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The germline repertoire of variable genes for the TCR-gamma/delta is limited. This, together with the availability of several V delta-specific and a C delta-specific mAbs, has made it possible to assess differences in the TCR-gamma/delta repertoire in man. TCR-gamma/delta cells expressing particular V gene segments have been previously shown to be localized in different anatomical sites. In this study, analysis of TCR-gamma/delta V gene segment usage performed on subjects from the time of birth through adulthood revealed striking age-related changes in the TCR-gamma/delta repertoire in peripheral blood. V delta 1+ gamma/delta T cells predominated in thymus as well as in peripheral blood at birth and then persisted as a relatively constant proportion of CD3+ PBL. However, V delta 2+ gamma/delta T cells that constitute a small proportion of the CD3+ cells in thymus and in peripheral blood at birth, then expand and account for the major population of gamma/delta T cells in PBL in adults. No parallel postnatal expansion of V delta 2+ cells in the thymus was observed, even when paired thymus-peripheral blood specimens were obtained on subjects between the ages of 3 d and 8 yr. The subset of V delta 2+ lymphocytes that was expanded in peripheral blood expressed high levels of CD45RO suggesting prior activation of these cells, consistent with the possibility that their expansion might have resulted from exposure to foreign antigens or superantigens. In contrast, V delta 1+ T cells in PBL showed no comparable increase in relative numbers and were either negative or expressed only low levels of CD45RO. Consistent with evidence for extrathymic peripheral expansion of selective TCR-gamma/delta subsets, no link between MHC haplotype and differences in the TCR-gamma/delta V gene usage between individuals was apparent, and identical twins displayed TCR-gamma/delta variable gene segment phenotypes that were strikingly different from one another. The elements that determine the TCR-gamma/delta repertoire in individuals are not known. It is possible that both thymic selection and extrathymic factors may influence the peripheral repertoire. Recently, TCR-gamma/delta+ lymphocytes have been shown to expand markedly in peripheral lymphoid tissues and infectious lesions in response to mycobacterial antigens, and a correlation between mycobacterial responses and TCR-gamma/delta V gene usage has been shown in mice. The data presented here demonstrated peripheral age-related changes in the gamma/delta repertoire and point to the importance of extrathymic expansion of specific gamma/delta subsets in generating the human TCR-gamma/delta repertoire.  相似文献   

In addition to T cell differentiation in the thymus, we have recently reported that extrathymic T cell differentiation occurs preferentially in the sinusoids of the liver. Although this extrathymic pathway is relatively minor in normal mice, it becomes predominant in mice with autoimmune diseases, athymic mice, and aged mice. In the present study, injection of normal male C3H/He mice, 6-8 wk of age, with 1 mg of estrogen resulted in an increase in mononuclear cells (MNC) yielded from the liver and a drastic decrease in thymocytes approximately 10 d after such injection. This unique modulation was not observed with hydrocortisone injection (5 mg/mouse, i.p.) nor with irradiation (5 Gy/mouse). Rather, these immunosuppressive treatments induced a simultaneous decrease in cell number in both the liver and thymus. A time-kinetics study on the cell number and spontaneous cell proliferation revealed that an increase in spontaneous cell proliferation in the liver preceded the increase in the number of liver MNC, and a decrease in spontaneous cell proliferation in the thymus preceded the decrease in the number of thymocytes. At this time, an enrichment of alpha/beta T cells with intermediate T cell receptors (TCRs), including forbidden T cell oligoclones and V beta 8+ cells, which are characterized as extrathymic alpha/beta T cells with unique properties, took place in the liver. On the other hand, the thymic atrophy induced by estrogen resulted in a prominent decrease in immature double-positive (CD(4+)8+) alpha/beta T cells with dull TCRs. These results indicate that estrogen administration activates an extrathymic pathway of T cell differentiation in the liver and reciprocally inactivates the intrathymic pathway. As extrathymic T cells have unique characteristics such as autoreactivity, the present findings might be intimately related to a female predominance of autoimmune diseases and suggest a possible role of estrogen in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Sera of family members of patients from the United States, the Caribbean, and Japan, with human T cell lymphoma-leukemia virus (HTLV) associated T cell malignancies, possess HTLV-specific antibodies directed against internal structural components of HTLV, p24 and p19. The prevalence of antibodies to HTLV is greater in family members than in random healthy donors, which supports the infectious nature of HTLV and its association with particular aggressive T cell malignancies. Expression of HTLV p24 and p19 has also been observed in cultured T cells of some healthy relatives, and intact virus particles have been released from cells of one possibly pre-leukemic family member.  相似文献   

Migration to intestinal mucosa putatively depends on local activation because gastrointestinal lymphoid tissue induces expression of intestinal homing molecules, whereas skin-draining lymph nodes do not. This paradigm is difficult to reconcile with reports of intestinal T cell responses after alternative routes of immunization. We reconcile this discrepancy by demonstrating that activation within spleen results in intermediate induction of homing potential to the intestinal mucosa. We further demonstrate that memory T cells within small intestine epithelium do not routinely recirculate with memory T cells in other tissues, and we provide evidence that homing is similarly dynamic in humans after subcutaneous live yellow fever vaccine immunization. These data explain why systemic immunization routes induce local cell-mediated immunity within the intestine and indicate that this tissue must be seeded with memory T cell precursors shortly after activation.Naive T cell recirculation is primarily restricted to secondary lymphoid tissues, blood, and lymph (Butcher and Picker, 1996; von Andrian and Mackay, 2000). However, most infections are initiated at body surfaces, including the gut (Neutra and Kozlowski, 2006). Before CD8 T cells can participate in the eradication of local infections, microbial antigen must get from the site of infection to secondary lymphoid tissue, cognate antigen-specific T cells must undergo activation and expansion, and then CD8 T cells must migrate to the site of infection to effect pathogen clearance. Because these events consume valuable time, it is perhaps not surprising that a portion of memory T cells remain distributed at body surfaces after primary infections, where they may be better positioned to respond immediately in the event of reinfection (Hogan et al., 2001; Masopust et al., 2001b; Reinhardt et al., 2001). In support of this hypothesis, memory CD8 T cells within the gut epithelium (intraepithelial lymphocytes [IELs]) are functionally distinct from those in lymphoid tissue and exhibit immediate cytotoxicity upon reinfection (Kim et al., 1999; Masopust et al., 2001a). The vulnerability of the intestinal mucosa to infection because of its proximity with the microbial world, large surface area, and identity as a major reservoir of HIV infection, and the putative role that in situ memory T cells play in protection, have provided substantial motivation to understand how memory is established and maintained at such body surfaces (Hayday et al., 2001; Nagler-Anderson, 2001; Belyakov and Berzofsky, 2004; Cheroutre, 2005; Haase, 2005; Liu et al., 2006; Gebhardt et al., 2009).T cells use α4β7 integrin and CCR9 to migrate to small intestine epithelium, and they use different homing receptors, such as cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen (CLA), to migrate to skin (von Andrian and Mackay, 2000; Johansson-Lindbom and Agace, 2007). Gut and skin homing receptor expression is coupled to the location of T cell activation (Campbell and Butcher, 2002; Stagg et al., 2002; Mora et al., 2003, 2005). Priming within mesenteric LN (mLN) induces α4β7 expression. In contrast, priming within inguinal LN (iLN) induces expression of skin homing molecules. These observations support the hypothesis that local infection and subsequent priming within gastrointestinal-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) is required for dissemination of CD8 T cells into the small intestine. Although numerous observations are consistent with this hypothesis (Gallichan and Rosenthal, 1996; Belyakov et al., 1998), there are several examples in which alternative routes of immunization result in effector T cell responses within the intestinal mucosa (Stevceva et al., 2002; Masopust et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2006). Reconciling these seemingly disparate observations is essential for understanding the relationship between immunization route and the establishment of local protective cellular immunity.Another issue of relevance to protective immunity is whether memory CD8 T cells continuously recirculate between blood, lymphoid tissue, and mucosal epithelium or whether IELs are long-term sessile residents. Numerous studies support the general concept that effector memory CD8 T cells recirculate between nonlymphoid tissues and blood (Butcher and Picker, 1996). For instance, if the vasculature of two mice is conjoined via parabiosis, preexisting memory CD8 T cells originating from both mice can be isolated from a single lung, liver, or peritoneal cavity (Jungi and Jungi, 1981; Klonowski et al., 2004), demonstrating that memory cells enter certain tissues via the blood. The memory T cell population in lung airways is thought to be short lived but maintained by the continuous recruitment of the systemic population (Ely et al., 2006). Memory CD8 T cells also exit tissues using afferent lymphatic vessels, which drain interstitial fluid from peripheral tissues (Olszewski et al., 1995; Lehmann et al., 2001; Bromley et al., 2005; Debes et al., 2005). Indeed, Mackay et al. (1990) isolated antigen-experienced lymphocytes directly from the hind limb afferent lymphatics of sheep. Memory T cells putatively egress with the afferent lymph as it filters through proximal LNs, pools within the thoracic duct, and then rejoins the blood supply. Thus, memory CD8 T cells in most peripheral tissues may be transient visitors, constantly patrolling peripheral organs in the event of reinfection.However, it is unclear whether the recirculation paradigm applies to virus-specific memory CD8αβ IEL. Unlike most tissues, including the subjacent lamina propria, this avascular compartment consists of T cells residing among a monolayer of columnar epithelial cells that lies above a basement membrane and lacks blood vessels and afferent lymphatics. Although antigen specificity was not determined, parabiosis studies showed limited mixing of IEL between conjoined mice (Klonowski et al., 2004). Lastly, memory IELs are phenotypically and functionally distinct from CD8 T cells in blood (Masopust et al., 2006). As these issues impact our understanding of how epithelial memory CD8 T cell populations are established, instructed to express unique properties, and maintained, we investigated whether priming within GALT is required for CD8 T cell migration to small intestine and also whether IELs routinely recirculate or are long-term residents.  相似文献   

In addition to the major intrathymic pathway of T cell differentiation, extrathymic pathways of such differentiation have been shown to exist in the liver and intestine. In particular, hepatic T cells of T cell receptors or CD3 of intermediate levels (i.e., intermediate T cell receptor cells) always contain self-reactive clones and sometimes appear at other sites, including the target tissues in autoimmune diseases and the tumor sites in malignancies. To prove their extrathymic origin and self reactivity, in this study we used thymectomized, irradiated (B6 x C3H/He) F1 mice subjected to transplantation of bone marrow cells of B6 mice. It was clearly demonstrated that all T cells generated under athymic conditions in the peripheral immune organs are intermediate CD3 cells. In the case of nonthymectomized irradiated mice, not only intermediate CD3 cells but also high CD3 cells were generated. Phenotypic characterization showed that newly generated intermediate CD3 cells were unique (e.g., interleukin 2 receptor alpha-/beta+ and CD44+ L-selectin-) and were, therefore, distinguishable from thymus-derived T cells. The precursor cells of intermediate CD3 cells in the bone marrow were Thy-1+ CD3-. The extrathymic generation of intermediate CD3 cells was confirmed in other combinations of bone marrow transplantation, C3H --> C3H and B10.Thy1.1 --> B6.Thy1.2. The generated intermediate CD3 cells in the liver contained high levels of self-reactive clones estimated by anti-V beta monoclonal antibodies in conjunction with the endogenous superantigen minor lymphocyte-stimulating system, especially the combination of B6 --> (B6 x C3H/He) (graft-versus-host- situation).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Allo-I-A-reactive T cell hybridomas were generated from MLR-activated lymphoblasts. Cloned hybridomas T1.203, T1.321, and T1.426 were stimulated by I-Ab determinants, as shown by their ability to secrete IL-2 in response to a panel of MHC-recombinant mice. T2.146, T2.205, and T3.116 were found to be specific for I-Ak determinants using a similar panel of MHC-recombinant mice. Inhibition of IL-2 secretion by anti-I-A mAb confirmed these data. Some I-Ab-specific hybrids stimulated the proliferation of T cells from C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice. Similarly, some I-Ak-specific hybrids stimulated the proliferation of T cells from C3H/HeJ (H-2k) mice. These hybrids expressed no detectable surface I-A, and stimulation of T cells was not inhibited by anti-I-A mAb. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that normal mice possess a population of T cells responsive to idiotypic determinants on anti-MHC class II T cell receptors.  相似文献   

Malignant melanomas are often infiltrated by T lymphocytes. It is postulated that the presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) reflects ongoing immune responses against transformed cells. Such "responses" appear generally inefficient with the potential exception of infrequent clinical situations characterized by spontaneous tumor regression. We have characterized here the molecular structure of the T cell receptor beta chain expressed by TILs in a case of regressive melanoma. Advantage was taken of the PCR technology to study T lymphocytes directly without cell culture. Experimentally validated V beta subfamily specific primers were used to evaluate the V beta usage in TILs and control samples. Our results reveal that clonal T cell populations, precisely defined by their V-D-J junctional sequences, are amplified at the tumor site. The existence of such local antigen-driven selections support the hypothesis that antitumor responses may indeed take place in regressive melanoma.  相似文献   

The association between T3 and the T cell antigen receptor was examined using the T3 bearing T cell leukemic line Jurkat. A monoclonal antibody, C305, was produced, which reacted with idiotypic-like determinants expressed on Jurkat. The molecule with which this antibody reacted was a disulfide-linked heterodimer of 90 kD, composed of polypeptides of 42 and 54 kD. Thus, C305 reacted with a molecule with characteristics of the putative T cell antigen receptor described by others. A series of mutants of Jurkat, induced with ethyl methane sulfonate or radiation, was selected for T3 or antigen receptor negativity. In every instance, there was a concomitant loss of both T3 and the antigen receptor as assessed by quantitative absorption, indirect immunofluorescence, and antibody plus complement-mediated cytotoxicity. The absence of antigen receptor molecules was confirmed on diagonal gels, excluding the possibility that conformational changes of the antigen receptor on such T3-negative mutants were responsible for the failure of such mutants to react with C305. Moreover, in a mutant that expressed a marked decrease in the level of T3 expression, there was a comparable decrease in the expression of antigen receptor determinants. These results suggest that there is an obligate requirement for the coexpression of T3 and the T cell antigen receptor. Furthermore, attempts to activate such mutants with the lectin phytohemagglutinin suggested that the expression of T3 and/or the antigen receptor was required for activation of these cells.  相似文献   

Engagement of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) induces the transphosphorylation of the zeta chain-associated protein of 70,000 Mr (ZAP-70) protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) by the CD4/8 coreceptor associated Lck PTK. Phosphorylation of Tyr 493 within ZAP-70's activation loop results in the enzymatic activation of ZAP-70. Additional tyrosines (Tyrs) within ZAP-70 are phosphorylated that play both positive and negative regulatory roles in TCR function. Phosphorylation of Tyr residues (Tyrs 315 and 319) within the Interdomain B region of the ZAP-70 PTK plays important roles in the generation of second messengers after TCR engagement. Here, we demonstrate that phosphorylation of these two Tyr residues also play important roles in mediating the positive and negative selection of T cells in the thymus.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma mRNA levels in human neonatal blood mononuclear cells or highly purified T cells were markedly lower than those of adult cells after incubation with Con A and PMA. In contrast, IL-2, IL-2-R, and T3 delta chain mRNA levels were kinetically and quantitatively similar in neonatal and adult T cells. The peak amount of IFN-gamma and IL-2 mRNA correlated well with IFN-gamma and IL-2 detected in supernatants of both neonatal and adult T cells. These results suggest that reduced IFN-gamma mRNA levels in neonatal T cells is due to an intrinsic deficiency at the pretranslational level and indicate that the magnitude of IL-2 and IFN-gamma gene expression can be independently modulated pretranslationally.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction element for a human Ni(2+) reactive T cell, ANi-2.3, was identified as DR52c. A series of experiments established that the functional ligand for this T cell was a preformed complex of Ni(2+) bound to the combination of DR52c and a specific peptide that was generated in human and mouse B cells, but not in fibroblasts nor other antigen processing-deficient cells. In addition, ANi-2.3 recognition of this complex was dependent on His81 of the MHC beta chain, suggesting a role for this amino acid in Ni(2+) binding to MHC. We propose a general model for Ni(2+) recognition in which betaHis81 and two amino acids from the NH(2)-terminal part of the MHC bound peptide coordinate Ni(2+) which then interacts with some portion of the Valpha CDR1 or CDR2 region.  相似文献   

Gut intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) contain two independent T cell receptor alpha/beta + T cell populations, with different V beta repertoires. In DBA/2 mice (Mlsa, IE+), the CD4+ and heterodimeric alpha/beta CD8+ thymodependent T cell pool shows the same deletion of V beta 6, 8.1, and 11+ cells as found in peripheral lymphoid organs. In contrast, such deletions are not observed in the pool of IEL bearing homodimeric alpha CD8+ chains, in which these V beta families are frequently observed in high amounts. The size of this gut homodimeric alpha CD8+ IEL pool and its different V beta repertoire selection demonstrate the existence of a major extrathymic pathway of T cell differentiation with a gut-restricted localization. The large amount of the thymo-independent, homodimeric alpha CD8+ IEL found in the small bowel may contribute to a first line of defense against exogenous superantigens.  相似文献   

T cells recognize foreign antigens together with those MHC glycoproteins they have encountered during their development in the thymus. How the repertoire of antigen-specific TCRs is selected has not yet been fully defined. We have investigated the T cell repertoire specificities of CD4-CD8+ cytotoxic T cells developing under conditions where one of the class I MHC-encoded molecules is blocked, while other class I-MHC glycoproteins are still expressed. We show that antigen-specific T cells restricted to the blocked class I fail to develop, while generation of other class I-specific T cell proceeds undisturbed. This highly selective perturbation of the T cell receptor repertoire demonstrates that development of CD4-CD8+ T cells with a certain TCR specificity requires expression of particular alleles of class I MHC. Thus, TCR-MHC interactions provide signals essential to the differentiation of precursor T cells.  相似文献   

Neuroanatomists posit that the central nucleus of the amygdala (Ce) and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) comprise two major nodes of a macrostructural forebrain entity termed the extended amygdala. The extended amygdala is thought to play a critical role in adaptive motivational behavior and is implicated in the pathophysiology of maladaptive fear and anxiety. Resting functional connectivity of the Ce was examined in 107 young anesthetized rhesus monkeys and 105 young humans using standard resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methods to assess temporal correlations across the brain. The data expand the neuroanatomical concept of the extended amygdala by finding, in both species, highly significant functional coupling between the Ce and the BST. These results support the use of in vivo functional imaging methods in nonhuman and human primates to probe the functional anatomy of major brain networks such as the extended amygdala.  相似文献   

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