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目的观察非创伤性充填术治疗老年人根面龋的疗效及其引起的血压、心率的变化情况,并与常规治疗进行比较,以探讨其安全性。方法128例患根面龋的老年患者按就诊日期分成两组,试验组72例210颗患牙,采用非创伤性充填治疗;对照组56例150颗患牙,采用常规去腐术后玻璃离子充填治疗;同时测量治疗前、中、后的血压和心率。结果两组患者的患牙去除龋坏组织治疗后的血压和心率变化比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。两组患者治疗后半年、1年复查,成功率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论两种治疗方法的疗效比较差异无统计学意义;非创伤性治疗对老年人的血压、心率的影响明显比常规治疗的影响小面安全。  相似文献   

非创伤性充填技术治疗老年根面龋的临床效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:比较非创伤性充填技术(ART)与常规备洞技术充填老年人根面龋的临床疗效。方法:113例老年患者共185颗根面龋患牙随机分为两组,分别采用非创伤性充填技术和常规备洞技术充填窝洞,Fuji II玻璃离子充填修复。调查分析患者对ART技术的接受度,并采用改良USPHS/Ryge系统评价临床修复效果。结果:91.49%的患者乐于接受ART技术治疗,ART技术充填修复老年人根面龋其疗效与常规备洞技术无显著性差异。结论:ART技术是治疗老年根面龋的有效方法。  相似文献   

非创伤性修复治疗(ART)是世界卫生组织推荐的一种防治龋齿的新方法。现已有大量的资料证实在发展中国家和不发达地区,ART治疗在治疗儿童龋齿方面有重要意义,然而在充填老年人根面龋方面的资料较少。本研究采用ART治疗方法充填老年人根面龋,与常规树脂充填比较,评价两者6个月和12个月后充填体存留情况的差异。  相似文献   

根面龋是老年人常见的牙体病,好发于根面近颈缘处,可继发于龈下.其发病情况,临床表现及充填治疗具有一定的特殊性,与冠部龋不完全相同.其特点为浅而广泛的缺损,洞型固位差,涉及龈下者充填治疗操作较困难,而且龋坏发展迅速,就诊时常已累及牙髓.临床工作中针对老年人牙体、牙髓及牙周特点,正确选择充填根面龋材料,及时治疗根面龋对恢复老年人咀嚼功能,牙周健康,具有重要意义.自2000年3月至2002年5月对98例老年人196颗患牙分别用Urbical复合体,光固化复合树脂,玻璃离子复合体对老年人根面龋进行充填治疗,随访观察6~12个月,疗效分析如下.  相似文献   

非创伤充填技术治疗老年牙根面龋研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 探讨非创伤性充填技术(ART)治疗老年牙根面龋的可行性。方法 对昆明某社区及楚雄地区501名60-75岁老年人牙根面龋进行调查,筛选符合要求患牙113个作研究。试验组:使用非创伤性充填技术充填治疗,对照组:使用简单旋转器械+Ketac-molar玻璃离子充填材料充填;结果 分别观察1年、2年后根面龋的治疗成功率:试验组为80.77%及73.91%,对照组为82.98%及76.77%;试验组与对照组结果无显著性差异。结论 使用改进的、粘接性强的玻璃离子充填材料,ART方法能够代替传统方法治疗牙根面龋。该方法对中、小城镇、农村,山区及交通不便的地区更适用。  相似文献   

老年人根面龋的治疗体会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
老年人由于牙龈萎缩和长期佩戴假牙压迫牙龈组织等原因,致结合上皮向根方移动而易使牙菌斑、食物残屑和微生物聚集,造成根面龋损,给老年患者造成进食和生活上的困难,降低了生活质量。据此,笔者将近几年临床老年人治疗所见介绍体会如下。  相似文献   

3种充填材料治疗老年人后牙根面龋临床比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 选择老年人后牙根面龋充填治疗的理想材料。方法  2 79颗患牙随机分成 3组 ,分别用银粉加强型玻璃离子、DyractAP及光固化复合树脂充填治疗 ,随访 18~ 2 4个月。结果 银粉加强型玻璃离子组的成功率为 96 .4 % ,高于光固化复合树脂组 (6 7.12 % ) ,P <0 .0 5 ,与DyractAP组 (92 .4 7% )差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 银粉加强型玻璃离子治疗老年人后牙根面龋优于光固化树脂  相似文献   

目的:探寻老年人根面龋充填治疗的理想充填材料。方法:选择55—76岁老年人120例共279颗患根面龋的患牙随机分为3组,分别采用玻璃离子水门汀、光固化复合树脂、光固化流动树脂进行充填治疗,1年后观察治疗效果。结果:光固化流动树脂行老年人根面龋充填治疗成功率为91.66%,明显高于玻璃离子水门汀组(76.08%)及光固化复合树脂组(71.58%),经统计学分析,差异有显著性意义(P=0.003)。结论:光固化流动复合树脂是一种较为理想的老年根面龋充填材料。  相似文献   

老年人根面龋   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根面龋是老年人常见的牙体病之一。其发病情况、临床表现及治疗等方面具有一定的特殊性,与冠部龋不完全相同。治疗和保存根面龋牙,对恢复老年人的咀嚼功能具有重要的意义。我们于1986年3月至1989年5月,对60岁以上老年人86例172颗根面龋牙进行治疗,总结如下。  相似文献   

非创伤性充填治疗乳磨牙He路面龋疗效观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 评价非创伤性充填技术(ART)治疗乳磨牙邻He面龋的临床疗效,并调查儿童对ART的接受程度。方法 选择双侧同名乳磨牙患邻He面龋的儿童106例共212颗牙。采用随机自身对照方法,其中一牙作为试验组采用ART技术用FX玻璃离子充填,另一牙为对照组常规备洞用银汞合金充填。治疗后6个月、1年、2年随访复查。结果 试验组2年的成功率为78.30%,对照组的成功率为68.87%,两组间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。试验组继发龋的发生率为7.55%明显低于对照组的22.64%(P<0.01)。92.45%的患儿愿意接受ART方法治疗。结论 ART技术是治疗儿童龋病简便、有效的方法。  相似文献   

There is worldwide interest in and increasing usage of the conservative atraumatic restorative treatment technique or approach for the restoration of primary and permanent teeth. However, most published data on the clinical performance of the newer, high-strength esthetic conventional glass-ionomer restorative cements marketed for the procedure have been derived from short-term studies. There have been very few reports comparing different types of restorative materials and methods of cavity preparation. In primary teeth, after 1 year, success rates have been approximately 80% to 95% for Class I and Class V single-surface restorations, 55% to 75% for Class II multisurface restorations, and 35% to 55% for Class III and Class IV restorations. In permanent teeth, after 2 to 3 years, success rates have been approximately 90% for Class I and Class V single-surface restorations, but little data have been reported for other restoration classes. Failures usually result from restoration losses, fractures, and wear. Further improvements in the design of hand instruments and in the mechanical properties of the newer glass-ionomer cements are required. Currently, use of the atraumatic restorative treatment approach should be restricted to restoration of single-surface caries lesions, especially in permanent teeth, and to sealing of occlusal fissures in selected teeth.  相似文献   

A review of atraumatic restorative treatment (ART)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this paper was to critically analyse the results obtained with the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) technique. The ART approach involves the excavation of cavitated carious lesions with hand instruments and restoration of the cavities and associated pits and fissures with a glass ionomer restorative material. The clinical trial outcomes involving ART include retention rates, cost effectiveness, operative sensitivity, and the effect of personnel with different educational backgrounds involved in this alternative operative treatment. Comparative studies involving permanent and deciduous teeth using amalgam and glass ionomer sealants have also been included in the same projects. Specially defined clinical criteria have been used to evaluate the results. ART offers an opportunity for restorative dental treatment under field conditions where no electricity is available. Three-year data have been published, but long term studies using relevant comparison alternatives are lacking. ART has so far been largely employed on populations with a low DMFT. The technique should also be applied to high risk patients with rampant caries before the maximal benefit of the treatment can be ascertained.  相似文献   

The number of publications reporting on the survival of ART sealants and ART restorations has increased considerably in recent years. A systematic investigation of their longevity is therefore warranted. Based on three exclusion criteria, a literature search in the electronic libraries Pubmed and Medline revealed 28 eligible publications for inclusion in a meta-analysis. High mean survival rates for single-surface ART restorations using high-viscosity glass-ionomer in primary dentitions over 3 years were found (95% after 1 year to 86% after 3 years). These rates were statistically significantly higher than for those of multiple-surface ART restorations in primary dentitions (p<0.0001). High mean survival rates for single-surface ART restorations using high-viscosity glass-ionomer in permanent dentitions over 6 years were found (97% after 1 year to 72% after 6 years). The mean annual failure rates for single-surface ART restorations using high-viscosity glass-ionomer in primary and permanent dentitions and for multiple-surface ART restorations in primary dentitions are 4.7%, 4.7% and 17%, respectively. The number of studies reporting on the retention and caries preventive effect of ART sealants was low. It is concluded that single-surface ART restorations using high-viscosity glass-ionomer in both primary and permanent dentitions show high survival rates. Medium-viscosity glass-ionomer should not be used for ART restorations.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The wave (W) element offers a surface topography assessment method with the potential to yield unique data. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: This study uses glass ionomer cement specimens prepared with six Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) surface treatments to explore arc- and line-modified waviness of these surfaces to determine if they gave similar results. METHODS: Six specimens (5 x 1.5mm) were prepared for each of the six surface treatments: (1) surface compressed with a Vaseline lubricated finger (Va); (2) Va followed by carving with an excavator(Ca); (3) Ca burnished with a ball burnisher (Bu); (4) surface compressed with the gloved finger lubricated with poly-acrylic acid (Aa); (5) surface cured against a Mylar strip (My); (6) My polished with a white rubber sulcus wheel (Po). After storage in distilled water for seven days at 37 degrees C W(a), W(v), W(p), W(t) was analysed using arc- and line-modifications of the raw profile. The data were analysed using a General Linear Models analysis and Tukey's Studentised range test with P < 0.05. RESULTS: Ca and Bu; Va and Aa; and My and Po formed three groups with descending ranking order for W whether arc- or line-modified. Arc-modified tracing data was unable to statistically distinguish between surface treatments whereas line-modification showed significant differences between treatments for all parameters measured (W(a), W(v0, W(p), W(t)). CONCLUSIONS: Line-modified waviness data was better able to distinguish between surface treatments than arc-modification. Wave offers unique surface topography data having potential value to dental materials researchers.  相似文献   

凌厉  张轩  王学飞 《口腔医学》2006,26(6):420-421
目的评价高强度玻璃离子非创伤性修复治疗儿童乳磨牙龋和老年人根面龋的临床效果。方法将不同年龄组的患者随机分为2组,试验组采用非创伤性修复技术,对照组采用传统窝洞预备技术,用高强度玻璃离子材料充填,随访2年。结果试验组95.83%的儿童和93.94%的老年人接受非创伤性修复治疗方法。术后1年及2年复查,不同年龄组两种充填方法成功率均随时间延长而下降,试验组与对照组成功率差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论高强度玻璃离子非创伤性修复技术是治疗乳牙龋和老年人根面龋的简便有效方法。  相似文献   

The atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) technique or approach for the restoration of primary and permanent teeth has been widely adopted in, but not limited to, developing countries. However, the requirement for the placement of the restorative materials under often less-than-ideal conditions imposes significant restrictions on their selection; and there have been very few randomized clinical trials or reports comparing different types of restorative materials and treatments. Although conventional glass-ionomer cements (GICs) have relatively poor mechanical and adhesive strengths, their satisfactory biological features, ease of use, and low costs are distinct advantages. Most of the published reports of the clinical performance of the newer, high-strength esthetic conventional GICs specifically marketed for the ART approach have been from short-term studies. Satisfactory clinical performance has been demonstrated for single-surface posterior restorations only, over three years. Findings indicate that further improvements in restorative materials are still required for their use with the ART approach, together with further clinical investigations of the remineralization of shallow open caries lesions, as an alternative to placing definitive restorations.  相似文献   



The atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) approach was born 25?years ago in Tanzania. It has evolved into an essential caries management concept for improving quality and access to oral care globally.


Meta-analyses and systematic reviews have indicated that the high effectiveness of ART sealants using high-viscosity glass ionomers in carious lesion development prevention is not different from that of resin fissure sealants. ART using high-viscosity glass ionomer can safely be used to restore single-surface cavities both in primary and in permanent posterior teeth, but its quality in restoring multiple surfaces in primary posterior teeth cavities needs to be improved. Insufficient information is available regarding the quality of ART restorations in multiple surfaces in permanent anterior and posterior teeth. There appears to be no difference in the survival of single-surface high-viscosity glass-ionomer ART restorations and amalgam restorations.


The use of ART results in smaller cavities and in high acceptance of preventive and restorative care by children. Because local anaesthesia is seldom needed and only hand instruments are used, ART is considered to be a promising approach for treating children suffering from early childhood caries. ART has been implemented in the public oral health services of a number of countries, and clearly, proper implementation requires the availability of sufficient stocks of good high-viscosity glass ionomers and sets of ART instruments right from the start. Textbooks including chapters on ART are available, and the concept is being included in graduate courses at dental schools in a number of countries. Recent development and testing of e-learning modules for distance learning has increasingly facilitated the distribution of ART information amongst professionals, thus enabling more people to benefit from ART. However, this development and further research require adequate funding, which is not always easily obtainable. The next major challenge is the continuation of care to the frail elderly, in which ART may play a part.


ART, as part of the Basic Package of Oral Care, is an important cornerstone for the development of global oral health and alleviating inequality in oral care.  相似文献   

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