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Retinal projections were studied using Fink-Heimer and radioautographic methods in Polypterus senegalus, a species which is representative of a small group of African fresh-water bony fish often considered to be very primitive.The large optic nerve showed partial decussation at the chiasm. Two major contralateral tracts were observed: the axillary and marginal optic tracts, with the latter being subdivided posteriorly into the tractus opticus medialis and tractus opticus lateralis. The retina projected onto the: (1) hypothalamus (area optica postoptica); (2) thalamus (nucleus opticus dorsolateralis thalimi, nucleus dorsomedialis thalami, corpus geniculatum laterale, area optica dorsolateralis thalami, area optica ventrolateralis thalami); (3) pretectum (nuclei commissurae posterioris, pretectalis ventralis, pretectalis dorsalis); and (4) optic tectum (stratum marginale, stratum opticum, stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale, stratum griseum et album centrale, stratum griseum et fibrosum periventriculare). Ipsilateral retinal projections were demonstrated to the same 4 levels and more precisely to the nucleus opticus dorsolateralis thalami, area optica dorsolaterale thalami, nucleus commissurae posterioris, stratum marginale and stratum griseum et album centrale. The existence of a retinal projection to the mesencephalic tegmentum is discussed.Comparing the primary optic system of Polypterus with that of other jawed vertebrates, and particularly with that of other bony fish, indicated that this species possesses a combination of characteristics which are both actinopterygian and sarcopterygian. The phylogenetic significance of this mozaic anatomical arrangement is discussed.  相似文献   

The retinocerebral projections of Emys orbicularis were investigated by means of [3H]-proline or HRP, administered by intraocular injection. Two newly-hatched, two juvenile and seven adult specimens were examined. The results reveal contralateral retinal projections to fifteen sites: two in the hypothalamus (the nuclei suprachiasmaticus and periventricularis), five in the thalamus (the nuclei ovalis, geniculatus lateralis ventralis, geniculatus laleralis dorsalis, dorsolateralis anterior and ventrolateralis), five in the pretectal region (the nuclei geniculatus pretectalis, opticus pretectalis ventrolateralis, lentiformis mesencephali, posterodorsalis and griseus tectalis), two in the optic tectum (the stratum opticum and the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale), and one in the tegmentum (the nucleus opticus tegmenti). Ipsilateral projections to nine of these sites at thalamic, pretectal, tectal and tegmental levels, while weak, could be clearly demonstrated. These results differ considerably from those obtained in a previous investigation using a Nauta-paraffin technique; it is suggested that the differences are due to limitations of the latter technique. A review of the existing literature on the Chelonian primary visual system reveals considerable terminological diversity, and a standard nomenclature for the primary visual centres of turtles is proposed.  相似文献   

The efferent projections of the medial preoptic nucleus (POM), anterior-medial hypothalamic area (AM), and the posteromedial hypothalamic nucleus (PMH) in the pigeon were traced by the autoradiographic technique. Similar and differential connections were noted from these regions. Projections from POM and AM-PMH were traced to nucleus septalis lateralis, nucleus dorsomedialis thalami, nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami (pars ventralis), posterior hypothalamic and medial mammillary areas, area ventralis tegmenti (Tsai), central gray of midbrain and nucleus intercollicularis and substantia grisea periventricularis of the midbrain. The density of silver grains in these regions differed with POM and AM-PMH injections. Other projections were observed exclusively from only one or two of the nuclear regions injected. Connections from POM and the rostral part of AM were seen to the median eminence, neurohypophysis, and the nucleus of anterior pallial commissure. Only cells of the anterior part of AM project fibers to nucleus septalis medialis. In the hypothalamus, projections from POM are concentrated in the periventricular region and in the preoptic-hypophyseal tract in the extreme lateral hypothalamus, while AM-PMH projections are heaviest in the medial hypothalamus and lateral preoptic area. A major difference in the connections of PMH from POM is the more substantial PMH projection to the midbrain. A prominent projection courses dorsolaterally and posteriorly from PMH toward nucleus ovoidalis and splits into two pathways: a lateral pathway which heavily innervates n. intercollicularis and the periventricular gray and a ventrolateral projection to the midbrain tegmentum. The projections described above provide anatomical substrates for neuroendocrine, autonomic, and behavioral functions.  相似文献   

The lateral geniculate complex (GL) of pigeons was investigated with respect to its immunohistochemical characteristics, retinal afferents, and the putative transmitters/modulators of its neurons. The distributions of serotonin-, choline acetyltransferase-, glutamic acid decarboxylase-, tyrosine hydroxylase-, neuropeptide Y- (NPY), substance P- (SP), neurotensin- (NT), cholecystokinin- (CCK), and leucine-enkephalin- (L-ENK) like immunoreactive perikarya and fibers were mapped. Retinal projections were studied following injections of Rhodamine-B-isothiocyanate into the vitreous. Transmitter-specific projections onto the visual Wulst and the optic tectum were studied by simultaneous double-labelling of retrograde tracer molecules and immunocytochemical labelling. The GL can be divided into three major subdivisions, the n. geniculatus lateralis, pars dorsalis (GLd; previously designated as the n. opticus principalis thalami, OPT), the n. marginalis tractus optici (nMOT), and the n. geniculatus lateralis, pars ventralis (GLv). All three subdivisions are retinorecipient. The GLd can be further subdivided into at least five components differing in their immunohistochemical characteristics: n. lateralis anterior (LA); n. dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars lateralis (DLL), n. dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars magnocellularis (DLAmc); n. lateralis dorsalis nuclei optici principalis thalami (LdOPT); and n. suprarotundus (SpRt). The LdOPT consists of an area of dense CCK-like and NT-like terminals of probable retinal origin. Three subnuclei (DLL, DLAmc, SpRt) were shown to project to the visual Wulst. Cholinergic and cholecystokinergic relay neurons participated in this projection. The nMOT occupies a position between the GLd and GLv and encircles the rostral pole of n. rotundus and the LA. It is characterized mainly by medium sized NPY-like perikarya which were shown to project onto the ipsilateral optic tectum. Bands of NPY-like fibers in the tectal layers 2, 4, and 7 could at least in part be due to this projection of the nMOT. Most of the antisera used revealed transmitter/modulator-specific fiber systems in the GLv which often showed a layer-specific distribution. Perikaryal labelling was only obtained with glutamic acid decarboxylase. On the basis of its chemoarchitectonics, topography, and connectional pattern, the GLd complex of pigeons is most directly equivalent to the mammalian GLd. However, although the different subdivisions of the avian GLd may represent functionally different channels within the thalamofugal pathway similar to the lamina-specific differentiation within the mammalian geniculostriate projection, direct comparison of subnuclei of birds and mammals is not justified at this time. The nMOT appears similar to the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) and the avian GLv clearly corresponds in many features to the mammalian GLv.  相似文献   

The localization of catecholamines (CA) in the brain of Apteronotus leptorhynchus was studied with immunohistochemical techniques using antibodies to the enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine B-hydroxylase (DBH), phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT), and the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA). Telencephalic TH and DA immunoreactive (ir) neurons were located in the following structures: olfactory bulb, area ventralis telencephali partes ventralis, centralis, dorsalis, and intermediate. Diencephalic TH ir neurons were distributed in: nucleus preopticus periventricularis pars anterior, floor of preoptic recess, n. suprachiasmaticus, n. preopticus periventricularis pars posterior, n. anterior periventricularis, area ventralis lateralis, rostral region of posterior periventricular nucleus (paraventricular organ of other authors), periventricular nucleus of posterior tuberculum, n. recessus lateralis, n. tuberis lateralis pars anterior, and n. tuberis posterior. Although most diencephalic TH ir structures were also DAir, the posterior periventricular nucleus, n. recessus lateralis pars medialis, n. recessus posterioris, and ventral region of nucleus lateralis tuberis pars anterior showed differences in the distribution of TH and DA immunoreactivity. The rhombencephalic structures contained cell groups with different combinations of catecholamines as follows: TH and DBH ir neurons in the isthmic tegmentum (locus coeruleus); TH and DBH ir cells in the rostral medullary tegmentum ventral to VIIth nerve; TH and PNMT ir cells in the sensory nucleus of the vagus nerve; TH, DBH, and PNMT ir cells in the dorsal medullary tegmentum, TH and DBH ir cells in the dorsomedian postobecular region, ventral to the descending trigeminal tract and lateral to the central canal at medullospinal levels. This study shows that: (1) with few exceptions TH and DA ir coincides, (2) gymnotiforms possess similar DBH ir rhombencephalic groups, but additional telencephalic and rhombencephalic TH ir groups, and PNMT ir cells that were not reported previously in teleosts, and (3) the presence of CAergic fibers in the electrosensory system supports findings of their modulatory function in communication and aggression.  相似文献   

T Shiga  Y Oka  M Satou  N Okumoto  K Ueda 《Brain research》1985,361(1-2):162-177
The supracommissural ventral telencephalon and the medial preoptic area have been shown to play important roles in the sexual behavior of himé salmon (landlocked red salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka). In the present study, the sites of neurons projecting to these regions were examined by means of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing method. The morphology of neurons in these sites of origin was also studied by means of the Golgi method. The nucleus preopticus periventricularis and the rostral part of nucleus preopticus (NPP-rNPO) received bilateral projections from the middle parts of the area ventralis telencephali pars ventralis (Vv) and the area ventralis telencephali pars dorsalis (Vd), NPP and lateral part of the preoptic area (LPOA), ipsilateral projections from the caudal part of Vv, nucleus anterioris periventricularis (NAPv), nucleus ventromedialis thalami (NVM) at the level of the posterior commissure, nucleus lateralis tuberis pars medialis (NLTm), nucleus anterior tuberis (NAT), nucleus saccus vasculosus (NSV), nucleus recessus posterioris (NRP) and midbrain tegmentum (TG), and a projection from the nucleus posterior tuberis (NPT), which is situated on the midline of the brain. The area ventralis telencephali pars supracommissuralis and neighboring caudal ventral telencephalon (Vs-cV) received ipsilateral projections from almost all parts of the Vv, the middle and caudal parts of Vd, almost all parts of the NNP, the NPO at the level between the habenula and the posterior commissure, and the rostral part of the nucleus dorsomedialis thalami (NDM). The Vs-cV also received a projection from NPT. These findings seem to give anatomical bases for understanding the neural mechanisms involved in sexual behavior as well as neuroendocrine functions.  相似文献   

The afferent-efferent connections of the pigeon dorsomedial forebrain, which is composed of the "hippocampus" (Hp) and "parahippocampus" (APH), presumed homologues of the mammalian hippocampal complex, were studied. Afferent projections were identified by wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) and efferent projections were identified by 3H-proline and WGA-HRP. In addition to identified intrinsic connections within Hp and APH, both Hp and APH were found to be in receipt of ipsilateral forebrain afferents from each other, the hyperstriatum accessorium, nucleus of the diagonal band, nucleus taeniae, and area corticoidea dorsolateralis. Only Hp received input from the contralateral Hp while only APH received input from the ipsilateral hyperstriatum dorsale and archistriatum, pars ventralis. Both Hp and APH received ipsilateral diencephalic afferents from the nucleus mamillaris lateralis, stratum cellulare internum, nucleus lateralis hypothalami, and nucleus paramedianus internus thalami. Only APH received bilateral input from the nucleus superficialis parvicellularis (this nucleus may send a small projection to Hp) and nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars medialis, and an ipsilateral projection from the nucleus subrotundus. Brainstem afferents to Hp and APH included ipsilateral projections from the area ventralis (Tsai) nucleus reticularis pontis oralis, nucleus raphes, nucleus subceruleus dorsalis, and nucleus centralis superior of Bechterew, and bilateral projections from the nucleus linearis caudalis and locus ceruleus, of which the nucleus subceruleus dorsalis, nucleus centralis superior of Bechterew, and locus ceruleus projected to APH only. Forebrain efferents from both Hp and APH were found to project ipsilaterally to the septum, the area of the fasciculus diagonalis Brocae, nucleus taeniae, and area corticoidea dorsolateralis. Only Hp appeared to send efferents to the contralateral septum and Hp, while only APH sent efferents to the hyperstriatum dorsale and the archistriatum. A hypothalamic projection from Hp and APH was found to partially terminate near the nucleus mamillaris lateralis. At the level of pathway connections, the results demonstrate a striking similarity between the avian dorsomedial forebrain and the dorsomedial cortex of reptiles and the mammalian hippocampus.  相似文献   

The supracommissural ventral telencephalon and the medial preoptic area have been shown to play important roles in the sexual behavior of hime´salmon (landlocked red salamon,Oncorhynchus nerka). In the present study, the sites of neurons projecting to these regions were examined by means of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing method. The morphology of neurons in these sites of origin was also studied by means of the Golgi method. The nucleus preopticus periventricularis and the rostral part of nucleus preopticus (NPP-rNPO) received bilateral projections from the middle parts of the area ventralis telencephali pars ventralis (Vv) and the area ventralis telencephali pars dorsalis (Vd), NPP and lateral part of the preoptic area (LPOA), ipsilateral projections from the caulal part of Vv, nucleus anteriors periventricularis (NAPv), nucleus ventromedialis thalami (NVM) at the level of the posterior commissure, nucleus lateralis tuberis pars medialis (NLTm), nucleus anterior tuberis (NAT), nucleus saccus vasculosus (NSV), nucleus recessus posterioris (NRP) and midbrain tegmentum (TG), and a projection from the nucleus posterior tuberis (NPT), which is situated on the midline of the brain. The area ventralis telencephali pars supracommissuralis and neighboring caudal ventral telencephalon (Vs-cV) received ipsilateral projections from almost all parts of the Vv, the middle and caudal parts of Vd, almost all parts of the NNP, the NPO at the level between the habenula and the posterior commisure, and the rostral part of the nucleus dorsomedialis thalami (NDM). The Vs-cV also received a projection from NPT. These findings seem to give anatomical bases for understanding the neural mechanisms involved in sexual behavior as well as neuroendocrine functions.  相似文献   

The distributions of serotoninergic neurons in the brain of the three-spined stickleback was demonstrated with the indirect peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunohistochemical method with antibodies against serotonin. Serotoninergic perikarya were demonstrated in the brainstem reticular formation (nucleus raphe dorsalis, nucleus raphe medialis, and nucleus tegmenti dorsalis lateralis) and in the periventricular ventral thalamus and hypothalamus (nucleus ventromedialis thalami, nucleus posterioris periventricularis, nucleus recessus lateralis, and nucleus recessus posterioris). After pharmacological pretreatment of the animals with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, serotoninergic perikarya were also visualized in area praetectalis and in the medial brainstem, caudal to nucleus raphe medialis. Whereas the cell groups of the brainstem give rise to both ascending and descending pathways, it was not possible to analyze the distribution of efferent projections from the diencephalic cell groups. Distribution of serotoninergic axons showed marked regional differences. Only scattered varicose fibers were demonstrated in the cerebellum, the facial lobes, and the lateral line lobes. In the mesencephalon, the dorsal periventricular tegmentum and the central gray receive only small numbers of serotoninergic axons, while torus semicircularis and the visual layers of tectum opticum are profusely innervated. In the diencephalon, the hypothalamus and ventral thalamus generally display the highest density of serotoninergic axons. Exceptions are found in nucleus glomerulosus and the ventromedial portion of lobus inferioris, where densities are low. In the telencephalon, the density of serotoninergic axons is very high in area dorsalis pars medialis and pars lateralis dorsalis, but low in area dorsalis pars dorsalis and pars lateralis ventralis, and intermediate in area ventralis.  相似文献   

The distribution of parvalbumin-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in the cat diencephalon has been analyzed by using the avidin-biotin innmunoperoxidase technique. The thalamus showed a higher density of immunoreactive cell bodies than the hypothalamus. A. high or moderate density of perikarya and a high density of fibers containing parvalbumin was observed in the nuclei lateralis posterior, lateralis dorsalis, pulvinar, corpus geniculatum laterale, reticularis, medialis dorsalis, centrum medianum, subparafascicularis, ventralis postero-medialis, ventralis postero-lateralis, habenularis medialis, parafascicularis, corpus geniculaturn mediale, centralis lateralis, rhomboidens, reuniens, centraliis medialis, ventralis medialis, ventralis lateralis, parataenialis, anterior ventralis, anterior medialis, ventralis anterior, hypothalamus posterior, corpus mamillare, area hypothalamica dorsalis, and in the nucleus suprachiasmaticus. Moreover, a high or moderate density of immunoreactive fibers and a low density of parvalbumin-immunoreactive cell bodies was observed in the nuclei periventricularis anterior, anterior dorsalis, habenularis lateralis, corpus geniculatum laterale (pars ventralis), periventricularis hypothalami, hypothalamus lateralis, hypothalamus anterior, and in the hypothalamus dorsomedialis.  相似文献   

The retinofugal projections of 5 species (Acanthodactylus boskianus, Scincus scincus, Tarentola mauritanica, Uromastix acanthinurus and Zonosaurus ornatus) belonging to 5 different families of Type I and Type II lizards have been examined by means of the radioautographic method. In the 5 species the retinal ganglion cells project to the contralateral hypothalamus (nucleus suprachiasmaticus), thalamus (nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars ventralis, nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars dorsalis), pretectum (nuclei lentiformis mesencephali, geniculatus pretectalis, postero-dorsalis griseus tectalis), tectum opticum (layer 2 to layer 6 of the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale) and tegmentum mesencephali (nucleus opticus tegmenti). Ipsilateral optic fibers were never observed in Uromastix acanthinurus, whereas an uncrossed quota was visible in both nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars dorsalis and nucleus postero-dorsalis in the other species. An ipsilateral retinotectal projection was observed only in Tarentola mauritanica. With the exception of the nucleus griseus tectalis the contralateral optic centers identified in this material have to a large extent been observed in other reptiles belonging to the different orders. The presence in reptiles of a general pattern of contralateral visual projections indicates that these were established very clearly in the course of evolution. Similarities become apparent when this plan is compared with that observed in birds. In marked contrast the ipsilateral component in reptiles is unstable and mutable in nature. This ipsilateral retinotectal projections do not appear to be a feature restricted to Type I lizards. On the other hand, the presence of this optic component cannot be linked solely to nocturnal habits.  相似文献   

We have used anterograde autoradiographic and retrograde HRP techniques to investigate the efferent connections of the retinorecipient pretectal nuclei in the pigeon. In the accompanying paper we identified these nuclei in the pigeon as the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali--pars lateralis and pars medialis, the tectal gray, the area pretectalis, and pretectalis diffusus. Although there are reports of a few of the projections of these nuclei, they had not previously been the subject of a detailed study. We found that different cell types in the lentiformis mesencephali, pars medialis and the lentiformis mesencephali, pars lateralis have descending projections to different targets. These targets include the inferior olive, the cerebellum, the lateral pontine nucleus, the nucleus papillioformis, the nucleus of the basal optic root, the nucleus mesencephalicus profundus, pars ventralis, the nucleus principalis precommissuralis, and the stratum cellulare externum. We found that a few cells in the lentiformis mesencephali project to the medial pontine nucleus, but that a much heavier projection arises from the nucleus laminaris precommissuralis, which is medial to the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, pars medialis. The tectal gray has predominantly ascending projections to the diencephalon. The nuclei that it projects to are the nucleus intercalatus thalami, the nucleus of the ventral supraoptic decussation, the nucleus posteroventralis, the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, the nucleus dorsolateralis medialis, and the nucleus dorsolateralis anterior. The tectal gray also projects topographically to layers 4 and 8-13 of the optic tectum. Area pretectalis has both ascending and descending projections. It has ipsilateral ascending projections to the nucleus dorsolateralis anterior, pars magnocellularis, the nucleus lateralis anterior, and the nucleus ventrolateralis thalami. It has ipsilateral descending projections to the central gray, the nucleus of the basal optic root, pars dorsalis, the lateral pontine nucleus, and the deep layers of the optic tectum. It has contralateral projections to the area pretectalis, the nucleus Campi Foreli, the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, the nucleus of Darkschewitsch, the cerebellum, and the Edinger-Westphal nucleus. The efferent projections of pretectalis diffusus are limited. It projects contralaterally to the pretectalis diffusus, and ipsilaterally to the nucleus of the ventral supraoptic decussation, the lateral pons, and the cerebellum.4  相似文献   

The retinofugal and retinopetal projections of the cichlid fish Astronotus ocellatus were studied by applying cobaltous-lysine to the optic nerve. Retinal axons terminate bilaterally in a preoptic-suprachiasmatic region between the base of the third ventricle and the anterior genu of the horizontal commissure and among periventricular cells along the sides of the ventricle. Other retinal axons innervate the tuberal region of the hypothalamus anterior to the infundibulum. Targets innervated in the pretectum include nucleus lateralis geniculatus and dorsal, medial, and ventral pretectal nuclei. Three other targets (nucleus opticus dorsolateralis, nucleus opticus commissurae posterior, nucleus opticus ventrolateralis) are innervated by fibers that leave the medial edge of the dorsal optic tract. Two other targets (basal optic nucleus and accessory optic nucleus) are innervated by fibers from the ventral optic tract. These retinal projections are similar to those previously reported for goldfish in an experiment that used the cobaltous-lysine method (Springer and Gaffney, J. Comp. Neurol. 203:401-424, '81). Retinotectal optic axons were found in a superficial lamina just above the stratum opticum, in the stratum opticum, in three layers of the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale, in a lamina just beneath the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale, and in the stratum album centrale just above the stratum periventriculare. This result is similar to that previously reported for goldfish; however, the spatial relationships between the various retinorecipient laminae differ for goldfish and Astronotus ocellatus. Efferents to the retina originate in two nuclei and both project contralaterally. The first is the nucleus olfactoretinalis, which is located ventrally between the olfactory lobe and telencephalon. It consists of about 400 cells, of which, approximately 200 cells project to the retina. The second retinopetal nucleus, nucleus thalamoretinalis, is a diffuse group of about 200 cells that project to the retina.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against two alpha-bungarotoxin-binding subunits (alpha 7 and alpha 8) of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) were used as immunohistochemical probes to map their distribution in the chick diencephalon and mesencephalon. The distribution of the alpha 7 and alpha 8 nAChR subunits was compared to the distribution of immunoreactivity produced by a monoclonal antibody against the beta 2 structural subunit of the nAChRs. Structures that contained high numbers of alpha 7-like immunoreactive (LI) somata included the intergeniculate leaflet, nucleus intercalatus thalami, nucleus ovoidalis, organum paraventricularis, nucleus rotundus, isthmic nuclei, nucleus trochlearis, oculomotor complex, nucleus interstitio-pretecto-subpretectalis, stratum griseum centrale of the optic tectum, and nucleus semilunaris. Neuropil staining for alpha 7-LI was intense in the nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis, griseum tecti, isthmic nuclei, nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, nucleus of the basal optic root, and stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale of the tectum. High numbers of alpha 8-LI somata were found in the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale of the tectum and the nucleus interstitio-pretecto-subpretectalis, and intense neuropil staining for alpha 8-LI was found in the dorsal thalamus, nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis, lateral hypothalamus, griseum et fibrosum superficiale of the tectum. High numbers of beta 2-LI somata were found only in the nucleus spiriformis lateralis, whereas neuropil staining for beta 2-LI was intense in the nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis, nucleus suprachiasmaticus, nucleus lateralis anterior, nucleus habenularis lateralis, area pretectalis, griseum tecti, nucleus lentiformis mesencephalis, nucleus externus, and nucleus interpeduncularis, and in the stratum griseum centrale, stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale, and stratum opticum of the tectum. These results indicate that there are major disparities in the localization of the alpha-bungarotoxin-binding alpha 7 and alpha 8 nAChR subunits and the beta 2 structural nAChR subunit in the chick diencephalon and mesencephalon. These nAChR subunits appear, however, to coexist in several regions of the chick brain.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of monoamine-(MA) containing neurons and fibres in the brain of Carassius was investigated by formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF) histochemistry (Falck-Hillarp technique). Many brightly green-fluorescent nerve cell perikarya were found in the nucleus dorsolateralis and ventromedialis, in the nucleus posterioris periventricularis, in the nucleus recessus lateralis and posterioris. They also occurred in the mesencephalic nucleus lateralis valvulae, in the metencephalic nucleus gustatorius secundus and near the ventricular borders of the facial and vagal lobes in the myelencephalon. Many fluorescent fibres and nerve terminals were localized in the frontal and medio-lateral parts of the telencephalon, showing fluorescent connections to the caudal parts. In the diencephalon, MA-fibres branched in a horizontal and ventral tract, leading to the medulla oblongata and the hypothalamic nuclei, respectively. There were laterally situated fibres connecting the hypothalamic nuclei with the medulla and the nucleus gustatorius secundus. Many fluorescent fibres were found in the middle layers of the tectum opticum, in the torus semicircularis, in the lobus inferior and in the medulla oblongata. Considerably fewer fibres occurred in the corpus cerebelli and in the dorsal parts of the hindbrain lobes. These results are compared with the MA-system in the brains of other fish.  相似文献   

The retinofugal of the lizard Podarcis hispanica has been examined by means of enzymatic method with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The retinal ganglion cells project contralaterally to thalamus (nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars dorsalis, nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars ventralis and nucleus ventrolateralis pars ventralis and nucleus ventrolateralis pars ventralis), pretectum (nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, nucleus geniculatus pretectalis and nucleus posterodorsalis) and optic tectum (layers 14 and 12, mainly, and layers 13 and 11). A small ipsilateral tract has been observed. Some of these fibers project to the lateral geniculate complex and the nucleus ventrolateralis pars ventralis. Most of the ipsilateral fibers have been observed in the neuropil of nucleus geniculatus pretectalis and the layer 14 of the optic tectum. The ipsilateral component, an inconstant structure in reptiles, presents an important development in Podarcis hispanica, although the number of its fibers is relatively small.  相似文献   

The organization of afferents to the pituitary was investigated by applying DiI crystals to the pituitary or pituitary stalk of the gymnotiform electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Most hypophysiotrophic cells were found in the hypothalamus and were distributed throughout its rostrocaudal extent: nucleus preopticus periventricularis, pars anterior and posterior; suprachiasmatic nucleus; anterior, dorsal, ventral, lateral, and caudal hypothalamic nuclei; and nucleus tuberis lateralis, pars anterior and posterior. In addition a small number of retrogradely labeled cells were found in the ventral telencephalon (area ventralis, pars ventralis) and, most surprisingly, in a thalamic nucleus (nucleus centralis posterioris). The nucleus preopticus periventricularis pars posterior and the anterior hypothalamic nucleus appear to correspond to the parvicellular and magnocellular divisions of the nucleus preopticus of other teleosts. Integration of these results with immunohistochemical localization of monoamines and neuropeptides in the apteronotid brain suggests many homologies between the hypophysiotrophic nuclei of teleosts and other vertebrates, including mammals. Apteronotus communicates electrically during agonistic and sexual interactions. There are numerous anatomical links between the hypophysiotrophic systems and the brain areas related to electrocommunication.  相似文献   

We have localized nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the zebra finch brain by using three 125I-labelled ligands: alpha bungarotoxin and two monoclonal antibodies to neuronal nicotinic receptors (MAb 35 of Tzardos et al., J. Biol. Chem., 250: 8635-8645, '81; and MAb 270 of Whiting and Lindstrom: J. Neurosci. 6: 3061-3069, '86). Unfixed brains from intact adult male and female zebra finches were prepared for in vitro autoradiography. Low-resolution film autoradiograms and high-resolution emulsion autoradiograms were prepared for each of the three ligands. The major brain structures that bind all three of the ligands are hippocampus; hyperstriatum dorsalis; hyperstriatum ventralis; nucleus lentiformis mesencephali; nucleus pretectalis, some layers of the optic tectum; nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis; pars dorsalis; locus ceruleus; and all cranial motor nuclei except nucleus nervi hypoglossi. The major structures labelled only by [125I]-alpha bungarotoxin binding included hyperstriatum accessorium and the nuclei: preopticus medialis, medialis hypothalami posterioris, semilunaris, olivarius inferior, and the periventricular organ. Of the song control nuclei, nucleus magnocellularis of the anterior neostriatum; hyperstriatum ventralis, pars caudalis; nucleus intercollicularis; and nucleus hypoglossus were labelled. The binding patterns of the two antibodies were similar to one another but not identical. Both labelled nucleus spiriformis lateralis and nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pars ventralis especially heavily and also labelled the nucleus habenula medialis; nucleus subpretectalis; nucleus isthmi, pars magnocellularis; nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis; nucleus reticularis lateralis; nucleus tractus solitarii; nucleus vestibularis dorsolateralis; nucleus vestibularis lateralis; nucleus descendens nervi trigemini; and the deep cerebellar nuclei. Lobus parolfactorius and nucleus vestibularis medialis were labelled by only MAb 270, whereas only MAb 35 labelled nucleus laminaris and the medial and lateral pontine nuclei. These data extend previous reports of cholinergic participation in the song system (Ryan and Arnold: J. Comp. Neurol. 202: 211-219, '81) to suggest that the zebra finch song system may contain several closely related nicotinic receptors. In several brain nuclei it appeared that certain anatomical portions of a nucleus or a certain class of neurons were specifically labelled. Furthermore, in certain cases, the labelling appeared to be clustered around Nissl-stained cell nuclei, thus suggesting that the receptors are concentrated on or in somata.  相似文献   

Ipsilateral retinal projections were investigated in Japanese quails by means of the Fink-Heimer method after retinal extirpation, and by means of direct injection of horseradish peroxidase or cobalt iontophoresis into the optic nerve. Ipsilateral projections were found in the nucleus lateralis anterior thalami, nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami pars lateralis, nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars ventralis, nucleus lentiformis mesencephali pars magnocellularis and nucleus ectomamillaris. No ipsilateral retino-tectal projections were observed.  相似文献   

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