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目的 利用中国人仿真胸部模型来测量不同噪声指数下胸部各组织器官的吸收剂量,计算有效剂量(ED)并对MSCT胸部扫描进行剂量评估.方法 对CDP-1C型中国人仿真胸部体模在CT体层解剖和X线衰减两方面进行等效性论证;通过在体模内布放热释光剂量计(TLD)来测量不同噪声水平下各组织器官的吸收剂量,并记录相应的剂量长度乘积(DLP);将两者分别换算为ED后选择单因素t检验方法进行对比研究,分析自动管电流调制(ATCM)技术时不同噪声指数胸部CT扫描的剂量水平.结果 中国人仿真胸部体模与成人CT胸部图像的结构相似.体模主要器官平均CT值为肺-788.04 HU、心脏45.64 HU、肝脏65.84 HU、脊柱254.32 HU,与成人偏差程度分别为肺0.10%、心脏3.04%、肝脏4.49%、脊柱4.36%.肝脏的平均CT值差异有统计学意义(t=-8.705,P<0.05);肺、心脏和脊柱平均CT值与人体差异无统计学意义(t值分别为-0.752、-1.219、-1.138,P>0.05).当噪声指数从8.5逐渐增至22.5时,DLP从393.57 mGy·cm递减至78.75 mGy·cm,各器官吸收剂量呈下降趋势(以肺为例,平均吸收剂量从22.38 mGy递减至3.66 mGy).应用DLP所计算的ED较器官吸收剂量计算的ED偏低(以噪声指数为8.5为例,两种方法的ED分别为6.69和8.77 mSv).结论 应用中国人仿真体模来进行CT剂量评估更为准确;基于ATCM技术的胸部CT扫描噪声指数设定至少应大于8.5.
Objective Using the Chinese anthropomorphic chest phantom to measure the absorbed dose of various tissues and organs under different noise index, and to assess the radiation dose of MSCT chest scanning with the effective dose(ED). Methods The equivalence of the Chinese anthropomorphic chest phantom(CDP-1C) and the adult chest on CT sectional anatomy and X-ray attenuation was demonstrated. The absorbed doses of various tissues and organs under different noise index were measured by laying thermoluminescent dosimeters(TLD) inside the phantom, and the corresponding dose-length products(DLP) were recorded. Both of them were later converted into ED and comparison was conducted to analyze the dose levels of chest CT scanning with automatic tube current modulation (ATCM) under different noise index. Student t-test was applied using SPSS 12.0 statistical software. Results The Phantom was similar to the human body on CT sectional anatomy. The average CT value of phantom are -788.04 HU in lung,45.64 HU in heart,65.84 HU in liver,254.32 HU in spine and the deviations are 0.10%,3.04%, 4.49% and 4.36% respectively compared to humans. The difference of average CT value of liver was statistically significant(t=-8.705,P<0.05),while the differences of average CT values of lung, heart and spine were not significant(t value were -0.752,-1.219,-1.138,respectively and P>0.05).As the noise index increased from 8.5 to 22.5, the DLP decreased from 393.57 mGy·cm to 78.75 mGy·cm and the organs dose declined. For example, the average absorbed dose decreased from 22.38 mGy to 3.66 mGy in lung. Compared to ED calculating by absorbed dose, the ED calculating by DLP was lower. The ED values of the two methods were 6.69 mSv and 8.77 mSv when the noise index was set at 8.5. Conclusions Application of the Chinese anthropomorphic chest phantom to carry out CT dose assessment is more accurate. The noise index should be set more than 8.5 during the chest CT scanning based on ATCM technique.  相似文献   



Cone beam CT (CBCT) is an emerging X-ray technology applied in dentomaxillofacial imaging. Previous published studies have estimated the effective dose and radiation risks using adult anthropomorphic phantoms for a wide range of CBCT units and imaging protocols.


Measurements were made five dental CBCT units for a range of imaging protocols, using 10-year-old and adolescent phantoms and thermoluminescent dosimeters. The purpose of the study was to estimate paediatric organ and effective doses from dental CBCT.


The average effective doses to the 10-year-old and adolescent phantoms were 116 μSv and 79 μSv, respectively, which are similar to adult doses. The salivary glands received the highest organ dose and there was a fourfold increase in the thyroid dose of the 10-year-old relative to that of the adolescent because of its smaller size. The remainder tissues and salivary and thyroid glands contributed most significantly to the effective dose for a 10-year-old, whereas for an adolescent the remainder tissues and the salivary glands contributed the most significantly. It was found that the percentage attributable lifetime mortality risks were 0.002% and 0.001% for a 10-year-old and an adolescent patient, respectively, which are considerably higher than the risk to an adult having received the same doses.


It is therefore imperative that dental CBCT examinations on children should be fully justified over conventional X-ray imaging and that dose optimisation by field of view collimation is particularly important in young children.Cone beam CT (CBCT) is an advancement of CT technology that has found wide application in dentomaxillofacial imaging. The ability of the CBCT systems to produce three-dimensional high-resolution images with diagnostic reliability has resulted in a significant increase in CBCT examinations in areas such as orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, implantology, restorative dentistry, and dental and maxillofacial surgery [1-12]. However, CBCT imaging is associated with a higher radiation dose to the patient than panoramic and intra-oral imaging but a lower patient dose than conventional single and multislice CT [13-16]. Although radiation dose from CBCT is low relative to conventional CT, the radiation risk to the patient should be assessed and quantified. The radiation risk can be estimated by calculating the effective dose, which is a radiation quantity proposed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) [17].Several studies have estimated the effective dose for a range of CBCT units and imaging protocols [13-16,18-24]. The organ doses were measured with anthropomorphic phantoms and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). The ICRP 103 [25] tissue weighting factors were applied to organ doses to account for the tissue radiosensitivity. The ICRP 60 [17] and the revised ICRP 103 [25] tissue weighting factors have been used for studies before and after 2006, respectively. For the head and neck region, the ICRP 103 [25] factors include the salivary glands, oral mucosa and lymph nodes as radiosensitive organs that were not included in ICRP 60 [17]. In addition, the weighting factor of the remainder tissues was increased from 0.05 to 0.12. The published effective doses range from a few tens to several hundreds of microsieverts depending on the CBCT unit, the field of view and the position of the radiation field with respect to the radiosensitive organs.To the best knowledge of the authors, all the published studies on dental CBCT dosimetry have focused on effective doses to adult patients for a range of CBCT units and imaging protocols but none has estimated the organ and effective doses to paediatric patients. Children are more sensitive to radiation than adults because the number of dividing cells promoting DNA mutagenesis is higher and they have more time to express any radiation-induced effects, such as cancer. There is an order of magnitude increase in cancer risk between children and adults, and there is also a significant difference between boys and girls, with the latter being more radiosensitive [26,27]. Furthermore, a substantial proportion of dental X-ray procedures are performed in the paediatric group, notably in relation to orthodontics.The aim of this study was to measure paediatric organ doses and, hence, derive effective doses using two anthropomorphic phantoms and TLDs for a range of CBCT units and for standard imaging protocols.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of chest radiography (CXR), chest digital tomosynthesis (DT) and low dose multidetector computed tomography (LDCT) for the detection of small pulmonary ground-glass opacity (GGO) nodules, using an anthropomorphic chest phantom.


Artificial pulmonary nodules were placed in a phantom and a total of 40 samples of different nodule settings underwent CXR, DT and LDCT. The images were randomly read by three experienced chest radiologists. Free-response receiver-operating characteristics (FROC) were used.


The figures of merit for the FROC curves averaged for the three observers were 0.41, 0.37 and 0.76 for CXR, DT and LDCT, respectively. FROC analyses revealed significantly better performance of LDCT over CXR or DT for the detection of GGO nodules (P?P?=?0.73).


The diagnostic performance of DT for the detection of pulmonary small GGO nodules was not significantly different from that of CXR, but LDCT performed significantly better than both CXR and DT. DT is not a suitable alternative to CT for small GGO nodule detection, and LDCT remains the method of choice for this purpose.

Key Points

? For GGO nodule detection, DT was not significantly different from CXR. ? DT is not a suitable alternative to CT for GGO nodule detection. ? LDCT is the method of choice for GGO nodule detection.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of tube potential and scatter rejection techniques on image quality of digital posteroanterior (PA) chest radiographs.Methods: An anthropomorphic phantom was imaged using a range of tube potentials (81–125 kVp) without scatter rejection, with an anti-scatter grid, and using a 10 cm air gap. Images were anonymised and randomised before being evaluated using a visual graded analysis (VGA) method.ResultsThe effects of tube potential on image quality were found to be negligible (p > 0.63) for the flat panel detector (FPD). Decreased image quality (p = 0.031) was noted for 125 kVp relative to 109 kVp, though no difference was noted for any of the other potentials (p > 0.398) for computed radiography (CR). Both scatter rejection techniques improved image quality (p < 0.01). For FPD imaging the anti-scatter grid offered slightly improved image quality relative to the air gap (p = 0.038) but this was not seen for CR (p = 0.404).ConclusionsFor FPD chest imaging of the anthropomorphic phantom there was no dependence of image quality on tube potential. Scatter rejection improved image quality, with the anti-scatter grid giving greater improvements than an air-gap, but at the expense of increased effective dose.CR imaging of the chest phantom demonstrated negligible dependence on tube potential except at 125 kVp. Scatter rejection improved image quality, but with no difference found between techniques. The air-gap resulted in a smaller increase in effective dose than the anti-scatter grid and would be the preferred scatter rejection technique.  相似文献   

Since August 1996, a dose reconstruction model has been conducted with thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD)-embedded chains, belts and badges for external dose measurements on the residents in radiation-contaminated buildings. The TLD dosimeters, worn on the front of the torso, would not be adequate for dose measurement in cases when the radiation is anisotropic or the incident angles of radiation sources are not directed in the front-to-back direction. The shielding and attenuation by the body would result in the dose equivalent estimation being somewhat skewed. An organ dose estimation method with a Rando phantom under various exposure geometries is proposed. The conversion factors, obtained from the phantom study, may be applicable to organ dose estimations for residents in the contaminated buildings if the incident angles correspond to the phantom simulation results. There is a great demand for developing a mathematical model or Monte Carlo calculation to deal with complicated indoor layout geometry problems involving ionizing radiation. Further research should be directed toward conducting laboratory simulation by investigating the relationship between doses delivered from multiple radiation sources. It is also necessary to collaborate with experimental biological dosimetry, such as chromosome aberration analysis, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and retrospective ESR-dosimetry with teeth, applied to the residents, so that the organ dose equivalent estimations may be more reliable for radio-epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

For the total body irradiation (TBI) procedure, it is necessary to compare the mean dose obtained from the tissue or organs and the estimated dose equivalent value from the computer program. Due to the easy-access of the Rando phantom and repeatability of TLDs and its output, the results from the experiment are quite encouraging for the verification of the dose distributions from total body irradiation at the given prescribed monitor units. The estimation of effective dose equivalent particularly across the lung sections was studied by combinations of using arms as the scatter volume to compensate for the inhomogeneity across the breast portion, as well as using the spoiler for skin-sparing purposes. The results were based upon various beam quality such as 4 MV, 6 MV, and 10 MV X rays. One series of experiments performed for this survey to ascertain the dose equivalent of the tissues was conducted. This paper describes the method and procedure for comparison between the measured data and computed data as a reference in the dosimetry of total body irradiation. Comparison of the measured and computed data for the largest collimated field shows that the calculated dose rates do not differ by more than 2% from the measured data. Because uncertainty is inherent in non-patient-like phantoms, the calculated data may be served as a reference for the dosimetry. For the total body irradiation setup, considering the radiation field size and treatment distances commonly employed, we conclude that the best combination of the patient setup will be (1) laying both arms down as compensation for lung inhomogeneity, and (2) the spoiler, which is made of acrylic about 8 mm thick and functions like a bolus, is needed to reduce the skin sparing effects and contribute the uniform dose distribution. The beam spoiler with the frame stands near the patient during the treatment.  相似文献   

目的 通过仿真胸部体模研究胸部能谱CT不同方案成像模式与常规胸部CT扫描的辐射剂量、图像质量、对比噪声比及主观评分对比,获得最佳能谱扫描参数。方法 对仿真胸部体模分别进行常规胸部CT扫描以及3种不同扫描方式的能谱CT成像。3种能谱模式为宝石能谱CT (GSI)Assist模式(方案A)、管电流平均值时的GSI模式(方案B)及管电流最大值时的GSI模式(方案C)。所有扫描方式分别在噪声指数(NI)=9和11时,螺距0.984∶1,依次扫描。记录辐射剂量,同时测量感兴趣区(ROIs)5个不同层面水平的脂肪和肌肉组织的图像噪声值(SD)以评价图像质量。所有扫描序列由两位资深放射医师对肺窗肺纹理及分支5分制主观评分。结果 NI=9和11时,常规CT平扫与方案A、B、C的有效剂量(E)值分别为(8.0、8.5、6.2、10.4)和(5.3、5.1、4.3、6.2)mSv。NI=9时,常规胸部CT平扫与方案A、C的SD值差异有统计学意义(F=4.496,P<0.05);NI=11时,方案A、B、C与常规胸部CT平扫SD值差异有统计学意义(F=8.425,P<0.05);常规胸部CT扫描中,NI分别为9和11时SD值差异有统计学意义(t=-2.570,P<0.05);在相同能谱扫描模式中,NI不同,SD值差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。NI相同扫描模式不同及扫描模式相同NI不同时,CNR及主观评分差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 合理的能谱扫描模式与常规扫描的辐射剂量没有明显差异,但能谱扫描模式可以获得较高的图像质量。此外,选择合适的噪声指数在图像质量相仿的同时可以明显降低辐射剂量。综合辐射剂量及图像质量,能谱CT智能模式可以达到辐射剂量及图像质量的双向平衡。  相似文献   

Dose assessment in computed tomography (CT) is challenging due to the vast variety of CT scanners and imaging protocols in use. In the present study, the accurateness of a theoretical formalism implemented in the PC program CT-EXPO for dose calculation was evaluated by means of phantom measurements. Phantom measurements were performed with four 1-slice, four 4-slice and two 16-slice spiral CT scanners. Firstly, scanner-specific nCTDIw values were measured and compared with the corresponding standard values used for dose calculation. Secondly, effective doses were determined for three CT scans (head, chest and pelvis) performed at each of the ten installations from readings of thermoluminescent dosimeters distributed inside an anthropomorphic Alderson phantom and compared with the corresponding dose values computed with CT-EXPO. Differences between standard and individually measured nCTDIw values were less than 16%. Statistical analysis yielded a highly significant correlation (P<0.001) between calculated and measured effective doses. The systematic and random uncertainty of the dose values calculated using standard nCTDIw values was about –9 and ±11%, respectively. The phantom measurements and model calculations were carried out for a variety of CT scanners and representative scan protocols validate the reliability of the dosimetric formalism considered—at least for patients with a standard body size and a tube voltage of 120 kV selected for the majority of CT scans performed in our study.  相似文献   

目的:探讨将低剂量多排螺旋CT(MDCT)扫描技术应用我国成人尿路结石探查的可行性方案及其临床应用的可靠性。方法:参照228例体重75kg以下成人腹盆部骶髂关节水平的体径值制作含有各种组织成分并在其中植入2~5mm的草酸钙结石和7mm管径的水管模型;使用GE Lightspeed 16CT机对模型进行常规剂量和一系列低剂量扫描,筛选出可满足结石诊断要求的低剂量可行性扫描方案,并应用于临床探查尿路结石评价其可靠性。结果:辐射量CT-DIvol为2.67、2.99和3.4mGy的3个序列图像质量基本可满足诊断。选择其中CTDIvol为2.99的序列,扫描参数为120kV、60mA、扫描时间0.5s/r、扫描层厚5mm、螺距0.938应用于临床,检查病例104例,诊断尿路结石的灵敏度、特异度分别为96.67%和88.64%;常规剂量尿路结石检查病例100例,其灵敏度、特异度分别为98.18%和93.33%;比较两种方法的灵敏度与特异度的95%可信区间有重叠,表示两种方法的特异度与灵敏度无统计学差异。结论:应用合适的低剂量MDCT扫描序列探查成人尿路结石是可行、可靠的。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was estimation of patient effective dose from uterine artery embolization of leiomyomata. Parameters and data relevant to patient dose were recorded for 33 consecutive procedures. Using Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport, organ and effective doses were calculated in detail for a subset of five procedures, to estimate the effective dose for all procedures. Mean dose area product was 59.9, median 23.4, and range 8.8–317.5 Gycm2. Mean absorbed ovarian dose was calculated as 51 mGy in the five procedures. Using the dose conversion factor estimated from the Monte Carlo simulation for all procedures a mean estimated effective dose of 34 mSv (median 13 mSv, range 5–182 mSv) results, with a tendency to lower values regarding the succession of the procedures. Patients radiation exposure level is up to twice of that of an abdominal CT examination . Angiographic equipment related dose-reducing features and radiographic technique essentially influence organ doses and effective dose. Consistent application of dose-reducing techniques and awareness of radiation exposure justifies uterine artery embolization as a therapeutic option for the treatment of uterine fibroids.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the consequences of different choices of acquisition parameters on the actual image noise and on the patient dose with an automatic tube current modulation system. The CT investigated was a GE Lightspeed 16-slice and an anthropomorphic phantom was used to simulate the patient. Several acquisitions were made varying noise index (NI), kilovoltage and pitch values. Tube current values were compared for the different acquisitions. Patient dose was evaluated in terms of volumetric computed tomography dose index (CTDIvol) and also as effective dose. The noise actually present in the images was analyzed by a region of interest analysis considering representatively phantom sections in the regions of the shoulders, of the lungs and of the abdomen. The obtained results generally evidenced a good agreement between the noise index and the measured noise for the abdomen sections, whereas for the shoulders and the lungs sections the measured noise was respectively greater and lower of the NI. Varying the kV the automatic current modulation system provided images with a substantially constancy of the actual noise and of the patient dose. An increase of the pitch generally decreased the patient dose, whereas the noise was slightly greater for the lowest pitch and almost constant for the other pitch values. This study outlines some important relationships between an automatic tube current modulation system and other CT acquisition parameters, providing useful informations for the choice requested by radiologists in the task of optimization of the CT acquisition protocols. Unless there are other considerations in place, pixel pitches below 1.375 should be avoided, and kVp settings can be changed with no real impact on dose or image noise.  相似文献   

目的 利用热释光探测器(TLD)在CIRS 5岁仿真儿童模体内测量瓦里安千伏锥束CT(kV-CBCT)标准扫描参数下各重要器官剂量,并以此计算有效剂量。方法 挑选一致性在2%以内的TLD并退火。首先基于相同骨盆扫描模式分别用CT电离室和TLD测量CIRS骨盆仿真模体相同体积内的剂量和读数,二者比值即为TLD转换系数;将夹在组织等效插件中的TLD放入儿童模体器官内预留的插孔,在头部、胸部和骨盆3种标准扫描条件模式下,测量器官剂量,并计算有效剂量。结果 TLD转换系数是3.91 mGy/每读数;在头部、胸部和骨盆3种标准扫描条件下,得出全身有效剂量分别是0.63、6.85和19.3 mSv。结论 用CT电离室刻度过的TLD测量kV-CBCT给儿童仿真模体带来的辐射剂量的方法具有可行性。本研究中骨盆扫描条件的有效剂量高于胸部和头部,即该条件预期产生的辐射危害较大,诱发继发性癌症风险较高。  相似文献   

目的 探讨将体型特异性剂量估算值(SSDE)用于估算冠状动脉CT血管成像(CTA)中患者器官剂量和个体有效剂量的可行性。方法 回顾性连续纳入冠状动脉CTA患者421例,均于第3代双源Force型CT采用前瞻性心电门控触发轴扫协议检查。通过Radimetrics计算患者水当量直径以计算每位患者的SSDE;使用Monte Carlo模拟估算患者扫描范围内器官的吸收剂量包括心脏、肺、肝和乳腺。使用国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)103报告的器官敏感加权系数,将患者主要敏感器官的剂量加权求和计算个体有效剂量。使用线性相关分析验证SSDE与器官剂量及个体有效剂量的相关性,并推导基于SSDE估算器官剂量和个体有效剂量的转换系数。使用平均差值比评价该估算方法的准确性。结果 容积CT剂量指数(CTDIvol)为(16.8±8.7) mGy,SSDE为(20.8±8.8) mGy,个体有效剂量为(4.4±2.9) mSv。基于SSDE估算器官剂量的线性拟合公式为:心脏Y=1.2X-6.4(R2=0.91,P<0.05,平均误差0.1%);乳腺Y=1.4X-7.4(R2=0.91,P<0.05,平均误差7.9%);肺脏Y=0.89X-4.6(R2=0.86,P<0.05,平均误差8.3%);肝脏Y=0.36X-1.8(R2=0.64,P<0.05,平均误差-17.9%)。基于SSDE估算个体有效剂量的线性拟合公式为:男Y=0.21X-1.2(R2=0.92,P<0.05,平均误差0.2%);女Y=0.39X-2.2(R2=0.93,P<0.05,平均误差1.7%)。结论 在冠状动脉CTA检查中通过SSDE和相应的转换系数可估算被照射器官吸收剂量和个体有效剂量,将有助于在临床工作中实现患者辐射剂量及风险的个性化评估和精准管理。  相似文献   

目的 在是否使用楔形板和照射野面积不同的情况下,测量和分析颅脑肿瘤放射治疗时射野外器官的吸收剂量。 方法 使用中国成人男性仿真人体模型,模拟颅脑肿瘤放射治疗,采用不使用楔形板的普通方野照射技术组和使用楔形板的三维适形照射技术(3D-CRT)组,普通方野照射技术组分别用2 cm×2 cm野和4 cm×4 cm野进行照射,3D-CRT组分别按等效方野面积分为2 cm×2 cm野和4 cm×4 cm野进行照射;使用热释光剂量计测量射野外器官的吸收剂量并进行分析。 结果 颅脑肿瘤靶区处方剂量为100 cGy时,射野外各器官吸收剂量范围为0.13~2.83 mGy。头颈部器官4 cm×4 cm野照射时的吸收剂量与2 cm×2 cm野比较,差异有统计学意义(t=-5.023,P=0.004);胸腹部器官4 cm×4 cm野照射时的吸收剂量与2 cm×2 cm野比较,差异无统计学意义(t=-1.438,P=0.171)。普通方野照射组头颈部器官、腹部器官的吸收剂量与3D-CRT组比较,差异均有统计学意义(t头=-2.805,P=0.038;t腹=-11.966,P=0.000)。 结论 接受颅脑肿瘤放射治疗的患者,射野外器官吸收剂量的大小与照射野面积、是否采用楔形板照射技术有关。接受大野照射的患者,靶区邻近器官吸收剂量越大;照射野面积和处方剂量相同时,使用楔形板的照射技术相对于不使用楔形板的射野外器官的吸收剂量增大。  相似文献   



To determine effective dose (E) during standard chest CT using an organ dose-based and a dose-length-product-based (DLP) approach for four different scan protocols including high-pitch and dual-energy in a dual-source CT scanner of the second generation.

Materials and methods

Organ doses were measured with thermo luminescence dosimeters (TLD) in an anthropomorphic male adult phantom. Further, DLP-based dose estimates were performed by using the standard 0.014 mSv/mGycm conversion coefficient k. Examinations were performed on a dual-source CT system (Somatom Definition Flash, Siemens). Four scan protocols were investigated: (1) single-source 120 kV, (2) single-source 100 kV, (3) high-pitch 120 kV, and (4) dual-energy with 100/Sn140 kV with equivalent CTDIvol and no automated tube current modulation. E was then determined following recommendations of ICRP publication 103 and 60 and specific k values were derived.


DLP-based estimates differed by 4.5–16.56% and 5.2–15.8% relatively to ICRP 60 and 103, respectively. The derived k factors calculated from TLD measurements were 0.0148, 0.015, 0.0166, and 0.0148 for protocol 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Effective dose estimations by ICRP 103 and 60 for single-energy and dual-energy protocols show a difference of less than 0.04 mSv.


Estimates of E based on DLP work equally well for single-energy, high-pitch and dual-energy CT examinations. The tube potential definitely affects effective dose in a substantial way. Effective dose estimations by ICRP 103 and 60 for both single-energy and dual-energy examinations differ not more than 0.04 mSv.  相似文献   

The purpose was to compare the image quality and patient dose between 4- and 16-row MDCT units and to evaluate the dispersion of the dose delivered for common clinical examinations. Four 4- and 16-row MDCT units were used in the study. Image noise levels from images of a CatPhan phantom were compared for all units using a given CTDIvol of 15.0±1.0 mGy. Standard acquisition protocols from ten centres, shifted from 4- to 16-row MDCT (plus one additional centre for 16-row MDCT), were compared for cerebral angiography and standard chest and abdomen examinations. In addition, the protocols used with 16-row MDCT units for diagnosis of the unstable shoulder and for cardiac examinations were also compared. The introduction of 16-MSCT units did not reduce the performance of the detectors. Concerning the acquisition protocols, a wide range in practice was observed for standard examinations; DLP varied from 800 to 5,120 mGy.cm, 130 to 860 mGy.cm, 410 to 1,790 mGy.cm and 850 to 2,500 mGy.cm for cerebral angiography, standard chest, standard abdomen and heart examinations, respectively.The introduction of 16-row MDCT did not, on average, increase the patient dose for standard chest and abdominal examinations. However, a significant dose increase has been observed for cerebral angiography. There is a wide dispersion in the doses delivered, especially for cardiac imaging.  相似文献   

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