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The present review defines food skills assessment tools and explores reasons for assessing food skills. The purpose of the present review was to consider tools appropriate for assessing food skills in people with a mental illness. Six assessment tools met the selection criteria: (i) the Rabideau Kitchen Evaluation, Revised; (ii) the Moss Kitchen Assessment; (iii) the Kitchen Task Assessment; (iv) the Functional Needs Assessment Program for Chronic Psychiatric Patients (Nutritional Management Program); (v) the Routine Task Inventory; and (vi) Assessment of Motor and Process Skills, 2nd edition. Each assessment tool was reviewed for criteria including strengths and weaknesses, the original target population, psychometric properties, scoring system and training requirements for the interviewer. The review concluded that food skills in people with a mental illness can be measured in many different ways; therefore, the precise reason for making the assessment should be established prior to selection of the assessment tool to ensure the most suitable method of assessment is chosen.  相似文献   

Individuals with comorbid severe mental illness (SMI) and diabetes experience an average mortality gap of 20 years compared to individuals without these conditions. There has been some recognition by policies that there is a gap between mental healthcare and physical healthcare for SMI patients. Despite this, there are still no defined care pathways for individuals with SMI and diabetes. The aim of this study was to explore healthcare professionals' (HCPs) perspectives of barriers and solutions to supporting people with SMI and diabetes. HCPs in areas of South London were invited to attend a workshop event to discuss their views of SMI and diabetes pathways. Fifty participants were recruited using the Local Care Network. HCPs included GPs, mental health nurses, psychiatrists, diabetologists and care co‐ordinators. The main themes were as follows: (a) poor coordination of care and care planning between services; (b) key techniques to improve integrated care; (c) perceived difficulties achieving better care and (d) supporting patient empowerment. The findings and recommendations from this workshop may provide some insight into key factors in providing and improving integrated SMI and diabetes care for patients in South East London and further afield.  相似文献   

Objectives : To determine the impact of the Act‐Belong‐Commit mental health promotion campaign on people with a diagnosed mental illness or who had sought professional help for a mental health problem in the previous 12 months. Method : In 2013 and 2014, 1,200 adults in Western Australia were interviewed by telephone. The questionnaire measured campaign reach, impact on beliefs about mental health and mental illness and behavioural impact. Results : Campaign impact on changing the way respondents thought about mental health was significantly higher among those with a mental illness or who had sought help (41.4% vs 24.2%; p<0.001), as was doing something for their mental health as a result of their exposure to the campaign (20.5% vs 8.7%; p<0.001). Conclusions : The campaign appears to empower people with a mental illness or who recently sought help to take steps of their own to enhance their mental health.  相似文献   

This article explores the salience of disability theory for understanding the experiences of people with serious mental illness. Drawing on data from a focus group study, we suggest that users experience both impairment (as embodied irrationality) which can, in itself, be oppressive, and also have to manage their lives within a largely disabling society. We outline some of the strategies adopted by users to manage their situation and ensure they access and receive health services, and illustrate how these are a result of the complex relationship between disability and impairment. We suggest that using a framework of the social model of disability provides a useful way of understanding and making sense of the experience of users with serious mental illness.  相似文献   

People experiencing a severe mental illness (SMI), such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar affective disorder or depression with psychotic features, have a 20‐year mortality gap compared to the general population. This ‘scandal of premature mortality’ is primarily driven by preventable cardiometabolic disease, and recent research suggests that the mortality gap is widening. Multidisciplinary mental health teams often include psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, specialist mental health nurses, social workers and occupational therapists, offering a range of pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments to enhance the recovery of clients who have experienced, or are experiencing a SMI. Until recently, lifestyle and life skills interventions targeting the poor physical health experienced by people living with SMI have not been offered in most routine clinical settings. Furthermore, there are calls to include dietary intervention as mainstream in psychiatry to enhance mental health recovery. With the integration of dietitians being a relatively new approach, it is important to review and assess the literature to inform practice. This review assesses the dietary challenges experienced by people with a SMI and discusses potential strategies for improving mental and physical health.  相似文献   

Approved social worker (ASW) numbers in England and Wales were compared on the basis of two national surveys conducted in 1992 and 2002. These data were supplemented by reports published by the Employers' Organisation in the intervening years. Although raw numbers suggested a modest absolute increase over this time, rates of ASW's per 100,000 population declined by over 50%. Possible explanations for this dramatic fall are explored. The authors conclude that specific and targeted action needs to be taken by the government and public sector employers to determine the numbers of mental health social workers needed in modernised community mental health services.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of abused women with mental illness is often unrecognised by staff working within welfare services. This may be explained by staff members' attitudes, insecurity or lack of awareness. Today, there are shortcomings in the knowledge of staff members' experiences and interpretations of abuse against women suffering from mental illness. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe how staff members experience and understand their work with abused women suffering from mental illness. Thematic interviews were conducted with 13 staff members from various welfare services. Data were subject to content analysis. The findings showed that working with abused women was experienced as ambiguous and painful and made the staff act pragmatically. Feelings of ambiguity were mainly related to the lack of theoretical frameworks for interpreting why women with mental illness are exposed to abuse. Painful experiences involved intertwined feelings of distress, frustration, worthlessness, ambivalence and powerlessness. These were all feelings that emerged in the direct encounters with the abused women. In response to the abused women's comprehensive needs, staff members acted pragmatically, implying networking without any sanction from the leaders of the organisation, compliance with routines and taking action in here-and-now situations. By acting pragmatically, staff members could achieve concrete results through their interventions. It is concluded that staff members, working with abused women with mental illness, are in a vulnerable situation and in need of formally accepted and implemented support and legitimacy as well as theoretical knowledge regarding causes and consequences of abuse in this particular group of women.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate time use in work/education, self-care/self-maintenance, play/leisure, rest/relaxation, and sleep in people with persistent mental illness. A further aim was to investigate how time use in the daily activities was associated with health-related variables and social interaction. The study comprised 103 participants with a diagnosis of persistent mental illness who completed self-ratings and interviews in order to assess (1) time use of activities during one 24-hour day, (2) social interaction and (3) health-related factors. The major results indicated that the total time in activity (TTA) and the time spent on work/education and sleep seemed to be related to the majority of the target variables. Four groups of daily rhythm were identified and the daily rhythm groups differed concerning perceived mastery and social interaction. Although the results of this study were statistically significant they did not indicate clinical significance. Therefore, the assumption that there is a relationship between occupation and well-being could not be clearly verified. This study had a cross-sectional design based on a one-time measure, which is an important limitation for the validity of the study. Furthermore, no Bonferroni corrections were made for mass significance and some of the findings would have disappeared if such corrections had been made. More studies concerning time use in daily activities, and daily rhythm in relation to health and well-being are needed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore generalist nurses' perceptions of their efficacy in caring for mentally ill clients in rural and remote settings, and their educational needs in the area of mental health care. DESIGN: A self-administered questionnaire adapted from the Mental Health Problems Perception Questionnaire; a Likert scale used to rate the perceptions of nursing staff of their own ability to adequately treat and care for patients experiencing mental illness. Setting: The Roma and Charleville Health Service Districts, Queensland, Australia. SUBJECTS: Nurses (Registered Nurses, Assistants in Nursing and Enrolled Nurses) in the Roma and Charleville health service districts (n = 163). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Generalist nurses' perceptions regarding their therapeutic commitment, role competency and role support. Results: Seventy per cent of respondents indicated that limited knowledge of mental health problems was an issue preventing nursing staff in rural and remote settings from providing optimum care to patients with mental illness. Twenty-nine per cent of respondents indicated that they had never received or undertaken training or education in relation to the care, treatment or assessment of patients with mental illness. CONCLUSION: Rural nurses do not feel competent, nor adequately supported, to deal with patients with mental health problems. In addition, the nurses' education and ongoing training do not adequately prepare them for this sphere.  相似文献   

Stigma is a contributing factor to non-help-seeking behavior and social isolation of mental health-care users. The study examined social workers’ perspective regarding strategies that can be implemented to destigmatize mental illness in South Africa. A qualitative study method was adopted. Data were sourced through focus group discussions with social work students and telephone interviews with social workers working in hospitals. Data were analyzed using a thematic approach. Active involvement, education, and awareness campaigns, creating opportunities for improved well-being and constant support, were identified as relevant strategies. Given that stigma is multidimensional, various strategies are important if mental illness is to be destigmatized.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of two models of capitation on the clinical outcomes of Medicaid beneficiaries in the state of Colorado. DATA SOURCE: A large sample of adult, Medicaid beneficiaries with severe mental illness drawn from regions where capitation contracts were (1) awarded to local community mental health agencies (direct capitation), (2) awarded to a joint venture between local community mental health agencies and a large, private managed behavioral health organization, and (3) not awarded and care continued to be reimbursed on a fee-for-service basis. STUDY DESIGN: The three samples were compared on treatment outcomes assessed over 2 years (total n = 591). DATA COLLECTION METHODS: Study participants were interviewed by trained, clinical interviewers using a standardized protocol consisting of the GAF, BPRS, QOLI, and CAGE. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Outcomes were comparable across most outcome measures. When outcome diffrences were evident, they tended to favor the capitation samples. CONCLUSIONS: Medicaid capitation in Colorado does not appear to have negatively affected the outcomes of people with severe mental illness during the first 2 years of the program. Furthermore, the type of capitation model was unrelated to outcomes in this study.  相似文献   

As the focus of mental health care has shifted from the hospital to the community, so the importance of effectively targeting resources on those with the greatest need has become paramount. One approach to identifying and targeting people deemed to have severe and enduring mental health problems is the establishment of mental health case registers at primary care level. This paper raises a number of conceptual issues associated with these registers and, on the basis of the available literature, offers suggestions to guide those who are contemplating their introduction.  相似文献   

Background and Aims:  Despite recent initiatives to reduce stigma towards people with mental illness, negative attitudes persist both in the community and among health professionals. Fieldwork experience has been identified as the most powerful way of modifying the attitudes of health professional students. Research to date suggests that later placements tend to have a more positive effect on attitudes than do earlier placements. However, inconsistencies within the literature suggest that it is the nature of the fieldwork experience that is the critical factor. We set out to investigate whether a program of fieldwork that included a tutorial component would bring about positive attitudinal change in first year occupational therapy students.
Methods:  We conducted secondary analysis of data collected from first year students before and after first year fieldwork experience in mental health settings. Student statements were rated to identify positive versus negative attitudes, and attitudinal themes were analysed.
Results:  Quantitative analysis revealed that students made significantly more statements reflecting positive attitudes following fieldwork than they did before. From pre- to post-fieldwork, attitudinal themes changed from: people with mental illness as different, fear of people with mental illness, and a deficit focus of mental illness, to: the 'ordinariness' of people with mental illness, students' understanding of people with mental illness, and an enabling approach to people with mental illness.
Conclusions:  A program of fieldwork that includes a structured tutorial component can bring about positive changes in the attitudes of first year students towards people with mental illness.  相似文献   

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