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主要从道义论和后果论角度反对器官买卖,并提出可供参考的建议。器官买卖将人体器官商品化,侵犯了人的价值,同时,在器官买卖中卖者的自主性和知情同意是难以做到的;器官买卖足以使器官移植技术只为少数有钱人服务,变成富人的专利,加剧了社会的不平等,会导致富人对穷人的剥削。并在论证当中分别反驳了国外颇为流行的观点。  相似文献   

活体器官买卖伦理分析与对策研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
活体器官买卖之所以存在,主要是因为供需差异的催生、立法监察的疏视和经济效益的默许。由此造成的伦理问题是多元的,突出表现为对生命尊严的践踏、对生命质量的伤害、医疗公正的背离和医者仁爱的缺失;为了有效遏制活体器官买卖、促进活体器官移植良性发展,规范器官来源、严格立法监督、加强伦理审查是亟待实施的有力举措。  相似文献   

供体器官来源不足是目前我国人体器官移植领域的主要问题之一。造成这种现象的原因是现存的获取移植器官的框架有着严重的缺陷。对公民大力加强器官移植方面的教育,改变人们对于自身器官的认识,提倡人类团结互助的精神、实行叉务回应原则、同时明确规定给予器官捐献者及其家属以经济和精神上的补偿,可能不失为解决中国大陆供体器官来源比较好的方法,这也是除了现存框架、器官买卖以外的第三条道路。  相似文献   

我国器官移植的发展是一种充满人间真情的历史,谱写了许多感人的故事,取得举世瞩目的成就。但“器官供体匾乏,制约着我国器官移植的发展。”许多人大代表、政协委员和医学专家呼唤出台一部器官捐献法,用法律的手段来支持器官移植的发展,规范和拓宽器官供体的来源,促进和推动我国器官移植工作达到发达国家的总体水平。笔者认为这种呼唤具有现实意义,因为器官移植需要全社会的关心,需要博爱精神的支持,更需要法律的保证。1器官捐献为什么要立法随着器官移植的种类和适应范围不断扩大,病人日益增多,器官供体的来源就成为突出的问题…  相似文献   

关于禁止人体器官买卖的法律性思考与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探析了关于禁止人体器官买卖的系列问题和现行<人体器官移植条例>的不足之处,提出了治理器官买卖方面的广告宣传、加大对人体器官交易中介的打击力度、死刑犯的器官利用必须与金钱脱钩、重新界定活体器官捐献人的范围、对买卖人体器官的处罚须有可操作性、医务人员明知或应知器官来源不正当而利用应承担法律责任和在刑法中增设与买卖人体器官有关的罪名等建议.  相似文献   

程远  沈爱玲 《医学与社会》2012,25(12):68-71
随着器官移植技术的发展,器官供体来源不足已成为制约其发展的瓶颈问题。由于人体器官移植的补偿机制不完善,导致黑市交易中买卖器官的现象难以遏制。本文对比分析国外人体器官移植补偿机制,提出构建器官捐献保障和补偿机制,在法律上确立器官捐献者的权利和补偿方式,从而有效解决器官移植供体来源短缺的问题。  相似文献   

器官移植是治疗终末期器官功能衰竭的最有效手段,而器官短缺已经成为制约器官移植发展的主要问题。近年来随着器官移植技术的日益成熟,包括器官保存技术以及新型免疫抑制剂的应用使得在扩大标准的器官捐献方面得到了发展。为了进一步合理的扩大器官捐献的来源,中国红十字总会和卫生部于2010年3月颁布心脏死亡器官捐献(DCD)标准,并在全国启动试点工作。  相似文献   

反对活体器官移植的伦理论证   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对活体器官移植在我国有日渐增加的趋势,旨在通过活体器官移植的伦理依据的分析,以及考查反对活体器官移植的论证,提出以鼓励活体器官捐赠来增加器官的来源。是一种本束倒置的做法。弥补器官供应的缺口。关键在于合理地利用尸体器官。这就需要对现有的器官移植伦理框架进行调整,构建新的框架。  相似文献   

关于我国器官移植与器官损献的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文着重分析我国器官移植技术的发展水平和社会需求与器官移植的供体缺乏之间的矛盾和原因,就如何解决器官移植中的器官捐献问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

论人体器官有偿捐赠的可行性及伦理学问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Tang L  Yuan J  Chen ZH 《中华医学杂志》2005,85(4):279-282
继公开讨论脑死亡法和器官移植法之后,移植学家、社会学家、伦理学家和法律界人士又对是否给予器官捐献者个人或家属经济补偿展开了讨论[1,2]。本文以美国和伊朗为例介绍目前移植器官短缺的现状及对捐赠模式的影响,论述实施有偿器官捐赠面临的伦理学问题,以及在我国施行器官有偿捐赠的可能性与设想,为中国器官移植事业的发展提供参考,并促进其与国际接轨。一、器官供求矛盾及解决方式随着医学科学技术的发展,器官移植已成为拯救终末期器官功能衰竭患者的惟一治疗手段。目前移植器官捐赠按供体来源分为尸体捐赠和活体捐赠。尸体捐献包括…  相似文献   

In an attempt to be rational and objective, and, possibly, to avoid the charge of moral relativism, ethicists seek to categorise and characterise ethical dilemmas. This approach is intended to minimise the effect of the confusing individuality of the context within which ethically challenging problems exist. Despite and I argue partly as a result of this attempt to be rational and objective, even when the logic of the argument is accepted--for example, by healthcare professionals--those same professionals might well respond by stating that the conclusions are unacceptable to them. In this paper, I argue that an interpretative approach to ethical analysis, involving an examination of the ways in which ethical arguments are constructed and shared, can help ethicists to understand the origins of this gap between logic and intuition. I suggest that an argument will be persuasive either if the values underpinning the proposed argument accord with the reader's values and worldview, or if the argument succeeds in persuading the reader to alter these. A failure either to appreciate or to acknowledge those things that give meaning to the lives of all the interested parties will make this objective far harder, if not impossible, to achieve. If, as a consequence, the narratives ethicists use to make their arguments seem to be about people living in different circumstances, and faced with different choices and challenges, from those the readers or listeners consider important or have to face in their own lives, then the argument is unlikely to seem either relevant or applicable to those people. The conclusion offered by the ethicist will be, for that individual, counterintuitive. Abortion, euthanasia and cadaveric organ donation are used as examples to support my argument.  相似文献   

医院信息系统工作站的管理与维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张迟  崔二龙  袁永刚 《当代医学》2011,17(10):31-31
医院信息系统建成后,必须保证工作站365天无故障运行,一旦出现问题将对医院造成不可预料的损失。本文探讨了如何解决这一问题,主要采取三个方面的措施,制定完善的规章制度、加强人员培训和应用先进的技术手段。通过这些措施,将使工作站的故障率得到降低。  相似文献   

高雷 《中国医药导报》2011,8(26):130-131,136
本文对发达国家科技成果转化机制进行了调研,并针对我国科研院所科技成果转化的实际情况进行了分析,从中认识到把技术市场仅仅理解为从事技术交易的场所,或把它看作是一项单纯的商业活动,更有甚者把技术市场看成仅仅是技术合同认定登记,是一种狭义甚至是狭隘的简单化的认识。对技术市场的认识需要有一个正确的态度,起初它不会是完美的,会有各种各样的问题,它需要一个发展的过程来逐步完善。而在这一过程中,政府相关部门的管理是十分重要的。  相似文献   

Inevitably a policy-oriented report on issues as complex and as rapidly changing as the medical and scientific uses of human tissue can achieve neither philosophical purity nor regulatory completeness. The council's strategy has been to begin with robust ethical principles, for which sound philosophical arguments can be given, which will (it is hoped) command widespread support. The council went on to argue for guidelines of sufficient, but not vapid, generality which could be of practical use to the various medical intermediaries, professional and regulatory bodies and research ethics committees which will carry out the tasks of detailed regulation and of making decisions that affect uses of human tissue. The council's hope is that the recommendations of the report can be absorbed into regulatory and professional practice, and where needed into government policy. If they can, the increasing diversity of uses of human tissues need lead neither to overt nor to covert 'commercialisation of the human body', but will also not put unnecessary restrictions on advances in research and medical practice.  相似文献   

转基因器官移植的伦理学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
器官供体缺乏一直是困扰器官移植界的世界性难题。动物器官移植人体后往往发生排斥反应,若将人体基因转移到动物体内培育出转基因器官然后再移植到人体,则可能大大减轻这种排斥。转基因器官移植是当今世界医学走向高科技的重要标志,但其在临床试验及应用中仍面临许多困扰。分析转基因器官移植的伦理问题,进而探讨转基因器官移植的伦理原则,对于这项技术的临床应用具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

One of the most common arguments against legalising markets in human kidneys is that this would result in the widespread misuse that is present in the black market becoming more prevalent. In particular, it is argued that if such markets were to be legalised, this would lead to an increase in the number of people being coerced into selling their kidneys. Moreover, such coercion would occur even if markets in kidneys were regulated, for those subject to such coercion would not be able to avail themselves of the legal protections that regulation would afford them. Despite the initial plausibility of this argument, there are three reasons to reject it. Firstly, the advantages of legalising markets in human kidneys would probably outweigh its possible disadvantages. Secondly, if it is believed that no such coercion can ever be tolerated, markets in only those human kidneys that fail to do away with coercion should be condemned. Finally, if coercion is genuinely opposed, then legalising kidney markets should be supported rather than opposed, for more people would be coerced (ie, into not selling) were such markets to be prohibited.  相似文献   

White coat ceremonies: a second opinion   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A "white coat" ceremony functions as a rite of passage for students entering medical school. This comment provides a second option in response to the earlier, more enthusiastic, discussion of the ceremony by Raanan Gillon. While these ceremonies may serve important sociological functions, they raise three serious problems: whether the professional oath or "affirmation of professional commitment" taken in this setting has any legitimacy, how a sponsor of such a ceremony would know which oath or affirmation to administer, and what the moral implications of this "bonding process" are. I argue that the initiation oath is morally meaningless if students are not aware of its content in advance, that different students ought to commit to different oaths, and that bonding of students to the medical profession necessarily separates them from identification with lay people who will be their patients.  相似文献   

The claim that human reproductive cloning constitutes an affront to human dignity became a familiar one in 1997 as policymakers and bioethicists responded to the announcement of the birth of Dolly the sheep. Various versions of the argument that reproductive cloning is an affront to human dignity have been made, most focusing on the dignity of the child produced by cloning. However, these arguments tend to be unpersuasive and strongly criticised in the bioethical literature. In this paper I put forward a different argument that reproductive cloning is an affront to human dignity, one that looks beyond the dignity of the child produced. I suggest that allocating funds to such a pursuit can affront human dignity by diverting resources away from those existing people who lack sufficient health to enable them to exercise basic rights and liberties. This version of the argument posits cloning as an affront to human dignity in particular circumstances, rather than claiming the technology as intrinsically inconsistent with human dignity.  相似文献   

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