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报告国内首例嗜酸性脂膜炎。患者男,21岁,双下肢反复出现结节性红斑样皮疹5个月伴外周血嗜酸性粒细胞增高(3.8×10~9/L),组织病理检查示病变为混合型脂膜炎,脂膜内有大量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润。对本病的分类、鉴别诊断、治疗及其发病机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

ResumeObieCtifLaphenylcdtonurie(PCU)etl'hypothyroidiecongdnitai(HT)scutdesmaladiescommunesquicausentlaretardationmentaledel'en/ant.Pourdtablirunebasedconomiquechi!/rantieraPPortcoat/b~n~liceetpousserieddpistagendonatalanpadsentier,unedtudedebdndlicesetcoatsmondtarisablesaltdrdalisde.WthodesLemoduleanalystestd'aprdsiesrdsultatsdetriagendonatal,iesdossiersdesmaladesetlapublicationdestatistiqueeconomiquedel'dtat.RdsultatsLesglobauxdel'analysemontrentunraPPortbdndlicesurcoatde3.7pourlaPCUet…  相似文献   

Objective. Report of first case of Protothecosis zopfii in China and causes the skin infection in the world.Method. By clinical and laboratory examinations to confirm the diagnosis and the response to treatment. By the review of literatures to confirm the first case of human skin infection in the world.Result.From the literatures and the clinical pictures, it is confirmed that this is the first case report of Protothecosis zopfii of skin in the world.Conclusion.The first case of Protothecosis zopfii in human being was reported and successfully treated with local infiltration of Diflucan (fluconazole) 3ml (2mg/ml)/week×4.  相似文献   

The authors report the first case of parrot breeder's lung in China and the study of its immunology, respiratory physiology, as well as pathology. The main characteristics of this disease are progressive dyspnea after contacting parrots, patchy or reticular shadows in the lower lung fields on chest X-ray, the presence of alveolitis, accompanied by pulmonary interstitial fibrosis as demonstrated in lung biopsy, restrictive or mixed ventilation disorders with reduction of diffusing capacity and lung compliance. The results of specific ring precipitation test and counter immunoelectrophoresis were helpful in diagnosis. The importance of early diagnosis and treatment is also discussed.  相似文献   

Departnzents of Medicine, Pathologty arnd Surgery, Na8ional Peking Universit7/ Medical Colletge Ho,spit,''al, Peiping, China. Gaucher''s disease, first described by Gaucher in 1882, is a familial affection due to a disturbance in the lipoid meta''oolism resulting in the deposit of kerasin, a cerebroside, in the reticulo-endothelial cells. Clinical- ly, it is characterized by a progressive splenomegaly appearing early in childhood, anemia, leucopenia and often hepatomegaly and thrombocy- topenia with bleeding tendency. It is not infrequently associated with the presence of a brownish yellow discoloration of the skin and wedge.-shaped pingueculae. Moderately advanced cases often show typical osseous changes. Acute fulminating forms may present severe neurological symptoms with a rapid fatal course. Lesions ih the lungs, kidneys and 1ymph nodes have been described. Liver cirrhosis as a late manifestation of the disease ha.s also been reported. Gaucher''s disease is generally regarded as a rare condition occurring predominantly in the J ewish race. The following report deals with probably the first case seen in this country.  相似文献   

1993年6月,自泰城饮食服务行业从业人员体检粪检中,检出1株极为罕见的C1群沙门氏菌,经实验室系统鉴定和山东省卫生防疫站复核鉴定,证实该菌为诺威奇沙门氏菌(SNorwich),经山东省医学情报所检索、查新,确认诺威奇沙门氏菌目前在国内还未见报道,属首次发现  相似文献   

A case of human Angiostrongyiiasis cantonensis from Guangdong in August 1984 was reported. A cli nical study was carried out in detail. The patient, a 13-year-old boy, was admitted to the hospital be cause of severe headache, mild fever, malaise, ano rexia, diplopia, slight central left facial paralysis and slight bilateral papilledema. The change of CSF sug gested eosinophilic meningitis. An alive larva of Angiostrongylus cantonensis was identified in CSF. Medical history revealed that the patient had frequent contact with the snail, Achatina fulica, which had been heavily infected by a cantonensis in the village he lived. During hospitalization, the patient was treat- ed with dexamethasone, hetrazan, levamisol and successive spinal taps. It was difficult to estimate the efficacy of the treatments. However, the patient improved progressively. He had recovered before discharge and was followed up for more than two years and was found quite well.  相似文献   

Neuropathic Arthropathy was first studied by Charcot who pub lished reports iu 1868. The disease most frequently attacks the knee joint, but it may sometimes attack the hip, shoulder, ankIe, elbow, wrist or the joints of the fingers and in all these cases both sides of the body may beinvolved at the same time. The knee joint is most fre. quently affected, next the hip joint, whiIe the spine is rarely involved. Dr. Marie states that 5% of tabes dorsalis cases suffer from tabetic arthropathy. Lotheisen reports 1070. According to Akitake- shi''s statistics (Zitchi Ika to Rinsho vol. 6, No. 6) 2.4To of tabetics in Japan show tabetic arthropathy. It appears that tabetic arthropathy cases are rare in Chosen (Korea), the numberin Japan being more numerous. I wish to report one case of tabetic arthropathy from the Department of Surgery, Severance Union Medical College, which responded well to treatment by fever therapy.  相似文献   

Congenital omphalocele, or eventration of umbilicus, is not to be confused with the ordinary umbilical hernia. The latter is a hernia dev.eloped from the weakness of the umbilicus having a peritoneal sae and skin covering. Congenital omphalocele is a true defect of the umilicus at birth characterized by ,eventration of aodoruinal viscera underneath a layer of amnion. There is neither a true peritoneal sac :nor over-lying skin. To describe it as an extra wide and huge umbilical cord containing abdominal viscera explains the pathology more truthfully.  相似文献   

Ehlers-DanlosSyndrome(EDS)isararedisorderaffectingconnectivetissue.Inourknowledge,nopedi-greehasbeenreportedinChina.ThispaperreportsapatientwithtypeⅣEDSandhispedigree,whichwascomplicatedwithseriousvasculardiseases,andtreatedsuccessfullyinourhosp  相似文献   

Actinomycosis is a slowly spreading granulomatous Iesion charac- terized by a comloination of acute and chronic inflammatory processes manifesting themselves simultaneously in the same region. The out- standing clinical features of the disease are marked local necrosis result ing in irregular abscess formation, hoard-like induration of the surround ing soft tissues and the production of exuberant bleeding granulations associaced with moderate fever, high leukocytosis and progressive ca- chexia. The disease process spreads by gradual direct extension. The organisms when found in the pus resemble, to the naked eye, suIphur granules, about a millimeter in diameter. Under the microscope, the granule is seen to be composed of a cen-ral core of fungi with radiating, filaments provided with club-like terminations. The disease thrives hest under anaerobic conditions and attackst tisualIy the soft tissues of the head and neck (50 t0 60 per cent), the abdomen (20 t0 30 per cent) and the chest (10 t0 20 per cent).  相似文献   

Cutaneous eruptions due to characteristic of drug reactions the bromides are among the most Notcworthv cases have been reported from different parts of the world from time to time. In this country not a single case has been reported. The condition is but rarely seen in Peiping. The infrequency of its occurrence is probably due to the re- stricted use of the drug. So far as it is known the bromidcs are not prescribed by physicians trained in the native school of Chincse medicine, and the drug has not yet become popularized through its use in proprie- tary medicines obtainabIe directly by the laity. The eruptive lesions are frequently of such a character as to be taken for a chronic infectious prccess rather than one due to drug intoxication. The report of a typical case together with its treatment by the intravenous administra- 廿on of sodium chloride solution will serve to draw attention to this in- teresting manifestation of bromide hypersensitiveness.  相似文献   

调查了郯城县两乡镇的两个村99只本地犬的犬种布鲁氏菌(B.canis)感染状况,B.canis 血清凝集阳性率为18.2%,从血清效价≥1:400的14只阳性犬中分离到14株 B.canis,首次证实 B.canis 感染在本地区犬群中存在。  相似文献   

This condition is hy no means very rare, many cases having been reported in medical literature but this is the first one which has come to our notice in Moukden, and so far as we know, the first reporfed in this journal. The patient, a boy aged 11 years, (O.P.D. No. 2578, I.P.D. No. 486 1938) pfeSetited hiruself at the out-patient depattment on lst Mafch 1938 COffiplainilig of a dutl paIn round about the umbilicus, 10ss of wcight and anorexia. Examitw tion of the abdoffien tevealed a pulsating superior epigaKtric artery and as this made us suspect the possibility of coarctation of the aona the patient was admitted to hospital.  相似文献   

本文首报7例世界人类染色体异常核型如下: 46,XX,t(1;7)(p32;p22);46,XY,t(5;11)(q31;q23); 46,XY,t(3;6)(q21;q25);47,XY, 21,t(5;11)(q31;q23); 46,XX,t(X;14)(q13;q11);47,XY, 21,inv(6)(p21;q21); 46,XY,t(3;4)(q12;p11); 并就染色体平衡易位患者的表型效应及平衡易位染色体对染色体复合畸变的影响做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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