found. P300 responses to all target stimulus categories were reduced, but P300 responses to distractors were equal to those in the control group. There was a reduction of P300 amplitudes to distractors in both groups; however, only the control group showed significant enlargement of P300 amplitude when the distractors became the target stimuli. There is evidence that patients with schizophrenia tend to be less able to allocate their attentional resources adequately to target vs. distractor stimuli. When the distractors became the target stimuli, their responses remained unchanged, which suggests their inability to appropriately integrate stimulus information with contextual information.  相似文献   

Nittono H  Ullsperger P 《Neuroreport》2000,11(9):1861-1864
The event-related potentials (ERPs) to the stimuli triggered by a participant's self-paced key press were compared with the ERPs to the same stimuli presented at an external pace. Fourteen participants responded to 2000 Hz target tones interspersed among 1000 Hz standard tones and various unique novel sounds. The amplitudes of the P3s elicited by target and novel stimuli were larger in the self-triggered condition than in the machine-triggered condition in which the stimuli were presented automatically with the same intervals as in the self-triggered condition. The effect was prominent at fronto-central scalp sites. When the timing of stimulus is unequivocal, a neural activity related to stimulus evaluation may increase and manifest itself as a large late positive ERP component.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials and genetic risk for schizophrenia.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: Event-related potentials (ERPs) during an auditory oddball task were investigated in patients with schizophrenia and in their healthy siblings to explore the question of whether abnormalities of two-dimensional topographic scalp-distribution of P300 amplitude and latency relate to genetic risk for schizophrenia. We also examined the P50, N100, and P200-waves, elicited during the same task. METHODS: We investigated 42 schizophrenic patients, 62 of their healthy siblings, and 34 unrelated normal control subjects with a standard auditory oddball paradigm and 16 electroencephalogram electrodes. Amplitudes and latencies of the ERPs P50, N100, P200, and P300 were topographically analyzed. RESULTS: In the patients, P300 amplitude was significantly decreased in the range of 54%-58% over the left parietotemporal area. Siblings did not show decreased P300 amplitudes when compared with normal subjects. P300 latencies were unchanged in both groups. No significant group differences were observed for the other event-related potentials. CONCLUSIONS: In line with previous studies, the P300 amplitude in schizophrenic patients was decreased over the left temporoparietal area; however, we found no evidence for a genetic trait effect in the event-related potential abnormality. Possible reasons for these largely negative findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Although memory tested explicitly (e.g., recognition) is clearly deficient in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, it is less clear if memory tested implicitly is similarly affected. To assess this, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during a word-repetition priming paradigm, with semantic and orthographic orienting tasks, from 10 patients with mild probable Alzheimer's disease (PAD; mean age of 70.6), 10 young (24.1) and 10 older (69.8) controls. The extent of priming by word repetition was assessed using the new minus old ERP repetition effect. The young and older control groups showed clear ERP repetition effects that were larger during semantic than orthographic blocks. Although the PAD patients displayed the same general trends, their ERP repetition effects were not nearly as marked when compared to controls. To the extent that the ERP repetition effect recorded during this repetition priming paradigm is a measure of implicit performance, the data suggest that memory assessed in this fashion is spared in at least some Alzheimer's patients in the early stages of the disease.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) recorded during presentation of a series of words or pictures show enhanced positivity between 300 and 800 ms after presentation of repeated items. However, little attention has been directed to the characterization of this ERP recognition memory effect using auditory stimuli. The present study directly compared the ERP 'old/new effect' for words presented in the visual and auditory modalities. Nose-referenced ERPs were recorded from 30 electrode sites while participants (N=16) were engaged in visual and auditory continuous word recognition memory tasks. Spatially and temporally overlapping ERP components were identified and measured by covariance-based principal components analysis. The expected old/new effect was observed in both modalities, with a comparable time course peaking at 560 ms, but having a more anterior scalp topography for visual items. This suggests a common cognitive process (i.e. successful retrieval of information from memory) associated with separable neural generators in each modality. Despite this temporal synchronization, the old/new effect overlapped ERP components having distinct scalp topographies (N2) or peak latencies (P3) for each modality. The positive-going old/new effect was preceded by an earlier negativity peaking at 370 ms that was greater across modalities for old than new words, likely reflecting semantic processing aspects of word recognition memory. A late (beyond 900 ms), broadly-distributed negativity was also greater for old than new words, prolonged for auditory items, and may represent activity of a post-retrieval process.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Asymmetric reduction of the P3 event-related potential (ERP) has provided evidence of left temporal lobe dysfunction in schizophrenia. Prior studies have been limited by reliance on simple target detection (oddball) tasks with pure tones. This study investigated the time course and topography of ERPs to binaural syllables or complex tones in dichotic listening tasks. METHODS: Event-related potentials of 26 patients meeting criteria for schizophrenia (n = 19) or schizoaffective disorder (n = 7) and 26 healthy controls were recorded from 30 scalp electrodes during 2 dichotic tasks in which different syllables or complex tones were simultaneously presented to each ear. A principal components analysis was used to derive factor scores corresponding to overlapping components in ERP waveforms--N1, N2, P3, and a late-positive potential. RESULTS: Healthy controls showed a right ear advantage for perceiving dichotic syllables, which was associated with greater N2 amplitude at left than right temporoparietal sites. Patients with schizophrenia did not show either this perceptual or N2 asymmetry. Patients also had smaller late-positive potential amplitude when compared with controls for both syllables and complex tones, with greatest decrement over left temporal sites. CONCLUSIONS: A right ear advantage in healthy adults for perceiving consonant-vowels was associated with a left-lateralized ERP component peaking at 200 milliseconds after syllable onset (N2). Patients with schizophrenia failed to show either of these task-dependent asymmetries, which may indicate a dysfunction of left temporal regions involved in phonetic classification. A task-independent asymmetric reduction of a later positive potential in patients with schizophrenia resembled left temporal P3 reductions reported for auditory oddball tasks.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials and thought disorder in schizophrenia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examined the relationship between event-related potentials and thought disorder in schizophrenia. The subjects were 29 chronic schizophrenic patients. Thought disorder was assessed using the Comprehensive Index of Positive Thought Disorder developed by Harrow and colleagues (Harrow and Quinlan, 1985; Marengo et al., 1986). Auditory event-related potentials were recorded during a standard oddball task. The P300 amplitude correlated negatively with the severity of the thought disorder. The P300 amplitude in the patients with thought disorder was significantly smaller than in the patients without thought disorder. These results suggest that a reduction in P300 amplitude is associated with a fundamental impairment of information processing in schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

The application of the P300 component of the event-related brain potential to the study of attentional impairment in schizophrenia is discussed, and two recent studies are described. In one, the relative effects on P300 of stimulus modality and probability were evaluated. The data showed that the P300 is smaller in schizophrenic patients relative to normal controls for low-probability auditory stimuli. Next is described a preliminary report that evaluated whether this P300 reduction reflects a core deficit (trait marker) or clinical symptomatology (state marker). To pursue this question, a group of schizophrenic patients was studied on and off neuroleptic medication. The data showed that improvement in clinical state was highly correlated with increased visual P300 but was uncorrelated with auditory P300. These findings suggest that P300 elicited in the visual modality has the characteristics of a state marker of schizophrenia. In contrast, auditory P300 remains a candidate for a vulnerability trait marker of schizophrenia. The core deficit in schizophrenia thus appears to involve the auditory information-processing system, whereas fluctuations in clinical state may be reflected in the visual processing system.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded on subjects who discriminated the stimulus duration of two sequentially presented spots (S1 and S2). Four kinds of trials were included: short-duration match (S1 and S2 lasting 300 ms), short-duration conflict (S1 and S2 lasting 300 ms and 600 ms, respectively), long-duration match (S1 and S2 were 600 ms) and long-duration conflict (S1 and S2 were 600 ms and 900 ms, respectively). When S1 was equal to S2, components of P1, N1, P2, N2 and a delayed late positive component were recorded after the onset of S2. The other three negativities were elicited in both short and long duration conflict conditions. The three negative components peaked at 475, 600 and 900 ms in the short-duration condition, and they peaked at 805, 900 and 1200 ms in the long-duration condition. The first negativity was considered a visual mis-match negativity (vMMN), followed by a delayed N270 reflecting the conflict processing for duration in the brain. The last negativity, similar to N270, possibly reflects the second conflict processing activity evoked by stimulus offset.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to investigate the properties of a new modification of the classical auditory oddball paradigm (auditory oddball paradigm combined with passive visual stimulation, AERPs + VEPs) and compare the scalp topography obtained with the new paradigm and the classical auditory oddball paradigm (AERPs) in healthy humans. The responses to bimodal stimulation, and to the classical oddball paradigm were similar to those reported in other studies in terms of location, amplitudes, and latencies of P1, N1, P2, N2, and P300. The new modification of the oddball paradigm produced P300 at fronto-central locations in contrast to centro-parietal locations during the classical oddball paradigm. The amplitudes and latencies of P300 were also significantly larger during the new than the classical paradigm. Furthermore, the amplitudes of N1 and P2, but not N2 were significantly higher and differed in location during the new paradigm in response to both target and standard stimuli. The latencies of all three waves were significantly longer and the latency of P2 differed in location between the new and the classical paradigms in response to only the standard stimuli. The results of this study suggest that the new modification of the classical oddball paradigm produces different neural responses to the classical oddball paradigm. Therefore, this modification can be used to investigate dysfunctions in sensory and cognitive processing in clinical samples.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials to threat-related faces in schizophrenia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Specialised network disturbances such as abnormalities in processing faces, may be associated with functional disturbances of interpersonal communication in schizophrenia. This study focused on the temporal dimension, investigating facial processing deficits in patients with schizophrenia (and non-patient controls) in a passive event-related potential (ERP) paradigm. ERPs invoked to an angry and neutral face stimulus were recorded in 27 patients with schizophrenia and 27 age and sex matched normal controls. Patients with schizophrenia showed a significant generalised delay, and diminished P200 amplitude (primarily frontal) for both stimuli-with more widespread regions of disturbance associated with the angry face. Normal controls, on the other hand, showed relatively reduced posterior P200 amplitude for angry compared to neutral faces, and a lateralised pattern of engagement in response to both stimuli. These findings indicate suboptimal processing of neutral faces in patients with schizophrenia, further exacerbated for affect laden angry faces.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that schizophrenia is characterized by impaired frontal lobe functions, functions that are responsible, for example, for the management of rules, strategic reasoning, and selective attention. Using event-related potentials (ERP), we assessed the brain's electrical activity in a group of patients with schizophrenia (n=11) and a healthy control group (n=14) during a reaction time task requiring the use of a rule. ERP waves were compared with those elicited in a similar task based on a direct sensory association. In the control group, ERP analyses showed a negative wave moving from the posterior to the anterior regions of the scalp in a latency range of 250-400 ms. Then, the negativity remained at the frontal scalp region in a latency range of 400-800 ms. In this group, the amplitude was higher during the rule operation than during the sensory association task. In schizophrenic patients, the anteroposterior component of the negative wave was totally absent in both tasks, and we did not find a modulation of the ERP by the task. Frontal scalp negativity was observed, but its latency was longer and its amplitude lower than in the control group. We discuss these findings in terms of the frontoposterior disconnection hypothesis.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from the left and right temporal and parietal sites during word reading in a group of children who were followed over three consecutive years, starting at Grade 1. The first task required the child to read repeatedly presented words; the second task consisted of a series of different words, with each word being presented only once. All ERP components showed changes in amplitude as a function of grade: P240, N530, the parietal N150, and SW all decreased, whereas the temporal N360 and SW both increased. In addition, SW changed from no asymmetry to larger positivity over the right site, whereas N360 changed from symmetric amplitudes to larger amplitudes over the left hemisphere with grade. Single word presentations were associated with smaller SW activity and larger N530 and N360 amplitudes than were repeated word presentations. It was also found that proficient readers showed larger SW and N360 asymmetries and shorter vocal response times than did less proficient readers. In addition, a positive relationship was found between reading performance and ERP amplitudes over the left temporal hemisphere at Grades 2 and 3, particularly in the single word reading task. The results are discussed in terms of age-related changes in right and left hemisphere functions involved in learning to read.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded in a 30 year old female patient with familial kinesigenic choreoathetosis and a group of control subjects. In line with previous observations the patient exhibited an enhanced amplitude of the early component of the contingent negative variation of the ERP in a two stimulus paradigm. Moreover, a greatly enhanced P3 amplitude was found in auditory and visual classification (oddball) paradigms. These results suggest a general upregulation of widespread subcortical projection systems leading to both, abnormal movements and abnormally high amplitudes of ERPs.  相似文献   

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