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Cholesterol-lowering statins have been shown to have anticancer effects in different models and sensitize human tumor cells to cytostatic drugs. We have investigated the effect of statins on Akt/protein kinase B signaling and the sensitizing effect of cytostatic drugs. It was found that insulin- and cytostatic drug-induced Akt phosphorylation and nuclear translocation was inhibited by pravastatin and atorvastatin in HepG2, A549, and H1299 cells in an mTOR-dependent manner. Statins also induced mTOR-dependent phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1. In p53 wild-type cells (HepG2 and A549), pretreatment with statins did not sensitize cells to etoposide in concentrations which induced p53 stabilization. In line with our previous data, statins were found to attenuate the etoposide-induced p53 response. However, silencing p53 by RNA interference rescued the sensitizing effect. We also show that in a p53-deficient cell line (H1299), pretreatment with atorvastatin sensitized cells to etoposide, doxorubicin, and 5-fluorouracil and increased the level of apoptosis. Taken together, these data suggest that a mTOR-dependent, statin-induced inhibition of Akt phosphorylation and nuclear translocation sensitizes cells to cytostatic drugs. However, this effect can be counteracted in p53 competent cells by the ability of statins to destabilize p53.  相似文献   

The surface of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1), a causative agent for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), is covered with the major envelope glycoprotein gp120, of which the carbohydrate moiety accounted for 50% of the molecular mass. There is evidence that glycosylation of gp120 is prerequisite to the various stages of HIV infection. The oligosaccharide structures of gp120 have been determined using recombinant gp120 of HIV-1 (IIIB) produced in chinese hamster ovary cells and virus-derived gp120 isolated from H9 lymphocytes chronically infected with HIV-1 (IIIB). Three oligosaccharides have been suggested to be involved in the HIV-infection process. Occurrence of infection process which is independent of CD4 recognition and mediated by gp120 oligosaccharides, mannose-binding protein, and complement system has been suggested.  相似文献   

Human CD4+ T cell clones and cell lines were shown to lyse recombinant vaccinia virus-infected cells that synthesize the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp160. The processing of endogenously synthesized gp160 for recognition by CD4+ T cells required that the protein, after synthesis on the rough endoplasmic reticulum and during subsequent cellular transport, remain attached to the luminal/extracellular membrane face by a hydrophobic anchor sequence.  相似文献   

Using monoclonal antibodies 0.5 beta or G3-42, directed against V3 and C4 domains of glycoprotein 120 (gp120), we monitored the synthesis of oligomeric and monomeric forms of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein 120 by flow cytometry or immunoprecipitation analysis in chronically infected MoIT-4 cells, cultured in the presence of tunicamycin. We observed that the inhibition of glycosylation by high concentrations of tunicamycin results in the reduction of an oligomeric gp120 on the surface of infected MoIT 4 cells as well as the decrease in the concentration of a monomeric form in the cytoplasm. Our studies revealed that the antibody 0.5 beta (exhibited higher sensitivity in the detection of gp120 than the antibody G3-42). We also observed that both antibodies did not recognise nonglycosylated precursor core envelope protein.  相似文献   

Rabies virus glycoprotein (RVG) can pseudotype lentiviral vectors, although at a lower efficiency to that of vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSVG). Transduction with VSVG-pseudotyped vectors of rodent central nervous system (CNS) leads to local neurotropic gene transfer, whereas with RVG-pseudotyped vectors additional disperse transduction of neurons located at distal efferent sites occurs via axonal retrograde transport. Attempts to produce high-titre RVG-pseudotyped lentiviral vectors for preclinical and clinical trials has to date been problematic. We have constructed several chimeric RVG/VSVG glycoproteins and found that a construct bearing the external/transmembrane domain of RVG and the cytoplasmic domain of VSVG shows increased incorporation onto HIV-1 lentiviral particles and has increased infectivity in vitro in 293T cells and in differentiated neuronal cell lines of human, rat and murine origin. Stereotactic application of vector pseudotyped with this RVG/VSVG chimera in the rat striatum resulted in efficient gene transfer at the site of injection showing both neuronal and glial tropism. Distal neuronal transduction in the substantia nigra, thalamus and olfactory bulb via retrograde axonal transport also occurs after intrastriatal administration of chimera-pseudotyped vectors at similar levels to that observed with a RVG-pseudotyped vector. This is the first report of distal transduction in the olfactory bulb. The enhanced pseudotyping with this envelope should enable easier production of higher-titre pseudotyped lentiviral vectors that exhibit efficient local and dispersed neuronal transduction in the CNS.  相似文献   

Chemotherapeutic drugs are cytotoxic by induction of apoptosis in drug-sensitive cells. We investigated the mechanism of bleomycin-induced cytotoxicity in hepatoma cells. At concentrations present in the sera of patients during therapy, bleomycin induced transient accumulation of nuclear wild-type (wt) p53 and upregulated expression of cell surface CD95 (APO-1/Fas) receptor in hepatoma cells carrying wt p53 (HepG2). Bleomycin did not increase CD95 in hepatoma cells with mutated p53 (Huh7) or in hepatoma cells which were p53-/- (Hep3B). In addition, sensitivity towards CD95-mediated apoptosis was also increased in wt p53 positive HepG2 cells. Microinjection of wt p53 cDNA into HepG2 cells had the same effect. In contrast, bleomycin did not enhance susceptibility towards CD95-mediated apoptosis in Huh7 and in Hep3B cells. Furthermore, bleomycin treatment of HepG2 cells increased CD95 ligand (CD95L) mRNA expression. Most notably, bleomycin-induced apoptosis in HepG2 cells was almost completely inhibited by antibodies which interfere with CD95 receptor/ligand interaction. These data suggest that apoptosis induced by bleomycin is mediated, at least in part, by p53-dependent stimulation of the CD95 receptor/ligand system. The same applies to other anti-cancer drugs such as cisplatin and methotrexate. These data may have major consequences for drug treatment of cancer and the explanation of drug sensitivity and resistance.  相似文献   

Proteasome inhibition following DNA damage results in the synergistic induction of apoptosis via a nuclear factor-kappaB-independent mechanism. In this study, we identify the role of p53 in mediating apoptosis by the sequence-specific treatment involving the DNA-damaging, topoisomerase I-targeting drug SN-38 followed by the proteasome inhibitor PS-341 (SN-38-->PS-341). The p53-dependent sensitization of DNA damage-induced apoptosis by PS-341 is accompanied by persistent inhibition of proteasome activity and increased cytosolic accumulation of p53, including higher molecular weight forms likely representing ubiquitinated species. In contrast, pretreatment with PS-341 followed by treatment with SN-38 (PS-341-->SN-38), which leads to an antagonistic interaction, results in transient inhibition of proteasome activity and accumulation of significantly lower levels of p53 localized primarily to the nucleus. Whereas cells treated with PS-341-->SN-38 undergo G2 + M cell cycle arrest, cells treated with SN-38-->PS-341 exhibit a decreased G2 + M block with a concomitant increase in the sub-G1 population. Decreased accumulation of cells in the G2 + M phase of the cell cycle in SN-38-->PS-341-treated cells compared with PS-341-->SN-38-treated cells correlates with enhanced apoptosis and reduced expression of two p53-modulated proteins, 14-3-3sigma and survivin, both of which play critical roles in regulating G2 + M progression and apoptosis. The functional role of 14-3-3sigma or survivin in regulating the divergent function of p53 in response to SN-38-->PS-341 and PS-341-->SN-38 treatment in inducing apoptosis versus G2 + M arrest/DNA repair, respectively, was confirmed by targeted down-regulation of these proteins. These results provide insights into the mechanisms by which inhibition of proteasome activity modulates DNA damage-induced apoptosis via a p53-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), in contrast to animal retroviruses such as murine leukemia virus, is not lysed by human complement. Nevertheless, HIV-1 activates complement via the classical pathway independent of antibody, and C3b deposition facilitates infection of complement receptor-bearing cells. Using gel exclusion chromatography on Sephacryl S-1000, purified virions were found to bind 125I-labeled C1q, but not 125I-labeled dimeric proenzyme C1s. Virions activated the C1 complex, reconstituted from C1q, proenzyme C1r, and 125I-labeled proenzyme C1s, to an extent comparable with that obtained with immunoglobulin G-ovalbumin immune complexes. To determine the activating viral component, recombinant viral proteins were used: in the solid phase, soluble gp41 (sgp41) (the outer membrane part of gp41, residues 539-684 of gp160) bound C1q, but not dimeric proenzyme C1s, while gp120 was ineffective. In the fluid phase, sgp41 activated the C1 complex in a dose- and time-dependent manner, more efficiently than aggregated Ig, but less efficiently than immune complexes. To localize the C1 activating site(s) in gp41, synthetic peptides (15-residue oligomers spanning amino acids 531-695 of gp160) were used. Peptides covering positions 591-605 and 601-620 and, to a lesser extent, positions 561-575, had both the ability to bind C1q and to induce C3 deposition. These data provide the first experimental evidence of a direct interaction between the C1 complex and HIV-1, and indicate that C1 binding and activation are mediated by specific sites in gp41.  相似文献   

Using flow cytometry or immunoprecipitation analysis in cells chronically infected with HIV-1 IIIB Supt-1, we noticed an additive effect of tunicamycin and low molecular weight dextran (LMDS) on the binding of the G3-4 monoclonal antibody to monomeric and oligomeric forms of glycoprotein 120 (gp120). The inhibition of glycosylation by tunicamycin reduced the number of monomeric and oligomeric forms of gp120. The inhibition of the binding of the G3-4 antibody to monomeric and oligomeric forms of gp120 was more pronounced in the presence of LMDS. We also found that the G3-4 antibody can not recognise the nascent polypeptide chain of the envelope glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The therapeutic utility of a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease inhibitor may depend on its intracellular concentration, which is a property of its uptake, metabolism, and/or efflux. Previous studies in our laboratory indicated that the addition of alpha 1 acid glycoprotein (alpha 1 AGP) to the medium markedly increased the amount of the drug required to limit infection in vitro. In this study, physiologically relevant concentrations of alpha 1 AGP and a radiolabeled inhibitor, A-80987, were used to determine both the uptake and activity of the agent in HIV-1-infected human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and cell lines. Both the uptake and efflux of 14C-labeled A-80987 were rapid (t1/2, < 5 min). Uptake of the drug was linearly dependent on the concentration but insensitive to the metabolic inhibitors KF, sodium cyanide, or CCCP (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone). The amount of A-80987 which entered the cells was inversely proportional to the concentration of alpha 1 AGP (r2, 0.99) and directly proportional to the amount of extracellular non-protein-bound drug (r2, 0.99). Most importantly, the antiviral activity of the drug in HIV-1-infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells and MT-2 cells was directly related to the amount of intracellular A-80987. This study demonstrates that A-80987 binds to alpha 1 AGP, resulting in a free fraction below 10%. Cellular uptake of A-80987 is proportionally decreased in the presence of alpha 1 AGP, which results in less-than-expected antiviral activity. Importantly, we demonstrate for the first time that the inhibition of HIV protease is highly correlated with the amount of intracellular inhibitor.  相似文献   

Expression of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Nef triple mutant F12Nef strongly inhibits HIV-1 replication. We exploited such a unique feature in a novel anti-HIV-1 gene therapy design by constructing an HIV-1 Tat-defective lentivirus vector expressing the product of fusion between the low-affinity human nerve growth factor receptor truncated in its intracytoplasmic domain (deltaNGFr, NH(2) moiety), and F12Nef (COOH moiety), under the control of the HIV-1 long terminal repeats. In this manner, both the selection marker (deltaNGFr) and the anti-HIV-1 effector are comprised in the same fusion protein, the expression of which is targetable by HIV-1 infection. Such a vector was proved to transduce human cells efficiently and, on HIV-1 infection, it expressed high levels of the fusion protein. In addition, strong antiviral activity of the deltaNGFr/F12Nef-expressing vector was demonstrated in cell lines as well as in primary cell cultures challenged with T- or M-tropic HIV-1 isolates. Thus, the HIV-1-targetable expression of the deltaNGFr/F12Nef fusion protein represents a novel and powerful tool for an effective anti-HIV-1 gene therapy strategy.  相似文献   

目的:研究hMLH1及hMSH2两种错配修复(mismatchrepair,MMR)蛋白在散发性结直肠癌的表达变化,与p53、PCNA表达的关系,并评估其可能的临床意义。方法:采用EnVision免疫组化两步法对150例散发性结直肠癌石蜡切片进行hMLH1、hMSH2、p53及PCNA表达的检测。结果:(1)150例散发性结直肠癌中,hMLH1失表达有24例,占16%(24/150),hMSH2失表达有5例,占3.3%(5/150);两者之和占总散发性结直肠癌病例的19.3%(29/150)。hMLH1或hMSH2蛋白失表达与患者肿瘤部位、组织学类型密切相关。近端结肠、低-未分化腺癌及黏液腺癌MMR蛋白失表达比例高(P<0.05),而与患者年龄、性别、肿瘤大体类型、肿块大小、浸润深度、淋巴结转移与否远处转移与否以及患者的Dukes分期均无显著相关(P>0.05);(2)hMLH1/hMSH2蛋白失表达组p53阳性表达率及PCNA标记指数均低于表达组(P<0.05)。结论:(1)一定比例的散发性结直肠癌中存在MMR基因的缺陷,并具有相对特殊的临床病理特征;(2)hMLH1/hMSH2蛋白失表达与p53表达及PCNA标记指数呈负相关。  相似文献   

Although the immunologic basis of protective immunity in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection has not yet been defined, virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are likely to be an important host defense and may be a critical feature of an effective vaccine. These observations, along with the inclusion of the HIV-1 envelope in the majority of vaccine candidates presently in clinical trials, underscore the importance of the precise characterization of the cellular immune responses to this protein. Although humoral immune responses to the envelope protein have been extensively characterized, relatively little information is available regarding the envelope epitopes recognized by virus-specific CTL and the effects of sequence variation within these epitopes. Here we report the identification of two overlapping CTL epitopes in a highly conserved region of the HIV-1 transmembrane envelope protein, gp41, using CTL clones derived from two seropositive subjects. An eight-amino acid peptide was defined as the minimum epitope recognized by HLA-B8-restricted CTL derived from one subject, and in a second subject, an overlapping nine-amino acid peptide was identified as the minimal epitope for HLA-B14-restricted CTL clones. Selected single amino acid substitutions representing those found in naturally occurring HIV-1 isolates resulted in partial to complete loss of recognition of these epitopes. These data indicate the presence of a highly conserved region in the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein that is immunogenic for CTL responses. In addition, they suggest that natural sequence variation may lead to escape from immune detection by HIV-1-specific CTL. Since the region containing these epitopes has been previously shown to contain an immunodominant B cell epitope and also overlaps with a major histocompatibility complex class II T cell epitope recognized by CD4+ CTL from HIV-1 rgp160 vaccine recipients, it may be particularly important for HIV-1 vaccine development. Finally, the identification of minimal CTL epitopes presented by class I HLA molecules should facilitate the definition of allele-specific motifs.  相似文献   

While certain antibodies directed against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope have the potential to suppress virus replication in vitro, the impact of neutralizing antibodies in vivo remains unclear. In a recent proof-of-concept study, the broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies 2G12, 4E10, and 2F5 exhibited inhibitory activities in vivo, as exemplified by a delay of the viral rebound following the interruption of antiretroviral therapy. Unexpectedly, the antiviral effect seen was most prominently due to 2G12 activity. To further investigate whether differential HIV-inhibitory activity was due to different pharmacokinetic properties of the antibodies, we performed a formal pharmacokinetic analysis with 14 patients. Repeated infusions at high dose levels were well tolerated by the patients and did not elicit an endogenous immune response against the monoclonal antibodies. The pharmacokinetic parameters of all three antibodies correlated with each other. Mean estimates were 0.047, 0.035, and 0.044 liter/kg for the central volume of distribution of 2G12, 4E10, and 2F5, respectively, and 0.0018, 0.0058, and 0.0077 liter/kg . day for the systemic clearance of 2G12, 4E10, and 2F5, respectively. Monoclonal antibody 2G12 had a significantly longer elimination half-life (21.8 +/- 7.2 days [P < 0.0001]) than monoclonal antibodies 4E10 (5.5 +/- 2.2 days) and 2F5 (4.3 +/- 1.1 days). The comprehensive pharmacokinetic data from this long-term multiple-dose phase II study were coherent with those from previous short-term phase I studies, as assessed by compartmental and noncompartmental techniques. The anti-HIV type 1 antibodies studied showed distribution and elimination kinetics similar to those seen for other human-like antibodies. Further studies examining tissue concentrations to explain the differential in vivo activity of the anti-gp120 antibody compared with those of the two anti-gp41 antibodies are warranted.  相似文献   

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