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目的对城市生活饮用水卫生标准中除贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫外的62项非常规监测指标进行优化,提高饮水卫生监测指标与监测频率的科学性。方法综合应用饮水水质卫生监测水质指标超标情况、超标风险、检测浓度低于方法检测限的频数,水质综合指标评价与粗糙集的属性约简等方法分析,对饮用水水质监测指标进行筛选,得出对饮水安全起主导作用的控制因子。结果优化结果显示城市饮用水中非常规62项水质指标中有40项水质指标可进行优化约简。结论对水质监测指标进行优化,调整监测指标与监测频率,可在确保饮用水水质安全的同时降低监测成本,减小卫生监督监测部门的压力。  相似文献   

为了解三门峡市区生活饮用水水质现状,笔者收集了2002-2006年该市水质监测资料,并对细菌学指标进行了分析,为今后饮用水水质重点治理提供科学依据.2002-2006年三门峡市水质监测资料来源于三门峡市疾病预防控制中心卫生检验所.水样(管网水、末梢水)的检测按照《生活饮用水检验规范》(2001)进行,并按照《生活饮用水卫生规范》(2001)进行评价.……  相似文献   

目的为了加强对天津机场航空器的卫生监督,以天津航空的客机为载体进行卫生监督监测,为保障旅客和机组的身体健康提供科学依据。方法对天津航空的30架次的两型客机进行微小气候以及水质的卫生监测,并进行对照研究。结果飞机微小气候监测结果表明各项指标均符合国家标准要求,水质卫生监测中水细菌总数有超标情况,其他指标也符合限值要求。结论飞机的微小气候基本达标,但是水质卫生存在超标情况,飞机的卫生情况总体良好,建议进一步对飞机输水系统和输水车辆展开进一步的卫生监测,保障旅客的身体健康。  相似文献   

管道式净水器处理雨水柜水质效果观察及技术经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 雨水量浙江省沿海农村居民家庭的主要饮用水源之一,为保证居民饮用雨水的卫生质量,采用管道式净水器,对雨水柜水质进行净化效果观察及技术经济研究。方法 于丰水期和枯水期对管道式净水器的原水和出水进行同测。结果 雨不柜水质的感管和一般化学指标尚能符合用水卫生标准要求。丰水期雨水柜水的细菌总数和总大砀菌群合格率为20%、和30%,但经净水器净化后符合国家生活饮用水卫生标准要求。雨水耗氧量1.91~2.  相似文献   

目的掌握广西各级疾病预防控制机构生活饮用水水质卫生监测能力及存在问题,为提高卫生监测能力提供依据。方法按照卫生部《生活饮用水水质卫生规范》(2001)中的项目设计监测能力调查表,内容包括34项常规项目的检测能力和相关仪器的配备情况。通过发文将调查表发放到各级疾病预防控制机构进行填报,对上报的相关信息进行统计分析。结果广西各级疾病预防控制机构对水质常规检测指标的综合监测率为83.79%,其中,自治区级监测率(监测能力)达到100.00%;地市级监测率为86.76%;县级市监测率为80.67%;县(区)级监测率为83.21%。市、县(区)级不能监测的项目主要集中在放射性指标中的总α放射性和总β放射性,以及毒理学指标中的四氯化碳、氯仿、硒和一般化学指标中的铝、挥发酚类、阴离子合成洗涤剂等。结论广西省级以下各级疾病预防控制机构生活饮用水卫生监测能力有待提高。  相似文献   

细菌检测数据处理方法的见解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细菌总数是环境(空气、水质、食品、土壤)卫生监测的一项主要指标。为了对监测结果进行卫生评价或分析研究,都需要对细菌学检测数据进行正确处理,或者说选用恰当的统计方法,才能得出正确的结论。作者引用公共娱乐场所空气卫生监测和地面水水质卫生监测的两种样本资料,以探讨细菌  相似文献   

赵文  李迎玲  郭瑞玲 《职业与健康》2014,(4):535-536,539
目的通过对邯郸市5个县农村学校自建设施供水卫生状况的调查,了解邯郸农村学校自建设施供水卫生安全存在的问题。方法按照《河北省饮用水卫生监督监测工作实施方案》的要求,对入网县农村学校自建设施供水进行基本情况调查,并进行水质监测,对监测结果进行统计分析。结果对26所农村学校建设施供水44份水样的监测结果显示,不合格率为29.5%,不合格指标主要有总大肠菌群,耐热大肠菌群、菌落总数、氯化物、硫酸盐、溶解性总固体、总硬度。结论应加强对农村学校自建设施供水的卫生监督管理和水质监测,强化水质消毒,加大饮用水卫生知识宣传,确保学校饮用水卫生安全。  相似文献   

[目的]对上海市生活饮用水管网水质进行监测分析,推进饮用水卫生监督信息化,保障城市饮用水卫生安全。[方法]应用上海市生活饮用水卫生监督预警控制平台,收集2009年5月至2012年12月上海市生活饮用水管网水监测数据并进行统计分析。[结果]2009年5月至2012年12月,平台共连续收集117个管网的水质监测数据5095条,水质合格率为82.7%,各年度合格率分别为72.1%、83.3%、85.5%和85.9%,差异有统计学意义(z~=87.038,P〈0.01)。按照供水水源、供水单位级别等划分的7个不同地区的管网水质差异有统计学意义(;(2=638.014,P〈0.01)。共有1087项次指标超标。不同地区的管网水水样中,除总大肠菌群和色度外,消毒剂余量、菌落总数、浑浊度、铁、锰和耗氧量合格率差异均有统计学意义。[结论]上海市生活饮用水管网水水质总体情况良好,信息化建设有利于保障城市饮用水的安全。  相似文献   

湖州市乡镇集中式供水水质卫生状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为正确评价浙江省湖州市乡镇集中式供水水质卫生状况,进一步加强生活饮用水的卫生监督管理,提高饮用水卫生质量。方法作者对2001~2005年浙江省湖州市本级25家乡镇水厂的水质监测资料进行了分析。结果湖州市乡镇水厂水源水、出厂水、管网水合格率分别为17.6%、54.0%和65.0%。主要不合格指标为锰、铁等一般化学指标及总大肠菌群、游离余氯等细菌指标。指出对乡镇水厂集中式供水卫生质量应进一步加强管理。  相似文献   

通过新生儿筛查可早期发现先天性甲状腺功能减低症患者,可预防患者身材矮小和智力低下的发生。该项公共卫生举措在国内外已经相继推行多年,其卫生经济学评价研究也陆续出现。本研究在查阅大量文献的基础上,对该领域的卫生经济学评价方法,指标的采用进行了研究,探索国内相对全面、科学的卫生经济学研究方案。  相似文献   

The study aims to increase community awareness at the household level about certain hygienic practices and water quality in order to develop an effective program that will target improving specific hygiene-related behavior. The study was carried out in two Palestinian villages and applies a quasi-experimental design where chemical and biological water quality analysis as well as residential behavioral aspects related to some hygiene practices were assessed before and after envisaged intervention applications. A questionnaire was used to evaluate the housewives' knowledge, and practices in regard to hygienic practices and water use, followed by face-to-face health education and awareness sessions to the selected housewives. After 3 months, another assessment was conducted using the same questionnaire to measure improvement in their knowledge and practices. On the first visit, in addition to collecting data related to the questionnaire, the water quality in the selected houses was tested to ensure the quality aspects of the hygiene practices. Based on these findings, the chosen methodology was able to promote a real change in improving the water quality on household taps and in improving hygienic practices and knowledge.  相似文献   

Given the possibility of waterborne diseases caused by inappropriate rainwater harvesting systems, a survey was conducted in Uganda to assess existing knowledge of both physical and non-physical measures that safeguard harvested rainwater. Households who had received rainwater tanks were assessed on issues related to harvested rainwater quality. The study shows that 84% of respondents were aware of various sources of rainwater contamination, but only 5% were aware that they needed to adjust use of rainwater, depending on whether they cleaned the tank or not. Most of the respondents were not aware that gutter cleaning was necessary to improve water quality. Indeed, as the water from the collection surface is channelled through gutters, a number of measures need to be taken to control the entry of contaminations and subsequent growth of pathogens in the tank, e.g. first flush diverts, installation of filters, chemical use and mesh cleaning. The majority, however, did not take adequate care of the gutters and this impacts on health and social livelihood. Overall, the findings emphasize the need to provide more information to households when installing water harvesting tanks to ensure that the harvested rainwater is of high quality.  相似文献   

危重或急诊病人为了确诊病情和治疗,通常需要在医院内转运到不同的科室做相应的诊疗,在转运过程中会给病人配备监护仪密切监测患者的生命体征.但是目前对监护仪携带电池的容量检测往往只局限在断开交流电的时候,只需要提供短暂的直流供电便可通过检测,而实际在转运过程中需要的供电时间却从来没有调研量化.所以为了保证病人的医疗安全,开展监护仪在转运过程中实际的使用时间调研分析,通过分析数据将转运过程中的监护仪电池列入监护仪定期质量检测项目就显得十分必要了.  相似文献   

了解抗药性产生、发展机制对于合理使用杀虫剂和提高防治效果是非常必要的。抗药性通常被分为生理抗性和行为抗性,其中生理抗性表现为三个方面,代谢抗性、靶标抗性和穿透抗性。抗性的检测方法有多种,包括生物测量法、生物化学测量法和分子生物学测量法等,主要是检测敏感株和抗性株之间与抗性有关的各种变化。  相似文献   

《Value in health》2013,16(4):480-489
Outcomes research literature has many examples of high-quality, reliable patient-reported outcome (PRO) data entered directly by electronic means, ePRO, compared to data entered from original results on paper. Clinical trial managers are increasingly using ePRO data collection for PRO-based end points. Regulatory review dictates the rules to follow with ePRO data collection for medical label claims. A critical component for regulatory compliance is evidence of the validation of these electronic data collection systems. Validation of electronic systems is a process versus a focused activity that finishes at a single point in time. Eight steps need to be described and undertaken to qualify the validation of the data collection software in its target environment: requirements definition, design, coding, testing, tracing, user acceptance testing, installation and configuration, and decommissioning. These elements are consistent with recent regulatory guidance for systems validation. This report was written to explain how the validation process works for sponsors, trial teams, and other users of electronic data collection devices responsible for verifying the quality of the data entered into relational databases from such devices. It is a guide on the requirements and documentation needed from a data collection systems provider to demonstrate systems validation. It is a practical source of information for study teams to ensure that ePRO providers are using system validation and implementation processes that will ensure the systems and services: operate reliably when in practical use; produce accurate and complete data and data files; support management control and comply with any existing regulations. Furthermore, this short report will increase user understanding of the requirements for a technology review leading to more informed and balanced recommendations or decisions on electronic data collection methods.  相似文献   

Based on the data on hygienic monitoring of the actual food consumption in the population of the Oryol region and on the quality of foodstuffs, the authors developed hygienic recommendations whose introduction caused a great sociomedical effect: lower incidence of salmonellosis, dysentery, hepatitis virus A, and acute intestinal infections of unclear etiology.  相似文献   

The use of roof-collected rainwater as a freely available and sustainable alternative to drinking water produced by drinking water companies increases worldwide. Initially, rainwater is free of microbial contamination, but it may become contaminated by animals and humans or, alternatively, human pathogens may grow in stored rainwater resulting in a significant human health risk from infectious diseases. This three-year study demonstrated that rainwater stored in different reservoirs in The Netherlands was frequently faecally contaminated and incidentally contained potential human pathogens such as Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Aeromonas hydrophila and Legionella. Analysis of samples during a period with variable weather conditions showed a correlation between rainfall intensity and faecal indicator counts and increased detection of pathogens after heavy rainfall incidents. Outside temperature had a limited effect on both the temperature and the microbiological quality of the water in the reservoirs, which did not comply with Dutch drinking water legislation and should thus not be consumed without treatment. In general, a health risk may arise from exposure to pathogens when contaminated droplets are inhaled, ingested or come into contact with the skin. Health risks may be reduced by regular cleaning of the collection, storage and transport means, but to assess their efficacy field intervention studies are required.  相似文献   


Problem: Ten percent of infants born will require admission to a neonatal facility. Coordinated activity to monitor and improve the quality of care for this high risk, high cost group of infants is considered a high priority. At the time of initiation of this project no system for collection and analysis of neonatal data existed in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

旅游近邻地区食品细菌指标检测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文调查了旅游近邻地区食品卫生质量,采用国家卫生标准检验方法共检测5542份食品样品,其细菌学阳性率为15.0%,同时也存在食源性肠道传染病发生或流行的可能。分析了食品卫生质量不稳定的因素,提出了保证和提高食品卫生质量的一系列有效措施。  相似文献   

目的研制《农村集中式供水卫生要求》,以加强农村集中式供水的卫生监督与管理工作,保护农民身体健康。方法采用文献研究、现场环境卫生学调查与可行性研究相结合的方法。结果提出了农村集中式供水水质、供水单位的卫生要求、水源选择以及水源卫生防护的卫生要求,同时还规定了监测检验方法。结论该标准具有科学性、可行性。该标准发布与实施,使安徽省农村集中式供水的卫生监督监测与管理工作有了规范。  相似文献   

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